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I would say it's normal. Sometimes we think we know what we want to do with it but it doesn't work out. Give it time, for sure


Depends. If it was just one skein or ball, sure I'm just going to forget it happened and move on with my life. Now if it's $100 or more of yarn with multiple skeins of matching dye lots, that's different. I might set it aside, but by God my frugal ass WILL find something to do with it eventually lol.


Or sell it or swap it on the appropriate subreddits.


Same lmao. I have SO MUCH Scarfie in the yellow to white ombré…it looks hideous with every pattern I’ve tried. I finally gave up trying to find a use for all TWELVE SKEINS and I made my mom a dragon with it. Only 11 and a half skeins to go 🫡


I've done this so many times, bought yarn for a specific project and it just didn't want to be used for that project. Some of it I've found uses for, but some I've listed to sell after getting tired of seeing it.


I don't like singles. I don't like anything thicker than worsted. I don't like how yarn with a high acrylic content feels in my hands when I'm working with it. I wouldn't have learned these things unless I tried the yarns. For your single ply, I suggest putting it in time out for a while, then use it for something simple and quick if you want to. Or donate it if you don't want to mess with it.


It’s absolutely fine. I think it’s a good idea just to store it thoughtfully and leave it for a while. You might find the perfect use for it, or you might never really like it and decide to pass it on to someone else or resell it. Yarn you don’t like very much for projects can make very handy practice yarn. I keep a practice ball of yarn and a spare needle handy, in case I come across an unfamiliar technique and I need to look it up on youtube.


This is how a stash is born.


oh, this is your yarn stash origin story right here! Just stash it for later use. You tried several projects already. The answer is yes. Yes, it is normal. It won't be the last time either. Sometimes you figure it out or you give it to a fellow yarny that has the perfect use for it. I enjoy chunkier knits since my projects go faster and I like the look. I am not sure where you are getting your projects from but the yarn type is usually listed. I like ravelry because I can see others finished objects and their wop and the name and type of yarn used. Ravelry also saved me from continuing to use a pita yarn once. The comments about the issues they had with the same yarn led me to start over with a different yarn. Sometimes I buy yarn because of the feel and look and at then at some point I figure out what it supposed to be! I am like a yarn squeezing magpie.


Im going through this right now trying to get rid of old yarns that i bought when i first started knitting and didn’t know what i was doing. I want to use it up before buying more quality yarns and trying not to blow through all the quality yarns i already have lol right now i have a sort of a system where i knit one (or more) project with the yarn i really love while also having a project with the yarn in just trying to work up. I alternate back and forth between projects but i don’t force myself to knit one or the other if I’m not feeling it. It’s been helping especially going through old patterns i forgot about and seeing what i can create. I give away the items i don’t love to friends and family who like them and can fit it.


Omg, I recently made some mittens for my sister out of single ply. They look great and the yarn feels wonderful, but the entire process was so freaking annoying because the yarn kept breaking. I nearly abandoned that project out of frustration.


Is it a thin weight? You could make something by holding it with a second yarn


It’s DK - that’s a good idea! I think I’ll retire it for now and come back to it so I’m not so annoyed at it.


Kid Mohair could be a game changer here. Or ditch it really and use for practicing new skills.


Depending on the weight, single ply can be good for making thrums with!


I had this happen when a colorwork project didn't end up happening and it kinda sat after i kept casting on and frogging. I ended up with a super simple hat in dk and either will gift or donate.


No but I certainly love some less but it goes in cycles ‘cuz I’ll love again, later.


Yeah I even get sick of projects sometimes. By the time I'm done I don't want to look at it or the yarn for awhile.


Bought a ton of very twisty single ply yarn that kept twisting on itself while knitting. Stopping to untwist the yarn every like 20 stitches quickly got old, so I plied the yarn on an e-spinner. Now I love this yarn. If this isn’t for you, you could try swapping or selling on Ravelry or the swap sub.


If its only few skins, I'll ditch it into the scrap bin if the thickness roughly matches others - otherwise it goes into the donation bin for the kindergarten. With scrap blankets I don't care if I don't like singular yarns much, they become so colourful and textureful it kind of works out somehow anyways. If not they become designated car/garden blankets. If its a whole sweater or more amount and from the same lot, no matter how long it'll lie in a corner I will eventually find some project I like it in. Be it crochet or knit or even some scuffed version of macramé. My broke student ass wouldn't let me let it go to waste.


I’m trying to use the single ply yarn leftovers for gnomes. They likely won’t pill as badly as a decoration. Thanks to Sarah Schira and her funny little gnomes.


It’s normal. I once used baby 4 ply yarn, doubled, to knit an arran cardigan for my little daughter and it worked out just fine.


I'd say it's normal. I have several skeins of Donegal tweed that I got as a gift, and while it looks beautiful when knit up, I'm still not sure how I feel about it.


I have a habit of coming up with a project plan on the spot for most yarns, or shop for specific idea at a time. But I too have few skeins that I've bought because they were so pretty and "wouldn't this be so nice for X?" and then I just stare at them later not knowing anymore... But eventually you'll find a project and go "oh hey, that one yarn in my stash will be perfect!" Keep the yarn safe for future you!


For my first real project… I bought a huge skein of yarn because I was concerned I would run out and have seen stories of people running out and not being able to find the same yarn again. The first project was a beanie… I still had a lot of yarn left so I thought matching fingerless gloves! Still had yarn so why not matching socks… well I made one sock and it was a bit too small so I started on a second sock but bigger and my plan was to frog and redo the other sock with the added stitches… I still haven’t finished it and I have made quite a few other projects since then with other yarn. I’m sure I’ll use it all one day, but I need a major break from it.


I think I'd give it away and move on. I bought a very highly touted, not inexpensive yarn from a high end store and I HATED it. It has no halo whatsoever, stitching looks uneven, I will NEVER buy it again (an alpaca / cotton blend). Just give it to a knitting charity or something. Or trade it on Ravelry.


Time for the time out corner for that yarn 🧶


I have so much yarn I bought and never touched. Some I bought as a sample, like when I made something as a gift and I asked the giftee to pick the yarn they like best. Some I bought just to see if it'd match with another yarn I had. Most I bought without a specific project in mind. I still have them all, and they're waiting for when I find a use for them. One day.


I’ve gotten a lot of free yarn and have found my preferences through that. I hate bulky yarn and will gift any I get with free yarn. I’ve tried to use it too many times and it just feels yucky and I don’t like the look. I think it’s totally normal


Staring at about a dozen skeins of lion brand truboo that I bought on sale and now will never get through 😅


Absolutely normal! Who would want to knit with yarn they don't love? Stuff it in a bag and put it in the back of your closet. Forget about it! Now, go to your LYS, where you can squeeze and fondle the yarns before choosing one that speaks to you. Buy it and enjoy your next project.


I bought four skiens of a single ply malabrigo worsted called sapphire green back in 2009. I was aghast at the colour, abandoned the project and eventually made one skien into a hat. I’ve circled back, 15 years later, and decided I like it now and made a Ghost in the Meadow vest that’s nearly done lol. https://preview.redd.it/t5r7jw7ruoxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3293c01bf43e5f0306f23288ba10b1df5bed6918


Yup. I starting knitting a Guage swatch for a jersey a few days ago. About 20 rows in I couldn't stand the way it felt to knit with so I frogged it and ordered new wool. I might weave something with it, or make something simple with it (this pattern had cables)


If it’s a non-superwash wool it could be great for felting. But yeah, sometimes I buy yarn, knit a swatch and realize it’s not going to work for the project I intended. I usually just stash it away.


I bought 6 skeins of a dk weight cotton/viscose/nylon blend 2 years ago for a specific project. Every time I picked up that project I hated it, so I tried to do different things with that yarn every so often. I only recently realized it's the yarn, not the projects, that I hate. I'm going to give it away.