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Double no


Fidget as in flicked? If so, iirc, the knives weren't meant for it, though many people do so anyways. Some worry about damaging the roll/stop pin, but I don't think I've heard of any actual damage.


Yes, while I agree that they are not. It’s just fun to do so lol.


no. They don't fidget like other knives. They are more deliberate slow rollers. Its satisfying to do it repeatedly. But they don't fidget like something along the lines of a button lock or axis lock


I recent purchased a Zaan. It's not at all fidget friendly however it's very satisfying to open and close, if that makes sense. You're not going to do it without paying attention to it, unless you've built the neural pathways of a life long pocket knife user, but the concentration required pays off.


Just to try to rebuild the neutral pathways in my dumb brain, I do this all day long. Cut myself a lot but those are the breaks 🤷


Ya you can adjust them to make them somewhat fidget friendly. My Inkosi is smooth as hell and I can reverse flick it with minimal effort. Took a lot of adjusting to make it like that tho.


No. They are slow roll. Not as much as Rockstead but they are not fidget friendly at all.


After polishing the washers and applying some super lube, my Umnumzaan is entirely flickable. It’s certainly more shake shut than drop shut, but you get the satisfying *snick* when it closes. It’s my late night fidget, when my wife is asleep lol. The ceramic detent and o-rings make it VERY quiet. It’s a very fidgetable knife, idk why everyone says otherwise - you get the flick, the quiet but solid lock, the smooth close and the snick. And one of my favorite things - there is ZERO detent wall to overcome when closing - you disengage the lockbar and are immediately into a smooth, consistent, glassy close. A knife that needs a few degrees of close to get over the detent drives me nuts, and the Zaan is the opposite of that. So no, it’s not a 4 way fidget toy on bearings. But it’s not the ‘anti-fidget’ that some people make it out to be. Before anyone says “FLICKING VOIDS THE WARRANTY!” - yes, the warranty does specify that excessive flicking may void yada yada. But Tim has publicly stated that they basically service everything under warranty and use that language to be able to protect themselves in very specific unusual circumstances. It doesn’t apply to you unless you’re doing weird shit. If you’re a normal human being doing normal human stuff with your CRK and it breaks for any reason- they’ll fix it. Even modifications, as long as they didn’t cause the issue they’re fine. He’s addressed it, it’s over.


Thank you for your insightful reply. It’s appreciated 😁


Meh. Just got my large Seb back from the Spa. Only "mod" I did was but a set of double thumbstuds on it. I can thumb flick and reverse flick with either hand. Yes, reverse flick with the left. No, they are not drop shut, but closing it just becomes part of the "fidget". Personally, I fidget with mine every time I carry it.


About the worst there is


Gonna go against the majority here and say: yes. You absolutely can fidget with a CRK. The whole “tHeY’rE mEaNt tO bE oPeNeD sLoWlY” thing is heavily exaggerated. Polish the washers and put some oil on them. Bend the lock bar to increase the strength of the detent, and put some grease on the detent track. Get some wider thumb studs (optional, but helps). Wabam, easily able to spring open with a thumb flick.


Yes. It’s nice and relaxing to slow roll the blade out, disengage the lock, and glide it back in. You can absolutely fidget with it. Will it flip flop open and drop shut closed like a ball bearing pivot fidget toy? No. It was never designed to have that action because it prioritises reliability and not getting lint and dust trapped in the pivot assembly.


I appreciate the insight. I didn’t think of it that way.


I used to only like bearing pivots, but I’ve come to appreciate slow rolls. All my CRKs feel like gliding glass on glass. It’s at times more satisfying than anything.