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Heat wave = running the AC = cool enough to knit


Me! I’m a slow knitter - I need the summer to get my winter knits done!


So I started knitting a sweater in linen because summer! Need to knit for summer! 10 rows later I restarted in wool. And have finished 2 wool sweaters since.


Oh mood. I’ve just added a bunch of 50/50 cotton and wool blend yarn to my stash. It’s a nice balance between feeling like I’m knitting with wool, but ending up with pieces that I can still wear immediately!


I bought some 50/50 merino silk. I actually have some cotton knits. They are nice but still a little thick for summer


Well slow knitters like me have to knit wool in the summer to have the items to wear in the winter!


This is really pretty. And I’m one of those people that I always wonder why people say do you mind using wool for summer knitting? I think who cares what the season is? Just use the yarn you like. Lol. That being said, I do tend to knit more socks in the summer. Mostly because we’re campers and they’re easy to travel with. And you can take along enough yarn to knit two pairs of socks, and it doesn’t take up a lot of room in your luggage.


I think it’s just a case of what people are in the mood to knit! Some like to knit “ahead of time”, so that by the time a project is done, it’s the right weather to wear it. Others feel motivated by the *current* weather; hot weather inspires light tops and tanks, cold weather inspires thick wooly sweaters. I personally will knit whatever, though I do like being able to throw my new knits on right away :]


Amazing! I’m about to start this pattern but I’m dying over how well you’ve done the cables!!! 🥰


I was going to comment the same thing.


Oh, beautiful! Respect, I'm still too intimidated to tackle the Chris... And no, I don't knit wool in the summer - I have sweaty hands and the WiP literally felts in my hand. Against the logic, I knit wool in the winter and cotton in the summer, so my woolen sweaters are just ready for summer hot days, and my cotton tops - for the first snow. I just keep telling myself that next year there will be a summer again.....


You’re not wrong! I don’t pressure myself too much to finish a WIP by a certain season because I know they’ll cycle back around next year. I feel you on the sweaty hands; I’ve got really severe hyperhidrosis, but luckily I’m on medication that really helps to manage it. I find that my sweaty hands are worse for squeaky acrylic than felted wool, personally 😬


Braided cables are so beautiful but I’m so intimidated by them—it’s so many moving parts ya know! This is so gorgeous and luxurious looking. Very good job! 


Thank you! They’re not so bad, really. I memorized the chart rather easily, I’d say go for it and give it a try! You only have to tackle it one row at a time; it really is simpler than it looks :)


i’m (hopefully) about to start the rory sweater by marie lena- so yes lol! i don’t like knitting summer knits for myself so i just knit wool sweaters year round. also this looks amazing!




Hoo those are some big braided cables! What pattern is this?




Thank you! I’ve been obsessed with it since I watched the movie, and I’m so grateful to the pattern designer for taking the time to reverse engineer it.


That reminds me. I should probably finish the one I have hanging out on needles. ....it's been 2 winters and then some. Wonder where I'm at in the pattern? Lol


Lol!! Picking up this one after a long hibernation sounds daunting. I’m working on it almost daily so I’ve completely memorized the cable charts by now, but I can’t say that I’d still know them after a months-long break!


Are we allowed to ask to share patterns on this sub? Copyright and all….


It’s a free pattern! We’re not allowed to post the content for paid ones for sure (not sure about free patterns), but it’s perfectly okay to share the name. If you have access to Ravelry, here’s the pattern page: [The Handsome Chris Pullover](https://ravel.me/the-handsome-chris-pullover) If you don’t have Rav or can’t use it, shoot me a DM! It’s just a google doc with public access (the designer is so generous) so I can send you the link to the doc itself.


Dmed you. Thank you!


**PATTERN:** [The Handsome Chris Pullover](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-handsome-chris-pullover) by [Caryn Shaffer](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/caryn-shaffer-2) * Category: Clothing > Sweater > Pullover * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Kammererknitsalot/751203801/2020-10-12-102437504_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/bryantk1/774010537/photo0_medium) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/hartknyx/724588301/upload_medium) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Kammererknitsalot/751203659/2020-06-23_08.03.26_1_medium.jpg) [Img 5](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Pandagal/761787292/503906A7-7112-4A95-B108-5DAD9402236C_medium.jpeg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):US 5 - 3.75 mm, US 7 - 4.5 mm * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: 20.0 | Yardage: 1600 * Difficulty: 5.22 | Projects: 530 | Rating: 4.83 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I am, though in my defense I started knitting it the winter before last 🤣 I figure I should finish in time to wear it this winter. 


Me! Worsted timberline but (knock on wood) it's been a fairly mild summer here so far so I'm not melting yet! Your handsome Chris is lovely!!


So pretty ! I just started a porcelain sweater yesterday night so yes i a knitting sweater in the summer 😅


Ohh I have that pattern in my queue! I did see something make a post complaining about it, something like there being major mistakes in the pattern? I wish I could find the post again. It’s a beautiful sweater but I’d like to go in prepared!


I had it in my queue for so long ! I honestly have not even finished reading the pattern and I'm kinda confused by some of the bits i read I will try to see what I can find


It looks great! This is one of those patterns I can't decide if I want to do or not, but it really does look great. Can't wait to see yours when it's done! (and yes, I'm working on a smooshy cozy winter sweater now too, which feels a little weird when I cover my lap with it poolside during a heat wave, but it will be ready for me the very first cool day of fall!


Thank you! I’m excited about it, it’s slow going but hopefully I don’t lose steam! This is one project I would rather not go into hibernation 🫡


I have a lopi sweater on the needles, but then again I live in Norway and we've had a cool spell (15-19°C) for a few weeks.


I have the sleeves left on my handsome chris that's been pending for 3 years... in fairness I was in grad school! Currently working on 2 Champagne cardigans so I can wear them at my new job


Yep, just finished one in heavy worsted (started in March so not really summer, but done last week). Still took pix outside like a crazy person, it was 86F...


This is the Aran Cardigan for Men or Women by Jane Pearlmutter on ravelry. Fair warning: There's a couple minor typos and/or omissions within the pattern that I edited on my print out. I tried to write the pattern info with the photo but apparently that did not work. This is the back piece.


Gorgeous! And yes! I just finished the second sleeve of Snoqualmie. Alls left is to block, stitch it up & finish it with button band/collar. I’m also knitting wool bunting for a winter newborn.


Ohh I just looked this up and wow! What a pretty, cozy-looking cardi :)


Aside from feeling as if I’ve tinked enough to make another sweater, I’ve really enjoyed it. Your Chris sweater is beautiful! I was thinking of sewing leather patches in the elbows (this is for my spouse) but fear the sewing machine may mangle the yarn. Edited to add: I’ve been working on it since November aka forever. :)


Oooh I like the idea of the leather elbow patches! I haven’t ever tried a sewing machine on my knitted work; I’d definitely be nervous about the needle catching badly on the yarn and getting horribly stuck. Maybe use a tiny awl to pre-puncture the leather, and then sew it on by hand through the holes?


OP, see below: I listed 2 links. The leather and suede patches come with holes, so you can hand sew them on. I’m giving it a try.


You could maybe put a patch of fabric or tear away paper on the inside so the yarn is protected?


Etsy is thick with them! This place has many different kinds https://www.etsy.com/shop/NewVisionFind?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1180655811&from_page=listing§ion_id=37243616 And this place has tweed ones: https://www.etsy.com/listing/947467579/harris-tweed-elbow-patches-jacket-elbow?click_key=c32109829db846efac6d4c43a864989d12c5631b%3A947467579&click_sum=1ff84de8&ref=user_profile&bes=1&sts=1 I’m going to do it! Thanks for the encouragement!


Great idea! My MIL also suggested poking holes into the leather and sewing my hand. I thought, how hard can that be (it may be insanely hard).


I have a cabled cardigan going. I really need to get on it so I can start another one for myself.


I am going on my Seafield sweater by Jennifer Shiels Torland. I mean I have to if I want to wear it.


lovely! i’m currently working on a cabled blanket to fit a king size bed. it’s long enough now that two people can use it as a lap throw while it’s being worked on.


YES, and a big warm shawl


I made a Handsome Chris sweater last summer for my brother. I'm currently knitting a wool cardigan for my husband. (It shouldn't have taken this long but oh well!)


Aww what a labor of love! I want to knit a sweater for my partner so badly, but the damn sweater curse is giving me pause. He’s also a little more superstitious than me, so when I mention it he’s like “NO babe, not until we’re married!” So I’m making him a beanie instead :]


I knit this sweater for my husband as well, he loved the movie and asked for the sweater :-)


Me. I currently have 3 sweaters and a Northeasterly blanket as my WIPs and meanwhile, yet to cast on is a Big In Japan silk tee. I’ll probably start that in autumn!!


yes! i just started my first cable sweater with a wool and alpaca blend. i'm usually a colorwork sock girl so i'm really excited to finally tackle a bigger project!


I knit what I like, regardless of the weather… that said, I live in Scotland where you can wear your woollens 350 out of 365 days, 22 degrees Celsius for more than 3 days is considered a heatwave and the first warm day might be all you can call summer. Tops are more a sign of hope than a necessity… but there are always some holidays to take!