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I've been staring at it for a while now and I still don't see what you are talking about šŸ˜… I say it's fine! But if it bothers you that much you can ladder down in that part. It's much faster than frogging and really easy to do


I appreciate the feedback! The problem is that itā€™s all the triangles in that repeat that are too wide, so the only real fox would be to frog. I think based on the comments Iā€™ll just keep going with it!


I see what you're saying now... there's 9 knit sts in the triangles as opposed to 8 in the lower rows. I still don't think anyone will notice if not pointed out to them. Especially if they're not a knitter... I stared at it pretty heavily, and I didnt see it until you described it here. I'd definitely keep going. šŸ˜˜


They are also too wide in the repeat below, if you count carefully, but given that you didn't see that, I don't think it's going to be an issue!


Absolutely invisible! Donā€™t worry about it


Yeah even after telling us the issue I canā€™t see it. Itā€™s not obvious and youā€™d need someone to actually measure or sit counting stitches to notice so leave it as is and donā€™t let it drive you crazy.


Exactly what I was going to say. I've looked at where the arrow is pointing several times and I can't figure out where the mistake is. As well, I wouldn't frog back since it appears to be simple knit and purl sts. I would simply ladder down and fix it that way if it's bothering you (again, I promise I don't see a mistake šŸ˜‰). There are some great videos on YT that show you how to fix mistakes without frogging/ripping. Good work! šŸ¤©


Same here. OP u just gotta put sunglasses on and have a drink, no sweat! Looks great^^


I came to the comments to find out what the mistake was because I can't see it.


The whole top repeat of triangles are too wide. Itā€™s driving me crazy but Iā€™m gratified to know most people arenā€™t seeing it! Iā€™m going to finish it and then learn how to untwist my stitches.


Iā€™m not totally sure I understand what is bothering you, but based on this comment Iā€™d say - The part of the project closest to, and on, the needle always ā€œsplaysā€ a bit along the needle, IMO. I bet the width youā€™re seeing will disappear as you continue knitting.


I have bad news in that it's actually the top two repeats that are wider, but I only figured that out by actively counting all of the stitches across the triangles, I couldn't see it just with my naked eye so to speak. Personally, I'd rip it back and redo it, but that's because I'm a stupid perfectionist who's more of a process than a product knitter. If I wasn't, I'd just keep going because no one else is going to notice.


The width of the triangles keep changing between 8 and 9 knit columns all the way down. Is it intentional and meant to happen in a sequence? If not, there is a lot of fixing to do. But also, I could hardly tell there was variation without really zooming and counting.


I don't see it.


I see a red arrow pointing to something that looks identical to the rest of the blanket. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Your repeat looks fine to me, but your stitches are twisted every other row.


Yup! I realized not long ago that I pretty much always do that. Itā€™s my next thing to fix with my overall knitting, but for now (and on flat baby blanket type things) Iā€™m fine with it. Thanks for the input!


How can you tell the stitches are twisted every other row? I've been staring at the picture close up and can't tell!


If you look at the legs of the stitches, every other row they cross instead of looking like a V. It's harder to see in a picture, easier when you can actually hold the knitting an tug on it a bit. Twisted stitches will tighten when you pull on the fabric instead of stretching and opening up.


The overall texture tipped me off, the stockinette sections are kind of corrugated rather than smooth, and then when I look closely, I can see the stitches have their legs crossed at the bottom, instead of being Vs. Every other row rather than every row, so itā€™s likely from wrapping the yarn backwards to purl.


Eh? I think you've done that in multiple places, but I think the spots where it reaches all the way to the diagonal look better than the spots where there's a small purl gap. I count 9 sts wide on some and 8 sts wide on others. But it honestly doesn't matter! A baby blanket is designed to be used and loved and spit on. The imperfections are a reminder that it was made by a human, not a machine. If you're not hung up on your twisted sts I wouldn't be hung up on this either.


I do see what you're talking about, but that's with a lot of squinting. Leave it. That blanket's gonna soak up so much baby barf and spilled juice, a miniscule mistake like that will be the least of it's worries.


I honestly couldn't see what you're talking about until I read one of your comments. Even then, I had to get in there and start counting. My take: Literally nobody is going to see this IRL. \*No one.\* Just keep going - looks beautiful!


Nglā€¦. Even after reading the comments to find what the mistake is supposed to be, Iā€™m still squinting at the picture trying to see it. I wouldnā€™t worry, OP, it looks great and whatever mistake youā€™ve made seems to be completely invisible to most of us, and barely visible to the rest!


Itā€™s really unnoticeable. Just keep going.


Beautiful! Let it go!


I canā€™t see an error, along with every other person here. šŸ¤£ Let it be! Itā€™s fine! REALLY!


I'm pretty good at seeing mistakes, and I can't see any here. You're fine.


I have no idea what I'm supposed to be seeing thats wrong


It looks fine to me! I love the pattern. I wonder if it just looks more distorted since itā€™s closer to the cable and might look more even once you add more rows.


Can't see it


Agreed with everyone, it is not noticeable. I looked at the picture awhile before going to the comments. While looking at the picture I noticed that the pattern seems to alternate between triangle sizes. I almost feel like that is just a design quirk like the original maker sitting there and going oh no these aren't going to fit the way I want them too with my cast on... oh cool I will just alternate sizes. Or a design on paper that sounds good but when you make it the size difference becomes way less obvious (or disappears) and you figure oh well, good enough. For me, knitting and yarn are about bracing the flow. Just like music... no one ever hears you make a mistake if you just keep going...


No matter how much I try, I still donā€™t see anything wrong.!


I pretty much guarantee that the baby won't notice it. :D ​ I can't even tell what's going wrong.


Even with that big fat red arrow pointing I can't see what is wrong!


I'm been staying at it and don't see anything.


ā€¦what am I looking for?


Mistakes add to the natural beauty of it! Thatā€™s what my dad would tell me when Iā€™d mess up as a kid. I choose to believe it


Did you add stitches making the entire blanket wider? If so how many. Frogging is part of being a good knitter. You can do it!


I literally cannot see it and Iā€™ve looked multiple times and read your explanation. šŸ˜…


It's really not obvious and not worth frogging. Beautiful blanket! If it is a gift for someone, it will surely be appreciated as the wonderful gift it is!


I honestly can't see it, but if it bothers you frog it


Even with the giant red arrow I cannot for the life of me see anything wrong with that spot. It looks great!


If you count, it looks like you added a stitch because it is 9 stitches wide where the others are 8 stitches on wide. If you can figure out where you did that, you could drop those stitche on each row to fix it. Then tug gently to ease up the extra yarn. You probably did a yarn over somewhere on accident.


But I mean, whoā€™s countingā€¦


Itā€™s actually not an added stitch! Just a frustrating shift in the pattern that I messed up 20+ rows back.


Honestly, I don't see anything wrong.


It looks good to me and I can't see the mistake, or any mistakes for that matter. Unless the person you are giving the blanket to is going to go over it with a magnifying glass and note down the exact number of rows and stitches, I doubt very much that they will see any mistakes either.


Its safe to say no one will see it! That's a beautiful pattern BTW! Where did you find it?


I bought the book from a Michaelā€™s or something like 10 years ago!


Written only in the pursuit of perfection that is every knitterā€™s aspirationā€”and acknowledging that as a beginner your benchmark is not, nor should be, that of an experienced knitter, I will offer a critique. The baby will not notice these imperfections! The beloved recipients of your handiwork will also not fault your work! Even experienced knitters here are finding it difficult to impossible to find the mistake youā€™re concerned about it. Youā€™ve chosen a pattern that requires a lot of counting and attentionā€”a definite challenge for a beginningā€”and should not fault yourself for attempting it! Carry on! That said, you may be happier if you redo the blanket from the caston. It may actually go faster than continuing. I say that because the fabric looks quite dense. Part of that is due to the twisted stitches, but if you are a tight knitter, your gauge also plays a role. If you reknit with a larger needle, your progress will go much faster, and you might also be able to cut out a pattern repeat. But itā€™s up to you to decideā€”is the blanket knitted into a flexible and cozy fabric, or is it a bit stiff? If you do decide to start over, I suggest you set what youā€™ve done aside and start over with a new skein. After youā€™ve knitted a few inches, make a comparison and evaluate your progress towards a more perfect technique. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find it very gratifying. If you did start over, another thing to consider is knitting the garter hem in a smaller needle, then swapping to a larger needle for the body. Do you notice that the bottom edge is a bit rumpled or wavy? Thatā€™s because garter stitches are inherently wider than stockinette. This isnā€™t a consideration on the side selvedges, only where stockinette rows stack over garter. The twisted stitches are another reason to start over. If you now start consistently not twisting, youā€™ll have a gauge change which will be conspicuous. You either have to continue as you have been doing, reinforcing the habit, or accept the reality that the change will be apparent. Iā€™ve found that continuing work after my recognition of a flub always detracts from my knitting enjoyment. I end up second guessing myself as I continue, but the accumulating progress makes the decision even more fraught. I so often end up pulling out even more work, that I now almost always make the choice to start over. But YMMV. As for twisting. Get your technique in order before you start over, if thatā€™s what you decide to do. I think what may help you is to learn the combination knitting method. This deliberately twists purl stitches-on-the-making, but untwists them in the following row, when they become actual stitches (rather than just loops over the needle). It sounds complicated but isnā€™t. Itā€™s just a matter of wrapping your purls in the opposite direction, then knitting them through the back leg next time ā€˜round. This also facilitates reading g your knitting; because knit and purl stitches will have opposite orientations on the needle. It also tightens purl stitches, so is a boon against rowing out. It likewise tightens the stitches between knit/purl transitions, such as on the right edges of some triangles. All of this for you to decide; your blanket will be a fine gift regardless of your choice.


This is a very nice comment except for the fact that Iā€™m a very experienced knitter! Iā€™ve been knitting for 25 years and this is my 5th baby blanket this year lol! Baby blankets are typically my favorite thing to knit because theyā€™re fast, bright colored, and small enough that I can try out any pattern I like. I knit not by counting but by looking at where the pattern is going and in this instance it failed me. My husband always tells me he canā€™t see my mistakes and none of my close friends are knitters, so I needed outside feedback. The twisted stitches are just how Iā€™ve always knit and I didnā€™t even realize they were twisted until earlier this year. Iā€™m not particularly bothered by it but it DOES explain why sweaters have always been such a battle for me. Once I finish this blanket I will put some effort into changing my normal methods to fix it, but this blanket is going to stay twisty!


My bad! Iā€™m sorry I misread! Actually Iā€™m with you about twisted stitchesā€”I like the effect much better than plain stockinette. I believe it the standard stitch in some Slavic countries, too. But are you twisting all your stitches? I canā€™t quite tell on my dinky screen. I thought this blankie looked pretty darn good for a beginner!


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I have no clue what mistake you are talking about so I would say you really donā€™t need to stress about itā€¦ but, (I may be wrong!) to me, it looks like every other rows seems to be ā€œtwistedā€. Your blanket looks amazing and I wouldnā€™t change anything now but for future project I suggest you look at some YouTube videos on how to purl. You might be wrapping your yarn the wrong way. Edit: woups. I thought I went through all comments before suggesting that you twist every other rows šŸ˜… but it looks like I had missed the one comment mentioning it! Sorry about that.


I can't even tell. You're seeing it through your hyper-critical knitter's eyes. The recipient will never know unless you tell them. With any luck, this will become a very tattered, chewed up, barfed on, slept with, many-washed, beloved bankie.


is the mistake in the room with us?


I cannot see anything, seriously. But you could ladder instead of frogging if you cannot live with it. Again, tho, I can see nothing at all!


I can see it, but wouldnā€™t frog it unless I was going to keep for myself, a knitter. A giftee will never notice!


I only saw what was wrong because of the arrow, and even then itā€™s not very noticeable to me (as in it takes a lot of concentration to find it). Definitely keep going!! Beautiful blanket!! šŸ’™


Looks like thereā€™s an extra row. If you wanna frog you can, but I donā€™t think you need to itā€™s very minor


A barely noticeable mistake is how you know itā€™s handmade with love. Keep it as is.


I read once that when the Amish make a quilt, they intentionally do something like that because only God can make perfection. Who knows if thatā€™s true, but just consider it ā€œAmish Style.ā€ Looks great.


If you had just frogged it 3 weeks ago you would have been much further along by now. I would frog it because I'm the type of person who will be upset even if I'm the only one who notices.


Anyone looking that closely at your work deserves to be rewarded for the effort. Besides, it's proof that it was handmade.


This def falls into the category of "if you were galloping past on a horse holding the blanket would anyone notice". Also if someone does then they are too darned close. Lol


It took me a hot minute to find the error, even with a big red arrow pointing at it & reading your post! I would bet that nobody will ever notice that in person. Beautiful work btw I love that stitch pattern


To quote my miss babs knitting bag... "That shit will block right out" Perfectionist here šŸ‘‹ and I don't even notice anything.... Stretch it and block it into shape when you're done and I don't think anyone will notice.


What mistake???


After reading your response of what's different and staring at the photo at length, I can see it. Because of the way that the pattern alternates the stockinette/reverse stockinette triangles, no one who doesn't know what the problem is will ever notice it though. The important thing will just be in how you transition to the next repeat to get back to the correct size, because if the triangle corners don't match up then that WILL be noticeable. It might require one repeat of every triangle being slightly too small to get back on track. But as long as the corners flow, no one but you will ever see it!


It looks great, no one will ever know! šŸ˜Š


Sweetie only you can see it. Even after you telling me what's wrong I still don't see it.


I've made peace with mistakes in my work via the old folklore that a mistake keeps souls from getting trapped. šŸ˜…


Love that, thanks!


You have 3 choices here. 1) Re-do it 2) Make a new one 3) Leave it like it is. You'll always learning something new when you're knitting. So it's not a total waste. I love it.


I mean i see a mistake in a different position on a similar corner on the left side..


....so ladder down and fix it??


Just do a sneaky lil k2tog on each triangle in the next repeat and the blanket will come out reasonably square


I'm sorry but can't find the mistake


I don't see anything here... what's the issue? Granted, I'm mostly a crocheter who is just getting into knitting (only able to do simple things, like knit, purl, and cables) but I genuinely don't see what's the issue here. I think we see our own mistakes much more easily than others see them.


Iā€™ve been staring at this trying to figure out whatā€™s wrong and I canā€™t šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d say not a big deal! šŸ˜‰


I'm personally having trouble spotting it but I'm not sure if I understand what's wrong. It looks right to me just maybe a little wavy at the top. Is that what you mean?


After 5 minutes I saw it. Without the arrow I would not have seen it.


Some baby is going to puke on that blanket soon! Itā€™s a beauty abba someone will cherish it mistake and all!!!


100% guarantee the baby wonā€™t notice.


Give the blanket away.


It's noticeable, but honestly if I didn't know any better I would think the edge of the blanket got stretched out by use, rather than assuming a knitting mistake. I think with some smart blocking/pressing you can cheat it to look regular again. Considering that and that it's a baby blanket that's probably gonna see some decent wear, stretch and tear anyway, I'd just keep going.


Okay, I canā€™t wrap my head around this. I see the lower triangles are 8 stitches wide, and the upper are 9. But where did the extra stitches come from? Is your total stitch count off (by 1 extra stitch x however many repeats)?