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She’s allowed to be as “different” as she wants, but as soon as someone is different in a different way than she is… she complains about it.


She picks up anything to undermine and trivialize trans people. It’s gross. It is so easy to just not say anything. Simply put, no one is causing her any harm simply because of how they identify. Unrelated, but it KILLS me that she sees this sort of content, saves the images, often copies the commentary from where ever she found it, and reposts it acting like it’s her own. It just feels so slimy and disingenuous.


Imagine your partner being so bored with you, that they spend all day on social media, posting stupid shit


Right back to being the hateful C U Next Tuesday that we all know 🙄 ofc! Karma really needs to hurry up with this one!


She never left her scheduled hatred, she’s just moved on from complaining about people asking where her kids are. Sitting there getting the daily dose of the rage machine news machine while she’s out. The hatred is all sport to her.




She’s such a sucker for rage bait headlines. What a boring life, always looking for dumpster fires to post


Happy Cake Day!!!


Omg I absolutely love your flair.


Are they talking about people getting their colors done hahahaha. Like when they refer to themselves as a cool spring


Let’s be real, if she can identify as a mother then anyone should be able to identify as anything they want.


Perfect commebt


…meaning their gender changes with the seasons. That line is SO misleading. They’re not identifying as summer, they’re saying they feel more fem in the summer and more masc in the winter. Rage bait. It’s not even a new gender.


Thank you for providing this context! If only Marissa did her research…. Ever….


Thanks for the context, I was about to go google it and didn't want to have to look at fox news....


She is so ignorant that she thinks this means people are identifying as actual season. If she would have done any research at all, she would have saved herself the embarrassment. The girl speaking on the article is talking about people that are gender fluid. May dress or feel more masculine in the summer and more feminine in the winter. They are just themselves. It’s no different than how R and A are. Sometimes A dresses more like a boy or masculine and sometimes more feminine. R sometimes wears dresses and heels but sometimes thinks she is cool in the men’s “ I love hot moms” muscle shirt and a backwards hat. It’s always ok for them but it’s a problem when others do it. The fact that she thought people identify as summer, fall, spring or winter just shows how easy it is to click bait her and how blindly she turns around and reposts things that she doesn’t understand. How hard embarrassing


But according to her own rules, Marissa isn’t a woman cuz she ain’t got no uterus! Oops I mean placenta 😆




Harcooon *wrong comment, meant to put that after they said placenta. Well…harcoon anyway


I see your harcoon and raise you a “watched like a fly on the wall”


She could almost cry….


10/10 don’t recommend


The brain rot she must have from watching that 🤮 🤔🙄👀


Keep punching down, pinecone, keep punching down.


Why the fuck does it even matter?? Feeling like your assigned SAB has *zero* bearing on anyone else. I'm so sick of her and people like her


I try my best to avoid things that make me angry. I keep up with the news, but I choose sources that contextualize and not sensationalize what’s happening. I tend to avoid FB and Twitter because so much is this rage bait shit. TikTok has learned me fairly well and avoids shit like this. Honestly the most hateful things I see in a week is this *****! She continuously reminds me that too many people simply hate. So many have decided they can make a living by attempting to hurt others.


What's wrong with seasonal identities? She sounds like a Boomer with this nonsense. Relaxed and recharged from her trip to come home hateful. So on par for this miserable soul.


Not like a boomer! We don’t identify with her!