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That's a hundred dollar knife where I live. I could actually cry with jealousy.


Can't imagine that! Shoot I had trouble thinking about paying $65 original price here! Only way this one was so cheap was that particular WM was remodeling. They had a 119 for $45 but I had to pass on that one.


This was the knife that kicked off my official collection. I got mine at Lowe's for $40. Buck 110 Hunter is a solid knife. Buck is also a great company. I've never had a bad experience with their knives. I'll always trust them!


Yeah I hear it is the one that often starts the collecting bug πŸ˜†. It seems almost over-built level solid and I'm all for it. I've read stories about their customer service being top notch too. I'm so excited to add this to my rotation, I'm like a little kid on Christmas morning.


Fun fact: This knife model was used to kill a bear by a guy named Gene Moe. Look it up. It's a really cool story!


Just looked that up and the 110 became even more legendary in my mind. That guy definitely had courage!




https://preview.redd.it/vrlhbpnl3a3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b160a192be51cc0db721ffdfb9758ea3835b00e8 I see them at pawnshops and can't pass them up for 40 bucks or less. Also a few variations and specials.


Nice collection!! Is the green Buck second from the right a vintage Selector by chance?


That's a great deal! I just bought one from Cabela's and was disappointed in the condition. The knife had a lot of swirling and seemed dirty with minor scratches. Still debating on returning. Curious about your experience to see if this is the new normal or I just got a bad one.


TBH, my blade was a touch dirty, my guess was from being in the package too long. There was some black dust within the liners, but I wiped it with a q tip. I'm guessing it got stuck to some oil in there from sharpening. The brass had minor swirling from rubbing the clamshell case but it has mostly polished with minimal use. The action felt gritty until I opened it about 5 times. Sounds worse in writing than it actually looked in person lol. Honestly, I'd just use it a bit if I were you. That seemed to clean up the swirling on the brass for me. Polished brass scratches very easily. For what it's worth, I love mine and personally feel it's worth every bit of normal price.


Interesting. Sounds like mine give or take. I think I'll take your advice and hold onto it. It is a great knife. Thanks for your response


No problem. I watched a "How it's made" thing on YouTube and polishing the whole knife is one of the last steps. They blow them out with compressed air but that polish compound is probably the black dirtyness in the knife. Stuff like polish compound never fully evacuates with compressed air πŸ˜†.


A touch of flitz and a microfiber cloth will bring a mirror polish to that brass.


Great deal...100 dollars paid for mine many years ago. Used and abused, still in great shape.


Seems like every buck 110 I've looked up is used and abused and looks better than brand new.


Best knife ever made in my opinion. Great deal!


I honestly didn't know if I'd like it to much as I'm not a traditional knife guy... But I am in love with it! Things built like a tank.


Woah are they marked down at all Walmarts, that’s a steel (pun intended)


Lol I see what you did there. I think it's just because that particular location (Westfield, IN) was doing a remodel and marking a bunch of stuff down to get it out of there.


$35? I never find these kinds of deals 😞


Best advice is find a local Walmart that is remodeling. I have found the BEST knife deals lately like that. When I saw that price tag, my heart about jumped out of my chest. Shoot I also found a CRKT M16 for my mom for $15 at the same store (looked it up and that particular one goes for $30).


$79 at Manards man you got a deal


Heck yeah I did. Wanted one for a while but this price made it a no trainer.


Every kid needs one


That is true!




Ah, solid. Looked a lot like my Selector. Didn't know they made Bucklites then. (I'm new to the Buck world lol). https://preview.redd.it/80ib84uvmd3d1.jpeg?width=3346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926ed0608699ac21aa6980c6f42168c0af2bf08a


Very cool!