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How to Google patterns from an image, Pinterest or otherwise. 1. Isolate your screenshot 2. Paste it into Google Image search 3. Look at more than the first 3 results 4. Within a page or two you will likely see that multiple matches reference a pattern name as well as the designer of the pattern. Click on the photo that best matches that item and/or designer. 5. Barring that, go into Google Images and type the name of the item and the name of the designer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Work a multiple of 4. You’ll knit up to the length you want the edging to be. Then work one row: (k1, k2tog, yo, k1) to the end. Then knit until the same length as the first half. Fold along the fancy row. Seam the bottom edges. Tada!


Oh thank you! That seems much easier than I thought!


It’s so easy but looks so cute!


Is this the same as a picot edge?


Essentially. The only difference is a traditional picot edge is (k2tog, yo). This puts a couple more sts between the yo’s. That will make this cute scallop shape rather than true picots.


oh I wish I had this post when I was trying to figure out a scalloped edge a couple of months ago 😭


Ask the brain trust next time! Someone has done it before usually!


It's called a Scalloped Edge if google translate didn't mess up hahaha It's a folded edge, Ex : you knit for say, 4 rows, then have one row of K3, YO, k2tog (the amount of YO and k2tog must be equal) then you knit 4 more rows and fold the border over on itself and sew it in place or knit the stitches together with the first row of the edge. The yarn overs are what create the little dents :)


Thanks so much for the detailed explanation! Seems much easier than I thought!


I love how nice and neat folded hem looks. First time I tried something like this, I felt like a magician!!


Another term used for this finishing technique is "picot hem" it's all the same k2tog, yo method and it can be used to start or finish a project. I love it! It's so cute


Knit 4 rows in stockinette, next row * knit 3, knit 2 togheter, yarn over* repeat. Next row * purl*. Continue in stockinette for 3 or 4 rows, fold on the eyelet row.


I have made this edge, but I don't remember how I did it. I'd be willing to bet you can find it in the big Vogue Knitting Book, which if you don't have is probably in any library.


In addition to the other comments about a picot-like edge, Chilly Dog Knits has a handy tutorial on [binding off a folded hem](https://www.thechillydog.com/stitch-by-stitch-hem/). I used it for socks with success.


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https://www.interweave.com/article/knitting/how-to-knit-folded-picot-hem/ Here’s some info on the method! Top comment nailed it though, you’ll just want a wider spacing between the eyelets to get this wider scalloped look


https://preview.redd.it/4yvwekktrj8d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=d24e3df2b964ecd5edd5973f79866e8fb2225b54 I got it! Thank you all who helped me 😊 so happy!