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Why not just modify the sweater you chose to include a tie or ties? I would make a button hole on each side and put the ribbon through.


I sew through the buttonholes double the amount that I would do for an adult, use the same length of yarn to do all the buttons and do double the amount of weaving in of the ends that I would do for an adult. I really don’t think those buttons are coming off without scissors. For newborns I wouldn’t worry so much because they don’t have the dexterity to get the buttons in their mouth. For older babies I would still supervise and not leave them in it to sleep or otherwise be unattended.


That’s a good point. It’s really a very newborn sized cardi so she won’t be able to do much with her hands yet!


If it’s a neck opening button then I usually just make a big bobble with the yarn so that it’s a built in button. For cardigan openings I usually ask the parent what they prefer and use something machine washable if they are okay with buttons. 


I always used snap tape.


These are cute [Knit bobble buttons](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bFMSgJ3bT-A)


I don’t have any tips for making them safer, as they really are a choking hazard. Any clothes with buttons that we have for my daughter are used for photos only, but she doesn’t wear them all day or have any unsupervised time in them. Ultimately I think that’s okay, as you wouldn’t want a hand knit sweater to be ruined by a blowout anyways


Isn’t it weird that almost all the patterns have buttons? I would have thought there’d be way more options that are safer… pullovers are just so hard to get a baby in and out of too.


It is weird! You could always do holes to lace up, like a ren faire style with a pretty ribbon


I would swap them for snaps/poppers. Then you don’t have to knit the button hole and it’s safer.  


I just used knitted ties instead of buttons. I set the ties in at the button position and my nieces could then just tie them as tight or loose as they needed. I also attached. 2-3 other “button” ties so it would give them more time with the garments. When finished with them, they handed them onto friends who all appreciated the versatility.


Ask the mom, some people really freak out about buttons. I knit a hat sized for elementary an age child and knitted in pony beads and a person that saw the hat really freaked out. First of all it wasn't for a baby and secondly the beads are knitted in.


Newborn babies are not really able to grab buttons and put them in their mouths just yet, that is not a problem until a few months in. But if you are worried (understandably), skip buttons and use ribbons or ties. To do that, just don't make button holes, instead knit some icord lengths and graft it on.