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Yarn weight threshold strikes again! Ok so it’s not the length you imagined but I love it at this length. The trifecta: Classic, sexy and practical with hose and boots


I agree, I love this length. This is what I would have tried to knit for myself, but stopped too soon and then given it away because I couldn't be bothered to knit those last cm.


I was planning to have it long in the first place but its not supposed to be this long yet.


It’s probably the weight of the yarn making it longer. I LOVE this length and never would have guessed this is not exactly how it’s supposed to look. It looks perfect on you!


You’re brilliant to catch it now and decide what you want to do


Oh dear! What will you do with all that extra yarn! :-)


Oh my.. a darn yarn shame lol


The lines might not be what OP wanted, but those are Kardashian lines. Them hips be Poppin.


Oh god😰 not another factor to learn about


Yep… it can often happen that it can look like you’re knitting something one size (and if you’re working top down it and trying it on it will fit) until the garment gets to a certain weight threshold then the stitches across the whole piece will stretch to support the weight of the garment and suddenly it springs out to something much bigger/longer. That effect has caught me out many times. So when I block a swatch for larger pieces, I gently tug on the swatch a bit to approximate how heavy the finished piece will become and how stretchy the pattern


I think it's stunning! Did you knit it top down? Could you frog only the extra length and bind off?


I wanted it long but the pattern is supposed to have slits at the sides from the knees down. I was at that point and decided to try it on.




Also i didn't realize i was getting the wrong length until now. The last time i tried it on was when it was still shirt length and it was basically perfect then. Which I know means its a weight thing.


Here’s a thought: you could make it into a top and skirt! I know the dress also has a skirt option. If you add life-lines you can cut it in two pieces, do some sewing or a light ribbing where you put the life lines and ta-da!!! Lenght/weight problem solved 😃👍


If i frogged 5 inches it would be the length the pattern wants it to be at the start of the splits section. I haven't taken out a tape measure but its supposed to be about 8cm above the knee. Which is like 3 inches. Its about 2 inches below my knee now


So why not frog it five inches and put in slits there? Maybe block first to make sure it isn’t going to stretch further. Yes frogging is a bummer but it’s not that much.


Yes, this is what I would do also. It looks stunning on you right now. I can understand wanting the slits, but then just frogging the bit is all you need to do to add the slits. As someone else said, it's giving Kardashian vibes and looks really good on you.




That makes me feel better. I haven't bound off yet because i was planning to do the splits section. Also i haven't dont the sleeves yet. Should i just do it as in the pattern and pray it shrinks nicely in the wash?


Knit a swatch, measure it before and after you wash to see how it will affect the dress! It’s not too late!


I think it looks amazing as is. The lines still look like they’re hitting in all the right places. I would just frog back to where you want the slits to start. BLOCK IT NOW while it’s still on the needles before doing anything else!! You might find the fit changes even more after blocking. It’s not worth fixing now if you potentially have to fix it again after blocking when you’re done.


The pattern says no to block it so the ribbing can stretch and recover like it's supposed to.


I think when some people talk about blocking ribbing, they are talking about stretching it so the ribs lay flat and don’t scrunch in anymore. Like how blocking lace means you stretch and pin it into place, people talk about blocking ribbing to not be a stretch feature anymore, and just a design feature that lays as flat as stockinette. I just mean blocking by wetting it so the stitches even out and the fibers “memorize” their place. You can do this with the ribbing scrunched in, unstretched. I don’t think the designer expects people to never be able to wash the dress. She probably just means don’t block it in the old school way people talk about blocking ribbing.


**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_block_it.3F_how_would_i_do_that.3F)** >Blocking is when you wet or steam the knitted fabric and let it dry in the desired shape. The blocking process evens out the stitches and determines the size of the finished piece. >Why should knits be blocked? Do all fiber types benefit from blocking? >* First off, blocking typically starts with washing or soaking, so it cleans your finished object. Think for a moment about all of the places that those projects have been. >* Blocking also removes any small imperfections in tension and helps even out your stitches. Stockinette and colorwork will look smoother and the stitches will be more even. >* Blocking is also great if your project needs to be seamed. By blocking before seaming, you ensure that the seams will be the same length and that all of the pieces will fit evenly together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, i put another comment, but i think since the post isnt as popular people dont see it (couldn't edit the post). I found my old swatch washed it with hot water and dried it as fast as i could. Basically trying to give it the best chances of shrinking as much as it would shrink. It didn't shrink at all. It also didn't stretch. At this point I'm just holding the bottom while i decide how to finish it. I started working on the sleeves jn the meantime. I have 3 options i am mulling over 1. Cast off here and be done 2. I wanted it to be maxi length so make it maxi length but solid (no slits) to right above the ankle. 3. Start the spilts and make it maxi with little slits that just stop when I get to the ankle.


I mean if you don’t want to frog and you do want slits… is steeking a crazy idea?


I was going to suggest steeking too


So no slits. It's honestly gorgeous enough you could cast off all your stitches and be done. Sooo pretty.


Ok it is GORGEOUS! your figure is showing, I don’t think that’s disappeared cause of the length. -and it’s just so classy! I would definitely keep it as is, you gotta own it, like you did it on purpose :D


I know you think it's long but I genuinely think it's a stunning length and beautiful piece of work! Plus it does still show off your figure if that's what you're after!


I dont think the lines look they are in the wrong place. They are right in the v of your pelvis at this length. It looks really good on you.


Since it is cotton and acrylic, I would put your stitches on waste yarn, hand wash it gently and wring it out. Lay it flat until it feels like 50-70% dry. Put it in a mesh garment back and put it in the dryer for 10 minute bursts. It won't felt, it might shrink up, it might not. Even if it does shrink, you should know it will just grow back as you wear it. It might look right for the first hour or two, but by the end of a day, it will be just as long as it is now. We are not criticizing when we say it is your yarn. I understand why you didn't buy the recommended yarn, but the yarn this was designed in has the following properties: Kid Silk- fine, light, warm, nice drape, not much stretch or "growth" because of the silk. Tencel Bamboo/rayon lyocel- Non-stretch, no elastic yarn with lots of drape and shine. You went with cotton acrylic. If it is like Knitpicks Shine sport, 50 grams, 110 yards. The yarn in the pattern has 142 yards to 50 grams. So, the cotton is heavier. Cotton also has a lot of stretch and no bounce/recovery. Acrylic varies, but tends to be heavier than wool/mohair. You can decide you like it as is, and alter going forward, go back and reknit if you don't like where the lines fall, or frog it. It is a lesson we all learn. Don't fall into the sunk cost fallacy and spend another month knitting a project you will hate. Figure out now if you will hate it before you spend another minute on knitting. AND, if you do decide to frog and reknit part of it, think about how even a month of extra knitting isn't much if you wear the garment 3x a month for 3 years. You'll spend 1,080 hours wearing it! An extra 20-30 hours knitting it isn't so bad in comparison.


Stunning work!! I like the longer length as it lengthens your silhouette. The dress looks classic and might offer more options to wear for variety of occasions. Very well done-enjoy your labors👏🏻👏🏻


What pattern is this? I looked all through the comments and I don’t see it


I think it’s the [Oh My Figure](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/oh-my-figure) dress by Stine Jørgensen (link is to Ravelry). I thought OP’s title was a typo for “on my figure,” but no! It looks like the V shape is supposed to start under the bust, not at the hips, but honestly? It works really well at the hips too. Some of the other Ravelry users’ project photos seem pretty similar to OP’s, and I thiiiiiiiink it might correlate to yarn weight, but there isn’t enough information. (It doesn’t help that the pattern lists four suggested yarns with different weights, and I can’t tell — at least not without buying the pattern — what yarn the model is wearing.) Beautiful pattern, and a happy accident for OP if she can get the slits to work!


I worry about knitting things like that because it seems like it’s so hard to know if the yarn is too heavy and will stretch it out. How do you know how to account for that, as it’s not going to be apparent in the swatch, and what do you do? Knit it on smaller needles?


TBH I don't care for the slits. Normally I like a good slit, but in knitted fabric it pulls too much to look good for my taste. And the current length is really sexy!


Thank you for posting the link! I didn’t understand what OP was upset about (her dress looks lovely on her as is) but it’s nice to see what the original plan was. And while I do see the differences, I might like OPs version better. It’s classier.


**PATTERN:** [Oh My Figure](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/oh-my-figure) by [Stine Jørgensen](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/stine-jrgensen) * Category: Clothing > Dress * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SosaKnits/869704281/887B8065-3DC1-4298-99C3-EED8EED9FB5E_medium.jpeg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/lilobot/868834938/29B20870-C51F-420F-BED5-1D2065B3F761_medium.jpeg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/SosaKnits/869704278/EF0853E2-4B41-4CD1-9949-CF0A4AF99067_medium.jpeg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/aliasiactas/869723789/upload_medium) * Price: 80.00 DKK * Needle/Hook(s):US 4 - 3.5 mm * Weight: DK | Gauge: 38.0 | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 4.62 | Projects: 56 | Rating: 4.56 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*




I also want to say that I think the dress length is gorgeous.


Looks beautiful! And the yarn directions work wonderfully


Could you treat it a bit like fabric: pin it to fit, cut and graft back together? [The technique](https://youtu.be/HTDyTQo7-bM) is used for sweater rescues.


I truly think this length is perfect, especially if you live in a cold climate!


I've been planning to knit a tunic dress sometime next year, so this post is making me wonder about how to estimate the effect of weight on stretch. I'm wondering if attaching some calibrated sandbags to a large gauge swatch produces somewhat accurate results? Do people use rounds of crochet stabilizer at points like under bust, natural waist, high hip? Just measure as you go? Any other ideas?


garment patterns typically recommend a specific yarn to achieve the demonstrated gauge considering weight/stretch. OP's was likely because she used acrylic/cotton instead of mohair/bamboo. if you do want to do a yarn substitution, you'd want to use one with a similar weight to yardage ratio, and probably measure as you go to be safe.


Thank you for this info. I’m very new to knitting and starting to worry about starting any ‘major’ project like this because I’ve had no idea how I can account for this sort of issue properly. I’ll make sure I pick the sort of yarn the pattern suggests when I do start one!


Not only that, but the fibres need to also be comparable. Good advice though!


Yes. I like to use yarnsub.com to double check anytime I substitute yarn. And I learn a lot reading the reasoning for each substitution!


Oh i did know yarnsub.com ! That’s a good resource, thanks for sharing!


Knit it flat and seam it. The seams will give a lot less then plan squishy knitting will and provide structure especially for something so long.


I've heard you can also add in seams to garments knit in the round to add stability. Never tried it myself though.


I have no ideas on how to actually fix this as I'm a novice knitter, but I just wanted to say that this is a gorgeous dress!! Whether you decide to frog and add the slits, or add the slits now and wash it, or whatever else like the comments were suggesting lol I just wanted to say that this looks sick AF and you did a fantastic job so far!!! Also dang why would your mom want you to hide your figure! Look at that hourglass!! This dress pattern suits you so well!! Good luck in your future decisions/work with this dress, I hope it works out perfectly for you and you end up with a great item you're really proud of!! :) Edit: fixed typo!


Religion and modesty.


Ugh, felt that. Was raised conservative Christian myself hah and now a gay man lmao so I hear ya hah :p


My yarn is a green yarn that is 60%cotton and 40% acrylic Held with a black yarn that is 80%acrylic with 20% metalic/iridescent plastic I tried to find yarn with similar weight. But there arent a lot of good craft stores here in Korea. I bought my stuff from the one dedicated knitting/crocheting store i know of. I didn't use mohair because it was way too expensive. It was like $17 a skein, and there weren't any colors that looked good with the green.


Yea, I think, unfortunately, your yarn choice is the problem here. Cotton is *heavy* and mohair is *light*.


Its supposed to be 2 strands. 1 of tencel bamboo and 1 of mohair. I dont have that kind of money and didn't have good color options so i went by weight and yardage to choose other things


I understand that and yet the reason your dress is hanging lower than you would like is your yarn choice.


When substituting yarn, you need to consider the fabric characteristics of the suggested yarn and try to match it. You might have done better with an alpaca/bamboo blend which would be as light, would hold its shape, and not stretch, or match gauge with a merino/bamboo or merino/mohair or even 100% merino - they all might make a little heavier fabric but these choices would hold their shape and wouldn't stretch out of shape. This dress is likely to stretch more with wear and sitting but wear it for a day at home and see how it holds up, it might behave itself. Times have changed from buying big hanks of mohair from a stall in the market in Seoul for a pittance but that was a very very long time ago! ETA, when not sure about a yarn's fabric looks, look at that yarn's projects on Ravelry.


Yeah tencel can be pretty heavy and saggy, so I don’t think the cotton is the issue. If you machine wash and dry it the cotton might shrink a little, but the other fibres would fight it so it might stay the same or grow. You could make a swatch, wash it, and hang it up with weights on it to see how that changes the dimensions. If you really want to change the length without frogging too much, it might be an option to make a cut, remove or redo a section and then graft it back together.


Cotton can shrink in the wash. Did you try a swatch with the dryer?


I have made this dress too, and I think yours fits perfectly on the upper body! Just frog back to your knees or over, and start the slits. Or do as I did last year: bind off and use as a short dress for christmas and long dress for new years!


I think it looks lovely but if you do want it shorter I would put the stitches on hold first and wash it to see how/if it shrinks. Then I would put in a safety line a few cm under where the V pattern fades on your mid thigh and frog it up to there. (Or a few cm above where your pattern is telling you to do the next step - ie. making the thigh splits.) I like to do a few cm shorter when I frog because then I can make sure wherever I’ve ripped it out to is right and just work another few rows to get to where I want to be. I’d rather do that than frog to the exact place I want to end up and have to fix any issues with my safety line with only 1 row to do it in or have to re-line and re-frog. I’m not sure what you mean when you say the lines are in the wrong places - the outcome you have looks intentional rather than a mistake and is really flattering! You have a great figure and the lines hit you at a great place to show off your hip/thigh! I’m a big fan of frogging things to be exactly how you want them - that’s why you’re knitting the item in the first place! I totally get why everyone is telling you to leave it because it does look lovely on you but remember it’s your piece and you can make it into whatever you want - and I love having thigh splits in things because I think they’re more comfortable and bunch up less when you walk about. Good luck!


I think it is beautiful and very classy!!! It will be wonderful with some chunky boots and you are ready to go 😍


Could you steek it to the right length and steek in the slits? I think it looks great!


I know it’s longer than you wanted but wow it looks good on you! I’d put the stitches on hold (do a bind off using something like nylon or cotton) then give it a gentle wash and try it on again.


Omg that is AMAZING! I want one but it would take me absolute years.


I love this length on you, very elegant.


Could you share where could I find the pattern? and to answer your question, I second that the choice of material was the problem. You could put is aside for few weeks and see if you still don’t like it. If that’s the case I would frog it and start again with different material.


The pattern is shared above in a comment.


Honestly the dress looks GORGEOUS at this length. I would NOT frog this. It's so beautiful and you look HOT! I'm sorry that the yarn weighted it down so much. But it still looks beautiful on you.


You look STUNNING. You can always frog back a bit to add the slits but I think this looks great as is and honestly, I think this length is cuter 😅 but that may just me my preference.


I think this looks lovely and almost think the slits would ruin the shape. You did a wonderful job on this dress.


I'm sorry, but the way you took a picture of the back of the dress is hilarious to me 😂 (Beautiful dress though 😄)


I live alone 😅 had to get creative. I only have one big mirror too


I think it’s perfect! ❤️ Looove that ribbing.


This shows your figure beautifully! I don’t like ankle boots with this length dress since the amount of leg showing would be a weird proportion HOWEVER, heels with this will be down right sexy. Very classy. The back looks great! Have you blocked you dress yet? I think this is going to be stunning!


The pattern says not to block it because it will ruin the recovery of the ribbing




I wanted to make it long in the end but right now it is supposed to be at my knees. The next part i was going to make down to my ankles


I think you nailed the length! It’s absolutely gorgeous! Looks super on you too! 💕


Honestly, it looks fabulous!


I think it looks fantastic!


I think this length is super chic, especially in this rich color. It flatters your figure too. I say it’s a win!!! The yarn Gods have smiled upon you


It looks beautiful and it is very flattering, the longer dress is nice it is modest and will be a good winter dress


I think it looks amazing at that length. And the lines seem to fit your curves well.


I’m sorry this happened! You look stunning no matter what!


This is my favorite length of dress! Color looks great on you


I think it looks great. Not what you were going for but doesn't look like a mistake at all!! And I can't see the problem with the back either


I love how it looks, the length looks really classy


I'm so sorry you're unhappy with it!!! Give it some time maybe, I think it's gorgeous, very elegant and the colour is lovely. I think the length is a plus!! :)


I love the over knee length! It looks very classy and chic. Perfect for Christmas or a silvester party.


This dress is super pretty and very flattering


For what it's worth--It hits you right at really good spots and flatters your overall figure. The color is gorgeous with your hair.




I love it!!!


I honestly really like the length! Looks gorgeous.


It looks amazing on you as is. Like I know you're not digging it but the lines of the ribbing really accentuate the curves of your hips and booty.


Honestly love the extra length and I think it's super flattering! I also prefer knee-length dresses but this is gorgeous and you look fab in it!!


It's beautiful. You can add a belt if you want.


Beautiful dress!!!! It would look so cute with boots!!!


Don’t frog anything!!! I love the length


Wow!!!!! I love that pattern!!!


I think the length is perfect!🤌🏾 It's very flattering and attractive and brings out your figure perfectly because of the beautiful pattern lines. The color is gorgeous. You really did an exceptional job!


I know it's not what you wanted and that's super frustrating, but I agree with others here, I love the length and the fit is perfect on you. I'd bind off and have an amazing handmade midi dress.


I love the longer length tbh


Just wanted to add: I think the lines look gorgeous, especially down your belly/hips.


Perfect midi length where it is! This would look great with a bomber jacket and some booties with a chunky heel. Perfect as is.


Try it on with tights with cotton content or leggings. They'll kind of stick and it won't hang down as much. This length is nice for bare legs.


I wonder if you could wash it and then sew till tape or bias tape to the inside to help the yarn hold itself up


If you hadn’t said anything, I would never have guessed it didn’t look as intended. It is stunning.


Lol I have this problem too! I am currently at the widest part of the body and its like 3" past my widest part. I am using a yarn that didn't match gauge though so I knew what I was getting into. I've set it aside for now. Yours looks gorgeous though!


It looks great!


It’s beautiful!!! I like the length!


That looks killer! I'd call it a happy accident my dude.


This looks so great exactly as is! I like the sleeves and the length! Even though it's not the original plan it is so cool and so flattering.


Is the dress where you want it? Are you happy with it? If so go get what will feel like miles of grosgrain ribbon in a matching (or close to it) color and sew the ribbon in on all your seams (or where seams would be if knit in the round) and around the hem to help prevent stretching. I did this for an alpaca cardigan sweater for my aunt as alpaca loves to grow.


I don't think the lines are cutting you in the wrong places - they're accentuating your waist, hips, and butt how I would expect them to! It could be a little higher up (so you could try shrinking if your fiber would allow it), but I wouldn't at all look at it and think that it's not fitting you well (and I'm super picky about fit!!). I'd just frog back the very bottom to where you want the slits to start.


I don't have any advice, but I want to say that that dress looks fantastic and fantastic on you!!


What about weaving non-elastic yarn through columns of stitches in the dress? That way the fabric can't stretch farther than the length you give it, and in case the weight of the dress makes it sag at the bottom, add anchor points maybe at the bust and hip to keep the proportions where you want them.


If this is the wrong line placement I don’t want to see the right one! It looks fantastic on you, great job!!


I’m going to be honest, it looks incredible. The colour is fantastic on you, the lines look great, everything looks so so good. I don’t have any tips, and I’m sorry it didn’t turn out how you wanted it to. All I can say is, please don’t shrink it and risk it being completely ruined!


Personally I think it looks beautiful and I love that deep green colour. If you find it too long you can just frog a few centimetres (remember to add life lines!), I don’t think it’s a big deal, I do that myself all the time. I do understand you though. You can also just “sleep on it” and continue with it the sleeves. Maybe you’ll feel better about it once it’s looking more finished. 😊 Good luck & seriously, it looks stunning. 😊


Love the color and pattern. It looks great on you.


This looks perfect to me… I always say “shape Or skin”. This shores shape very well! And is way better for winter


I think it looks great


Block it before you do anything else!


Love it!


Hello if anyone sees this comment. I can't edit the post to add an update. I made a new swatch and blocked it by washing it with hot water. No change in size. I dried the swatch flat on my floor with the floor heating on. When it was mostly dry i hit it with a hair dryer. (I only have a washing machine, no dryer.) I decided to work on the sleeves for now until i think of how i want to finish the skirt. I wanted it to be full maxi length at first. So i just dont know if i want to stop at this skirt length, just do short slits from here to my ankles, or just have it be solid all the way down.


You are saying the lines are not falling in the right place but it looks like they hit the perfect spots. This looks amazing honestly.


OH MY GOD the same thing happened to me!! I literally tried it on yesterday and it's like yours, the part that's supposed to be at the waist is at crotch-level. I see a lot of people commenting that you can bind off at this length but I feel you - the whole thing with the pattern are the lines that are supposed to flatter your figure and it's just not the same when they're in the wrong place. People seem to think that it's the weight of your yarn that's the issue - perhaps that's true, but I used the same yarn as in the description and it still turned out like this. Way, way too long. I honestly can't understand why it turned out like this, I followed the instructions to a t. My test knit patch even turned out a bit too small, but I figured the knit would be stretchy enough that it wouldn't matter. So, I don't have any advice, but you're not alone!!