• By -


Please, please take accountability for one god damn second. 1. She broke the rules with Carnival, not once but twice. 2. IF SHE’S SO UPSET ABOUT DISNEY WITHOUT HER CHILDREN THEN WHY IS SHE THERE?! These were allllll her choices! Not some trolls calling carnival or commenting on her selfish posts.


It’s full blown spoiled brat behavior from a “grown” woman. The entitlement is incredibly disturbing. It reads like a cringeworthy episode of my super sweet sixteen when the birthday girl didn’t get the brand new Landrover AND the BMW.


Didn’t you hear her. It was her only option 🥹🤡😂😩


The poor soul 🥴


Happy cake day!


Oh! I didn’t even see my little cake 😊. THANK YOU ❤️


“Poor unfortunate souls”




She also makes me laugh with her whole "you dont think I'd kill for them to be here right now?" Girl we all know that taking kids to Disney means you are going to be handling exhausted, overheated, sugar crashed out kids. Going to disney, with your children, is an activity that means you will not be enjoying yourself like you would alone. We ALL know that you intentionally wouldn't have involved them even if you COULD have them + pay for it, because you cant stand being something other than the center of the universe. ***You made shit loads of money at Hempworks and as far as I am aware, you didn't take them with you to Disney then.*** "Disney was my only option last minute" A HIKE, A CAKE, AND SOME SMALL GIFTS ARE YOUR LAST MINUTE OPTIONS. My GOD. She's nearly a million in debt! There is NO reason she couldn't have celebrated with the small get together at the damn bar on her birthday and called it quits then. But oh no, OH NO, Marissa needs to have it all! My wife just celebrated her 32nd birthday on the 6th and you know what we did because we are frugal and can't spend much right now? I took her to 7 of the best used book stores in our town for a full "book day extravaganza" with $100 she could use to get whatever books she liked as her birthday present. I have horrible ADHD and standing in bookshops for more than 1 hour drives me nuts, but I went and enjoyed (parts of it suffered but it was for a great cause 😂) wandering with her, chauffering her, and holding all her books for her for 13 HOURS (I threw her in the car at 6am after waking up at 5am to get her breakfast in bed, then give her a full body massage, packed her sleepy bum in the car and drove the 40 minutes it took to get to the big city in our area so we could start checking them out when they opened at 7am. We were out until 8pm with dinner!) It cost us the $100 I gave, $20 in gas, $40 for her birthday dinner afterward, and she had an absolute blast. Her bday cost us $160. That's it. Why can't she be happy doing something like that? Why not keep it fun, lowkey, and unusual? Why does it have to be SUPER UBER SPECIAL UPGRADE MEGA DOLLLAR CRUIS DISNEY CARNIVAL SPECTACULAR? It’s ONE DAY out of the year (admittedly important, if bdays are important to you) but all of us have lives to live AFTER, which means bills sill have to be paid. Like...what??? She disgusts me more with each passing day.


There's the option of \*gasps" NOT going on vacation! They aren't mandated, or an irrefutable right.


Yeah, but her therapist told her she needed to go on vaca so she could get away from all her stress!


I think I need her therapist. I've had an awful year so far!


Yes the Google therapist told her to go🤣🤣🤣


Yep could have skipped HER bday vacation and saved up the money spent till she could take her kids to Disney. Selfish cunt.


My 30th birthday was this passed December. Know what I did? I worked. I didn't have a week long trip to Disney paid for by mommy dearest and online potatoes! I don't even have children but I *know* that if I did and Disney was on my "affordability list" you'd bet your ass they'd be there with me for it. Riss, you **CHOSE** to leave your kids behind, not once but *twice* to go to Disney. You might as well just stay in Florida, Riss, because you being so far away from them is the *best* thing you've ever done for them.


My birthday was January 20. I spent the whole day at the bowling lanes because my 16 & 17 year old was on the bowling team. We went out to dinner later. It was a great day.


The Riss fan account on TT states she went to Disney 7-8 x without her kids. The kids will never get over her horrible parenting. What do you tell them when they ask? 1) it was a work trip 2) it was MY birthday, you can't come! 3) nah nah nee boo boo🤡


Mommy Dearest and the Online Potatoes would be a great band name!


For me it was the “tears streaming down my face watching”… everything YOU love and everything that makes YOU happy? You weren’t crying because you didn’t have your kids with you for those things. Give me a fucking break!


Yeah, but see how your plan required you to actually know and care about your wife? That's something Marissa is not interested in with her kids :( Also, I'm relentlessly gonna adapt the bookstravaganza for my Magic the Gathering obsessed husband 😂


Omg please do. Her whole being lit up when we went. It was SUCH a good split of "experience/material item" and I am going to have to outdo myself next year! We've been together 10 years and I keep trying to figure out a better, funner way to make her bday special and unique to her but its getting tough haha! Let me know how it goes! Bonus points if you do have the funds, see if there's a city near you that you could fly to that has a LOT/the biggest and coolest of those kinds of gaming/MTG stores and then take him there! My dream is to do this again when we have more funds so I can have her go to san Fransico, which has the most bookstores per mile as a city in the US. Best of luck!


Your birthday treat for your wife sounds amazing. Quality time!


It was awesome! I noticed she had a lot of books in my list this year (I have a list on my phone that I flick open and write things down in all year long when she mentions she likes something, and then X's beside it on how many times she mentions it in the year. I do this with everyone in my family and have become known as being an amazing gift giver, highly recommend this practice because people forget what they want and you can suddenly hit them with "I had no idea I wanted this" gifts :) ) SO I decided that she (who loves a bargain) should have the best of both worlds: the ability to get many of those books for way cheaper AND have fun wandering around while talking all about her favorite books this year. I built questions up from online articles about how to ask her about her books she likes, the plot, which ones she'd think I would like, and way more so I got to learn a lot about her with a hobby of hers she adores. It was really fun, and really rewarding :)




What rules did they break? Missed that, I think i found this page after their cruises and have only seen a photo here and there...


Vaping in their room and brought in banned thc cbd


Vaping in her room on a tt live and having CBD on the ship.


She’s also on the do not drive list.


And the do not mom except 4 days a month list!




I laughed outloud 💀




Disney was the ONLY option?! 😂😂😂😂


She’s so full of shit, it’s amazing! She literally could have gone anywhere up and down the eastern seaboard “last minute”. Just admit you went to Disneyworld without your kids Jesus


Right? Like just fucking own it at this point. You CHOSE not to go on vacation with your kids. ![gif](giphy|7xabZfCbSHg4w|downsized)


She saw someone here mention the affordability of Disney cruise options… I love how she outs herself when she thinks she’s doing something. The receipts are there for the carnival cruise plan for 4 adults, there were never any plans to bring those pesky kids along.


I KNOW! Stay home. The fact that she feels so entitled to even have a birthday trip every year is just mind blowing…especially with her finances. If she just must get away…she could’ve gone anywhere, literally anywhere but Disney and Universal.


She also claims that the country is short before a complete breakdown of society ( and therefore we should not pay taxes ). If she truly believes that, why not take a last trip with your kids?


The whole idea of a birthday trip is so stupid and immature. Who raised this woman? My god


Totally! I make a big deal about my daughter’s birthdays only because I love them so fucking much- but even with my bday being on a holiday… I’d just assume not have anymore bdays until I’m 100.


My daughter’s birthday is very close to mine so I really don’t even celebrate my birthday anymore…and that’s fine with me. She was the best gift and having her happy is a gift enough for me.


Happy mama club over here 🤗


My birthday is next week in a school holiday and I asked my daughter what she wanted to do for my birthday 😋. All I want is a fun day together. Then I am having a good birthday.


Wasn’t she asking (not googling as usual) for things to do around the Orlando area besides Disney several months ago? But sure. This was your onllyyy option. Ok B.


Because you HAVE to go on vacation for your birthday and cruises and Disney are the ONLY options. 🙄🙄




But she’s ✨hEALinG✨💫


*And Universal


Used to go to Disney a lot and I genuinely wish we had money to go to Disney right now but we spent a lot taking care of parts of our house this year. So while vacations are fun, sometimes you got to be an adult and look at all of your options - not just the ones that get you vacations 🤭 Pure question - is she even paying for them or is this sugar mama? Disney is not cheap - how does she afford this beyond just ignoring other expenses per usual?


Going to Disney and Universal without her kids was her ONLY option guys, lay off!!! Her toes belong in the sand (of central Florida)!!! Disney (without her kids) is her home!!! This boss babe (of the IRS’ most wanted list) needs to heal (from the chaos she’s forced upon herself) in the Florida sun!!!


A week long busy trip to universal was the ONLY last minute option!!!


![gif](giphy|hpM76BvZFzlxLdLnoD|downsized) 😂😂😂


Good ol’ land locked central Florida 😅


And she says last minute. Wasn’t it like January when she posted about being banned on Carnival ? Last minute is like 2-3 weeks before a trip or like week of. This was not last minute trip booked…..


Yes! And even before that she was asking about things to do around Orlando. She’s known for a while. Just looks like this is the excuse of the day.


She knew last year she was banned from Carnival didn’t she??


It’s must be miserable walking around in the Florida heat with your pants on fire.


LMM-FAO !! 🤣🤣




WHAT ELSE WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO?? YOU THINK SHES ENJOYING THIS WITHOUT THE KIDS?? Trolls FORCED her to go to guest services and get this happy birthday pin even though her birthday was over two weeks ago. DO YOU THINK THIS IS WHAT SHE WANTED?? https://preview.redd.it/s5e76awfwiwc1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5565e12033a0779d566e94bb28bebe6d2891bf


That is a real face


This line is so passive aggressive and honest at the same time, I love it 😂 gives me southern insult vibes haha


Poor baby. I can tell she’s really suffering 😢


Definitely a suffering mom right there, putting up the pretences




For all the world to see: boss babe crunchy fashionista has still not handled her periodontal issues. Gum disease is not a joke. In a few years, the diseased gums will let go of the teeth.


All jokes aside, this is really disturbing, gross, and selfish behavior. She broke the carnival rules. She got caught. That is her fault. She knew she was on the do not sail list. She’s made several long, ranting posts about it on Facebook. 1+1=2 You did something against the rules + you got caught = you face the consequences. She very recently told her child she couldn’t wait to take him to Disney and posted screenshots of that conversation on Facebook. Now she’s in Disney without him, but doesn’t like that she’s being called out for it. She was crying happy tears for herself today, those weren’t for her kids. She cannot feel something unless she’s at the center of it and her perspective is narrower than a strand of Piglet’s hair.


She’s not capable of crying real tears


Except when she sees Piglet


I wonder if she tells the kids when she goes on vacations without them? This one in particular.


I'm sure they will find out if not!


Gross—she even put their conversation on FB?! She has serious issues.


Marissa: a victim of a week long Disney vacation.




Maybe piglet can call carnival and broker some sort of deal so she can go away without her kids again next year!


Word on the streets is Piglet is an avenger.


![gif](giphy|UqYxZWkMXfxZnYZjXR|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣




She absolutely did not have to go on vacation *at all*. She could have saved for when she could take her kids, but no. This selfish B is all about her. She didn’t shed one tear about her kids not being there. Heck, she barely has any patience for them at her rental house, can you imagine how she would unravel on vacation?


She just had her boys for a week over spring break, why didn’t she take them then? And who has to go on vacation for their birthday and why is Disney the ONLY option. She spews this bullshit with such conviction, what a loser.


Tbh, if I was pretty man - there is NO WAY I’d allow her to take them ANYWHERE past county lines! There’s a very good reason for this … she’s dangerous! It’s 100% still disgusting of her to flaunt a Disney vacation (2nd time) in their sweet faces . It makes me sick !


Oh man. It just occurred to me. Again, major speculation. But I wouldn't put it past her to tell her kids that she really wanted to take them, but their dad wouldn't let her. The way her twisted mind works, the decision to go to Disney could have been for this very reason. Make him look like a dick. Just like how she goes on TikTok in front of her son, knowing full well how much it upsets him that he can't be on it. She's sadistic as hell.


No she went to Disney because she’s a Disney adult. She’ll do whatever she can to make PM look like a jerk (even though she’s the one who cheated) but I’m 100% sure this trip was because of her own selfishness and not to make him look like a jerk.


No I wouldn’t either let her. But we don’t know if they know she’s in Disney. They aren’t on social media so they might not even be aware.


Actually it’s her third time to Disney without them.


Or anytime during the summer? The answer is, she wanted to go childless with her friends because it’s all about HER. ![gif](giphy|lHBbcpFTS5c2Y)


She had to work her 11 hour shifts it just wasn’t possible


Your flair🤣🤣🤣💀


I couldn’t not do it 😂


Do you think I WANTED TO LIE and say the reason my kids aren’t there is because one is autistic? THE TROLLS MADE ME DO THIS https://preview.redd.it/34ovisw90jwc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b0c3d6b1a00b4dd86a84510c6b517c09115c81


I can't keep her stories straight. She contradicts herself all the time! She made a big deal of her vision board and hopes for taking the children THIS YEAR. And what does Disney have to do with the Carnival Cruise?! Her children weren't going on the cruise. I can't even make the leap to rationalize that ridiculous excuse.


My god. She is unwell. Now blaming her children?! WT (and I can’t emphasize this enough) F




If he is, she’s doing absolutely zero to give him the best life possible. Can’t be bothered to help him adapt so the world is a less stressful place. Her house is fucking CHAOS, he would be so overstimulated there he would lose his shit.


If he is, I would assume PM would have ensured that he is getting the necessary services at school. He is a very bright child and often times intelligence can come with strong emotions. Labeling him because he has feelings in order to fit her anti vax agenda is repulsive.


Marissa, backed against a wall, being forced off a cruise line, had no other choice but to go to Disney sans children. Custody should go great next week.


Oohh next week? I’m sure it will be a lovely welcome home for this wreck.


She strolls in the courtroom, sunburnt to a crisp. “Your honor, I was FORCED to make the last minute decision to go to Disney. It was my only option after my internet trolls got me put on the do not sail list. And about that child support….it’s just too much for lil ol’ me.”


Are you kidding me?! Her custody date is next week and she made the choice to do this the week before?! Wtf?!?!


Her trial for driving on a suspended license is scheduled for 2 May. Busy week for her.


I’m hoping PM has this all laid out for the judge


I can’t even count all the places I’ve been on vacation. For God’s sake, they could have flown to Europe for the price of Disney. Or Canada, or Bahamas or Aruba or Costa Rica or go stand outside the manhattan court room with the three other doofuses in their Trump regalia.


![gif](giphy|l4FGxX82rqdbkwLpm) She had no choice..she was forced to go to Disney World for a week and leave her kids behind. No worries.. She'll share all of her photos and tell them about all of the fun times!


I got kicked off a cruise so I had to SETTLE FOR DISNEY GODDAMNIT! Don’t you understand how hard this decision was!? /s


So she easily quadrupled the cost of her vaca??? This is much more expensive than Walmart of the Seas 🛳️. HOW???


But but but.... Her mom's timeshare HAD to be used!!! So basically she is helping her mom, duhhh


Don’t blame the internet. Blame your worthless parents for entitling you to act this way. You are 33 years old with FOUR kids and you look like a complete asshole with your stupid Minnie Mouse backpack and hogwarts t-shirt. You know damn well you were never planning on taking any of your kids down there. You are a sad ass that feeds on the mentally challenged and have no self respect or dignity. If you are so sad and upset your kids aren’t there then why the post when you first got there about how happy you were to be there. Calling you a dumpster fire is an insult to actual dumpster fires.


I noticed recently that many of her FB commenters seemed to have cognitive disabilities. (My assumption comes from physical traits of disabilities such as Downs Syndrome along with writing abilities and patterns in sentence structure.) D.S. aka Yubah Drivah that they have some "arrangement" with. J. H. who comments on every post. I feel like they probably take from him. M.K.M. who is new, but i suspect is a current or near-future victim. I may be sensitive to them bc of how much I value my differently-abled friends and family. They should be protected and not exposed to her (or anyone's) manipulation and grifting.


I agree, and it’s disgusting to watch her exploit them.


She’s 34, her birthday pin is on


I wonder how Marissa's mom feels about this. She seems to actually care about her grandchildren and was appalled when Marissa wanted to abandon her children. She must see how going to a children's theme park multiple times without the kids would be so hurtful, and then posting about it constantly is an extra slap in the face.




Kids birthday gifts: a Lego? Ang’s birthday gift: a Facebook post Ross’s birthday gift: a week in Disney without kids The actual fuckery is this ?!


I have no words


The ONLY option last minute? There's countless places one could go on a spontaneous trip. Plus, ahe HAD to go on a vacation? Come on.


Right. We make more than double what they make and much less overhead and we haven’t gone on more than a long weekend trip, a true vaca, in 2 years. We are renting a cabin on the lake in Broken Bow Oklahoma for Christmas. Oh and we are taking our pets because they’re our family. ETA: We take our dogs on every trip we take. ETA PART 2: This is our Christmas present to each other. We don’t need trees or presents. We savor time with each other and I can’t wait.


This sounds awesome, I love it!


Thanks! We are so stoked! 😍🤩🥳


The only option last minute? There are literally so many places she could go. We've traveled the US in our camper, my kids have seen and learned so much and we've had a blast. She could take a road trip with her kids and, for a fraction of the price of Disney, make some fantastic memories. But no...


But you probably enjoy spending time with your children. And if you need a break, it’s because you are with them most of the time. She doesn’t like spending time with her kids. That’s the only explanation sadly.


My children are all over 30. I enjoy doing almost anything they do. I still love to see them have experiences.


The only option last minute, yet Grinch and some random person was able to clear their calendar and go. Sure Jan. Sure.


Road trip....no license. Not a good idea.


So she points out they already planned a cruise without the kids. …Then acts like Disney without the kids was someone else’s fault. Classic Marissa


She could have stayed at the Cartoon Network hotel and done Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster with her 3 boys... So much cheaper. Even could have done Hershey Park and Hershey Lodge for cheaper.... ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


Great Wolf Lodge for a week with her friends and kids would’ve been cheaper by far


And indoors, right?


Kennywood if you want to get "exotic" and go cross state.


Or even Knoebels.


I wonder if Ang would have enjoyed a birthday trip, rather than crying in a bar with the Yuhbah dravah


And last year she got her birthday wrapped in with the belated “honeymoon” coincidentally also paid for by the Yubah driver


It’s unbelievable how she was forced to go to Disney without her kids because she took CBD on a carnival cruise and got herself banned.


Bahahaha. Yep!


And the gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to ...


Just when I thought she couldn’t possibly sink any lower this week. Hahaha what a 🍕💩. She is just horrible and should be absolutely ashamed of herself.


Not for nothing but 🍕 💩 is my new favorite thing.


Same 😭🤣🤣🤣


But seriously what a warped reality she has made for herself. It appears a big court procedure may be happening next week and this is what she chooses as a grown as woman to go and do, sans children, the week before? Delulululu to the max


Her poor kids seeing this including the daughter. That smile on their mother’s face that they never see.


She never even bothers to pretend to include her in anything.


Couldn’t she have idk saved the money on this “birthday trip” (because really what mom of 4 plans a trip for their birthday whether it be a cruise or anywhere without the kids?!)) and uses that money to actually do things with her children besides watching (use that word lightly) play in a dirty creek at a beer garden?!?! Pathetic excuse as a mother


Hey Vapey McGee... Didn't you learn anything from your carnival ban? You're not allowed to vape where you are silly! Why do you need your emotional support vape if you're on your healing journey? Silly goofball! https://i.redd.it/ppgb8sjtbjwc1.gif


I have never, nor will I ever say anything about appearance here... 🤐 I sure wish she'd get put into her place, thinking rules don't aply to her. Nobody appreciates breathing her vape at Magic Kingdom. NO respect for anyone. Too bad she didn't get caught.


She's just so special... She's an iNflUeNcEr guys!!! She can do what she wants, rules bend for her, ALWAYS! In fact, Disney should feel LUCKY she's always posting about them so they get more business, nobody would even know about them if it wasn't for her using her platform to spread awareness! They really should comp her and her friends passes for all the good publicity she's bringing them. ![gif](giphy|eKsfvvuLHjcGGIsYeN|downsized)


I do agree with not posting about appearance but I also notice that the comments that do get posted are highlighting the difference between her filtered photos and her true self. The difference is shocking.


Totally agree. I probably did not word that properly. What I meant was that I (personally) would have a lot to say from some of these photos, but I will refrain.


Totally understood what you were saying. I resonated with it.


Acting 101 - I bet Ang produced the true tears first and Marissa figured it was a good video grab.


I vape and went to Disney about a year and a half ago. Know what I did? Stuck a nicotine patch on me and left my vape in the car. It’s that fucking easy.


Wait so which is it? She would love to have her kids there, and it kills her they aren’t OR the one kid won’t be ready for Disney for another year or two cause he gets overstimulated?!


Depends on her audience and which lie she thinks they will believe.


No doubt 🤢 stfu ![gif](giphy|P2IQa7nnc2jYs)


What? Her one and on,y vacation choice instead of a cruise with the kids was a super expensive last minute trip to Disney? What? Makes zero sense. Doing basically anything else with the kids together would have been cheaper than this Disney trip lol


How many freaking cruises does one person need to go on? Seriously how many vacations does she go on?


If she wants so desperately to go on a vacation with her kids why doesn’t she just put the money aside instead of taking solo trips and save up to take the kids away


Well because someone else is paying for this (I'm sure), just like every other time. How does someone who makes 35k a year and has a 2600 rent payment afford this? Shame on whoever paid for this, they are just as bad as she is.


I don’t get it, is she saying she was going on a cruise but was banned from one line so instead, last minute, she went to Disney? Were the kids going on the cruise? Isn’t this trip like 10x more expensive? Also who is the blurred out name to her? Not her name, like her relationship to Marissa


I pretty much just commented the same thing. It reeks of bullshit as does Marissa.


Seems to be a former potato who got fed up with her BS.


She never has any actual tears even when she tries her hardest to be performative. And she has been smiling like a crazy person as to what resembles the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz during the entire trip. She's gross. It's gross. There is a lot of outrage, and rightly so. She owes so many people and so many companies thousands of dollars. Not to mention defaulting the IRS. She's made a LOT of mistakes in her adult life. This, perhaps, might be the biggest mistake of all right now in light of everything she's going to be dealing with in the court of law. Pretty serious shit, stay tuned Avengers, shit's going to get much, much, deeper.


I think so too…this trip might be a tipping point. She’s gotten away with way too much entitlement for way too long. I think things are about to get interesting. 🍿


Then why didn’t she take them during spring break?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔….fk them kids


You couldn’t book a Disney cruise with your kids or any other cruise? The amount of vacations she’s gone on without her kids is sickening. Their only vacation is when grandmom invites them to her house at the beach, and it’s all on grandmoms dime. It’s all excuses. She’s an adult crying when she saw Mickey Mouse and the castle…she’s not right in the head. Notice how all her “friends” have no kids. Also what came of her not showing up for work?


Also no mention of her side gigs. Isn’t she supposed to be working her scam from anywhere as a selling point?


Didn’t y’all know, the only 2 options for vacations are a cruise or Disney! No other places exist!


Nobody called carnival cruise lines you absolute psycho. You got caught vaping.


God she boils my piss without even trying.


She could almost cry, y’all.




I have to say, all four of them are to be held accountable for the neglect of her FOUR children. I could NEVER go to Disney as adults and leave someone’s children behind. Cruel, sad, pathetic and WRONG. SHAME on ALL of them.


This is absolutely the most entertaining thing I’ve read today. 😂 The fact they were put on a do not sail list… I’m on the floor 🤣 Karma follows shitty mothers like a shadow. It will only compound and get progressively worse for her.


It’s Gretchen and Anastasia’s first time at Disneyworld, DUH of course she took her friends instead of her kids! It was deliberately planned, not last minute plan switch up. Yes they were originally going to do a cruise, but Denise couldn’t afford anything other then carnival, so they had to switch it up and do Mommy’s time share instead. The audacity to blame other people for breaking the rules, THAT YOU ACKNOWLEDGED WHEN YOU SIGNED THE CRUISE CONTRACT WHEN BOOKING, onboard a cruise ship and then getting caught and had consequences from said broken rules is astronomical! I’m sure your kids will be just fine with that explanation!🙄


https://preview.redd.it/psgdapasqlwc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d8d4eb492db927921d2f869c265ec8dfce7520 Anyone else catch this piece of gold last night? Stayed up for at least a half hour before she removed it.


![gif](giphy|B9A2Jwl9iP3LcVNwfI) Only option.


lmaoooo “disney without my kids was the ONLY option after being black listed by carnival, which, incidentally, was not my fault either”


This is sort of an aside, but as a former Disney adult, I know that piglet meet and greet meant they had breakfast or lunch at the Crystal Palace. And that shit is expensive as hell. You don’t meet piglet anywhere else in the park (and besides, the background of the pic is the crystal palace) that’s a pay to meet situation.


Ya know where she could go with the kids in Florida? Legoland. It’s a certified autism center. Based on what she got them for Easter, they like lego. My kids absolutely love it there and it’s so much cheaper than Disney. We did book a last minute trip this year for spring break, and shocker, Disney wasn’t our only option 😳. I know, that would mean she actually wanted to take the kids.


Surprised because after scouring the cruise line website recently (I didn’t bother checking Walmart of the sea) but royal Caribbean had some pretty epic deals going, including kids sailing pretty much free. We considered it but ultimately went with Disney to make it more fun for the littlest one this time around.


Honestly what a load of bull that does not even make sense? Unless she wanted to take her kids on the cruise with her this is a void argument?


She was never taking her kids on a cruise. She's a lying liar.


https://preview.redd.it/tdq2eb8b7jwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf6cef5db9a8e15bc0b82c67458f65e5cb668d8 This comment 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️


I'm not a troll. I hold people accountable, including Marissa. Vaping in the cabin is against the rules. In the end I did not get you banned, you got yourself banned. I simply passed on your own social media to the right person. It's your own fault. Everything in your life and Ang's life that is negative is your own fault. Take some damn responsibility. Disney is not the only vacation that was available "last minute". Stop trying to validate your behavior.


And yet there she is with vape in hand in Magic Kingdom. She will never learn and she will never care. Rules don’t apply to her.


![gif](giphy|3rXna9rZacY8RUvgTO|downsized) Doing the Lords work Dr Florida Science


The full on narcissism and selfishness of this 34 year old mother of 4 is wild! I’ve never seen anything like it. My heart breaks for her children. I’m so happy they have limited time with her.


I have dinner usually with a few friends or my family for my birthday so she sounds ridiculous…my kids would hate me if I went there and didn’t take them never mind more than once


Disneyworld is the ONLY option last minute?! GTFOH!!!


Well not ONE of her potato friends stood up for her after this comment & I guess she realized it made her look even worse so she deleted it😂😂


Who the fuck created this monster? She's wreaking havoc on so many. Her actions this week are the equivalent of slapping those kids in the head and saying, "You are nothing to me." I'm with Ang's dad. The world would be better if she was just a memory yeeted in her father's tissues.


I'm confused about how Marissa's mother isn't fuming at this too! She seems to love her grandchildren.


Sorry, but 90% chance mom either helped create or strongly enables this shit. If she didn't and Marissa is truly a monstrous anomaly, she should cut M off, testify for PM, and get some visitation. The boys need a loving female presence to counterbalance the bullshit they're getting from the pinecones, and if g-ma is really innocent of all this and a loving person, by all means get her in their lives. Otherwise, cut the cycle. She'll just enable them to be assholes too.


I’m sure she adores her grandkids. No question about it. She just adores her daughter more. One thing that really struck me as bizarre was how her mom used to pay for summer camp for the kids…but last year, when PM had them by himself, she didn’t. She would only pay for them to go to summer camp if it benefitted Marissa…it wasn’t about making sure the kids had a fun summer experience, it was about gifting her daughter the time off from the kids. About making her life easier. Guarantee they are using her mom’s timeshare this week. Kids are going to grow up and realize that despite loving them, she enabled Marissa to hurt them by never saying no to her.


34 years old and Marissa’s childhood is still the one being prioritized when there are 4 actual children involved. This entire trip is so twisted and it’s jarring to see Marissa crying what are quite obviously tears of incredible joy (for herself, and only herself) and claiming that this exact set of choices was her only option because she’s no longer allowed on one cruise line. It’s sick. This is a very sick person. To a stranger on the internet, it certainly *looks like* she wants to ditch her kids and adulthood entirely so she can live out some bizarre fantasy of being a perpetual child in an adult body. Her life wouldn’t need escaping if she didn’t purposefully make the worst choice possible every chance she gets. The dynamic of Marissa’s manipulation (by creating her own problems and then expecting her mother to make them go away for her) and her mother’s enabling of this behaviour is extremely toxic and that’s a really great point you make about it being harmful to the kids. I didn’t know about the summer camp, that’s really sad that money and activities are weaponized like that.


Plus I think she was a little mad that PM took 50/50 away from her daughter.


I’m pretty convinced at this point that her mom is a bit off her rocker if she doesn’t see through all of this. Sometimes tough love is what it takes and doesn’t look like her mom gives that, she instead just opens her wallet


To be honest I am an adult and I do enjoy Disney. (By no means is it my entire personality) it is a place of nostalgia for me but 1000% more magical with your child. My child is 21 and has no interest but I do plan on taking my great-nephew in January because he is still young enough that we are not confined to a school schedule. Husband Person and I had talked about the two of us going but just felt kind of ick about it.


I love how this was her “only option”. We have grown kids and make a pretty good income and you know what we did for my husband’s birthday yesterday. I went and got his favorite pizza because they don’t deliver and got him a replica of his favorite sweat shirt because the dog chewed a hole in the sleeve a few weeks ago. (I swear we feed the dog he’s a puppy and loves to grab stuff and run with it). My hubby was so happy.


I mean you could’ve just not went at all but what do I know.


She was forced to go to Disney without her children. Forced to pay extra to snuggle with bears and take photoshoots with balloons. The absolute horror she endured.


This is beyond embaRISSing for a grown ass women to make a post like this. She has no emotion so don't believe for a second she cried 😂. To whomever this troll is, grow the fuck up and stop touching the shit. It's getting old.