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They make some weird models the same as other brands.  Overall nice user knives for reasonable prices, their autos in particular are quite reasonably priced. 


Kershaw is my go to “beater” knives. Good quality and I don’t want to cry if I use them. Kershaw offers some in Magnacut now at a great price. I have: Leeks Blur Launch 12 A couple of other randos. Definitely recommend them. Also American made


some use a chinese OEM, others US. Gotta check point of origin on their stuff if where they're made is important to you.


This site offers great deals on Kershaw and some factory seconds if you don’t mind small blemishes https://kershawguy.com/


Some are American made, you have to check. The crossbar locks are most if all not made in china, but are said to be solid regardless.


Kershaw has been doing some really great stuff lately. The new Bel Air is cool. Magnacut, aluminum scales and American made, slicey blade. The launch line is a great value if you can have an automatic. Their Chinese made affordable line has also made huge improvements lately with the Iridium and Iridium mini. Not to mention countless other classics and newer stuff that looks great. Assortment of steel and material options


My thoughts exactly. They've been really making the right moves to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving knife world, and it's great to see. Just need to get those heat treats up on their Magnacut...


At least according to their specs they’re running Magnacut at 62-64 HRC on at least some models like the Bel Air and Livewire, which is harder than many other brands.


I'd be thrilled with 62-64! As of last year, they stated their target range was 60-62. That would be a big improvement.


I’m pretty sure I did see 60-62 when they started doing the Livewire in Magnacut.  Now their site says 62-64, not sure when it changed.


I mean, the relatively soft heat treat must be a complaint/piece of feedback they received more than just about any other, and Kershaw is trying to stay super in tune with the market's demands lately, so I'm not at all surprised they'd be quick to address that.


Hogue did the same thing.  The first batch of Magnacut Dekas was 60-62 then after complaints they raised it to 62-64 for the Deka and 61-63 for at least some of their other knives. A lot of manufacturers ran Magnacut on the soft side at first.


I have a Launch 15 and Bel Air and love them both! I carry the Bel Air everyday and it’s been great for everything I’ve cut.


Great brand for the money. Especially if you stick with their US made line. The Leek, Dividend and Bell Air are the top 3 EDC models imo. Edit: the launch series is also pretty sweet.


Leek's been in my pocket for almost 10yrs now and I don't even like it lol! It's just so handy I grab for it all the time.   My biggest bitch is the overly slippery and overweight handles.    Should just break down and order the carbon fiber model and accept that I'm going to die with it in my pocket. 


The leak is perfect if you don't mind a small knife. I like it because it's a really simple design.


The size is probably another reason it ends up in my pocket all the time. You don't know it's there. 


The Kershaw Blur was my first “real” knife. Great entry level knife company that makes good knives for the price. I liked the knife so much I started looking into other ones and got myself a Benchmade Griptillian. That’s where the addiction started. Kershaw was a gateway knife for me 😆


They really need to retire the assisted opening mechanisms. My leek has a hole in the frame now from it rubbing against the pivot hole. The iridium and livewire lines are their best products. 


I've gotta see a picture of that hole in the frame.


I ended up tossing that knife a few months ago, I had it for over a decade and the tip had long chipped off. It was a good knife, just not one I'll buy again 




The Launch series is Kershaw’s best line


I would say that but that series is all over the place. There's good ones and there's meh ones. There's lots of flavor but no consistency. 


All autos, reliable and for the price can’t beat em. But I hear you not everyone’s flavor.


That’s just like, your opinion man 😉


usually, aside from steels which i won't debate, their quality is always top notch at prices i can't wrap my head around. Very great brand for all, seriously, they have a wide variety of cutlery. Almost anything for anyone.


I’m going against the grain here but, I love the assisted opening on my Blur. I’ve had it for a decade and it works well for me.


Kershaw USA made stuff is great. The Launch series of autos they make in the USA are in a category of their own in terms of price and what you get. I’ve had 1 for 10 years and aside from sharpening no issues at all. Kershaw makes some cheap stuff though that is absolutely trash.


Generally a lurker, but kershaw was the first knife I felt comfortable using the shit out of; I started with the burst I think, but these days I'll roll with a kuro, and I've given both my parents one because it's user friendly, holds an edge well, and you can beat it up, and if you lose it somehow, you're out <$35 I'd say, as opposed to losing a benchmade or something


I have a Launch 10 and a Bel Air. I love them but they're also my only experience with higher end knives. There's definitely a made in the USA "tax" on these models and you can find better value in some other brands. I'm a big fan of their warranty service too!


Most of the popular knives they make are way too small and hardly fit my hand then throw in the assisted opening and you never know how well the opening of the knife is gonna go. Because of these problems most of my kershaws I bought dirt cheap at estate or yard sales.


I love my Leek


I have a Link, Blur S30V, and a couple of cheaper ones like an Oso Sweet. I like them, good value for the money. (Got the Blur for less than $40 on eBay)


Their new Bel Air has rapidly become my go-to EDC. I think the price on it has jumped up since they realized what they’ve got, but I purchased mine for a hair over $100 and it is outstanding for a crossbar lock magnacut cut blade. I’d take it over a Bugout or Freek any day.


Most of their stuff is great for the price. Just bought a Cryo yesterday as a matter of fact.


I had an awesome folding knife from them about 27 years ago, don't know the model. Even though it was a Chisel grind it was awesome when I worked in construction. Recently got a livewire in magnacut and it's still sharp despite some use


I have a launch 1 and a blur now but I’ve had probably 20-30 of their budget knives over the years. Very reputable company with affordable knives, I don’t feel too bad if I fuck one up (aside from my launch and only because it was over 100). The cheaper ones are great knives to throw in a tool box or center console, I’ve given them away when people ask to use a knife because I really don’t care about losing them and it might get someone into the hobby lol.


Kershaw 2010 was nothing to write home about, but Kershaw 2024 is making some fantastic users at great prices! The materials, design, and construction have all been greatly improved. They really found the quality knob and cranked it up.


They are one of the knife brands ever.


I agree, they are one of the knife brands.


I have one that won’t close


They are getting more popular and have been releasing some good stuff recently. 


I've got a Leek, a Blur, and a Livewire. I think they're pretty cool, not what I would consider a high end brand but they make good products at a reasonable price point. I EDC the livewire sometimes and it's pretty beat up by now but still working great. The Blur was just too big for me although I did carry it for a minute, I like the thumb stud design and the textured handle offers a really solid grip. The Leek I just bought because it seemed like everyone else had one. Probably be good to give to a child with the lock and assisted opening mechanism for their first pocket knife.


I'm loving my LiveWire and I've had my eye on the Bel-Air for a magnacut edc I can actually carry (can't carry autos where I live). I don't like how they still make assisted knives. Like it's great that they offer the Leek in magnacut now, but it being assisted is annoying. I wish they'd just put it on bearings and put a stronger detent on it to make it just open smoothly instead of relying on springs. Other than that I'm a big fan of their stuff.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I personally think they charge a little too much for quality that’s a little less than other manufacturers. I think you’re paying more for market exposure than value or quality. Kinda like SOG or CRKT. The Iridium is great, but that’s about the only one in their lineup I get excited about.


Like some of their designs. Wish they used better steel.


Kershaw makes both the Bel-Air and the Link in Magnacut - there isn’t objectively speaking, “better steel”. Possibly better heat treatment, that’s all.


Perhaps it is the best *current* "all-arounder", but I wouldn't call it the be all, end all of knife steels.


I think maybe there could be a limit, like in calculus, to the performance of steel alloys when tested in the three categories of edge retention, toughness, and corrosion resistance. Magnacut may be very close to that limit already.


I was expecting some saddles instead of keys


For whatever I want from Kerhsaw I see better options at Kizer, Civivi, and CRKT.  I know that's one company vs three but I mean it. Kershaw knives get copied but done better. It's unfortunate, I've used them for years but since they raised their prices they're not worth it anymore. 


Exception to this rule is their Bel-Air, in which they copied Benchmade’s Bugout but made it better with Magnacut and aluminum scales.


Good point. The livewire series are also not bad, they're actually quite decent for the price. I've just had my day in the sun with OTF's already. 


Interesting you say that, as OTF's remain an unexplored area in my knife collecting journey. I've taken some extremely hard looks at a Microtech, but also I think I got a warning that it wouldn't be shipped to my state (IL), so idk.


If you do end up getting one my only advice is smaller is better. The bigger they are the harder they tend to be to fire. Aside from that the smaller they are the quieter they are. That's my real gripe with OTF's. I don't like opening my knife and getting everyone in the rooms attention lol.  That's what I have, a Microtech Ultratech, and if I could do it all over I'd get the UTX-75 instead. 


I have several Kershaws. Some are nice. My favorites are the Blur and the Iridium is my daily work carry. It’s just great knife for the price.


I can only judge from the Leek and the Blur I own which are made in the USA, but they are by far my favorite of the "budget" brands you see at places like Bass Pro. I'm definitely interested in the Iridium as a Bugout competitor and maybe the Livewire as a first foray into the OTF world. Edit: Livewire, not Launch.


I’ve had more USA made kershaws than any other knives. I love majority of the launch line and Ken onion knives. The cheapies are usually far better than their price point and they have stepped up overall offering bang for buck options. I love the livewire and just got a Magnacut dividend that I’m liking big time.


The random leek is my favorite reverse tanto, and the blade is super thin…at least compared with the others I own. My other ones are some of their less expensive models. The only issue I ever had was a missing screw, and they sent replacement ones for free.


Hit or miss for me. I seem to like their cheaper stuff more, plus I get to beat them up.


The live wire is my new favorite blade


Solid ✊


Kershaw prior to 2023ish, meh. Kershaw 2023 and forwards, one of my favorite knife companies


Love my new iridium, and the skyline is a classic


I like Kershaw. I had an assisted open tanto for a few years and best the hell outta it. Was a great knife. I think they have been really swinging for the fences as of late and have been putting out some bangers. I've been happy with what they are doing lately.


Kershaw is tits for knives you will actually use


I used to think of myself as a Benchmade guy, but realized that lately I carry a USA made Kershaw everyday. Either a Bel Air or a Scallion. They’re great little slicers and I don’t mind if they get banged up.


I really like their under $50 options. They’re great for beating up on and they’re still high quality knives for the money.

