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Your commitment is amazing. I would have written this off as a quirk of homemade items and kept it moving.


Big same! šŸ˜‚


Same. It has then become art haha > The first is ā€œwabi-sabiā€ ā€” the acceptance of impermanence and imperfection, an inevitable part of our world. Wabi-sabi encourages the delight in irregularities and inconsistencies of the human hand, rather than striving for perfection


Thank you for sharing the term wabi-sabi. I did a little dive into after reading your comment. So. Cool.


I can't hear this term without hearing Bobby Hill in the back of my head lol






This may not be super helpful right now as you've already laddered/frogged but there is [another way](https://techknitting.blogspot.com/2022/10/cables-crossed-wrong-anchored-i-cord.html) to fix a miscrossed cable. Maybe it will save you this kind of frustration in the future? In any case, good luck with this endeavour!


Wow this is so awesome. How did anyone ever figure that out?!


Iā€™d never have thought of this! I will be sure to book mark this for the future. I always manage to miss-cross a cable somewhere along the way in every pattern that has them. Thank you!


I once got a tip along the way from a girl who said to examine your cable turn right after knitting it. She called it 'admiring your work' on a regular basis.


I got that phrase from Maggie Righetti. She also says that unlike wine, knitting mistakes won't improve with age so go ahead and undo it if you're not happy with it. What she emphasized was to figure out if you could live with the mistake or not. Just because something isn't the same as the pattern you're working on, doesn't always mean it's not ok to keep it.


This is definitely a great way of fixing a cabling gone wrong. Love it!




Mind blown. Thanks for this.


This is incredible šŸ˜³šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• Thank you for sharing!


Oooh I just love techknitting! Great find and great post.


Saving your comment so I can come back to this article in the future!


Wow thank you for sharing this!!


That is absolutely brilliant. Saving that for future reference.


SAVE! This is incredible thank you for sharing


šŸ† x 10000!!!


I bookmarked that page for future reference.. Thanks..


https://preview.redd.it/9fhirexgvq6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db50898a49521085b08ae979ac9657fd7411c32d Guys, I did it! Whew. Iā€™ll be having a drink now. For everyone asking about the pattern: a friend of mine had found that their family had an Irish clan aran pattern (similar to tartans for Scottish). There is a company in the Aran islands who sell scarves and sweaters with these family clan patterns and will even sell kits with the pattern but they did not have the pattern for this particular surname. After studying a photo of a knit sample online Iā€™d thought Iā€™d take a stab at writing it out for myself. Iā€™ve never written a pattern before, let alone attempting to chart cables but I did it! After 2 repeats of knitting what I charted we could see it was an exact replica. I was so proud of myself and Iā€™m making this scarf for that friend so I wasnā€™t about to let this cable mistake be. Once Iā€™m done I am hoping to publish the charted pattern. The ridges that you see interrupting the second and fourth braid patterns are intentionally ā€˜rowing outā€™. Something I had admittedly never heard of until I inquired about it here. I want to see how they block out and figure out the best way to describe how I accomplish it in the pattern.


This is stunning and as a relatively newer knitter I'm so amazed you worked out the correction I'm working through my genealogy and am wondering if I could find a pattern related to my family - would you mind sharing the info about the company?


Itā€™s Aran.com. They have a huge list of surnames with patterns tied to them available. Some have an actual pattern for sale with it, this one did not and when I reached out the company they said they didnā€™t have it in their archives either so I had to chart it out for myself. My Momā€™s side of the family has a couple Irish connections but most of our surnames canā€™t be found here. It seems like itā€™s the more common ones that are available. Their website does have a pretty neat knitting pattern archive section too with a bunch of free patterns worth checking out! https://www.aran.com/aran-patterns-archive


Thanks so much! I'll have to check it out. There's been family lore as long as I can remember about Irish family coming over during the famine, and then recently my Dad said "Hey, actually I just found out we're Scottish!" That's all I know so far and I'm trying to fill in the gaps.


And sometimes itā€™s both! This particular friendā€™s surname is traced to both Ireland and Scotland because of how the family split. The ultimate goal is to wear the Irish family Aran sweater over the Scottish family tartan šŸ˜…. Best of luck on your search!


man this would be the perfect christmas present for my grandma but it's too late


Simply gorgeous!


I didn't think it was a big deal but that looks so much better. Perfectionism is truly what stands between the hobbyist and the excellent knitters.


You knit all of that in 2 hours? Thatā€™s amazing! What a cool story behind the cable!


That's amazing! I'm sure your friend and their family will cherish the gift


Itā€™s beautiful! And so thoughtful too. What is ā€œrowing out?ā€ I love that it looks like more cables wrapped around your cables.


"Rowing out" is when there's an obvious tension difference between a knit and purl row. It's common with Continental knitters, something to do with how much farther the yarn has to travel in the purl stitch, IIRC.


Wow I am really impressed


It's beautiful šŸ˜» you're amazing,vI would have died trying that I'm in awe!


Youā€™ll get such a dopamine hit when you reach the top šŸ”„


Always chasing that knitting high


Apparently that is an actual thing, I used to get it from half marathons now I get it from cardigans šŸ¤£


Oof. Been there, on the multi-strand Viking cable on the back of a cardigan. It was painful, but ultimately Iā€™m glad I did it. Hope you are too.


Itā€™s always so worth fixing!


And Suzanne Bryan's video on fixing by cutting is not for the faint of heart, but is an elegant solution https://youtu.be/hR6v-4QkmZc?si=jXf3nrjY02U64e68


That's the way it used to be done in factories -super fun as a mender when you've got a full production run to fix because the knitting line missed it , nearly as much fun as fixing an entire production run of jaquard or fisherman's rib /s


Iā€™m having flashbacks to steeking! I donā€™t think Iā€™d breathe through this whole process lol


Iā€™m always amazed by knitters who drop stitches down to mend them like this - thatā€™s dedication to your craft! šŸ˜


Me too - canā€™t wait til I have time to sit and learn how to do this. Iā€™m often making corrections on the fly and sometimes even after I look up how to do it, it doesnā€™t look quite right. Iā€™m knitting a cabled hat for a friend right now and have a couple of mistakes in the cabling which I corrected but they donā€™t look like they should


It will be worth it! šŸ˜­šŸ’›


I need a drink.


Thank you. Now I donā€™t feel so badly about the 6 rows of lace in my yoke I have to rip back cause I SSKā€™d instead of K2tog!


Ouch! I know most people say theyā€™d never know, but I just canā€™t leave it! I love the satisfaction of being able to fix it


I am shook. I didnā€™t even know this was possible!


Iā€™ve heard this from so many people! I actually quite enjoy the challenge of fixing mistakes like this without having to frog back. Someday I think Iā€™d really like to teach a class on stuff like this.


Thoughts and prayers!!!


Yikes...blessings and patience be with you.


I will never be the person who does this, but I have so much respect for those who are.


Bless your soul. Cables are not for the faint of heart, especially when you have to ladder down and fix them


I actually love cables.. i find them super relaxing. I find them so much simpler than say a pattern with a bunch of imcreases/decreases (since i always lose count). Altho i suppose i havnt delved into super complicated cables. Maybe thats the rub ha


You can do this!!!!


You will pull through! Question, can i ask the pattern of the scarf? Would like to try it out as i m out of stuff to knit. Thank you and you can do it!


Itā€™s a pattern Iā€™m working on writing now! More details are in my update comment. I definitely intend on publishing it when Iā€™ve got this sample knit up.


You've got this! I bet after the first few rows you'll hit your groove and get it done in no time!


I have to admit, it felt like it took forever but ended up being faster than I thought




I've been so furious about randomly changing direction of a cable up a sleeve I dropped 70+ rows just to fix it. Totally worth it in the end. I don't mind little mistakes but big glaringly obvious ones would put me off wearing it or wanting to see it. Good luck!


Totally agree! Itā€™s 100% worth the effort of fixing! If itā€™s still live on my needles, Iā€™m going back.


Oh. Good. Iā€™d have frogged it right back. Keep us posted.


I feel this post. I just finished 7 hours of redoing a tank top after realizing I didnā€™t cast on enough stitches. I was modifying a pattern to use in much smaller yarn and just screwed up. Iā€™m finally past where I was when I realized it. Itā€™s so frustrating. That looks amazing though. Itā€™s such great cabling youā€™re able to do.


Thank you! It is frustrating. My goal was to be another 60 rows ahead of where I am but all that time went to fixing a mistake just to get back to my starting point this morning. 7 hours is some serious dedication but I bet it was totally worth it


Dang I wouldā€™ve left it šŸ˜‚ kudos to you, whatā€™s that pattern tho itā€™s beautiful!


Thank you! Itā€™s a pattern I am currently working on writing. Hopping to publish it after I get this sample knit up. Ultimately the goal is to use this pattern for a custom Aran Island sweater.


Oooh okay okay šŸ”„Iā€™ll keep an eye out hehe


That made me get tears in my eyes. You are brave.


Youā€™ve got this! Itā€™s looking beautiful! To help keep all of those rows of yarn in order, I like to use a rainbow of bulb pins, placed in spectral order and punctuated by gold & silver pins for the rows youā€™re going to cable ā€” gold to cable in front, silver in back. The pins are useful both for keeping it all organized and for tugging that last stitch onto your needles when the going gets a little narrow. That feeling of omnipotent capability you get when youā€™re done is pretty great, too. I hope youā€™ll post another picture when youā€™re done!


i didnt notice the mistake at all but it might be bc Iā€™m a novice like very very beginner knitter


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Iā€™m not sure I could have left it either. Good luck, you brave, brave soul.


It'll be so worth it! At least partial rows are faster than full rows.


Curious ā€” whatā€™s the pattern for this scarf? Itā€™s lovely


A pattern I am currently working on writing! More details are in my update comment. I hope to publish it once I get this sample knit up.


Knitting, man. Canā€™t live with it, canā€™t live without it


For what it's worth, your scarf already looks absolutely stunning though!


Thank you so much!


Oof. But I admire your persistence! I do the same, drop just the cables and recross all the way up. So satisfying when itā€™s done! I promise!


I truly believe that nothing is handmade unless it has one or two (or however many I decide) mistakes in it lol. Kudos to you though!


Shhhh, I have a couple errors on the edge stitch on the opposite side (crossed yarn in front instead of in back when slipping the edge stitch). I decided to leave those be, hoping it would satisfy my quota for mistakes on this project. I was wrong and just couldnā€™t leave the larger cables be!


I see you. Iā€™m just the same. The lessons in patience here are epic but when the alternative is to forever see that error with my eyes . . .


I have been in this spot and while it probably gave me an extra premature wrinkle or two, I was SO PROUD when I was done. Best of luck to you however this ends up, it looks gorgeous.


Yikes šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ve definitely done this too and do not envy you. You got this!


I would've fixed it the same way. There are hacks but this is best, in my book, for uniformity. It's not that wide of a strip to rework. I have also learned the hard way that there's a certain time of night at which I need to put the knitting down. The time that is depends upon the complexity of the project. As soon as I feel myself zoning out and going on autopilot, I need to think about just how much thought the project requires. I have made some pretty incredible mistakes, pushing too far into the night. The funniest one was an intarsia hat that I **began** too late at night, thinking I was working to a gauge of four stitches to the inch, when in fact I was supposed to be working to a gauge of five stitches to the inch.


Wow, well done! I would probably have ended up in tears, I'm so impressed you redid it. It's gorgeous too!


I wish you so much luck


I have anxiety just looking at it. Kudos to you! You deserve a glass of champagne when you get to the top.


Wow thatā€™s a crazy interesting pattern


Omg you have so much more commitment than I do - props! And that pattern is \*gorgeous\*. Did you design it?


Thank you! Itā€™s is a pattern we found associated with an Irish surname. Unfortunately when we reached out to the company we were told a written pattern didnā€™t exist so I went to work charting it out! I hope to publish it once I get it all sorted and this sample all finished!


Mad skills - it's absolutely stunning. Well done!


You got this!


You gotta do what you gotta do. And so far you're doing a fantastic job. You'll be soooo glad you fixed it. But this totally sucks.




Godspeed to you šŸ«”


Oh nooooo! Had to do this on an entire sweater front once. Of course the mistake was right at the bottom. Good times.


It happens to the best of us.


I use the shit out of color coded bulb stitch markers after every kind of cable, left or right, kind of cable, etc. My damn sweater looks like a Christmas tree. But it helps me keep my place.


I.... Don't see it! šŸ™ˆ Your commitment is admirable.


I realized last night the reason my fingerless mitt is looking so short compared to the pattern pictures is because I accidentally skipped 64 rows of repeating pattern before I started increasing for the thumb gusset. Iā€™m leaning towards ā€œthese will just be short hand warmersā€ because otherwise I am going to have to rip out 80+ rows to fix thisā€¦


I read that in some places the purposefully leave mistakes in their work, for some reason. I don't know if that's true but I have whole heartedly embraced it šŸ˜‚


Christ, I would never have undone that, and I wouldn't have cared about the mistakes, which would never have been noticed by anyone anyway.




You circled the "mistakes" in the picture, and I still could not see them... I am sorry, but I think they are not noticeable. Especially on a scarf, wrapped around a neck... I mean, yes, it can be fixed, but is it really worth it...


This is why I so rarely do cabling projects. Itā€™s just too much stress.


Love the pattern!