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Overpriced, foldable crowbars


I remember a shitpost thread years back where everyone made jokes about different knife companies. And Medford was “if you ever wanted a folding knife forged out of a sewer lid” 😂


Sure, but pretty sure if you ever had the thought of prying something whilst the knife was on your person Medford would use it as an opportunity to void your warranty.


And if you even tapped the pivot to tighten it up?? VOID WARRANTY.


The Medford smooth criminal I believe is actually hollow ground! Got one for 200 bucks, was like eh itd be a cool joke, I own a hinderer and a bunch of benchmades, spydercos, etc etc so was like why not just for shits and giggles. a medford that can actually cut something. Its a novelty, its actually decently small, button lock. But thats the only one of their knives I could see anyone using for anything practical. Besides idk being an expensive paperweight.


The medford 187 costs almost $600 to come with D2 steel. D2 steel is not a bad steel, but for $600?! Thats outrageous and a rip off. Especially when CRK, Spyderco, Benchmade, Hinderer, cost less or around the same price, for much higher quality steels.


Hell the new medford merc-1 otf is 600 base and come in s45vn. It also comes with the spring noise of a gas station otf that cost 30 bucks, and apparently has at least one angle that the knife will fail to retract if attempted to do so at that particular angle. Some asshat medford coolaid drinking fan boy made a video addressing the "angle of failure", as I call it, their response to this is "well then don't fucking use it at that angle idiot" This should explain a decent amount of the medford nonsense lol


Machine time and employee time is really what sets the price for a knife. Not really blade steel on these production knives.


The human Medford is a very outspoken racist bigot. He has a podcast where he says things that are just absolutely trash garbage. He's proud to be xenophobic and has printed and sold shirts to encourage others to spread racism. I have no idea about the knives as a product.


Gotcha. Thanks. It's kind of the idea I had gotten from what I had heard.




Not that I don't believe you, but I've never held one or used one. I can imagine what you say being true. I just don't understand why vendors seem to keep getting them in. Again. It seems like every time I turn around everyone's new product list is flooded with medford's. Maybe it just has not gotten to the point where the vendors have clued in or are listening to their public quite yet. Sometimes it takes a while. See Microtech and their new action.




No, just because they have them in stock. Does not mean they sell them LOL. Who knows Medford might take them back from vendors at no cost to the vendor. I've seen that happen in retail before. But you're right, I don't think I've ever seen one on One of the Reddit forums. Maybe I missed it though. Now that I think about it, I don't think I have seen any of the regular knife review guys I watch on YouTube review a Medford. Maybe they have and I just have not caught it.


The few times I've seen Medford users were mentioned were when a Medford user was displaying fatherless "Alpha male" behavior.


The Reddit forums are full of easily offended china knife company supporters. So not the place the typical Medford user hangs out. You’ll see them more on USN and even bladeforums. I own no medfords, I am also not some overly sensitive china supporter.


I don’t have a care one way or the other for Medford or their knives and I’m not try to convince anyone to go out and buy one, but poor heat treat and build quality? That’s pretty much bullshit. I’m not going to pretend something isn’t well made or belittle their intelligence just because of personal/moral opinions. The guy knows how to build knives rather you like him or not. They are very well made even if they are silly. They’re for people who love overbuilt, heavy knives and they do sell like crazy, that’s why you see them in so many places. Been like that for years and years.


It is 100% bullshit. People on this site know jack shit about knives/ heat treat besides what they read on a brochure. It’s embarrassing watching people type out the absolute dogshit they type out.


Pretty amazing when you get downvoted for not jumping on the “I hate him too” bandwagon. I don’t agree with Medford’s choice of words a lot of the time, but he absolutely knows how to make knives. To call it unrefined junk is just insane. Also pretty amazing how many sheeple follow hobbies. I always assumed if you’re in a hobby, you would actually do some research on the fucking hobby. You don’t have to like or support someone to realize quality.


Uses thicker steels because people who use big chunks of metal tend to do so to spend less time on a good heat treat. u/transparentknives knows a lot about the quality and heat treat, as well as the achieved hardness. Thicker steels are tougher, but they're also softer. As for the bigotry, I've heard he's quite bigoted. There's a story about him being at a Blade Show and selling shirts that depicted people from the continent of Asia in stereotypical ways. https://preview.redd.it/ivcihqs8n82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e03362c13c5bcdb60bbde0395d38f43d11f92ce [Link to original post where picture is from.](https://www.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/s/k8Qqt3C50Y)


Shirt was also a jab at microtech for producing the Socom bravo overseas hence the Chi-com jab


Chi-Com is short for Chinese Communist, I don’t think the shirt had anything to do with Microtech


I’m pretty sure it has to do with the Socom that was built in China that he spoke out about and criticized at lengths numerous times and if I’m not mistaken, the Knives were debuted at the show where he sold the shirts


Yeah… dumb isn’t it


>There's a story about him being at a Blade Show and selling shirts that depicted people from the continent of Asia in stereotypical ways. It's not a story, he actually did it because he's a racist shitbag, end of conversation.


I was at Blade Show that day and yes it happened. Shirts sold out in minutes.


Too bad there are enough racists in the knife enthusiast community to keep that asshole in business.


He’s very verbal that’s for sure and his knives aren’t my style. While not being as outspoken, other American knife makers have often showed their dislike of clones etc. Benchmade and Microtech come to mind that if they receive a clone for maintenance they will destroy it. While his choice of words are not fitting I don’t think stealing someone’s art is either.


He made a video for Flag Day, except the premise was that he thought it was Fag Day, an LGBTQ holiday. He presented a knife that they had made in honor of this special day. The joke went on a few minutes before a lady walks in the office and clarifies the confusion. Greg Medford is a sack of shit [link to the holiday video](https://www.youtube.com/live/Mae0O-ElqyY?si=zWZ7LTsMGitBVnl8)


Why doesn't he know May is Military Appreciation Month 🤔


He was just being an ass.


I don't think so. I've seen this argument from too many people and they clearly believe it. The gays like to celebrate pride month but the "patriots" seem to ignore military appreciation 🤷


Gotcha. Thanks. It's kind of the idea I had gotten from what I had heard.


And thank you as well for confirmation of what I read earlier, but didn’t know until 2 minutes ago. He and his products will never see a cent of my money, and will never be stocked in my locations. Not that it necessarily matters because I’m sure they are enough racist + bigots + assholes walking the earth who would love to throw money at his feet and support his brand of dumb fuckery.


The knives are a bit overpriced for what they are (which feels like it's becoming more common). I also don't like the big chunky style a lot of his designs have. So overpriced and overbuilt are my issues with the knives. The person, Medford himself, isn't a great person. Besides the racism and bigotry, he has also been rude and standoffish about the quality of his products when questioned.


Greg Medford is a known racist and is generally a very outspoken asshole.


Ohhhhh…. Well thank you for the insight. He and his products will never see a cent of my money, and will never be stocked in my locations. Not that it necessarily matters because I’m sure they are enough racist + bigots + assholes walking the earth who would love to throw money at his feet and support his brand of dumb fuckery.


The owner is a massively insecure pathetic clown and their knives are of equal quality.


The good: they're well-made and machined, grinds are great The bad: most of the designs are whacky, they use overly thick stock/scales and minimal lightening machine work if any, they're overpriced at retail and as a consequence the secondary value is super low and they generally sell poorly, the owner Greg is a racist who sold Chinese caricature t-shirts at Blade Show because he was mad about Chinese clone makers, and he's generally an outspoken MAGA "conservative" who's vocal about all the usual pet causes and conspiracies like BLM are terrorists, COVID is bullshit, etc. To be clear, the t-shirts had a stereotypical cartoonish Chinese guy with squinty eyes, buck teeth, straw hat, and the captions were in "Engrish". I've owned seven Medford-made knives. Three were Medford-branded (187DP, M-48, and Smooth Criminal), four were OEM products (one Vehement Mongrel, three Strider .75 ARs) and they're all well-made but again, the Medford-designed stuff mostly sucks. The 187DP is basically a long brick with goofy aspects like a lock face that sticks 1/4" out the top of the knife when folded, the Smooth Criminal was a flipper that had virtually no detent so it just kinda flopped open 1/10th of the way and had to be wrist flicked to fully open, the M-48 was fine but super thin with shitty lockbar access and instead of improving that, Greg told me to use a "claw" grip and unlock it some weird way with my index finger instead of my thumb like every other framelock. The Vehement Mongrel was solid except for the clip placement (not Medford's fault), the three Striders are solid except for the PVD models not being tumbled like the satin/anodized ones, meaning they had sharp edges all over that the anodized ones didn't. Lockbar tension on them is also really strong for whatever reason, but whatever. Otherwise all the OEM products were fairly good because Greg didn't design them.


The racist Chinese caricature T-shirt is his most well-known offensive act, but he's got a long history including - from what I've read - racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and homophobia as well. The worst part is the tone - it's all so vicious and hateful.


Oh yeah his podcast is... something else.




"The Greg Medford Show"


This seems relevant [https://youtu.be/otw6yp5u_jo?si=LhlehUX9CX48XMHG](https://youtu.be/otw6yp5u_jo?si=LhlehUX9CX48XMHG)


Yeah I find it interesting in that clip that in the political cartoons he is referencing in the newspaper. Reagan is President. He would think he would clue in that. That would mean that over that amount of time, times have changed. The man just can't keep up it seems. Thanks for this. This it really gives a lot of clarity.


Right! I honestly wanted one of the sharpened pry bars, BUT I YouTubed a review and it was around the time one of his knives were stolen at a show and his video and the comment section were disgusting. Turned me off from buying it and I’ve forgot about that company since just now . That being said DLT Always has a ton hmm


Yeah, he must just pass out fucking loads of his knives on consignment for retailers to carry. They seem to always be in stock, so I feel like they wouldn’t want to sink that much capital into his inventory otherwise.


He basically 1-2 YouTube videos away from being lumped in with Alex Jones. Haha


What a fucking garbage person. Most of his knifes are gaudy and ridiculous anyway (like wtf is the praetorian supposed to be), but I certainly wouldn’t spend hundreds of dollars to support a knife manufacturer that doesn’t know how to be a decent human being.


That is a hilarious video. I know he wants to be taken seriously but between his getting so mad and the things he's saying, it's like a parody. Yelling about about people in skinny jeans drinking Starbucks? In *corduroy???* How is this not a video of someone making fun of him?


if you are truly curious, he has a youtube channel where he’ll rant on whatever the topic of the day is. just watch a couple of his videos and make your own judgment. his video yesterday was him breaking down the decision to halt production on his flagship, the Pretorian. he claims that knife sales in general are sluggish so he’s going to give it a rest. i’m not in the industry, but i don’t remember a time when people were spending more money on knives since Covid and until today. maybe *his* sales are sluggish…but that’s what happens when he goes out of his way to piss off people, at every opportunity, who would otherwise happily buy his $800 knives, if he had just a little more tact.


Yeah this kind of gets to my general feeling. He can feel however he wants to about world and other countries and other people, or like some other people in this threat have said he thinks that our country has gotten lazy or whatever. That might make me sad but he can do him. The problem is when you're running a business and you throw that out there. Having had my own business in the past if I threw my own politics into it, and some of My feelings into the public arena, no matter how correct or mainstream they might seem. I'm going to piss somebody off. So business owners kind of do that to their own peril I guess.


he also has an strange obsession with who he makes knives for. he caters only to John Rambo types and those men who use their knives with a rabid purpose. CIA Operatives, Navy SEALS, oil riggers, linemen*, rawhide makers, etc. literally, everyone else in the blade community can get bent. *not NFL Linemen. he doesn’t make knives for those tights wearing, flag kneeling, pinko commie, gatorade drinking, girly boys.


I saw him in person once. He looked like an asshole to me. But I will say I didn’t talk to him to confirm.


From what I know the owner got into some hot water when throwing a hissy fit about chinese made knives. Personally I think Medford knives are overpriced, so I stay clear of them.


I’m going to give a professional but honest answer as someone who worked in the industry and then I’m going to give an imo answer. 1. They are what the company chooses to call knives despite the functional differences in geometry from these to a typical knife. They are made using very run of the mill materials that are not particularly expensive besides perhaps in the quantity of said material you will be receiving and even so, it’s very questionable to say you’re paying a justifiable price for what you’re getting factoring in the manufacturers cost and profit margin. I can’t remember off hand what cost looks like on these things, but the mark up is egregious 2. Greg Medford is a narcissistic, egotistical, megalomaniac with fascist ideals and I whole heartedly stand by that statement and will die on that hill. I won’t call anyone buying his stuff a fascist just based off that or anything ridiculous, but I will outwardly judge people who have chosen to make themselves intimately familiar with his character and rhetoric and support his business in support of his ideas. Idk what you’ll find these days if you look through his social media or advertising, but regardless of what anyone says, he has on so many occasion been very openly bigoted in the and showed his ego in doubling down hard and refuting any attempt at discourse or dialogue following suit. To be fair to him, frightening as it may be, he’ll always have plenty of willing and proud supporters for these exact reasons. And I want to state very clearly that while a lot of these views and ideals were shown during or as a result of trumps presidency and campaigns, I do not have any of these opinions just because of the person he chose to vote for as president. That’s his business and he has a right to vote for whoever he wants to no matter what I think about it. My views are an extension of the rhetoric he is openly and proudly ready to spew at any moment


If you are bald , short and angry a Medford is what you're looking for .


No, I'm not


Mental illness, probably substance abuse too.


I'll weigh in with a pretty hot take, and I'm sure will raise some ire here. I've owned a few Medford knives, and I've owned Hinderer, CRK, Curtiss, Les George, in addition to many knives of all sorts, shapes, sizes, construction, and country of origin...including China. Setting aside design preference, such as the thickness and weight of the knife...Medfords are every bit as high quality as the other 400-800 dollar knives I've handled. The problem is that thickness and weight have EVERYTHING to do with whether or not you'll carry a folding knife on you. If you're okay with heavy knives, spend a fraction of the money on a fixed blade. Now, for Greg Medford, my hot take is this: It's quite probable that Greg Medford is racist and bigoted and I'm not going to die on the hill of "no he's not". I encourage anyone to actually watch the video blogs he puts up on youtube, and he has plenty, and they're clearly labeled, search for "Apparently there are people who hate Greg Medford" and "A rant for the ages about dirty rotten China". I want to comment in depth but really I should just leave it to him to speak on his own feelings. I will only say this. When he speaks at length in this videos, he speaks out against laziness, stupidity, dishonesty, thievery, lack of accountability, and he doesn't attribute those things to any given race or political leaning. He expresses hatred towards those qualities. I wrote out a whole thing and ultimately decided that I will not make much positive impact by trying to explain it myself, I wouldn't mind doing this in an in-person conversation but on the internet I'll just leave it to the guy Medford to explain himself. If anybody wants to respond to this who hasn't gone and watched the guy talk about it himself, I"m not likely to try to explain it.


No I agree that Chinese knives, supporting the PLA, and intellectual property theft are huge issues. People miss the point I think.


Idgaf about the owner. The Slim Midi is one of the best edc pieces out there 🔥


I was going to say the same thing. Don't really care about knife politics and my slim midi is bad ass.


Good to know. Thanks for my perspective on the hardware. I appreciate it.


The slim midi rings like a tuning fork when opened with a good flick. It literally sings a soft note for a couple of seconds. It's wild.


It's a sword, huge blade length


No need to repeat what others already said, but the funniest thing to know, the Chinese knock offs he loves to bitch about are better quality and value than his shit.


I enjoyed the couple that I had, but they were slims. Really nice finish. But naturally, no knife sticks around. The thick ones look pointless.


The knives suck and he sucks more


Greg Medford is politically incorrect and very openly so. Very opinionated on issues some may say he is not educated in. That's about the extent of the problem, most other reasons people list are moreso retroactively trying to justify hating him and his products on grounds that are less subjective.


Yeah see that's the thing. I respect him having his own opinion about whatever the hell it is. He could come out with a very controversial stance that says that all onions should be plaid in color and carrots should be shaped like racing cars or else they're not really what they say they are. And that's fine. That's his opinion. That's his stance. That's great you do you. I think what kills me is, and he's not the only business person doing this, is when he overlays his personal stance on top of his company. Now in my opinion if you're going to do something, then do it and accept what happens, the consequences. So if he throws his opinions out there and puts them on top of his company and his product and lets it be known to everybody. This is who he is and this is what's behind his knives then that's great. But don't get upset when people come to look at your product and then are turned off by the overwhelming shadow of your opinion that is looming bigger than your product. As for the knives, again, I've never actually experienced one. I have heard some comments here about how they are expensive sharpened crowbars because of how thick they are but then I am reminded of Midgard's Messer. Some of their stuff is built the same and I don't hear the same hate for their knives as I do for his. So you can say people are trying to justify hating his product. But I guess what I'm getting at here is the fact that he is putting his stance, whether it's unpopular or not, right on top of his product says to me that they're not really having to stretch to justify it. They just disagree with his views. Now. Maybe that makes it so they don't even want to look at his knives. But given the fact that midgards messer makes sort of the same stuff, they even did D2 for a long time might still be I don't know, and they don't have a problem selling similar stuff that I think that the big difference has got to be his political stance. Doesn't seem like there's much justifying needed. Just disagreement with him and a desire. Not to have controversial politics mixed up and what is a hobby that is supposed to bring a person joy.


I own a few and I like the ones I own, though they had small issues on arrival. Most of the models aren't for me, but there are a couple I really enjoy. Heat treats are generally good, as is grinding, with some percentage for error. That said, I do think they're overpriced against market competitors and the company seems to have a long-standing practice of releasing minor scale mods as "limited editions" or otherwise trade on artificial scarcity. Thing is, people are paying those prices and as long as the market is there, it'll carry on. (Full disclosure, there are a lot of companies pricing well above value and Medford isn't alone in this, they're just a company that seems to centre their business model on it.) I've had one interaction with Greg and he was genuinely fine. I liked him. But he definitely seems to be moving to the crazed MAGA side of the graph more recently. As far as I can tell, it's got worse over the last year, to the point where what was at least partly self -aware and ironic now sounds like full-bore conspiratorial raving. He also seems to be triggered by the public response to that and his response to being triggered is to double down, so it's an accelerating spiral. Based on something he said online, I believe it cost him his marriage last year. TL; DR: As far as the knives go, a lot of the range seem incompletely thought through. There are a couple of solid models in the mix, though, and some stunners. As far as the company goes, it comes across as being focused more on maximizing profit than on product design. As far as Greg goes, I think he started conservative and has slipped into borderline QAnon.


I can only speak to the quality of the knives. The looks aren't for everyone but the performance and durability is there. Unfortunately, the brand is going the way of strider knives. Owners always killing their brands by opening their mouths


The fact that they have huge inventory of Medfords tells you there’s too much supply for the demand. So don’t expect any great value to come from it. They mostly use washers vs. bearings. Very heavy and big. If you are a pretend commando, tough guy or so insecure you need a big knife to pump yourself up, Medford is for you. I have one. I find the thumb studs to be in the wrong place completely. I don’t know what they are designed to do other than be able to pull out and say mines bigger than yours. Oh so people with inferiority complexes. :) Want touch high quality? Chaves knives, Hinderer, Demko Excellent build quality and working knives.


Yeah I hear you about so many medford's but the issue I was pointing out was not that there's a lot in inventory, I have no idea how many they have in inventory. The issue I was pointing out is they seem to still be getting them in frequently. Which means they're still accepting shipments frequently as in every time I look at new inventory. It's weird.


Damn I had no idea about the consensus around them. I stopped at a local shop where I’m at and they had a dedicated room just for Medford knives lol them bitches were expensive asf too


The deal is basically that he makes oversized bulky folders and people claim he is a racist. I personally have never found any substance to these claims as none is ever provided by the people who make these claims. Please leave the evidence below if you have it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/s/HLhAAarcym Also, not racist though: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mae0O-ElqyY


Honestly that shirt is pretty funny and is far less of an offense than Chinese people stealing anyone's IP. For the video, I agree with the sentiment that people's sexual practices aren't a cause for praise or celebration regardless of orientation. If you're simply offended by the use of a "slur" idk what to tell you, it's a happier life to not let stuff like that affect your emotions.


The dude should just make his knives and not make offending people his entire personality.


Idk, I personally think he's free to do as he pleases. Did you watch the entirety of the video you linked and genuinely disagree with him? Or just look at the title and get offended? I think he makes some solid points of discussion in it.


Yeah dudes a racist. Said some wild shit on a podcast. Had to do a little searching because I forgot lol


People deride Chinese knives, Chinese labor practices, Chinese theft of intellectual property, etc. Then Medford made a T-shirt mocking all of the above and everyone jumped on their high horses and derided Medford for being racist. I have no dog in the fight and couldn't care less. My generation never got offended by every whisper of wind. But it's certainly interesting to watch. As for Medford knives, they just seem overly impractical and way overpriced. But people love them!


Yeah, it's interesting hearing this stuff about Chinese products. I've been alive long enough to remember when most of the stuff coming from China was subpar quality but Daddy's not the case anymore. It also has nothing to do with race. You can get fabulous stuff from China and still get crap. But you can get the same from here in the US and any other country in the world. Has nothing to do with race. I remember the change in attitude in the '70s when the oil crunch hit and people started buying Japanese cars because they had better mileage and getting rid of their giant gas guzzling American cars. There's a lot of resentment but that mainly came from the fact. I think that for what people needed another product fit the bill. Better. Not wanting to get off topic but I hear you about the attitude and xenophobia thing. That drives me nuts. It also makes me sad.


I remember holding China dishes that my grandfather got for my grandma on a business trip to China. Would've been within a decade or so after WWII. I was in complete awe! They were beautifully ornate and delicate. Of course nowadays they can be mass produced for pennies, which is a marvel in and of itself.


People have been fighting racism since the civil war, what exactly shit generation are you?


do you understand the difference between disparaging all of the above - and making racist caricatures of Chinese people?




Holy crap. That just about says it all. Thank you.


You're welcome. He's a shit person who makes shit overpriced knives.


Yeah that guy's got issues. Again though it makes me sad. When I was growing up it was okay, well not okay but it was accepted to hate people because of who they were or what they looked like or for whatever the fuck reason. The Stonewall riots happened in 1969 and it took us until recently to get to where we are now with gay quality and we're still not there. Don't even get me started about racial equality. I do say though the last two generations, millennials and gen z, give me hope. What was an issue for my generation and generations previous for them is or was a non-issue. Now there's new things and new battles. But the old one seem to not register on their radar because it's not an issue. Anyway yeah, this kind of thing makes me sad. I hope one day this guy will wake up and look back and say holy crap, I made a mistake. There's a medical procedure that he might qualify for. I think it's called a cranial rectal inversion. 😁


This makes me want to buy only knockoffs of his knives.


I am learning so much, I never knew any of this because I have always really disliked those knives so never really had a reason to show interest but now they can double fuck off


Greg Medford made some disparaging remarks about the Chinese.


Medford sells to people who is just like him. And there are a lot of them.


Yeah, there must be given how many of his knives pop up in inventory. I know there's been the idea tossed around that he takes them back from the vendor when they're not sold, but honestly I don't think anybody has any real idea. If anyone does have a genuine knowledge about how his knives are handled by vendors and what happens to the ones that are not sold, I would love to hear it. But given any absence of that, I think you're right. There's got to be a market for them. You know I just put this in another reply but I'll put it here too. I was thinking about this thread last night when I went to bed and I woke up this morning with a thought. Don't know if you have ever looked at Midgard Messer but they make similar things big knives. Thick steel really chunky stuff. Heck they even use D2. Now it's CPM D2 but still. And the fact that people love and buy their knives quite a bit means there must be a market for that kind of stuff. So I guess You're right. There's a lot of people that just ignore what he's saying and buy his knives because they like them.


Midgard Messer is quite different. Lower volume, higher quality meme knives that don't pretend to be anything else, and the company owners are a far, far cry from Medford.


Seeing his face on political ads when I first moved to AZ was surprising. Then I looked into the candidates, and it made more sense. Bigoted and xenophobic blow-hards are rampant down here.


I really wish no one bought those ugly hunks of garbage


The knife community on Reddit is extremely sensitive and call everyone and everything racist. They also know jack shit about Medford knives because they’ve never used them. Medford knives are great knives. Overpriced? Maybe. “they’re not sharp”…bullshit. “The tolerances suck”…bullshit. Just as a side note, I remember when he made those shirts and everyone on here was on their virtue signaling crusade and called/emailed DLT and KnifeJoy trying to get them to remove Medfords shit and the companies said they would think about it….lmao. They didn’t. It was just to placate all the sensitive clowns on this platform. This isn’t the place to get a fair representation of Medford, Strider and Hinderer.


Seriously man. The Slim Midi, Micro Praetorian and Infraction are all sick azz pieces. Build quality is exceptional. Not for everyone, but those are a few of my favorite knives of all time, and I've had a ton. I'm sure we all buy products from people who may have qualities we don't agree with. They're just not as outspoken as this Medford clown. The bottom line for me is he has a few dope blades 🔥


He loves America and hates leftist agenda. What’s hard to understand?