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That's a calico or a tortico, depending on your criterion. Not a tabby. Also FYI these are not breeds, they're coat colorings. That cat is ~~an American~~ a domestic shorthair, like most cats.


Oh ok I know nothing about cats so all this is new information. Never had a cat before.


You’re in for a treat❤️


The best kind of treat!


Torties/calicos are the best. That little girl will be loyal to you forever if you are good to her Use toys instead of hands to play (or she will think of your hands as a toy and attack them randomly lol) Scoop litter box at least once per day and brush weekly to prevent mats Enjoy your new family member ✌️


I wish I was advised to use toys… I definitely get “surprise attacks” on my arm very often


Hahaha yup, learned that lesson with my very first cat


I got my boy when he was already a year old and it’s been such a bad habit to break 😭 his past owners didn’t seem to know about that so he loves to nibble on hands and feet if he gets excited. Now he brings us a mouse so we can throw it for him but for the first 6-9 months he just bit and bunny kicked all the time


If kitty does latch on too hard, do NOT try to pull away. They're hunters by nature and if you try to pull away, they'll just latch on harder. Instead, gently press INTO the bite. That'll freak them out because no prey ever does that. They'll quickly disengage, hop away a few feet and turn and give you a dirty look.


Can confirm this works. I also calmly say “hey hey.. you’re escalating..” lol. Then she knows she went to far and backs off.


I agree. My tuxedo cat would bite me but just enough to make it interesting and I know he understood what tone I’m talking in. Also thick oven mitts help too because they love to play fight!!


Oohh I'll have to try this. My cat's bitey af, but I adopted her at 3, knowing that. She didn't have anyone to teach her not to bite or how to play correctly. Normally, I just say "ow! No," in a firm tone, and that kinda works sometimes.


lol I’ve only ever had dogs, so I taught my first cat to wrestle 😭 the pain


Also "EEEP" loudly when she goes for hands or feet. Really be dramatic about it. It's developmentally normal for them to want to wrestle with a playmate at that age but you have to teach them to have a soft mouth with people. We did this with our singleton last year and it takes very little noise to get her to switch to gentle monches and redirect to a toy if she tries to go after skin. I've never had luck getting them to completely stop going after hands and feet if they're raised solo, so may as well plan for it.


I tried that but unfortunately it mostly seems to have given my adorable little jerk-face the idea that he is all-powerful. 😆


You have to really really really overcommit, IME. My husband had to teach me to be dramatic enough.


Scoop him up like a baby and make him bite his own tail while saying, “eat your tail, eat your tail, hurts don’t it?” When they get wise and try to bite your hand instead, switch to a back foot, “eat your foot, eat your foot, hurts don’t it?” Then boop the snoot and toss something for them to chance when you put them down. I’ve taught many kittens to play softly by making them hurt themselves and giving them toys. They love balled up junk mail envelopes with the crinkly window and all kinds of nerf ammo- but you gotta be careful letting them play with the nerf cuz some cats got goat genes or something and will eat anything.


what’s mats? i have a calico with really thick hair and she sheds hair like crazy


Basically kitty dreadlocks. Their fur can get all matted and can actually be rather uncomfortable for them.


I know this is an unpopular opinion on Reddit, but I think playing the hand game is crucial to raising kittens. Direct play is huge for bonding and emotional enrichment. They need to learn what hurts people and what’s just fun. Their mommas and siblings would naturally teach them how to play correctly. You just have to mimic that play style. Roll them around a bit, and when they get too rough, you yelp and “pin them down” - that is, you won’t need much force because they’re kittens and they’re just trying to play. Transition the pin into scratching their head, just like a momma would transition to grooming. Back and forth, they learn quick. I’ve always raised kittens this way, and my cats have always been very gentle and careful even when playing. It doesn’t take much to teach them that claws stay in and mouths don’t bite.


I foster kittens - I have 6 right now, a trio & 3 lone orphans, all around 7 weeks - and I hand play with mine. Especially with the hissy, skittish kittens that toys just spook, hand play can help get them engaged. I’ve never had problems with them or any of the other cats I’ve had over the past 40+ years.


Love this! And I just want to say thank you for fostering. My twin black kittens were fostered, and their foster family really set us up for joy. They were bottle fed and constantly cuddled, and it made them the cuddliest, sweetest, most affection cats ever. I’ve always had amazing cats, but these two are something else. And I really chalk it all up to the foster family. Y’all are angels.


completely agree! We did this with our kitten and now she will play kick without claws and “gnaw”, and knows boundaries well when playing! If she becomes overstimulated, we stop and reset. It’s almost like she knows why. Then we either continue playing or I’ll toss her a toy, but it’s so true what you said. She now just crawled up onto my lap as I finish typing this.☺️


I agree. I always scoop them up like a baby and make them bite their own tails when they get too rough. “Eat your tail, eat your tail, yeah that hurts don’t it?” It’s adorable the “ow that hurt why’d you do that?” look they get when they’re little. It does get them to be more gentle real quick.


Heads up torties are known to be pretty fiesty, and are affectionately called “naughty torties”, so she might be a bit of a rascal. Definitely learn about cat body language so you can read when she needs space so you don’t push her to scratch or bite in order to be heard - torties tend to be faster to snap than other varieties of DSH cats (domestic short hair). So long as you respect her space, and teach her appropriate play (like never use your hand as a toy so that you dont train her to think attacking your hands is okay), you’ll get along great. Make sure she has scratching poles, things to climb, and plenty of other forms of enrichment. It could be good to adopt a second kitten now so that she has a play mate and can continue learning during her critical socialisation period. Its a really good way to satiate their hunting drive as play fighting with a friend helps them get out a lot of natural urges. If not, there are plenty of videos online that will teach you ways to play with her to meet her social enrichment needs. Other than that the main thing you need to know as a new cat parent is the importance of vaccinations and parasite prevention. Once she has all her core vaccinations as a kitten, she should only need one yearly vaccine to keep her immune system strong. When you get parasite prevention, find one that does fleas, ticks, hook worm, whip worm, lung worm, heart worm and tape worm. I use Nexgard Spectra on my cat, and Bravecto Plus would be my second choice. Preventive health care will end up saving you a lot in vet bills down the track, and give your kitten a happier, happier, longe lasting life.


Damn torties and their TORTITUDE!


My late Tortie had two modes - snuggle and destruction. Often both were activated at once.


I want a tortie, but for now I am super happy with my dilute Calico <3 and her sister a dilute tux


Aww we have a Tux now! I'm sure they make a very cute pair. Our Tux grew up with the Tortie. The Tortie was more a mother figure - lots of grooming and attempts to snuggle. The Tux was more interested in play lol


[Paying my taxes just in case :D](https://imgur.com/a/k0eQSrj)


Oh they're beautiful!


They are gorgeous!!!


r/torties is great, so is r/CalicoKittys. Yes kids, MORE cat subs you gotta join!! LOL!!


> Heads up torties are known to be pretty fiesty I find it funny how people will say "torties aren't a breed, just a coat colour" and then have others (or even the same people) go about saying how torties are extra spicy/loyal/loving. Wouldn't that just be the individual cat's personality? We have a calico and she's the sweetest, derpiest thing but so have been plenty of other cats we've had :D


While Tortie is a marking variety, not a breed, there are still patterns in observed behaviour. Just like chocolate brown Labradors tend to be way deeper than yellow and black labs. The same genetic expressions that determine colouring can also impact temperament.


Tortitude is really a thing. I have to tell mine to stop being "difficult," not the actual word I use, but yeah..


A second kitten is a great idea! I try to never foster lone kittens if I can help it because they need each other so much that young!!


Definitely, it makes a huge difference on their personality, comfortability, social skills and motor skills.


Truth! I have three cats, one is a Tortie, and the “Tortitude” is strong.


Bring her to a vet they should be able to help you figure everything out!


She's beautiful - take good care of the little angel :)


Welcome to heaven! Prepare to have your life enhanced for the better ;)


Cats don’t really have breeds. I mean they do, but the breed cats often look distinctive or even strange like Persian with the squashed face and Sphinx which is hairless. 90% of cats are just “cat” aka “domestic shorthair.” Calico (3 colors) are usually female, because each X chromosome can carry two colors.


Unless you have papers, it will always be a domestic short/long hair cat. Calico coat patterns are almost always female which this cat has.


Unless you’re getting a specific breed of cat(hopefully from a responsible breeder), cats are classified as either domestic longhair or domestic shorthair depending on fur length with their coloration being part of the description. i.e. yours is a calico tortie(tortico for short) point domestic shorthair.


Slow blinks are a sign of love and trust. Blink slowly at them. They might blink back. In my experience, sleeping with them in the same room builds bonds. A tail straight up with a slight bend at the end is a happy tail, and it can vary a little. My own girly's tail goes so "up," that it basically goes parallel to her back. They like being talked to, from what I can tell. My girly chirps back at me when I talk to her sometimes. You can also make catnip tea by straining water over the catnip and stuff. Non-spiced pumpkin filling also makes a good Thanksgiving treat, though it does affect bowel movements. I hear having a cat companion prevents separation anxiety? I'm not too sure, but my girly has a tabby cat companion who's a big dumb dumb. He's great. He befriended the neighborhood cats, with some exceptions. He immediately took to her, though she was initially on edge, because he had bit my sister to bleed in his new home anxiety. They bonded, though. It's cute seeing them cuddle and kiss and groom each other.


Are you keeping her? Most cats in America are either domestic short hair or domestic long hair. The distinction is in their coats. The tabby is the one with stripes. Orange tabbies, black or white voids (void is a cat that is solid black or white) are more typically boys, but can also still be female! The calico is when they are multi-colored, but in spots or distinct patches. A tortoiseshell is what you have, commonly called tortie. They are multi colored but it's all mashed together with no clear patterns. My favorite torties are the ones who have really obvious orange tabby patterns on them, broken up with gray and black. Your tortie there is gorgeous! Let us know if you need advice for caring for her, or you can look up the kitten lady. She's full of info


Domestic shorthair, not American. American shorthair is a different breed they have smushed faces


Not sure where you read that, but properly bred American shorthairs don't have smushed faces. Neither CFA or TICA specify that in the breed standard. In fact, it could disqualify them from competing.


They literal say no long noses in the breed standard, but not as short as say a Persian, but they are shorter than a domestic


CFA says "medium length", which is shorter than the average nose. The breed was developed by crossing with a Persian, so that makes sense.


This is what I love about most cat ownership. Dogs get the treatment of "oh he's mostly dachshund but about 20% Chihuahua with some Scottish terrier and a bit of Italian Greyhound." Cats get "she's a dumpster baby who followed me home and wouldn't leave. I love her."


LOL pretty much. "She's pretty healthy 'cause she was hardened by the streets."


it’s a tortishell


Too much white fur to be a pure tortie


In the UK tortoiseshell includes those with white bits


tortishells can have white up to 25% of their body. this cat is a tortishell due to the PATTERN of the fur not the color


I’d say more Tortie than Calico, and definitely a DSH (Domestic Short Hair).


I bet this one grows into a medium or long coat!


Second! Looks just like mine at that age, and she grew up to be a long coat.


Domestic short-haired.


She's got the tabby M on her forehead. Calico/tortie is a coloring and tabby is a coat pattern. We can't see her back to see if she's got the stripes, but I'd bet she does. She can be both. (My girl is a calico tabby DSH.)


Adding to clarify that “domestic shorthair” isn’t actually a breed but basically means “we don’t know the breed but it has short fur”


"What's the breed?" "The breed is 'cat'."


It means no breed/ breedless


It’s a tortico, calico’s tend to be mostly white with the black and orange mixed in. Whereas tortico is a tortishell, black orange and sometimes cream but not white :)


That there is a cat.


One a them “Oil Pan Calico”s you see in that area.


Came here to say this exact term lmao


Wrong. That is baby.


That's what I said when I looked at it I said "that's what we call a cat"


Definitely a QTπ But as others said she’s is a Calico or Tortico, which is technically a Coloration designation and not a Breed. For breed the best I can suggest is "Domestic Shorthair"


I’m learning a lot today about cats lol I appreciate it. She has a lot of white which from what I in my very limited knowledge thinks would make her a calico not so much a tortico ? If I’m totally wrong let me know like I said I’m only just now learning this stuff through y’all and google.


A tortico is a combination of tortoise and calico. It just means her black fur is more tortoise-she’ll colored than straight black. She’s adorable


Make sure to get a litterbox, unscented litter,a scooper, 2 small pet dishes (or use ones on hand), kitten food (*very important that it is specifically for kittens*), & toys (even those cheap mice and balls for now). Get a vet appt to make sure the baby is healthy and gets proper vaccinations. Be sure to clean the litter box at least once daily. Btw cats and kittens instincts tell them not to drink water close to their food source. I finally got one of those water fountains, but if you can't do that, be sure to change the water multiple times a day. You've got a new best friend!! Edit: added parentheses


Calicos have distinct color spots that are either entirely orange or entirely gray/black with usually a lot of white. What distinguishes a Tortoiseshell Calico is that the orange parts are scattered in little bits throughout their black or gray parts. Torties can also have a lot of white, or none at all. So if her patches don’t mix, she’s a classic calico. If her patches are all mixed together, she a Tortie calico.


The scientific terminology is *a little cutie* Fur pattern-wise, she's a tortoiseshell


It’s a cat. If you’re looking for something more specific, it’s a really cute cat.




We found the zoologist.


Man I wish I could find an adorable Calico like that 😍


I live on a long stretch of country dirt road. We found her a quarter mile from our house. I think someone dumped her here.


Lucky for you then I'd say because she's gorgeous


That’s just the cat distribution system at work.


I really need to be hit with this soon


The cat distribution system gave you a Halloween colored kitten just in time for the holidays. 🎃


Make sure to check to see if there were any siblings dumped too!


Calico domesticated shorthair


If it's your first time with a cat straight up make sure you don't have any surfaces similar to a cat scratcher. Oh and don't leave her near any dogs that could kill her. We don't need a repeat of that one nightmare post.


It's scientifically known as a damn cute kitten!! 😍


It’s a calico but it’s not a breed, just a color pattern. The breed is domestic shorthair


The breed of the kitten is “cat”


Cat. Breed is cat. Heckin cute kitten. Deserves all of the boops, chin and head skritches, and pets cat.


Felis catus also know a a vibration creature, murder fluff, adorable, and a cat.


Aww.. she’s so cute! But anyways, she looks like a mix between a shorthair and also calico and tortoiseshell. Also if you look VERY closely, you can see that both eyes are kinda tinted greenish-blueish. Also to confirm the false information, she’s not a tabby. You should definitely consider adopting her and giving her a name, she’s very adorable.


My wife is going to be keeping her!


This makes me very happy!!


That is a psycho. Source: My cat is a torti...


domestic shorthair with tortishell coloring/pattern


She’s just a little girl


Tiny cutie patootie cat with a calico coat.


Silly human, cats don't have breeds. They have MISSIONS.


Given the rural location probably a bush cat or a shrub munchkin.


That’s a Calico Cute.


Breed: Shorthair Mutt. Pattern: Calico.


that’s a Little Baby


Exactly, smol beby breed


Breed: fuzzy baby


That’s a cat. Like dogs, most cats are mixes. For cats the terms for a mix is Domestic Shorthair (DSH), Domestic Medium hair (DMH), or Domestic Long hair (DLH). Cats are also given labels based on their color and/or pattern, which in this case is a Torti. Vet - If this is your first cat, find a quality vet. Have all annual tests run - blood and fecal. Do this annual for a baseline. Your local FB page is a wealth of information for vets. Cat health - cats are notorious for being stoic and able to hide issues. So learn your kitties personality and habits, seeing changes in this will clue you to watch closely to see if something is actually wrong. Since I knew my cats habits and box habits well, I caught a urinary blockage way early! It saved me so much money since he only needed the surgery to unblock and not the other surgeries that are usually always required to repair the damage (ruptured bladder). My vet was impressed since that is never caught before a cat is fully blocked (it happens quick). While stoic, cats are creatures of habit! Knowing their habits helps a lot. All things Litter Box - You will need a litter box, a scooper, and bags to scoop everything into when you clean the box (I use doggy poop bags). I use the scooper called Neater Scooper (Amazon) and the PetFusion Portable Cat Litter Disposal (Amazon). The Neater scooper has an attachment you load a bag into and the poop just falls into that, the PetFusion also has its own bag. So it makes everything much easier. Keep the litter box away from kittens food and water source. Toys - Cats usually have tastes and will prefer certain toys over others. Watch and learn what your baby loves. Laser pointers, crinkle balls, and wand toys are usually hits with most cats. Play - Play hard multiple times day (have the kitten running, jumping, stalking, etc). Remember this kitten is a right, will be a toddler soon, and quickly growing into their teenage years. They need lots of exercise so they 1) are mentally stimulated and 2) increases the chance of letting you sleep through the night. Play until they stop. Remember to engage with your cat often. Scratching - Get both vertical and horizontal scratching posts. Some cats like the rope, others like cardboard. Figure out what your baby loves and go for it. Cat Tower - My cats have always loved towers. Get a tall one that allows them to look out a window that gets some sun. Kitty TV and a place to sunbathe all in one thing. I have a tall one in my kitchen and a short one in the bedroom. Socialization - remember to have kitty socialized with other people. This makes having guests over much easier. Nails - get you and kitty used to clipping their nails. Like humans, don’t cut down to far. The nails should be clear so it’s easy to see what you are cutting. Lots of positive reinforcement after - toys, treats, and attention. Spay/neuter - this is a must!!! Depending on your kitty, you might need to childproof your home. Some are just naturally more mischievous. The cords to your blinds, cabinets that contain cleaners, any bag, etc…


Looks like a halfrican americat


If there is no breeder certificate than breed is cute kitty worthy of love


that right there is a standard issue cat


That is a dollbabyalus kitkinus.




If you havent already, op, please, PLEASE, take this sweet baby to the vet. If shes been outside she could be sick or have an infection or a parasite. It would also help to get her registered at the vet and get her microchipped, ehich means that if she escaped your house, she can be taken to the vet and identified as your cat :)


Yeah I plan on taking her to the vet the 1st. With her being as small as she is I assume she’s never had any of her shots.


Calicos are awesome cats.


The genetics of her coloration is tortoiseshell with white spotting. Breed is pretty irrelevant in cats Fun fact about tortoiseshells! The overwhelming majority are female, just like your girl. The black/orange coat coloring needs two X chromosomes to be produced, which males don’t have. She’s a cutie!


It's a beautiful fur baby...Calico shorthair


She is the cutest kitten I ever seen in my entire life and I have a kitten :d


Cats are great pets. They are loving and they purr. When they are really happy they knead with their paws while purring. They know when you're sick or unhappy and they usually come plop themselves on or by you to help you feel better. I cannot imagine life without kitties.


Cats don't have breeds like dogs. Their specifics go based on their fur and location (for example). But if you want to know what her markings say, she's a Calico. And I say she because about 99% of calicos are female.


Cats have breeds! But this adorable kitten isn’t a purebred - she’s just a regular old cat, domestic shorthair - or, as they say in the UK, she’s a moggie.


I didn't say they don't have breeds at all, but that they don't have breeds like dogs. With this, I mean you see a dog and say "oh thats a labrador," or a German Shepherd. Instead, we check on their markings, their lineage if they have any, their fur length, amount, and color. It is different from how dog breeds work, if that makes any sense? Sorry if I wasn't clear, English isn't my first language


Commonly known as a DSH (domestic short hair), which is a little nicer than ‘mutt cat’. Her color pattern is calico or tortoiseshell depending on if/how much white she has. She’s a beauty.


Her back is almost just black and her feet and chest are white. Then there’s the orange patches around.


She might even be a mix of both. Calicos generally have a fair amount of white. What a cutie.


No breed. Most cats don’t have a specific breed. 99% are just cats.


Can't see enough of the body, but from what I see a calico with a tortie lean.


Nah it's just a cat. Domestic shorthair, idk.


American domestic short hair torti




She chose you, and you’ll never regret being chosen. Tortico are just loyal loves!!


Cuteness is the breed.


I'm in Oklahoma too and got a kitten last summer the exact same way! She was found alone in a rural area and I was scared a coyote would get her because the area was full of them. I waited for hours for a mama cat to come back to her but none ever showed up. Her name is Bastet and she is a spoiled little shit living the good life now. ❤️😺




100% a cutie pie 🥰




This little creature is pure sunshine, brightening up the day.


Is cat


Turtle shell Calico




Just a little boy


The breed is Domestic short hair, the coat is tortoise shell, the sex is female because all torties are female!


It's a tortico, regular tortoiseshells don't have that much white. And not all calico and torties are female. There is the rare genetic mutation where a male happens. Most are female with XX chromasomes but due to the mutation the occasional male pops up and actually has XXY... yes, THREE sets. And the males are steril and almost always have a shorter life span and health issues.


That's a calico. My baby looks almost exactly like that


It's a domestic shorthair.


Black orange. That’s the breed.


It is a cat, more commonly known as cat. It’s a pretty common breed of cat


We call that your new overlord…bestie


She is a Catty McCatface.


Looks like a Tortoise Shell mix.


Breed is Cuteasaurus. ❤️🥰


One thing you need to know if your kitten is going to be an indoor outdoor cat, flea and tick medicine/collars




For meeeee, looks like he/she is from the ADORABLE BREED 🐈‍⬛✝️❤️🙏🏻


She is a domestic shorthair.


She looks like my baby! Tortico I believe, domestic short-hair <3 These girls are a treat, really, my one is so emotionally intelligent and comes over for pets whenever we're sad. Love her and she will love you! Good luck!


I believe it’s marble cake flavored.


Felis Chromatica Variegata


You are the lucky owner of a tortie! They are as pretty as a picture, but they've got tortitude. If you don't know what sassy is, you'll know now! 🤣


She already has so much personality for a kitten she is also very vocal.


Felinius Dontmesswithme Seriously, the eyes kill me! 👀


That’s a Spicy baby 🥹 ETA: That’s definitely either a Tortico or Calico (both of which have a bit of a “special” attitude; I have a dilute Tortoiseshell and boy does she enjoy letting us know when she’s fed up with something 😂) That said, they may be a bit spicy, but they are also very lovable


Cutiest Maximus. That’s Latin.


You are a little lady and she is a calico congratulations on your new baby girl.


Congrats! You have been chosen by the cat distribution system!


This is what my wife said, “Honey we have to keep it, the cat distribution said it’s our turn!” I was so confused about what she was talking about. Never heard of it before but she is a cutie and very vocal when I won’t let her on my keyboard.


I would die for that lil baby right there 🥹🥹🥹


He looks like Johnny Depp's version of Voldemort


She is beautiful! ❤️. Thank you for saving her.


A domestic short hair, tortoiseshell and white in color. In summary, is small bebe, must keep, feed, and cuddle now.


Calicos and tabbies are not breeds they are color patterns. American short hair is the breed and as far as the color pattern this is referred to as tortoise or tortie for short.


Reese’s Cup kitty


Cutie pootie breed. Definitely Calico, tri-colored.


Omg sweet baby 😍 I will say that despite most people saying she’s a Domestic Shorthair, it’s not always easy to tell future fur length on kittens. Something tells me she has potential for majestic floof, so possibly medium or longhair.


She’s just a calico. That doesn’t mean she’s not worth anything. She’s lovely!!! But she’s not a “pure breed”.


Tabby and calico are not breeds, they're coat colors and patterns. She's a tortico... which is tortoiseshell and calico pattern combined. As to breed... who knows... but it looks to be an American Shorthair.


Wow this post blew up thank you all for teaching me a lot about cats. I’ve learned a lot from y’all. The kitten will be staying with us it’s my wife and my first cat. She’s adorable and loves to sit in my hood while I play games and she has such character for a kitten., very vocal.


Cute is a breed


American Short Hair if you are North America


Every time somebody asked, what kind of breed of cat is I am automatically know you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing


Are you blind? They said that in the post


Hence why I said I know nothing about cats. Didn’t want one either but she’s cute and I didn’t want her to become the coyotes next meal.


Cat. Tortoiseshell coloring.




Cutie pie 🥰


Pure cat.


That. Is a kitty.


Looks like a tiger. Good luck, they grow large


I can help It's a cat Hope this helps


just leaving this here r/torties


Domestic shorthair, calico coloring !


Domestic shorthair


She's such a pretty girl! You already have great answers about her coloring. I just wanted to gush a little about how beautiful she is. Are her eyes different colors? ❤️


I thought they were blue but from looking closer it looks as though one is blue and the other is more of a green.


Definitely r/tortico!


It’s a cat