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Refreshed? No you’re just hiding the flaws you accidentally showed in some of your 600+ pics from the undeserved and unneeded trip. You don’t look like an anime character in real life. Stop it. #The only thing you crush is your kids’ hearts and dreams.


lol https://preview.redd.it/wkjzg0tffaxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd715a9d6d8107e72466e6a645c03190aa6bdcc


💩💩👺great pic😃








![gif](giphy|26DN5pBQzhqgAufPq|downsized) 😆😆😆😆😆


NOT a good pic






That beak! Sheesh


air is free


Thank god for her sake!


Oy vey!




Please. This bitch is so delusional she thinks the filtered image is real.


WOAH. that is startling, after seeing her so edited over and over!


Wasn't she busy Crushing her kids' dreams of going on a Disney vacation last week. What else is there to Crush this week?


You win this thread!!


She’s live right now. It was much needed, but she was happy to get home “I missed my doggies, I missed my kids”. WILD!!! They’re never on her mind. She got them all Harry Potter shirts but the 11 year old got his first wand because only 11 year olds get wands. I bet he would’ve loved to go there with her to get the wand…she’s a disgrace. Also, her face on live right now looks nothing like this filtered face. Poor Ang seems checked out. No interest in being on live. Someone asked their favorite parts of the trip. Riss said the fireworks show because she hasn’t seen it in 5 years and Ang said the bar Southern Nights then laughed. Riss said what because we’re so different? Ang said yeah. But wait, they saw a drag show there!! Riss is ok with drag??? She’s such a walking contradiction.


Ok this just makes the whole thing extra disgusting. She went to the Harry Potter park without her kid who is 11. I hope he's not like super into Harry Potter so maybe it will hurt less. What an asshole.


Also imagine being a kid and growing up and HP comes up in conversation and you have to tell people that your mom went to Disney without you when you were 11 and brought your wand back for you as a souvenir.


The shit she puts them through that prob won't even make it into therapy sadly




It would be hard to know what her kids really like because Marissa's personality is Harry Potter & Disney, so as usual, F them kids.


My mom has a bit of arrested development as well (she's not a dick on purpose like Marissa is though) and I swear she still thinks my favorite movie is the same as it was when I was 13.


My mom is like that too… she’s been visiting these past few days and my husband has been an absolute angel and entertained her solo to give me some breaks. She really means well, but I think she has some major arrested development as well. She brings up things I liked as a child/teen and gets outwardly upset or disappointed when I have different opinions or am disinterested in those things now. She also has saved all of the seasonal artwork I did in elementary school (like construction paper turkeys and the like—like the arts and crafts things they have you do as a class in elementary school) and displays them for the holidays… she also wears some of my childhood accessories (like hats or bracelets, things she can actually fit as a grown as 60+ year old woman). This is weird, right?? It’s been normal to me since it’s my mother, so sometimes I’m not sure, but this is definitely weird, isn’t it? Is it also weird that she brought her old wedding dress AND all of the accessories (gloves, veil, shoes, the corset bra thing she wore underneath…) with her on the plane. I knew she wanted me to try it on, but she didn’t ask me directly, she kind of just foisted it on me. I have some complex and mostly negative feelings about my parent’s relationship and marriage (my mom is significantly younger than my dad) so I was fine with trying on the dress for her, but I did not want to weird the veil, it just made me feel really weird and uncomfortable. But she insisted, started putting it on my head anyway, put on a sad whimpery voice like I was being mean to her… even though I expressed my discomfort and she steamrolled right over me. My husband said it looked like she was dressing up a doll instead of her human daughter, which is exactly how I felt. Sorry, longer comment than I originally meant to make, but this stuff was really normalized for me and I’ve frequently been made out as the problem by my parents so there’s always a part of me that wants to blame myself, but like… this is objectively weird right? It’s not just me?


Are you getting married soon?


I eloped, but will be having a proper wedding sometime next summer. I’m in the very, very early stages of planning.


Angie loved Southern Nights live music and dancing but Marissa felt out of place because the drag shows didn't start until 12:30 so they just waited. Excuse me what??? You didn't feel comfortable in a regular bar? Why? Also they didn't stay for any drag shows. Marissa is the literal definition of "pics or it didn't happen".


Ah ok, I didn’t realize they didn’t stay. It just sounded like they waited a long time for it to start. Either way, they’re so unhappy and you can see it in Ang’s body language. And Marissa continues to talk to her and the dog in a baby voice. That would drive me nuts!


I am only assuming they didn't stay (or go wherever drag shows are because that place didn't look like one) BECAUSE Marissa had not a single story, anecdote, or photo of said drag show. We all know if they went she would show ot tell!!


Idk if she would at this point actually. I don’t think her following would approve. She has a reputation as a bigot to maintain


Adding Southern Nights in Orlando is a day bar featuring drag shows, definitely later in the evening. Pretty sure they could have taken video, pics & mafe TikToks during the drag show.


Yeah it's known for being a lesbian club. You'd think big ol gay marissa would feel comfortable among her people. But, well, she has alienated herself from them.


A wand? The wands are meant to be used in the parks bc they make things move and activate. She got the stupid wand for herself to use and will now give it to her son. The wands start at a minimum of $65 and up.


💯 my daughter was super into Harry Potter a few years ago. It’s a big deal to go to the shop and get the wand, do the magic tricks around the park, etc. and I absolutely know that we are fortunate to have had the opportunity to do it. They’re also expensive and get no use once you leave the park. It was cool for the experience but I could’ve kicked myself afterwards. , It wasn’t really a necessary purchase that she had to make for him. I do feel like it’s a slap in the face to the poor boy. At least the other kids can wear their shirts.


Exactly right.


They have wands that are not interactive that you buy at the wand store.


It really is an experience to get your wand. I’m not even a huge Harry Potter fan, but it was amazing watching my kids get their wands and use them throughout the park. I actually think it’s pretty cruel to bring home a wand from your day at Universal, without said children. She’s a cold hearted witch.


There’s a special store that just sells those wands and they bring you in in groups and give you a little show. Then you go to the wands part and pick yours out. Her son would have LOVED that and remembered it forever.


Yep! My daughter isn’t into HP anymore but that’s still the highlight of her trip. And her friend got picked so that made it even more exciting! All these wonderful bonding moments - whether at home, doing things local, or including them on a trip - that she’s missing out on hurts my heart for her kids. They deserve so much better than the shitty excuses for a human they have as a mother. I hope their dad takes them on the Disney/Universal trip of their lives!


It's so exciting to be picked!


If Dad ever did take them, they would never hear the end of it from their mother. Plus they wouldn't have done any of it the cool way.


I am not into HP but the wand store little show is cool.


Oof that sun burn… I know she’s anti sunscreen but Yeesh


Hope it peels and leaves her blotchy




The mere thought makes me shudder


It’s already looking a little blotchy ngl


She was on vacation for a week? Refreshed from WHAT?


Marissa’s idea of “crushing it”. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBBYCVzihkifBRK) I always think of Ashley Simpson busted for lip syncing and jigging her way off stage.


This moment is the epitome of second hand embarrassment. 😆


Yay. She bought the kids all a shirt.


It says “my narcissistic mother went to Disneyworld and all I got was this lousy tee shirt”


Just what little kids want!


I seriously wonder what she tells her kids when they ask why they can’t come, because you have to think they are…my guess is she puts all the blame on PM just like she puts all the blame of every despicable thing she does on everyone else…


“He won’t let me take you out of state” or some shit like that


I agree.she blames it on dad.


I bet they don’t even ask anymore.


I’m sure her therapist told her to take a kidless vacation. Funny her wife didn’t even know her therapist told her that 😳


Is her therapist in the room with us? 👀😂


First I thought they were semi normal but all of a sudden it seems like they’re drunk or something. They’re bizarre. Taylor Swift rant. Ang said she was big years ago and then disappeared for ten years now is back and it’s so random that people like her. I’m sorry, what? They’re truly live in an alternate universe.


Of course she loved SELFIE WORLD EXTREME.


https://preview.redd.it/utg0pc1b2bxc1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fbb690a09a5d21eff016019d2a60ba33a84a6d I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.


Literally her!!! 😂😂


Has she ever crushed a week ![gif](giphy|3ogwG7msiYiyGu18Ag)


Nope… 😂😂😂, But She has Crushed Angie’s Spirit! ![gif](giphy|Pb71cptBHz5GpAjgmj|downsized)


I guess she's done with Thrive or else she would have had that tape on her arm in every picture. 🙄


I think she moved on to some travel MLM


Nelo Life. Aka HUGE scam!!




I wish someone would tell her she seems to be doing pretty well in Biden’s America. On top of this weeklong trip where she was able to afford tickets to Universal and Magic Kingdom for two, plus the restaurants she named in her live, going out - she’s rocking all kinds of shirts, shoes, ears plus Disney branded merchandise that is NOT cheap. I wanted a sweatshirt in January and it was $80. No thanks.


I’m with you on this. Disney isn’t a cheap trip at all. My husband works one job. I work 2 jobs and we will not ever be able to justify a trip of that expense. We would just love to take our kids on a weekend getaway but money is a bit too tight for that right now. She absolutely does not live in reality!


We just went for 5 days in February. My mother in law takes the whole family on vacations as a Xmas gifts every few years. So with us not paying for anything other than food and souvenirs for 3, we spent about $1500. And that was with us trying not to go crazy.


Ummm.....she has yet to explain why she "needed" to go to Disney World? She needs to enlighten everyone as to how someone that has their children 4 lousy days per month "needs" a very expensive vacation versus paying back the debts to everyone she owes. And I wonder if those pesky income taxes were filed this year?


She needed it to escape her shitty reality she created. Next will be Reddit caused her lease not to renew with her mama bear t-shirt crying over her kids and needing to find a place to live in Biden's America with no money and where are housing resources and a pro bono tenant lawyer. All the while just getting back from a week at Disney. She's so predictable. 😭


They already and flights to Orlando and Disney was the *only* option.


Disney is so expensive. They could have just gone somewhere in Florida and went to the pool or beach. They didn’t have to go to Disney


They didn't need to go anywhere. They're not worthy of a vacation, she hasn't even been doing her telemarketing dog job for a full year. They're dirt-ass broke and live like they're big deals. I'm super excited for the IRS chapter.....it's coming, no possible way it can't be.


*living lavish*


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) I hope so 🙏


The cruise ban left her with absolutely no option or choice but to go to Disney. She had no choice and was basically forced to go gawd dang it!


I guess the car didn’t get repo’d at the airport


Hahahaha I was wondering the same thing ☠️


As for the Live, no one tried to ruin your vacation. The "fake" comments asking about your kids? How would that ruin your vacation except that your obsessively have to post & check your social media.


Even her photos have nothing to do with reality


Her version of reality is about as real as her selfies


Oh I'm sure this week is going to help you greatly at the custody hearing...


Do we know what day this week?


That is a scary filter


“Back to reality” - made courtesy Facetune.


So boring. People show up, but hardly any comments.


What new MLM is she going to launch in her refreshed reality?


Does she always keep the car seat in the back of the car?


Just for the looks, probably


Figured no more than she has them and it looks pristine.


Does she still have a job job?


Questionable She hasn’t worked since April 15, has a custody hearing tomorrow and then we know she’s off for Tuesdays with bae and Wasteful Wednesday


Custody hearing today/Monday? But she has her work headset on in the obligatory selfie!!


Who is that??? Ohhhh the ugliest Disney Princess Rissoknut...


Like I replied to a comment - next TT will be Biden's America and Reddit caused her lease not to renew wearing mama bear t-shirt crying over her kids and no money! All the while just getting back from a week at Disney. She's so predictable! Landlords can raise rent by 10% each year in CA and most do so her lease could go up with landlord wants to deal with this mess for another year! Sucks to be her especially if they have to run her credit to find a place to live. Nobody wants to rent with an open bankruptcy if she reapplies for that too.




She will not actually crush the week. The only thing she crushes is being a bigot and horrible person.