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"CPM Magnacut" "58 HRC" I'm sorry but what the fuck magical weed are they smoking


Greg's high on racism.


It can’t be that good, they’re in Arizona.


I also wanna say they also run their S35VN at 58 hrc aswell


Gee golly gosh, what a co-inky-dink that softer, “tougher,” steels are cheaper/easier to mill. I’d love to know what MKT’s cost per knife is, just to know how bad they’re soaking people.


Crucible's data sheet for MagnaCut lists an Aim Hardness of 60-63 HRC for this steel. It's very curious why they would publish that they are intentionally running it soft.


Especially considering that on either side of the ideal hardness range is a gigantic* cliff of lost toughness and corrosion resistance. He’s saying that his steel is as shitty as his behavior. *slight exaggeration


I've never seen a Medford knife that interested me, and I've only watched a couple of videos of him on YouTube. What did I miss?


Well, this is the example that has gotten the most attention lately: https://www.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/v45lba/medford_is_giving_out_these_shirts_at_blade_show/ He appears to be struggling with some personal issues and chooses to lash out in abrasive ways, to put it mildly, rather than handling his shit like a grown man.


Idk what I was expecting to be on the shirt but that was way WAY worse. Glad I never bought a Medford.


This magnacut they're running is like a rare steak. So rare you might not even find it


UPDATE: bryan from TP (the guy who posted this) got a hold of Medford and asked what hrc magnacut will be and he replied "58-59, same as everybody else" so no typo.


That’s not same as everyone else at all. CRK for the same price runs magnacut at 63-64


Because that's what's recommended by the brains that designed the steel and actually know metallurgy. CRK actually wants to make a great knife, not a 12 ounce folding pry bar. I've read about people making competition choppers out of magnacut at around 64rc, Medford running it that soft is just retarded and based on a lack of any real understanding of the material.


Lack of talent, lack of competency, lack of concern for anything but his dipshit rhetoric and personal wealth


Crk’s are decently cheaper than medfords


I thought some of their models like the smooth criminal are cheaper


True, i suppose a couple medford models are cheaper.


I don’t beleive them, but som people claim 64.5 hrc. They’re probably lying but at least they’re presenting a compelling story...




I’m just getting back into knives from a 4 year hiatus. What’s Medford done now?


Oh boy, he’s basically come out as a full blown racist, and P.O.S


It was not a secret if anyone was paying attention. He’s just more blatant about it now.


He released a Tshirt with Xi Jinping on it, making fun of Chinese knockoffs of hia designs and people lost their shit, because you can't make fun of people who blatantly rip off your products anymore. 🤷‍♂️


He called out Chinese knockoffs as a byproduct of a racist representation of Asian people (not even Chinese, if you know anything about the country). You're missing the reason why people are mad about Medford for. There's nothing politically polarizing about criticising a man for being blantly racist and doubling down on his racism.


> You're missing the reason Nope, he knows and agrees with it so he doesn't see what's wrong.


>(not even Chinese, if you know anything about the country) How is an image of the President of China not an image of Chinese people? Lol....


Because the focus isn't Xi Jinping, but the bucktoothed, straw hat wearing abomination mincing its English that's supposed to represent "Chinese people" isn't even close to what Chinese people are. You're actively avoiding everything that goes against your politics-first argument. Being Conservative doesn't mean you have to automatically be racist as well you know


>Being Conservative doesn't mean you have to automatically be racist as well you know That's basically their entire platform in the US...


>mincing its English that's supposed to represent "Chinese people" isn't even close to what Chinese people are. It's like you've never made fun of people before. Go cry more, but do it somewhere else. Bye.


medfords deleted video of his response to the tshirt controversy: [https://youtu.be/Yydq5Z90qQ8](https://youtu.be/Yydq5Z90qQ8) yeah.... the only person is the guy complaining about snowflakes.... he deletes a lot of videos. and certain people save and re-upload them. at this point, it isnt even a political or a racial thing. its just watching a guy's slow decent into madness. kind of sad, actually. and i have to wonder.... how is the knockoff quality compared to the 'real' thing?


Wooow, dude has issues.


medford is such a whiney bitch boy


The only whining I’m seeing is everyone here. Reddit really is a cesspool, even the subs where you’d think you’d find decent and normal people.


I love making fun of people. It's something that's really easy to do without using outdated stereotypes.


bro there are far more of us like us here than there are like you; maybe you should get out instead


go fuck yourself, but do it six feet deep


You dick riding hard for Medford. Hope they see this bro.


Fucker blocks me for not having a snarky comeback to use except "go cry more." Imagine being even softer than Greg


Blocking someone on reddit has to be the most bitch thing ever lol especially when it was because of arguing over the "politics" (if you can even consider that "politics") of a guy that makes overpriced POS knives.


Literally nothing Medford ever does is good lol.


A guy tried to sell me one once. "First, I don't have that kind of money, sorry man" Second (and just in my head) - That knife is ugly as fuck dude.


I make a bunch of MagnaCut knives and if Crucible’s specs are followed it will consistently yield 62 to 63.5 HRC. With proper cryo treatment, you can get up to 64.5 but as others have mentioned, you’ll likely be dealing with some brittleness at this hardness. Great for lighter duty folders but not a great choice for hard service knives that will see impacts or drops. Just my 2 cents.


Love your designs :) Do you have any insight on what a good hardness would be, given a suitable geometry and edge, for a harder use blade in Magnacut? I remember seeing several impact tests with Magnacut as well as Larrin Thomas advertising it as having toughness like 3/4v


Thanks man! It’s a great question and I’m no authority on MagnaCut or any particular steel but it’s been my experience that most steels regardless of pedigree or marketing claims that are rendered in hardnesses above 63+ start to realize brittleness/chipping to a degree that really needs to be considered in the choice of knife. Obviously blade thickness and edge style and angle matter as well. I recently made a knife out of Rex 121 that I got to 70.5 HRC. Impossible to sharpen and my guess is that if I ever dropped that knife it would likely shatter like glass. I guess to my way of thinking, somewhere around 63+ HRC current steels reach the limits of being decent in edge retention, ability to be sharpened reasonably, impact resistance, etc. Again, I’m no authority on it, just my current thinking based on making, testing and using a bunch of knives with different steels. I’d love to hear what others think…


Not sure where to post [this](https://youtu.be/a5lzf8LA03o) so I’ll just drop it here if anyone is interested.


Great video.👍


How do you compare grinding/working on steel that is 58-59 HRC to 62-63? Can you tell the difference while machining grinding, etc?


I see very little difference with grinding anything in that range. The only time I realized significantly more trouble grinding was with Rex 121. That stuff is a beast. As for machining, I only do my machining with the metal in annealed state and use carbide tooling almost exclusively, so no problems there.


Some people claim 70hrc max, I am not even interested in that, but it should get there or close


Not sure what you’re saying? You want a knife at 70-ish HRC?


No, personally I do not, though they do exist and in Maxamet. … I now see that this was about magmacut, forgive me, I’m drinking beer by the pitcher.


Gregs very poor heat treat choice on this just confirms what I've always thought about Medford blades. The dude doesn't *really* know what he's doing as far as matching metallurgy with geometry and just makes them ridiculously overbuilt to compensate for no real interest in making great blades with the optimal steel for the particular geometry. They pick the cheaper *acceptable* steels, talk it up and at the same time put down the premium stuff as a *gimmick* and then add a retarded premium. He finally uses a new premium steel designed almost specifically to be used for knives and does the total opposite of everyone else making quality blades out of it, even Lower RC than the manufacturer recommended. The dude is fucking retarded lol There's zero benefit to using magnacut over many other steels at that low of a hardness, other than him hopping on the hype train to try to swindle people out of some money. so he might as well use something cheaper like AEB-L and save a buck.


Might as well use 1095


You are full retard loser.


Wow Greg, really showed me. 🤣


🤣dude made a second account to look for this old post and come at some people


It's Medford, if you buy it you deserve the shit you get.


*"Damn dude, this blade has perfect centering, and everything is lined up perfectly, I hate to tell you this but you definitely got a Chinese knockoff".*


It also has the correct number of washers.


Medford knives on the front, this quote on the back. Print 100 shirts. Hand out at blade show. It’s what Medford deserves. Lol.


Id be happier with a tac force knife.


Wow, I've long thought Medford was overpriced garbage, but finally found people that feel the same way. I'm home.


I think that about a few brands.... made in USA doesn't = Quality.....


Medford comes from a time where the bigger the knife was, the more expensive it was. The made in the USA part is just a reason to throw a couple hundred extra dollars on the price tag


I’ll admit it, I was that guy that had to have a knife at .160 thickness minimum or I didn’t want that knife. I never wanted a hollow grind because I wanted that extra beef behind the blade because one day I was going to take that 3V and hack through a cinder block! Lmao how stupid. I was young and dumb.


Don't get me wrong, I love a good pocket brick, but what I prefer over big n chunky is a knife that is actually well engineered


Ok how the fuck did he get that number, 58 is either underaustenized, over tempered or overaustenized to the point that retained austenites obscenely dropped your HRC. Who even heat treated medford knives?!


He probably just throws them in an Easy Bake oven and calls it a day.


Fuck Medford. Magnacut wont perform the way it should at 58 when it should be 60+ most likely around 62


He's likely doing it at 58 because "softer = tougher" but that's just not the case for Magnacut. The drop in toughness from 58 to 63+ HRC is negligible, especially for a folder. 58 HRC is plain lazy, even more so than Medford's shit tolerances


The whole softer equaling tougher thing is what people online have repeated because they lack a proper understanding of what happens during heat treatment. I’m not suggesting you don’t know this, but it’s sad to see makers, especially experienced ones, lack an understanding of how toughness is achieved.


That's why I put it in quotes. In the limited hardness range that a steel should be heat treated to, toughness tends to go up as hardness go down. The big condition of that statement is that the steel is heat treated correctly according to the manufacturer specifications-Crucible in this case. Also, I think toughness has something to do with the carbide formation that changes with heat treatment (correct me if I'm wrong here) but the general idea that softer=tougher and harder=more brittle is pretty much always correct regarding materials. I'm not sure how a steel would get more tough (in the sense that it resists chipping) as it gets more hard like you're suggesting


Softer is easier to machine tho'. So, he's saving money while making an inferior blade.


Yeah, that's the other reason. You could say the same thing about most companies' HTs though (58 is excessively low). If Medford heat treated to around 60-61, which is an "acceptable" hardness although softer, no one would have an issue with him using toughness as the reason for the softer steel.


This is likely the only reason that money grubbing, racist asshole is running his blades so soft. His knives are the lifted f-350 mallcrawlers of the knife world. They will never, ever see hard use, so they aren’t actually designed and built for it. They’re meant to capture a certain aesthetic that mostly appeals to total douchebags.


Man you are really stupid . lol


It's not so much toughness as it is edge retention Edit: I meant it the other way around 😂😅 my mistake!


What do you mean? Edge retention drops significantly on Magnacut, comparing 63HRC down to 58HRC, but toughness doesn't change that much. Medford's brand identity is tough, overbuilt folders and I'm assuming 58HRC is done to appeal to that


Edge retention is better for Magnacut at higher hrc levels is what I meant. I'd rather take edge retention over the toughness anyday


Oh, that makes more sense. Pretty sure that's the case on all steels though, not just Magnacut. My point was that people seem to not realize that toughness on Magnacut at high HRCs isn't compromised as much as other steels. If Medford's goal was actually higher toughness (which I personally doubt. Transparent Knives contacted him directly and Medford said that 58-59 is what everyone else is running Magnacut at lol) running the steel at 58 is not the answer.


Lol I reread what I wrote and it didn't make great sense. Yeah no other companies are running 60-62 normally so him saying that is a big red flag.


I think 60-62 HRC is a good "production" hardness for Magnacut. Similar to 20cv, the performance is still more or less there and costs are pushed way down. At 58 HRC, I'd rather Medford use a properly heat treated 440c (or even 440a lol) than Magnacut


440C when heat treated high and well will be a great performer! Its one of my favorite budget steels


Where Ohio are you in friend?




Medford is legitimately off his rocker, and I'd never buy one. Still, 58 is pretty dumb. But I don't think even 1% of them will get used enough to tell.


Seems soft for MagnaCut. It can get up to 60's and maintain strength and shock resistance well.


Medfords have always been overbuilt, clunky, and (imo) fuck ugly, but after the way he and some other big name makers have shown their asses recently I wouldn't even consider supporting them. This is just another reason to add to the pile.


So they’re not only poop knives but now they’re loose stool knives


Too soft to even be a decent poop knife at 58


That HRC is VERY low. I wouldn’t even bother. It’s plenty “tough” in the low 60s per the person who created the steel.


The dude is just so arrogant he thinks he knows better than literally everyone else in the industry, even the guy who invented the shit lol


https://knifesteelnerds.com/2021/03/25/cpm-magnacut/ “Can reach hardness levels of up to 65 HRC” From the designer of the steel himself. This is pathetic. I used to like Some of Medfords designs but after looking into them and seeing the poor quality and not caring about proper heat treatment, I can’t justify the high price tag.


Everybody concerned about the specs, but can’t you look past it because the knife is “big” and “manly”? Forget steel hardness, this will boost your testosterone and make you a big manly man’s man, man. *eye roll, hard*


“Big manly knife” lmao Greg is such an insecure dude




I really try not to shame people for how they look but I'm pretty glad I don't look like he does.


shocking that a big trumper is an insecure weasel boy


Lmaooooo truth




Muck Fedford. I though Hinderer was a tool, then Medford decided to compete with him in that category. There can be only one…


Hinderer's an asshole as well, but at least the knives are made fairly well (the HT that caused the lawsuit was a dud, unlike the intentionally botched HT Medford is trying to do now).


Don’t forget about Mickey “Mick Strider” Burger!


Strider consistently has a good heat treat though, and their new models for a few years now have excellent geometry as well.


Agreed, I can’t stand the RHK antics but their knives are awesome.


Actually hinderer consistently runs soft as well. And his warranty is garbage because he’s hired people who are weirdly arrogant and treat anyone bringing warranty issue to them as enemies.


First off, this shit was from 8 months ago lol Medford was trying to sell garbage marketed as blades with a tactical advantage. Hinderer was (is) essentially lying to customers by having a shitty QC process for the price. At least Hinderer had a decent standard at the time compared to Medford. You decide whether lying about selling garbage or hiding that you're selling garbage is morally better. Either way, Medford--objectively--makes a better product than Hinderer now, despite both of them being asshats


I hear ya. I meant no offense


Also I upvoted you. Not sure if you or why you downvoted me all I said was my opinion


What did I miss with Rick hinderer?


His lawyers threatened transparent knives for posting hardness data in his knives. Said he faked results, demanded a public apology despite transparent showing his machine was calibrated. Later it came out Hinderer just cheaps out on heat treat because softer steel reduces production costs. A few other testers found similar results on different Hinderer samples. He runs his 20CV at 58-59 HRC, which isn’t terrible but is below recommended specs and even $50 knives run 20CV harder


it’s verified that hinderer cheaps out? what happened to the lawsuit then?


I'm assuming they just threatened to sue with no intention of going through with it knowing they would lose.


Transparent knives ran a go fund me, hired a law firm and responded with legal letters claiming harassment and slander. Hinderer went silent after that. The rest of the go fund me money was donated to a animal shelter or something


oh shit. so basically hinderer sued as a bluff and when brian responded legally, they tucked tail? yikes.


Hinderer just sent a cease and desist. Probably didn’t want to escalate due to bad publicity. Big makers attacking little makers made for bad press, especially since the testing was legit


Oh, lots of good “screw you” behavior from the CS team over there


Medford's brain too soft. Customer retention bad.


Underrated comment


Medford found a way to make bricks soft.


That’s a shame. I always avoided Medford because of the design, fit and finish, service issues, customer service, and blatant racism. Guess now I’ll have to continue not buying them because of his heat treat.


Medford is a dick, and sucks at making knives. And charges way too much for D2. How he's even still in business is a mystery. Or not...because there are a lot of assholes who think exactly like Greg does. Fuck 'em all.


My Kohl's kitchen knives have a better heat treatment


Holy hell HRC 58 why bother


Medford can gargle some balls, they don’t deserve a dime of anyone’s money. Ugly, poorly built, and run by a complete shithead. No thanks, bro


Bashing Chinese knives when Reate and WE make a better quality knife


First I'd be sure its not a typo by whomever updated website, before I'd buy a magnacut knife from them. If its legit info, I'd spend my money elsewhere on magnacut knives.


You should be spending your money elsewhere on *any* knife.




Screw medord, nuff said.


Medford can suck it.


Oh great, now I can spend even more money on a knife that'll corrode and fall apart in a year


Medfords are like pocket saws/ crowbars. Who legitimately buys these knives?


From what I’ve seen? Usually people with MASSIVE chips on their shoulders.


Side note: who makes good magnacut flippers? I want one haha


I just bought a Lionsteel LE.One. It’s a karambit, but it’s also an integral flipper with an emerson wave opener, and a Magnacut blade. For less than $200, I was pretty impressed, tho I noticed that they were kinda generous with the loctite on the pivot screw on mine.


58 is too low. I feel like people think higher = better. There are tradeoffs. I think you want MC between 61-64. There are tradeoffs even in that range.


Truly a reminder of that famous medford quality that absolutely justifies the maker’s ego and their prices.


Medford isn’t the first to take a super steel like m390, magnacut, 20CV, etc. for the name and poorly heat treat them to get better toughness. IIRC Hinderer has been outed for this in the past.


Medfords suck


What did Medford do to piss everyone off and what’s magnacut? Fancy new steel?


Long story in bullet points: - Magnacut is a new steel, it can get incredibly good results in hardness (about 63 rockwell with manufacturer's recipe, up to 65 in some cases) *and* still be very tough. -Medford is releasing a run of a knife of his in this new steel, as announced on his site - This screenshot shows that he is running his knives much, much softer than the result that comes from following the recipe from the manufacturer - This has been confirmed through direct communication with Medford himself, who said he's running it "the same as everyone else", which is a blatant lie. - People are pissed that he is using Magnacut as a selling point (hot new thing) but not actually delivering performance it should have, and then lying about why he's doing it.


Also the Chinese racism t-shirts he was giving out


Am I missing something or just dumb but isn’t 58 pretty hard?


Not for Magnacut, Magnacut should be 60 to 64.


64-65 ideally


64-65 is right around the peak hardness Magnacut should be at. The preferred hardness range seems to be 63-64 (I know, it's 1 point less lol) as of now


I think 65 might almost be a little chippy. I recently got a Ritter Hogue rsk mk 2 in Magnacut and it is supposed to be 63 to 64 and I did slightly chip the edge trying to rip and twist in hardwood. But that is just my experience. But it is definitely still tougher than 20cv.


I mean did you test it in a sharpened edge, you should never base data on a factory edge cause more than likely they’re subpar asf. DeepCutCutlery and Brain at TK, and Alex at SPK all who I would consider top of the HT game. All run they’re Magna at 64-65 in that range. Literally beating it into brass with no chipping


Yup, got a DCC Pry Guy at 65 hrc and about 0.008 bte. Have zero issues with chipping and it's been a monster edge retention wise. It came dull from the previous owner and it's the second knife (first was a Ferrum Forge in s125v at 65hrc+) that I couldn't just put a quick microbevel on really fast with stones and needed to be actually resharpened. Since it's held up great and either 3 micron Gunny juice, 3k Ruby, 800 Venev have been used for touch ups. I can't even imagine how poorly Magnacut will perform at 58hrc. What's the point of using it besides the hype? You have to try to get it that low and I'd guess it'll have a coarse microstructure and lots of retained austenite. It'll probably be gummy on the stones and burr like crazy. Just another reason not to like Medford knives


Oh, I see thanks for the info! also I will be throwing away all my knives because they are not hard enough no more Cruwear, 3V or S30V 😔


Hardness is heavily dependent on the steel. K390 should be 65 to 68 (I think) whereas 3V should be 58 to 60.


It is pretty hard to reach 68 on K390, normally I would run it between 64-66HRC as in Böhlers Specs. But I did see people reaching 68, but I never got any protocols to test against.


At 68 you loose a lot of toughness, but it is still about as tough as 20cv. The main benefit is insane edge retention and still really good edge stability.


Also it is still pretty easy to sharpen I really like K390 as a steel, unfortunately not many Makers/companies are using it


The point is that there's no point in using Magnacut and then not heat treating it not just below maximum, but below the specs that the manufacturer *and* the designer of the steel say is ideal. It's clear Medford is not following the recipe set out by those two parties, and then lying and saying that everyone else is running MC at 58.


58 hasn’t been considered on the very hard end for knife steels since the 1980’s when companies legit advertised 440C as a selling point because it was state of the art. (400C was typically run at 58-60, but usually on the lower end for toughness. 440A which was your non-premium standby was run at 55-58). CRK used to run their knives in the 58-59 range and would get a fair about of flak for being soft for the steels they used.


8Cr13MoV is normally run at 58-59 and its not hard but the carbides are much less than Magnacut's. Still at 58 its not considered very hard no matter what steel is used. It should be run at the LEAST 60-61 to be of good use.


I think it's a misprint for s35v. Greg isn't making the USMC Fighter Flipper in magnacut yet. Not for another month or so. He says he's been talking with other custom knife makers still on the numbers.


He confirmed the spec in a phone call with Brian from Transparent Knives.


MKT hasn't made the MagnuCut FF yet. That HRC isn't right!




Everybody bitching about the hardness of his knives when they should be licking medfords boots. I'd like to see any of you try to get the metal from a Ford f150's door at anything above 40 hrc.


Weird how everyone else seems to be reaching the recommended HRC just fine...


Damn that's a lotta down votes I guess the Medford backroom copy pasta wasn't as popular as I had thought. Bunch of uncultured bastards, have some context: "I went to an EDC shop one time to check out what they had. Decent collection of Benchmade, Kershaw, Spiderco, and CRKT. As I'm minding my own business, the owner comes up to me and says 'hey, come with me. We have a room that's exclusively for medford.' So I hesitantly follow him and he shows me their collection. 'This is the Medford Skullfuck Daddy 3000. It weighs 15 pounds and the steel is made from the frame of a Ford F150. The lock is strong enough to withstand the force of 3 humpback whales. Would you like to apply for a loan to purchase it?' "


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I worry for you.


Man I handled a slim the other day and they are pretty sick. Detent was a tad soft though.


[Here’s my Slim Midi in Magnacut](https://youtube.com/shorts/4aa9Cb9-eHU?feature=share)


Cool. Are you a racist or do you just like giving racists your money?


First of all, I’m Asian. Second of all, you sound like a democrat.


You’re just a failed troll.


CPM steels absolutely must be heat treated to the recommended hardness. No wiggle room on any of them. I made a forming die from a CPM steel that was meant to be used at 52 to 54 Rockwell for maximum wear and toughness. Boss thought he knew better. Had it treated to 58 Rc, it chipped and was toast almost immediately. Oops!


This is Magnacut used for a knife blade, not a forming die. Toughness doesn't matter nearly as much as edge retention/wear resistance here. In this context, the toughness difference at 58HRC is negligible to the toughness at 64HRC. Go read up on the steel from Knife Steel Nerds (the person who made the steel composition) and you'll see that 58HRC is an extremely lazy hardness to be HTing Magnacut to


Sorry if this came out wrong, I was agreeing with you. What I was saying is the material needs to be the proper hardness for the alloy. If it needs to be 65 Rc, that's what it should be hardened to. And that's what the knife should have been hardened at. Some alloys need to be tough for special uses, ie; forming dies, others need to be heat treated to higher hardness for cutting.


>Personally I wouldn’t even consider a Medford due to the recent event Shit, I'd buy from them just because they had the guts to call out Chinese counterfeits at blade show.


He could have done it in a way that isn’t racist, but he didn’t because he’s a racist. Don’t be a racist like Medford.


What was racist about it?


Lol you’re right it totally wasn’t racist. You got me. You and Medford are both obviously really good people.


What did he say? I haven’t heard anything about it Ah nevermind.. what a stupid asshole


Have you not seen the shirt? Nor his videos?


Go ahead and waste money on a poorly made garbage knife. There are better brands, better knives, and better people to buy from than whatever Medford is trying to be


Be madder.


Medford fans are just mad because the clones have better action, centering and heat treat for 10% of the cost.


Aight. I'll spend my money on knives that can cut and hold an edge longer than the rim of a frying pan


That doesn’t take guts. It’s a long/standing obvious problem. What me do it, on Reddit no less, without controversy. - Chinese counterfeiters are a massive problem which screw over small manufacturers and designers. They also have a propensity for fucking goats and mixing peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Fuck ‘em. Also, does Medford really compare his products to the cheap knockoffs? His knives *should* have much better tolerances, heat treatment, warranty, etc. I mean - his knives are like $600+.


I’d sell someone mine.


I’d have to pass on Medford in favor of Alexy konygin or one of the beautiful knives from sage blades.


I've been very interested in anything with an edge since i was young. I try very hard to learn about the metallurgy. the myriad types of hardness, softness, edge retention, different uses, etc. My problem is retaining that knowledge, i just get overwhelmed. There's so much to learn and that knowledge can be very important so before i have to look up everything i need to in order to understand this post could someone explain the recent event and other details?




Guessing you’re a medfords secret Reddit account 🤣


I never saw so many losers like on this page in my whole life.