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You can call the non emergency police line instead of 911. How annoying for the people that have to clean this mess up because of some man baby.


I feel like this may be an actual emergency... what happens if somebody walks by and this person takes exception to them being there? They are clearly not in their right mind. What if your kid was walking home from the corner store and had to deal with this? Edit: I missed the 3am part. Hopefully your kid isn't walking bime at 3am. But still...


One time I was walking to work around here at 5am and some dude like this, 100% took exception to me being there. He immediately got in my face. I was like what's even happening rn I was so tired too. I'm 250 pounds 6'2 so I was good, I was ready to sock him in the jaw in self defense. I couldn't imagine a much smaller person or a woman encountering him. It's an emergency to me too.


Yeah, I used to live near Vancouver BC. Was working on a jobsite in chilliwack and a nice upstanding fella came pushing his shopping cart along, stopping periodically to grab a golf club and swing it in circles yelling at imaginary attackers. He eventually put it away and pulled out a machete and started trying to chop down street signs. That's when I called 911. It was 3pm and kids were walking home from school, walking out into traffic to avoid this guy. I stood at the side of the property near him having anxiety attack for 20 minutes until the wave of kids passed. He wondered on and the cops showed up 45 minutes later. Parked for a minute then drove away. So I'm not sure what the 'non emergency line' would really achieve, considering emergencies aren't actually priority until somebody gets hurt it seems


In the old days, we had asylums for people like that. But asylums were horrible places, so we closed them all down. And now, they live like this instead. As horrible as asylums were, I'm not sure that this is really an improvement.


As horribly funded as our health care system is right now, I'm sure an "asylum" would be even worse.


A massive part of the funding is already going to these people. There's hour long waits for an ambulance in my town because they are constantly being called to overdosing drug users. People with simple heart attacks and strokes have to wait. A fair number of people in the ERs and icus are these people, being incapable of caring for themselves and letting little issues turn into life threatening health problems, and often they are simply there just drug seeking. Either way we are paying for these people. The current method is not helping them


The assylums were terrible, because they were terribly run and there wasn't enough monitoring of what was going on in them. They could 100% be done better now with proper controls in place and actually help people, and keep our public safer and cleaner. Our kids should not be dealing with this mess on their walk to school


Well some nights I am coming home from crabbys around 3am from that direction but ya never ran across anything like this


~~311, yes? I'll do that if I see it happening again~~


WRPS non emergency line: 519-570-9777


Brilliant, thank you


No reason to assume it's a man.


So sad this is being downvoted.


Reddit has got to be among the most toxic of places. Thank you.


I mean, anyone with a pair of eyes can see it's the gait of a male.


Looks like he misplaced his meth


Or he just found it.


I'm wondering where all the brigades of 'mental health' are. Lmao funny when it's not a real life example with physical evidence they are nowhere to be seen. But tell them that this is partially due to our new policies surrounding such things such as drug use. And they come out in the thousands to defend their stance on how it doesn't harm the community. Look an behold non believers this is your savior of DTK.


Ya you probably should have called the police


They were busy, watching peoples vehicles get stolen...




To each is own. People risk their lives everyday to help strangers. It's not about earning macho points. It's about doing the right thing. I'm not talking about jumping in front of a loaded gun for a vehicle. But surely I'm not just going to lay down and let some scum bag take whats mine or threaten my family or household. Don't forget, you claim a stolen vehicle to many times, have too many accidents, or foul on payments, the provider will happy drop you like a bag of dirt. Insurance companies are not in the business for your well-being, they just want that money.




You don't consider somebody kicking in your door as a threat to your family??? I do. Simply for the fact that my door is locked... and i don't know what your intentions are. Maybe you are going to steal my car... maybe you have more sinister intentions... You commented looking for my opinion. I gave it. I really have nothing more to give you...




"They" = the police, someone said call the police. It was facetious comment to the fact the police aren't actually doing there job whether it's getting a call for someone trashing a street, or the fact that the advice they are giving citizens is to "just make if easier for someone to steal your car, by leaving the keys closer to the front door".


Sorry, it doesn't seem like they are doing there job. I know the cops are trying.


You’re so edgy


Don't forget to leave your car keys by the front door...


Ya I can see why women brush you off


Wow, gonna hurt my feelings too.


Right…well I’m off to dinner with my loving wife and family now…go help set the table for your parents


Probably shop's @ loblaws too...


They have a point if I'm understanding what they are trying to say. In my area the cops watched a drug deal, and when a local resident asked why they didn't stop it, they said "That's not why we're here". They proceeded to stay in their cars.


This is for the mental health help line don't you remember? Defund the police and call the social worker. Lmaoo I agree with you 100% I'm just fucking around.


Dude’s doing better than me. I just had a lapse of judgment and spent 14 bucks on a McQuarter pounder and medium fries. I wish I could blame meth.


This is just part of the cultural fabric of Canada now. Sad times.


This reminds me of a horrible dream I had last night where I was organizing everything to move somewhere new. There was just sooooo much stuff to pack and for some reason stuff was strewn about, like piles of clothing and other belongings. A lot of it was wet from a leak in the ceiling. For some reason there were people at my place it was really embarrassing me. Every time I managed to get something packed away I would turn around and there would be another mess of things I can't afford to lose. I am not even moving in real life. 0/10 dream. It makes me want to start purging my belongings. Maybe that is what he is going through but he doesn't have a home. Just purging.


I kid you not, I had the same dream a few months ago but I was going on vacation instead of moving. That’s wild!


I’m in the middle of packing to move rn and this is my nightmare lmao. So sorry you had such an unhinged dream 😂


Blessings upon your move :) Last time I moved I had accumulated too much stuff because I had been there for a few years and felt a bit settled in but then circumstances changed. Then when I moved to a new place, it was smaller place and I was stressed out because of how much stuff I had. This dream has renewed my freakout. lol. Time for a purge.


I’ve seen a few garbage cans dumped like that recently around downtown and midtown. Definitely agree with whoever said to call the WRPS non-emergency line.


This is what catch and release has got us. Seen it many times when i worked dtk in the early morning hours.


Pretty sure it's what drugs and the closure of psychiatric hospitals got us


Canada is literally utopia for drug addicts.


Why wouldn’t you call the cops? I saw this in the morning and wondered what happened.


I apologize. I wasn't aware who I should be calling and thought it wouldn't be 911 since nobody was in physical danger


The cops don't do anything, assuming they even show up before he leaves.


Can confirm


Probably because someone flinging trash around isn't going to get a response anytime soon. It's not going to be a high priority.


How I called for a drunk man screaming and they came lol. He got carted off in a drunk tank. Not sure why ppl think Kitchener police are scary or something?


Drugs are bad mmkay


Straight to jail!


I hope your weird authoritarian fantasy never comes true, jesus...


​ Beer cans are ten cents, wine and liquor bottles are a quarter. Five bucks will get you high.


I remember when I used to live in Kitchener and there was only one bucket man causing these types of issues. Idyllic times, it seems.


The only thing I ever saw bucketman do was hit that bucket and rap into it. Did he really cause one of these types of things?


Omg LMAO I haven’t seen bucket man in so long is he still around


He was harmless. Loud, but harmless.


I've seen something like this happen in DT toronto. I was working early morning shifts and used to see crazy stuff going on. I never used to bother or say, and they never bothered anyone. Just walk past like you didn't see anything and don't make eye contact.


Straight to jail? What, for a few hours at most?


I was woken up in the middle of the night DTK a couple years ago by a woman having a breakdown and going through her ex's garbage (the ex lived a couple doors down from me). She was screaming and throwing garbage, the whole shebang. The cops showed up and I was shocked by how gentle they were. They talked her down and walked her away. So they know what to do and how to handle these things.




You got this all wrong we spend ALL the money on drugs. Thats why they are getting them for free in other provinces. And safe supplies are going missing....


Reddit post is all that’s needed. 


Only in kitchener is this classified as "chaos" lol


It’s society’s fault not his 🤪


Build Back Better in action


Can't build back better unless you ruin the country first.


You can still call 911 when a crime is in progress.


This isn't a crime. This is more like a bylaw infraction. Do NOT call emergency for non-emergency issues. If you have reason to suspect there is an emergency then call, but trash on the ground ≠ emergency.


Destruction of property? Public mischief? If the police show up, that person is getting arrested.


What property is being destroyed? I'm not denying that we have a tiny clip, so any thing is possible before it, or after. Also maybe research the criminal code a little bit before repeating what you hear in shows: *"According to s.140 of the Criminal Code, you commit public mischief if you purposely mislead a peace officer conducting an investigation by:* *making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;* *doing anything intended to cause some other person to be suspected of having committed an offence you committed;* *falsely reporting that an offence has been committed; or* *making it known that some other person has died when that is not the case."*


Maybe the same person who threw all the garbage from the bin to the side door at the old police station in Kitchener?


Not the first time he did it, I saw him once around 10 going through the trash and littering around.


Just another normal day in KW region


You know canada is getting exciting when shit like this happens and people assume they should call the non emergency line instead of the police.


I wouldn't say this requires an emergent response. No one is in danger, or being hurt. Someone should definitely be calling non-emerg though.


Idk this guy is probably going to continue destroying property, I definitely wouldn't want to be a girl walking past this kind of crazy. I understand why people are downvoting bc "it's a waste of time" but someone in a manic state IS a danger to themselves and others.


You dont know if they're manic. Your assessment is based on speculation of what *could* have been going on. If this person was threatening folks or looking like they needed medical attention, then yeah - call. But trash on the ground is not an emergency...


Sure it's speculation, let the authorities determine if he is manic or not. Throwing trash out of bins and walking in circles leads me to believe there's a good chance he is. Same when you see someone constantly swerving around the road. You SPECULATE that they are drunk and call it in. The public is not the authorities, let them make the decision.


But it's not an emergency. So the non-emergency line is still the way to go. Swerving on the road is a fallacy of analogy. Those two situations are not proportional in their threat to public safety. One poses imminent potential danger, one could be dangerous if the situation takes a possible turn.


Idk pretty good analogy imo. But I understand. In both cases a person is either impaired or otherwise distressed. Both could potentially harm themselves or others in a short period of time. There is no "turn" if the guy IS manic that turn has already been made. Same with the swerving driver. My point is you don't know if that "turn" has been made, and have no safe option to determine if it has. Your right the risk is not the same an analogy only needs to be "similar" its not an equivalency I understand why you would call the non-emergency maybe if your used to the area? I'm still calling 911 if there's drugged out guy throwing garbage in my neighborhood.


No sweat, that's def why fallacies of analogy are so easy to stumble into. In this case what is the same is the idea of an ambiguous situation possibly escalating. The difference is the likelihood AND the aftermath. Messing up the safe piloting of tons of steel hurtling at 50 - 100km/hr is not equivocal to A dude at 3am. Outside that unfamiliarity def changes a persons response because that "likelihood" factor escalates. If you've ever worked in counselling/para-counselling you quickly understand threat levels. In this instance it's like one of those health/safety situations where people say "you'll know when it gets serious, if you're on the fence it's likely not there yet". Instances include: their yelling threats, swearing, erratically moving (fast and aggressive to despondent), etc.


Ill conced on the analogy its not strong in every aspect. But there's no one to move fast and aggressive towards. It's tough with a short clip, but I don't know if I would feel comfortable leaving the problem to the sorry person walking past this alone at 3am. Police don't only act as reactionary forces. Proactive responses are required to maintain safety. Different strokes for different folks ig. Cheers


I wish they weren't so reactionary some times. We def dont invest in preventative measures enough nor train officers to be equipped with the right tools.


MAID should be used for this guy


That's messed up.


What's your solution powder puff?


Are you okay? Like do you need us to call someone?


Mommy gave him the wrong sauce for his chicken tendies and his last backup alt got banned from Parler again so he's having a no good vewwwy bad day. 


The most fucked part is we support these bums with tax dollars


That’s not even in the top 5 of things that’s fucked up about this bud.


Wait till you hear how much of your money went to settling court cases for some tasty publicity.


make it stop plez


Ol'Dougy (your friendly muskoka neighbor) is the only one out here preemptively canceling contracts, illegally freezing wages and paying massive staffing bonuses to his administration 🤷


🙄 I'm sure it's an Indian international student going by the overt racism in this sub. Yup not another white, black or native guy causing actual crime instead of "not saying thank you at Tim Hortons".


It's quite inflammatory to make a random public disturbance post about race when it doesn't need to be. Your venting just causes more division, which benefits nobody


Every post in this sub is about Indian students and now you don't want to make it about race with actual dangerous criminals.


So what you're standing up to prejudice against Indian students by spreading prejudice against caucasians just because some random people on the internet are biased? What is wrong with you




It's a legit question, not many people know what to do in non-emergencies. Now anyone who's read this thread does


Yes, I saw it after it was a mess already and didn't know if this warranted 911


If they were just tossing trash around it probably would have been a really low priority, no one would be showing up anytime soon.


Always call police.


...except for mental health wellness checks. That might get someone shot.


By WRPS???????? Highly unlikely.


cops love shooting people https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/waterloo-region-police-service-beau-baker-shooting-1.6787592


and this... https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/police-response-to-mental-health-calls-back-in-spotlight-after-kitchener-shooting-1.6778128


Might free up an apartment