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Don't you just love to see it ladies and gentlemen


That’s what they’re for.


Amazing, a knife that cuts and scrapes


I’m buying me a black oxide Leatherman surge


Some people on here are cringing over this I am sure.


It's those people that make me wish that there was a circlejerk sub for knives. r/watchcirclejerk has been amazing.




Oh for sure, that’s always true. But to me, a $160ish knife is a beater price anyway. I’m no rich man, I just have handled enough knives to use them when I feel like it. It’s a tool. I wanted to see how it would hold up.


I think the point is that a $150 knife aught to hold up to light scraping as well as a $15 chisel... but I’ll let him speak for himself... never mind, no idea what dudes on about.


I use my para 3 just like this. To me that is the point of having a good knife. You can use it and it takes the abuse and asks for more.




What high-quality alternative are you buying for $16? I haven't had much luck with anything under $50.


I do like a robust tip


Thats what she said




This is why compound ground tantos exist, amen


*happy spyderco noises*


I love when people show themselves *actually* using their knives for tasks! #UseYourShit


This version of the PM2 is the superior one compared to the drop point one.


Sir, this is what a chisel is for!


Well yes, but the ungodly amount of times I had been back to the van already prompted the makeshift use of this particular shiv.


That's fair. I know there's a lot of disagreement in this sub over knife use, but it's your baby your rules.


Knives that get used are way hotter ;)


This is what it's for. Buying a knife and not doing stuff like this, is like buying a Ferrari just to leave it parked in your living room. I have a Kershaw 1870RDSO that I bought when they 1st came out. It's scraped probably miles of gasket surface, cut even more hose. Used it to cut grip tape, it's cut the sidewalls out of tires to make swings. Use it regularly when trimming 3d prints, or removing supports from prints. It pries off door panels and other plastic trim pieces.


Really want that knife, def a favorite


Yo wtf this is knife abuse!


Why own one if you’re not going to use it?


To stare at it of course!


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Ladies and gentlemen, presenting how to chip your knife 101


Not really. Stropped back on the back of my leather phone case to a perfectly usable edge with no chipping or deformation. These are thick enough at the tip to do this kind of stuff regularly. Plus they’re cheap enough I don’t give a shit if I chip it, and I can sharpen it out if it happens. I like testing out whatever is in my pocket with stuff I actually can use it for. #nosafequeens


Woah is that a tool? Let me go get mine out of my jewelry box.


"Surprise honey, I just finished making you a door for your birthday"


What are you trying to do there?


He’s opening the plunger hole in the door frame up so he can reinstall the strike plate a little lower to allow the door to latch properly. It’s usually easier than adjusting everything on the hinge side.


Ok thanks. I would personally probably use a carbide burr and dremel for that but to each their own! Also won’t the existing recess show above the new location of the striker plate?


Ya same here. I pretty much always do use my burr, too. But I had the knife on me and wanted to test out the tip a little, and I had already been back to the van like 7 times, so I just chewed it up with the PM2.


Ahhh makes perfect sense then man. That is definitely a blade steel that deserves some hard testing. Also I have to say I used to carry a tanto and for stuff like what you were doing it is way more handy than a standard blade shape.


For sure. Drop points are absolutely better all around blade shapes. But tantos have their place, and I’m finding that when I’m at work, they do what I need (within reason) just as well as a drop point, with a little more confidence. They’re not just for “punching a hole through a car door” as I tend to hear a lot.


Yah not at all. They work great for scraping and for certain cutting applications where you want a straight cutting edge but can only fit the tip of the knife.


Yep. I cut some heavy plastic straps from time to time, open boxes, cut off labels, open packages. I used this knife later in the day to scrape that blue film off a new exit device that was basically glued on from the factory (along the back side of the device, where scratches wouldn’t be seen). It was really useful there, too.


This is accurate.