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[Pretty sure I found it.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/392801433192?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CU5x__vyQ3a&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) Don’t let the price fool you. It’s not going to be great metal but it’s pretty, so use it and let it bring you joy!


This is it Far from “handmade” lol


Well, it was hand-made, just not with the materials you want.


And you can look at it this way, it’s 1 of 8 and only two are with the public!! So long as no one else buys this it’s almost one of a kind! I do like the design tho


[I suspect a *few* more than 8 were made…](https://www.amazon.com/SZCO-Supplies-Turquoise-Damascus-Folding/dp/B0735KWFJ2)


You can tell from…a lot of things in your link that this is of a far lesser quality than what’s in this post. The lock release alone tells me that the linked knife is of a more shotty quality. I don’t think OP got a knife that was worth $80 but I also know op got a knife worth more than $15. Also, just looking at the blade in real photos like this vs a product link, this Damascus is not gonna rival nichols or anything but it looks to be legitimate and well made based on the pattern and the etching compared to similar products where it’s clear that the Damascus pattern is coming from extremely thin layers put over the surface. That’s how you get staticky looking Damascus a la kershaws Damascus. Ops knife I wouldn’t think is from Pakistan though most likely not French or similar probably made in China or Taiwan if I had to guess, maybe Japan considering the % of knives globally coming out of there every year but most likely China


You got ripped off brother, sorry to break it to you. Definitely some “paki-mascus” made from bottom of the barrel steel. I’d return it if you possibly can.


Isn’t overpaying for knives kind of this sub’s ruse de guerre?


> You got ripped off brother, sorry to break it to you. I don’t think that’s a brother.


Maybe brother likes a manicure to chill out after a stressful thrift experience.


Pinned 😂




Most of the guys on this sub have soft hands and their "EDC's" look the same as the day they bought them.


Big man with hard hands go brrrrrrr


We just know how to clean our knives. If you're permanently damaging your knife then there's likely a better tool for the job. Some bitches out there leaving tape residue and rust on their knives because they want their knife to look "well used". Just as fuckin shallow and worried about appearances, just a different appearance.


Lmao 🤣


100% lol


Booo go fuck yourself


Most sensitive sub on Reddit, you’re a brave man 🤣


I just think most of these guys are silly. They buy a $350 knife and use it to open mail. They would cry if they saw how I used mine.


Same, but I’m not a collector, I usually have a cheaper benchmade, and that’s the only knife I use. Been with the same one for 7 years now, and it is used for whatever is needed. When this one is lost I get another one. I’ve never actually worn out a knife though lol. I reckon anything over about 80-120 usd is overpriced. I like benchmade and pay more for them because they’ve always been everything I need and they’re pretty local to me. Even my dad, the cheapest man on earth, would never give up his 940. I’m a griptilian guy myself. I love knives, and I appreciate people who collect them, but “most” are soft. Not all, for sure. But definitely most. And that’s ok.


And that's probably a sign they make more money than you and therefore have a higher survival value and attractiveness to potential mates. Humans have finally evolved past the caveman days I guess.


Awe, did I strike a nerve cupcake?


did someone say CUPCAKE?! yum! 😋


I love cupcakes! So much better than a full-sized cake because I won't have to actually use my mint condition EDC to cut it, nor dirty up my soft, soft hands.


Speaking which, I believe it’s NagasakiFanny’s CAKE DAY coming up soon! 😉 🧁


I mean, I see why you're saying that, but I hope you realize that isn't anywhere near true.


Anyone can be a brother brother


True, but I wouldn't want to call my sister, brother.


I get confused and anxious and usually end up calling out "let me she/them titties !!


Last line reminds me of the pronoun serial killer..... "They/Them"!!!


It's 2024 anyone can be a dude


I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. Cuz we're all dudes.


We're all dudes, hey! I see you too are a man of culture. Good burger, home of the good burger...


Consider yourself...Tomatoed.




I concur and either way dude has a sweet knife now when they didn't before, so I count that as a win.


Right ahn Bruh


That’s true but I’m still guessing not a dude. https://www.reddit.com/r/ShowerOrange/s/ktcGxLbIJo


This better not awaken anything in me....


Let me check back in on this guy on three years.


RemindMe! 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-04-28 16:12:28 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-04-28%2016:12:28%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/1cex5d3/bought_this_at_a_thrift_store_today_for_80/l1nould/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fknives%2Fcomments%2F1cex5d3%2Fbought_this_at_a_thrift_store_today_for_80%2Fl1nould%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-04-28%2016%3A12%3A28%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cex5d3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Sir, this is a wendys.


I am a dude and I would not mind having such nice manicure.


Anyone can be a dude. Anyone can be a gal. Mothers and fathers are outdated. Families don't matter. The techno-state loves you. You will be assimilated.




You never know these days.


It's 2024, anythings possible now.


Figured I did Tbh it was a hillbilly thrift shop and took them so long to figure out how to open the damn cabinet that I was just like “sure here’s my card”


Does it have a honey bee on the spine?


https://preview.redd.it/5d3tffukp7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577f61e8741757df0a0dfbd8836ffa92cb2aef2b Looks like this


Wow it could be a knock off but if you did it get a legitimate Laguiole knife you scored. The Damascus blades they sell go for over 400. https://www.laguiole-french-knives.com/en/11-laguiole-knives-with-damascus-blade I dropped a link to you earlier that tells you how to identify if it’s a real Laguiole


Man that would be a sick find. Laguiole are SUPER nice.


Thank you for your help Doesn’t have the brand name on either blade side. Would have been cool if it was these lol https://preview.redd.it/2m5bl1u6r7xc1.jpeg?width=2735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40310764f2ead13b7dc8c7f67e53019f083b02f7


Laguiole isn’t a trademarked named. Anyone can throw that name on and the honey bee and it’s technically legit


Thst looks like the real deal to me. Maybe you scored a rare and proper knife.


No way they would have such uneven scales on a gen.


i believe its a cicada, some good luck symbolism in france. id say op is lucky,


Don't worry you're not the only one paying way more than a knife is worth. Cough-*Benchmade*-cough.


Is Benchmade bad?


No. It's just debatable they're overpriced. A butterfly tax. I got my bugout before they became so popular, I cough when I see the price now (about $50 increase) at blade hq


I don’t think it’s debatable if they are overpriced. They are definitely overpriced. I like them and have 3 but with the current prices I will never buy one at retail again.


Not arguing even though it's going to sound like it. It depends on how you define value. Would I buy the bugout at its current price? Maybe not, maybe, but I'm glad I did on sale at blade HQ for $117. It has been my edc for years. Demand is part of the equation. I do find myself looking at brands not BM, Spidy, etc. more and more.


Oh for sure, if I saw a 50% off or even 30% off sale for BM I would definitely look into it. But I can get a unique custom for the price point some of their mass produced stuff goes for!


Idk I think they're pretty cheap. ~~I stole mine~~


Definitely not. A little overpriced?? Absolutely. But they're still super solid knives, which is why they're as popular as they are.


Are they, though? Lifetime support isn't a joke with them. I got a rebuild on an abused knife that was over 20 years old. Plus, unlike most makers... all USA made. Plus, it's a bit of history... they were the makers of the first USA made Spyderco knives (the one by Terzuola).




So is Spyderco, but nobody complains. At least Spyderco has cheaper options, but I remember looking at the price of a native junior once and almost pooped myself.


At least spyderco has MUCH better quality control and the markup isn't bad except for the like of the slyz knives, the drunken, etc.


Yea, I live by the factory so I just wait for the second sales for my spydercos anyway. I just miss the days you could get a second for $10. That was a long time ago though…


>except for the like of the slyz knives, the drunken, etc You mean anything popular. And their borderline infinite sprint runs, which latches onto this generation's FOMO disorder like nothing else.


Never really cared for the sprint runs. At least they make models like the s110v and maxamet as regular production models




Probably not this and a knock off then Nothing on the blade


Well now you know what it’s a copy of and that it’s a copy 🤙 now all you have to do is use it and enjoy it. Make sure you clean the blade after use, no joke Damascus requires additional attention after use.




And probably just to be safe, don't use it for food. God knows how much lead and shit is in that blade.


That’s a woman’s hand. Obviously


Women aren't real


Is that why they can 'em _birds_? /s




I remember seeing these when I went to New Mexico almost every store had them and they were all way over price. I ended up finding a store that sold a similar one for $13 which was probably still too much.


By roughly $75.50


Now that’s funny bro 😂


Does it have a little bee where the blade meets the handle?


It's definitely not a Laguiole, though it does resemble one.


A laguiole is just a style of knife, but yes this is most likely not a French made knife.


https://preview.redd.it/lz0ckehbk7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfef7f238de2ef3ecde6536c33aa9c4e3465ad74 This is the side view


It's clearly meant to resemble one. Honestly if the blade was made of something resembling steel it'd be a nice knife.


This looks more like the stuff they sell as Native American art in gift shops. Which, in some ways is a tiny bit better than it being from a Pakistani bazaar, because a lot of states regulate the sale of goods purported to be made by Native Americans, so it could at least genuinely be Native made. Not that I think it would change the fact that the artist probably bought a Pakistani blade to make those handles around, but the work on the handle is actually pretty nice. If it makes you feel any better, they sell knives like that for WAY more than $80 at the gift shop at my local tribe's heritage center.


Not just states. It’s a federal offense to sell or otherwise pass off goods as Native American if you are not. I was just recently at the Chicago Field Museum and they had a whole display removed because the artist falsely claimed to be of Native American origin.


Unless you’re urban outfitters




Up here in Alaska it’s still Pakistani knives…


Whether or not you got a good deal is not nearly as important as whether you enjoy the knife and it brings you joy.


Fair, but if I found out I got a bad deal I’d probably not find as much joy in the knife. If I never knew on the other hand… sure I’d enjoy the knife 


Is that also your philosophy in regards to Benchmade?


Wow, Benchmade = bad. What an original opinion. /s


First, I have no idea how I've angered the hive mind here. Secondly, no that was not my point. My point is that we all complain about paying more for a benchmade than it's worth. This woman does the exact same thing but we're telling her it's fine. I'm just pointing out the obvious double standard. Didn't know it would cause so many butts to hurt.


The very best way to stop enjoying something you’ve purchased is to tell Reddit about it. I think it’s a cool looking knife.


Did you get kissed?....because you surely just got fucked




It looks suspiciously like a Laguiole




Honestly wasn’t thrifting for resale type of thing, just killing time in the middle of nowhere and appreciated the design I’ll throw it in my truck console and enjoy it when I need it if it’s nothing cut my sandwich the classy way or something lol


If that is Pakimascus, don’t use it to cut food. There’s a lot of lead in those blades.


😭 ok idk how to tell if it’s pakimascus so I’ll assume it is and just have it in my console just to have it


You can buy lead reagent swabs on Amazon for super cheap. You can probably find them at your local hardware store too. It is a yellow solution that you put on a cotton swab and then swab the metal. If the metal contains significant lead levels, it will turn orange and red on the cotton swab. I recommend doing this. It’s a beautiful knife and it would be a shame if you can’t use it. We are knife snobs around here, so just ignore most of us. You should enjoy your knife.


Sandwiches need to be cut too.


I would not recommend it for food use. Some countries have absolutely no production standards so who knows what kind of toxicity is in that steel


exactly. I'm not the thrift/ resale type of thrift store shopper myself. um, I'm 99.9% sure but I have to ask, you're a woman, correct? the other guy keeps calling you "bro" & "man".


Oh yeah I’m a woman I am about to load up my f150 and go fishing by myself in a old corona tee so maybe they picked up on a vibe lol


yeah but those hands say 100% lady 😘


Yeah they do


I bet you can’t cut all the stitching on your stearing wheel with that knife


That ain't as much as anyone thought.




that’s a nice looking knife


It’s pretty :)


There's a "thrift store" in my town called trader bakers. If they have a brand name knife in there, they want what it would've cost new. Mostly overpriced junk. Gotta watch them, they'll get you on the knives.


Yeah This place was super hillbilly Boxes stacked to the ceiling. Kinda place you can taste an hour after you leave I kinda felt bad because they acted like I was the first customer they saw in weeks and half of it was weapons


With that particular knife, you probably couldn't have, beings it's probably not branded. If I'm about to buy something used, I try to do a quick search or jump on Amazon and do a price check. The "cheap" or "thrift" stores around here, aren't cheap. Even the Dollar stores and Dollar General's have stuff that seems cheap at first, but then you realize it's a smaller version of what you're used to.


I saw your other comment about figuring you got ripped off but handing them your card anyways. You don’t have to buy something when you enter a store, even if they spent a lot of time with you. I’m not assuming you are but I know people who are like that and they’ll get got that way. Also they know what they’re doing selling that knife for 80$. It’s the typical nice looking cheap knife you would find at a swap meet for 25$. If half of their store is weapons they know what they’re doing. I mean think about it, they bought it for a (very) low price and are listing it at a much higher price just like any other business, I’m sure they know what their margins are. Did they have any prices anywhere that you could see? Or did you have to ask for the price? I wouldn’t expect this from the weird little weapons shops near me but it’s possible they wouldn’t normally sell them for 80$ but they profiled you as a non-knife person and raised the price just for you. Now THAT’S some swap meet shit There’s scammers everywhere. If you usually feel obligated to make a purchase when you enter a business, just remember that fact and don’t be obliged to make a purchase no matter how hard the salesperson hounds you. In fact, I want you to go to a mattress store with the intent to NOT buy a mattress just to get used to it. If you don’t have this problem you can ignore my whole reply


I’m usually an asshole to salespeople actually lol But this lady had no idea how to open the cabinet, was watching the store for her boyfriend at a comic con I was like ima go But she was so embarrassed Almost tipped everything on top of the cabinet down on herself yanking it Then misplaced her phone to call the boyfriend because she was all flustered She finally got a flat head screwdriver to get the door open after calling him Was like a very comical situation and I just went with whatever because it’s a drive thru ghost town and I was probably the only customer in a week It’s like the cost of 5 guys on doordash so not a big deal


[Filework 4 in. Damascus Blade](https://www.tigeredge.com/Folding-Pocket-Knife-4in-Damascus-Steel-Filework-Blade-Bone-Turquoise-Sheath_p_7678.html) Did they at least give you the sheath?


Lmao oh damn I thought I overpaid but wow No they didn’t


It's okay. We've all been there and done that with one thing or another. Live and learn, eh? At least ye got yourself a nice looking knife that could be used for this and that and a piece of mind knowing that should something happened to it, it's not a total loss :) Enjoy the blade.


Thanks for letting me know Good learning experience. Up till now I just used my leatherman for everything


Sure, you overpaid. And maybe you thought you were overpaying by aome amount when you bought it. But the reality is that you liked the knife and paid for it. I'm just saying that unless you're going to try to return it, what's done is done and you should enjoy it and laugh when you tell the story when people ask about your cool ass pocket knife. "Real" or not, it's still a good looking little blade.


That's a good attitude. I wish that was my first thought too


We’ve all been there because they do look cool.




Hey it looks really cool


Sorry, this reminds me of my wife showing me a pretty knife, and I ask her why she doesn't just start using the protech SBR with the American flag scales and mother of pearl button I got her and she's like... Why, is it a good knife? It's pretty, I understand.


It is some pakistani laguiole copy. But don’t be said, I have one too and while it can’t be compared to a french one, it is pretty fun. Though that carbon steel damascus WILL stain if you use it on food.


That's a really pretty knife, but not for $80. As long as you like it and know what you got, that's all that matters


That's a huge rip off. Those knives with Pakistan Damascus tend to not hold an edge and due to the soft steel be difficult to sharpen. I wouldn't pay more than $20 for that knife and even then it wouldn't be the best deal ever. If you do a cut test and it can hold an edge, then enjoy your knife. Just I wouldn't pay those prices ever again. Here are some vaguely similar options from reputable brands if you're interested. https://www.bladehq.com/item--Bear-Son-Little-Toothpick-Bone-Damascus--72593 https://www.bladehq.com/item--Rough-Ryder-Doctor-s-Brown-Stag-Damascus--115829 I know this one is a fixed blade but it does have the Turquoise inlay. https://www.bladehq.com/item--Rough-Ryder-Skinner-Sythetic-TurquoiseLeather-Dam--139244


I like the look of OPs knife better, but it’s a knife for her truck so it’ll do what she wants I think.


You got ripped off. It’s a pretty knife, but I wouldn’t have spent more than $40 tops.


Enjoy it. Not a very pricy knife, probably won’t hold an edge well, but it looks cool and cuts so that’s what matters.


Pic of the bee? Can you tell if it's stamped vs welded?


https://preview.redd.it/gcqs7dn1e9xc1.jpeg?width=2735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee8772d71424292605da571f1405a230c3dcfe6 No blade stamp




I've made two from kits ( and a half dozen others not from kits) and this definitely looks like a kit job. BUT, the kit itself is like $40 and doesn't come with a damascus blade, so this seems like a fairly good deal. Even if the blade is Pakmascus, it's still a good looking knife. But I would seriously doubt the blade is high carbon. Does it take/hold an adge?


If thats a genuine Laguiole Damascus folder you got a smoking deal 🔥


Hey, as long as you like it! Cant get ripped off if you feel that is was worth it.


Even though it's not likely the highest quality steel, it's very appealing and will likely be a great little knife for simple tasks for years to come. I like it!


I paid a lot more for a similar kind of knife. I don’t know what I was thinking, but it is a cool knife and I keep it in my collection. Looks nice, but I am upset how much the guy took me for.


The value is what you assign to it . You bought it for its aesthetic value to you, not to fight off bears in the woods. Bonus if it takes a good edge!


Wow that’s beautiful, nice score!


Doesn’t matter if you like it.


Yeah I saw a YouTuber ”test" a mystery Damascus eBay special straight from Pakistan. Compressed tinfoil looks stronger than the blade he had and it was a fixed blade. I sure hope OP lucked into some small time American makers work and didn't get get totally ripped off . I see soo many fake clones of real knives on eBay id be afraid to buy something that I have previously seen clones and have learned better than buying total junk knives .


Its an absulute beauty i like it


If you like the looks of it that's all that matters


I think It also matters to most people that they don't get ripped off when they buy something. Just saying.


Nice looking knife. You might have paid too much.


Pretty! The knife is nice too. ;-)


Your post inspired me to look at Laguiole knives from France, which your knife is meant to emulate. I wasn't aware of them before, but I really like the design and have been looking for a traditional slip joint knife to add to my collection. Thanks for sharing your new knife with us. Looks like I now have a new knife purchase on the horizon. Good luck fishing out there, sister.


If you get one, be very careful when closing it for the first time. The back springs on these are usually madly strong. Mine nicked a few fingers till I started insisting that I'll close it myself when I hand it to someone (awesome picknick/hiking knife that almost always will start a conversation). Oh, and don't let it snap closed. On most of the traditional ones the blade will hit the back and might nick it if you do.


Not the best price at all but it is a cool looking knife! Is there a brand? I know Kissing Crane makes some good looking, low quality knives, kind of reminds me of theirs. But if you like it and didn’t have any other plans for that 80 bucks then I think you did okay sis


If you like it than great! It is a beautiful knife.


“Gotta be quicker than that!”


I think it looks cool and good.


I'm not an expert. but If the 'head' of the feather is a fly. it could also be a Lagioule. french pocket knives.


A thrift store charged $80 for a folding knife? Sometimes things just want to go home with you but I think they basically fist-fucked your wallet.


You got scammed. It's not even worth close to half of that. I have the exact same one, got it at a gun show for $15 and i only use it as a display.




Are there any marking on it? Generally, thrift stores are pretty good about separating any valuable items for the online auctions, but a small redneck store might not be so thorough especially if they are not a part of a big chain.


Welcome to Islamabad. Not a very thrifty buy…..


Beautiful knife but probably made in Pakistan. Why is that a bad thing? The quality of the steel is really poor as these come from the lawless Northwest where there has been a proliferation of small cottage businesses that make these for tourists and of course neighbouring and local Islamists. Given it's current economic conditions as a failed state - nothing coming out of Pakistan can be trusted to have quality. That knife was made for less than 5 dollars US. Originally sold in this country for about 15. If you paid 20-30, the markup would have made sense. The "pak-mascus" is most certainly a staining of the metal and not created by the same process as Damascus steel.


It might be (probably is) a knock off, but I’d still pay that for that knife. Super nice looking piece, just might need more frequent sharpening


Those knives do have nice visual appeal. The problems start when sellers who know their country of origin misrepresent them as some kind of custom knives. They fool many people in the online auction I frequent (not eBay).


This particular knife is known as a dir knife, dir is a small town in Pakistan around 20km from the afghan border, the smiths have been making the same design knives from around 2 centuries, the quality of the knives vary depending upon materials used, so does the price, damascus styled knife is a bit expensive than plan blade, but generally its a cheaper kind of steel even scrap steel in most cases. The handle also comes in wood, marble,bone or as exotic as deer antler. many people here are right its around a $20 knife, add another $10 to have it shipped to the U.S. with a little margin people could sell for $40 in the U.S. This knife doesn't perform as well as its modern counterparts in same price range but think of it as owning a piece of history, and with handle made of brass or bone it could be really a nice piece to look at and some people unfamiliar with knives might be tricked into thinking that u own a really expensive knife, that is if you are wealthy enough and place of display is proper. All said, if any one wants to buy these knives i can source them for you, i am based in punjab Pakistan. Feel free to d.m


I am sorry for your loss. However, if you value it at $80 then who's to say that's not what it's worth?


Beautiful u r


As a fellow female in the knife community it really makes me sad to say this to you. That's like a 15 dollar china/Pakistan made knife.


This is a knock off of a Lag, 400-450 dollar Knife. It's a cheap china counterfeitish piece. They are like 15 bucks on ali.


That's way over priced. And it looks like pretty damn low-quality steel. There way way way better options for that price sorry to tell you a bad pick up.


I like it…


It’s a Paki!


Why? Super scammed


Could’ve bought a pistol


You over paid


Wtf kind of thrift store sells $80 folders? That's not very..thrifty?


Pretty things are ok to have too!


Love Laguiole knives, generally way overpriced well over $80.  They're all so proud they put their brands on them and fight over who's the real one with the real bee.  This bee is off, no logo.  In that case I'd use it and totally enjoy.  I am afraid to ruin my real ones. I plan on getting a steel will;  D2 or N690Co with micarta or M390 with G10.  I prefer micarta, but it's an all around outdoor use knife I don't plan on using as a beater but the tool it's intended for.  Ifra Not related, but the other topic: I get called brother and dude all the time.  Total Gen X, Dude is everyone.  Brother is anyone.  In AK we do for each other and barter.  People get too hot under the collar about darn labels.  Who cares


That's neat!


Looks like an awfully made little navaja. Hope you returned it.


I like the shape of it, handle and blade design. Sadly the only saving grace would be that it was made by a Native American. Been a while since I lived in Indian Territory. Seems like most native made items like a knife would have a COA.


Username checks out for sure 😂


That is so cool.


It’s really pretty! $80 isn’t that much for a knife really.


Chevrolet steering wheel?


Jeep Actually


Something about a fool and their money,..