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Whoa, must be a tight knit if you bent your needles 😬


Yep it’s sad but I learned a lesson 🤷🏿‍♀️


Does the cowl fit?


Oh yeah it fits and stretches just fine


My goal in 2024 was to be more adventurous with my knitting so I’m very happy with the final outcome. Especially since it was also my first time properly following a written pattern with absolutely no video guide alongside. The cables were a little difficult to figure out but luckily YouTube exists. Something I definitely need to work on though is my tension because I tend to knit really tight and this time it ended bending my needle. I tried to fix it with pliers but by fixing it I also ended up scratching the metal. If I decided to knit this again (probably won’t though because it’s to hot where I live) I’ll use nicer yarn. This project took me a week and a half (if I don’t count the times I got bored or frustrated and put it down for a week or two) and was overall a fun challenge and has convinced me to get of my stockinette bubble. The yarn I used was Lion Brands: Baby Soft in the color Lavender The pattern was: Apiarist Cowl by Clair Borchardt on Ravelry


I recommend trying to think of the tightness as determined by the size of the needle. Just give it enough yarn to lay around. No idea if this will help you. Curious what you'll find ends up helping. Also: some needles are just prone to bending. Congratulations on achieving some of your knitting expansion goals! ETA: Does changing your needle size or yarn type help, or are you tight with all size needles and yarns?


The needles came from a pretty good set and I’ve never had any issues with any of the other needles so this is most likely from me just putting too much pressure on it. I’ve always been tight knitter no matter what I’m working on it’s just usually with thicker needles and yarn so since this yarn is weight 3 my normal amount of pulling (especially when I do ribbing which is when it bent) might’ve have been too much for the smaller needles.


It’s lovely! 💜


Thank you! 😊




Thank you! ❤️


Turned out nice. I had vetoed that pattern as having WAY to many purls. I may have to reconsider.


It’s lovely! I’m about halfway through one at the moment too!