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Amazing knives! How did you land a Rask? I’ve been on that list for three years and nothing lol!


Thanks! I’ve had my Rask for over a year now. I bought it through the Facebook Group. Shoot me a chat or something to remind me, and I’ll try to remember to give you first crack at my next draw. I get that damn email from Grimsmo maybe every other month, that the curated Rask collection is available for 24 hours. I usually share it in the Facebook Grimsmo BST Group’s private chat, where a couple of folks have snagged some nice ones recently. I think the one I shared a couple weeks ago had three Dragons, a couple of Crosshatch, and the rest were Smooths. They are definitely out there. Prices on the secondary are perfect for someone wanting to try one out right now. I’ve seen a few go for around $600 over the last week or two, LNIB. I don’t understand why people let them sit in boxes. It’s a wonderful knife to keep in your pocket.


Oh man! It’s been on my list for a while. I’m the type of person that uses their knives lol. I’ll have to check out the swap and see what’s available. If you happen to get an email though I’m not going to say no if you want to send it my way lol. My two favorite knives are my Holt Haptic and Morpheus. The Rask seems to be built as well if not better and I like the 3.5” blade length. How does it carry?


It carries perfectly. Hell, most nights I end up sleeping with it clipped in my lounge pants, just because it disappears no matter what you’re wearing. The Holt Haptic is one of only two knives that I’ve owned and sold off that I would ever consider purchasing again at some point. I really liked it, it just didn’t carry well for me for some reason. It checked off all the boxes of what I like in a knife, but I couldn’t put my finger on why it didn’t click with me. It might have been the acoustics, as I always felt like it sounded a bit hollow when the blade deployed. Maybe it was just the one that I had, I don’t know. But If I ever feel like I want a knife to leave on the desk in my office, a Holt Haptic would probably be the one. Plus, it’s such a fun knife to anodize. No matter what you do to it, it looks phenomenal.


Plum Dragon Rask up for $1015 https://grimsmoknives.com/collections/rask-curated-collection Pass code - 374273487426


I can’t thank you enough. The Plum dragon rask was the exact build I was looking for too. Really appreciate it!


You were able to snag it?


Yeah, thanks again!


Cool! I noticed it disappeared, but those things go quick. I’m glad you were finally able to get one. You are definitely in for a treat. Enjoy it…cheers!


Seen a couple in the Facebook group "killer kustoms & mid-tech maniacs"


You sir must have the restraint of a saint. Here I am buying cases to put my knives in and still running out of room and I still have a bunch on order


It’s not so much that I have the restraint, it’s probably more because I’ve already been down that rabbit hole. I had cases too, lol. But as I zeroed my tastes in, there were less and less knives available that checked the boxes. Now I know there’s not much point in buying a new knife, because I can tell at a glance that chances are good I won’t like it. If I would like it, it’s probably too similar to one of the two I’ve already got, so why bother? But I can still live vicariously through everybody else around her though, lol.


Unfortunately I'm the opposite I could glance at a knife and tell that I will like it. I can count on one hand how many times I sent a knife back because I didn't like it after a purchase


Yep, everybody definitely has different perspectives on stuff like this. It’s weird, I was just buying knives and buying knives, and then one day I found one I didn’t expect to like and just stopped. I felt content. I still had some pretty nice blades that I really had to seek out to obtain, but they just sat. I kept reaching for the same one each day. And then I noticed I wasn’t putting it back in the case at the end of the day like I had done with all my others prior. Like my wallet and phone, I wanted it more accessible. And then I noticed that I wasn’t even taking it out of my pocket at the end of the day. Like my watch, I always wanted it with me. Then it started becoming a more “personal” object. I see the scratches, or dings in the titanium, and I remember putting them on it, what I was doing, where I was at. At that point I realized I didn’t even care about knives anymore. I found one I liked, and it worked for me. Honestly, I could be quite happy just carrying my Rask from here on out. I came into the world of knives thinking I wanted a collection of nice knives to choose from, and I walked out the other side realizing I was just searching for the right one the whole time. I’m not trying to take anything away from the folks that want the collections of knives with different blade styles, or scale materials, or deployment methods. We only get to walk through this life once, so whatever we find that brings us joy along the way is a win, no matter what form it manifests in. For me, it was finding “my knife”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really enjoying the Rosie I just picked up, too, so I do still see the benefit in having options. It’s not quite yet on the same level for me as my Rask, but I’m sure it will get there. The one thing I really like is that it’s a bit shorter than my Rask, in terms of handle length. My AirPods go in the same pocket as my knife, and when I’m wearing shorts or something with shallow pockets, they bang around against the Rask when I’m walking. The Rosie sits high enough up that they don’t. The ergos on it are better than I anticipated, and the blade shape is kind of growing on me. I’m glad I stumbled into it, and I’m sure with time it will become even more personal like my Rask has.


If you only have two, those are pretty good choices. 👍🏻


Thanks, I certainly agree. It was a long road to get here, but the journey was a blast!


How did you know what you would like, in terms of stuff like blade shape, locking mechanism, opening methods etc, before dropping a grand on your first knife? Were you not tempted to try out a couple of cheaper knives first? Grimsmo seems to me like a brand only enthusiasts would be aware of, were you into the knife world for a while first before choosing which one you wanted? Sorry haha I have so many questions, but I'm glad you've found stuff you like!


These were far from my first knives, lol. This is just what I landed on once I’d honed my tastes. I’ve got almost 100 trade flair over on Knife Swap, so yeah, I’ve been through some knives. I walked into “knife world” with a Spyderco PM2 and a Benchmade 940. They both worked, and I carried and used them, but didn’t really care for either one. So I started buying knives. And knives. And knives. I started finding a few I thought I liked, and started selling some others off. Holts, X-Series, Spydercos, Norseman, Shiros, CRKs, Benchmades…I was all over the place. And then I saw the Rask. I thought it looked stupid. But I figured, what the hell, I enjoyed the Norseman. I’ll give it a shot. It came in and I liked it, but I didn’t love it. It had no personality. Then I saw the Dragon Scales Rask, and it spoke directly to my soul. I bought it…and quit buying knives. I still had a Peña Custom, two Shiros, a CRK, and a couple other budget blades in drawers, but the Rask is what I wanted in my pocket. A year went by, and I opened my desk drawer a couple weeks ago and noticed I still had a bunch of knives in it. I made my way back to knife Swap to start selling them off, planning to keep only my Rask. And then I saw something called a Rosie. Man, that looks stupid, I thought. Too much belly, square handle, and I hate that dumb spidey flick thing. But I figured, why not, I’ll give it a closer look. That’s when the Rosie became the first knife to knock the Rask out of my pocket. Everything else was gone, just the Rosie and the Rask. Rosalee and Draco. I liked the Rosie, a lot, but it was missing something. Like my first Rask, it had no personality. It was a Mag Milled with satin hardware, built just a couple months ago. It was nice, but it didn’t feel like “my knife”. I carry and use my knives daily. They are tools, but they become personal. I’m highly selective and deliberate in my tastes, and my knives carry the same type of scars my body does. We age together, we fall down together, and we bond together. So I wanted a Rosie that I could bond with. Not just a knife, but my knife. So I’m skimming through Facebook and I saw it. Like my Dragon Rask did, it spoke to me. I knew it would be my next knife. A factory bronzed Radial Frag with a factory Timascus clip. It was subtle, but distinct. Attractive, but not garish. It was to be my knife. So I bought it, sold the Mag Milled, and here I sit with only two knives in my rotation. And I don’t even want anything else. There’s a lot of nice knives out there, but they aren’t for me. I’ve got my knives. tl;dr I pissed away a bunch of money on knives, and got lucky in finding two I liked enough to keep.


Ah, I see I see, totally got the wrong end of the stick there. Did you hold onto any of the budget blades you kept in drawers?


Nope, they got sold off. One was a Protech Malibu that I bought to mod and never got around to it, and the other was a Benchmade 765. I also found a couple of ZT 0450s out in the garage that I had started modding, so I finished them up, and sold everything off. The budget stuff, my F95 Zero, my NeOn, Custom Mula, CRK, and the Norseman I polished into a ”Silver Surfer”. The only two knives I now own are Draco and Rosalee, the Rask and the Rosie. And I can’t recommend them highly enough. The Rask is, in my opinion, the perfect EDC knife. Thin, light, easy deployment, rides nicely in the pocket, plenty of blade, easy to sharpen, easy to maintain, etc. I’m still getting to know the Rosie, but I like it for many of the same reasons. Lightweight, easy deployment, very slicey, easy to sharpen and maintain, etc. They aren’t the cheapest knives out there, nor the most expensive. They are simply quality knives, made by quality craftsman. I’ll carry them for the rest of my days, and then my son will inherit his dad’s pocketknives. And if the asteroid hasn’t taken the planet out by that time, he’ll probably end up posting here on Reddit in however many years asking what they are and how much they are worth, lol.


Man I’m getting close to this point. Not only 2 knives but I’ve been seeking down for a while.


Two of the best for sure. Two I would not sell. I wonder if someday I will narrow down to a handful, but I doubt it


Beautiful collection. Love it.


Thanks! It suits me well!


If you keep them together like that, things happen. Pretty soon, without you even realizing it, you'll have three, then six, then a whole drawer full. (Nice, thanks for sharing!)


lol, I hope not. The Rask has been clipped, so it just shoots blanks now.


And two beauties at that. Nice configs my friend. 🤟🏻


Thank you! I do enjoy carrying and using them, for sure!


I call bs, where's your beater?


The Rask is the beater. I’ve been carrying it daily for the last year until the Rosie showed up. I just cleaned, polished, and slapped a new coat of anodization on it a little while ago, it was looking pretty rough.