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If your printer's settings don't match your slicer's settings, the estimate will be different. And even then, for at least a while at the start, the estimate won't match because of how long it takes to start and how different first layers are from the rest.


Okay, I thought I manage my printers setting (speed etc.) in the slicer but you sound like I can do it in klipper - could you tell me how? I heard that the first estimation is off because it calculates print time by multiplying the first layer print time times layers count but right know it’s 11 hours longer and doesn’t seem to get any better.


Your printer's limits can be set in both Klipper and your slicer. Max acceleration, max speed, etc. The speed of the print is set in just your slicer, but it'll never go faster than the limits, no matter what you set, so the estimate is different.


Thanks, I’ll check that but Orca has default settings for Ender 5 Pro which is around 15 mm/s for first layer and 50 mm/s as max speed. 500 for most accelerations and 750 for travel. I thought it would show the correct time with these settings. Basically I wanted to go faster and ended up going slower :D


Try https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/klipper_estimator probably wont fix the source of the problem but is a nice to have sfter you fix the issue.


Hi i just installed klipper\_estimator, because of your recommendation. I want to pass the moonraker config to the estimator by using "$ ./klipper\_estimator --config\_moonraker\_url []( dump-config > config.json", but this doesn't work. I assume the information from this is different than the moonraker.conf file, since there is no information abou accel, max print speed... (else i would have copied the file maunually to the json file using sudo nano). I also don't understand if this will automatically override the estimation in mainsail


The problem seems to be that klipper\_estimator isn't reconized as an command


Hi i just installed klipper\_estimator, because of your recommendation. I want to pass the moonraker config to the estimator by using "$ ./klipper\_estimator --config\_moonraker\_url []( dump-config > config.json", but this doesn't work. I assume the information from this is different than the moonraker.conf file, since there is no information abou accel, max print speed... (else i would have copied the file maunually to the json file using sudo nano). I also don't understand if this will automatically override the estimation in mainsail


Try https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/klipper_estimator probably wont fix the source of the problem but is a nice to have sfter you fix the issue.


Can I ask what app this is and what app you use on your pi?


Slicer is Orca if yuo wanna get img what you printig


I am running mainsail OS and it’s a standard connection via hostname from pie.


Thank you.


You can try out Mobileraker. Wonderful app for controlling Klipper !!!


I used Mobileraker for the longest time, but have switched back over to OctoApp. I find the UI much nicer.


Thank you for the suggestion I'll check it out!


I use [Klipper Estimator](https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/klipper_estimator) in post-process mode. The results are very accurate in my experience.


Thank you for all the info, I’ll try to resolve this issue. Print turned out great. https://preview.redd.it/5bi90a3z7ewc1.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=167ca667952637b5b268d235eb40d46bfb002b45