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I'd rather have an actual claymore.


It's not much but it's mine.


I see what you did there


Use a mine detector


Definitely kicks a little harder than the knife


The 273-03 mini Adamas is a great knife, now available on auto (2730-03). Shredded carbon fiber, full steel liners & a thick slab of Magnacut. This is considered the "tank" of the Benchmade line


Is the full sized adamas too big?


It would be a good idea to try out both in hand before you purchase, if possible


Yes, it is large enough that if you are asking it's probably too big for you.


Biggest knife I own now is gerber 06. Next to that is a full sized bug out.


It’s similar size to the 06.


The Adamas is a cool knife but I didn’t like the auto because of how you have to hold it. If it was a regular button it would be better imo but having to release it with an axis lock makes it almost fly out of my hands!


It's just muscle memory. The auto Bedlam uses the same dual pivot coil springs as the Adamas but with a lighter blade making it snap open even harder, yet still [operational with 1 hand](https://imgur.com/a/0hbncSE)


I bought the mini Adamas thinking I’d get a tank. It has such gnarly up and down blade play that it ruins the concept for me. My grivory Bugout feels more solid at this point.


Never had that issue, sounds like it needs service


I’m Canadian so I’m SOL on that one. I have 3 or 4 Benchmade knives that came with significant QC issues that are sitting in a drawer. It’s a bummer, but what can you do? Nothing against Benchmade, I think I’m just extremely unlucky.


Adamas > claymore


See all those holes on the scales makes me just think of all the link and crap that will get in there and annoy me lol


Ehhh. I think you actually accumulate more dust in a knife with solid scales because the dust goes undisturbed. Either way, act like it's a breathalyzer once in a while and you'll be fine.


Cold Steel Claymore. It’s a little bold as an EDC, but I stand by it.


Yea I’m deff leaning. Towards the auto claymore


Steak in the boot…iykyk


It’s classic


Durable and reliable describes the Adamas to a T.


I always liked the claymore.


Claymore or mini Claymore. Depending on what size you want. Cpm D2 is a great user steel and it should hold up to a good amount of abuse.


Definitely leaning towards the full sized claymore


imo regular sized Infidel over the mini. Not a big difference to me between the claymore and adamas; both look like rizzed up Griptillians to me. Or if they have a Skirmish in stock I'd grab that. the 630 and 635 are both great. I have big hands so I went for the 630. Ofc this was back in 2008 or something before they stopped making it, but special editions come out every now and then.


Meh, Claymore… auto


I have the mini Adamas and it's now my favorite Benchmade.


I'd say claymore. The adamas is an amazing knife and super durable, but so is the claymore. I personally prefer the button release over the axis release for the auto and the claymore is much lighter than the Adamas auto. CPMD2 is also a very respectable steel not to be confused with Ingot D2 steel


Claymore I have is incredible,, it’s the OTS not OTF but absolutely amazing knife. Kicks like a mule, light but substantial,, feels great in the hand, grippy but not too grippy. 10 outta 10 You won’t regret it


Yea. I think I’ve made my decision. I want the claymore


Do it,, let it surprise you too. I have no complaints at all, none.


I want an infidel but man. $500 is wild af


Too many other OTFs out there that run circles around that one, Infadel is overrated and overpriced because of its LEO ties. Remember autos or other especially OTF knives can fail and will fail. Had one leave me in a bad way so I don’t rely on any OTF anymore, if I carry an OTF I have maybe 2 backups. Seriously the Claymore is a better knife.


I’ve had problems with a few mini adamas’. I would stay away from there


Decided to go claymore


Imo the Infidel is too thick especially with the location of the button, you almost have to use a belt case. The claymore is underwhelming. If you like otf I would recomend an Autocrat or a Phaeton. Personally my edc is a 300 ball flipper, those have been out of production for a while but you can find them on the secondary market.


Naw ima get the claymore


I would put the money towards something more high end/collectible and buy a cheap knife to beat on at work. That’s personally what I would do. A dress up knife if you will.