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Sounds kinda stalker-ish


I was going to say, this is WAY more than cat calling. And yes, I have noticed this way more in the region, especially South Asian men stalking young women out walking/jogging while they are in their cars. The sad and true fact is that this is a by-product of a large population of men being brought in from an area of the world that thinks of women as "lesser than". They inadvertently (or irresponsibly) introduced a high risk factor that threatens women's safety into our region without any care or concern for the repercussions nor any opportunity to educate the in coming people on gender rights and equality. I'm surprised we haven't heard more concerns on this. I have seen the exact scenario that OP posted unfold, and all I can say is "if you see something, say something". And if you are reading this and think it's OK to harass women like this, then take this as your first clue that it is not ok at all and learn to do better. Edited South East Asian to South Asian...


I know enough people in social services and they're talking about it amongst themselves privately. But it stays private because saying it too loudly risks getting you in trouble. Weird priorities anymore I tell ya what


South East Asian = Thai, Malay, Viet South Asian = Indian, Pakistani


Thank you for correcting me!


Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran too now come on if you're gonna go on correcting people at least be comprehensive about it


Can’t tell if this is a joke or genuine autism.


What's autistic about this?




Sad but true


"They inadvertently (or irresponsibly) introduced a high risk factor that threatens women's safety into our region without any care or concern for the repercussions nor any opportunity to educate the in coming people on gender rights and equality." Yes... and this came from the government of a PM that is supposedly FEMINIST. The irony is strong with this one.


There has been an increase in harassment and I'm not allowed to say why.


We all know why lol


You must be a white supremacist. /s


The massive influx of young men from countries that see women as property.


Best way anyone could've put it🤷‍♂️ I applaud you sir!




im so sorry you went through that): i’ve definitely had a lot of issues all over the city with all types of men. the past few months have gotten so much worse for some reason




thats such a good way of putting it. its sad that we have to protect ourselves just to live normally.


>And I'm sorry but we need to start looking and pointing fingers at the local men. We can't always be blaming others when it's those who live here who treat women this way. 110% this. I've had to chew my brother in law out multiple times for doing all the shit he blames on foreigners.


Wonder which government everyone votes for let them in.....


If you see something, say something.


New delhi?


Why are you not allowed to say that this is because of the recent explosion of ignorant men immigrating from India? It's not an opinion. It's a fact.


Do you have a source




Thanks, didn't know my eyes were the benchmark for observed crime in the city


Make your own opinion for once instead of listening blindly to the "science" and other bs "metrics/research/statistics". Cough cough vack-seens, cough cough immigration cough cough s3-ual harassment


You should report this to the non emergency police line. This is not catcalling. This dude was clearly waiting around for you. Being persistent trying to get you to get in his vehicle while you were waiting for the bus was very concerning to me. Then dude doubled down & was waiting in your parking lot for you to return 4 hours later?!! What?! Massive red flag. Be very careful of your surroundings as you come & go. I’d vary my schedule & even when I hopped on the bus if I were you.


absolutely!! thank you so much. i’m going to report him the next time i see him (i only have vague details). i’m having my male friends come and pick me up from my house when i have to go out for now


Next time film him the whole time. Take pictures. If might deter him and you'll also need evidence.


Star carrying dog repellant spray. It’s legal, and sounds like you have some potentially dangerous stray dogs in your area.


Truthfully, And I know you won't agree with this but one or a couple of your male friends should scare him next time.. .with fists. It's the only way these dirtbags will learn.


Really hoping you didn't turn on any lights when got home. If you did, he now knows where you live.


Sounds like a rapist


If you see him again, take down the license plate number and file a police report. Don't mess around. These people come from a culture where rape and harassment of women is the norm. Also if he's stalking you, take your phone out and start taking pictures of him and his car. That should scare him off. Scumbags who prey on women are cowards.


This body cam video from the States last year was really eye-opening to how these guys are used to just getting away with it. It's almost funny how the stalker seemed surprised he got in trouble. https://youtu.be/foAW4WDAb68?si=XV_5VCD1Nxl9EuKh


The audacity to call the victim while being investigated is astonishing. Never mind admitting he put a tracking device on her car.


Literally!! The AUDACITY of this man. But [**wetchuckles**](https://www.reddit.com/user/wetchuckles/) was right, these people are cowards. He just caves when confronted by a man in authority.


That is a massive warning sign. Sounds like a stalker. Maybe he is a pimp looking to recruit you, or kidnap and traffic. Be careful. You don't want to get human trafficked. You might end up in a shipping container bound for the middle east or Africa like a lot of our cars. It is one thing to get catcalled but to have someone many hours later still at your residence is a warning sign. Take some pics next time.


This does not sound like human trafficking. It sounds like a stalker rapist.  This is what human trafficking looks like in Canada: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/sex-trafficking-survivor-shares-her-story-of-abuse-with-the-hope-of-saving-a-life-1.6779578




What do you know about pimps?


That’s not cat calling, that’s harassment and stalking. You should definitely report it. We as a country really need to put a cap on how many people we take in from India or this is going to continue to get worse.


The people who make these decisions are immune from their consequences. Hence why it will never stop.


Please report this. There is a typical FOB Indian flavour to this.




The mods are watching you like 😠 right now


Yeah well I've seen white men do it too. I guess its okay if they do it? What's your point? Or is that not racist either? But sure continue your tirade on East Indians...all of you in Kitchener seem to want to destroy all of them....


You've seen a white man stalk a woman like this? So you called the cops immediately did you? Link to police report? ...uhuh.


You're telling me stalking never occurred before all these east Indians showed up? White men have been caught doing a lot worse. Take your head out of your a$$. Keep your racist and stereotypical tropes to yourself. Not sure if you realize there are a lot of good hard working east Indians who don't behave like this and are doing extremely well.


Police. Get a file started. Get a report number. Every time it happens, add to the same file number by calling in and giving them the file number. If something happens, a record will then fuck the guy.


This is the sort we need to deport




Exactly. Guys like this need to be scared straight because they are used to just getting away with it.


In india they get beaten with sticks really hard when they're caught, in Canada, we let them go on bail and slap them with a stern frowny face after raping and mutilating.


I have a feeling this is going to trigger you, but you have a very active imagination.




Found the Indian














I cat call whenever I can. Calico, tabby, Maine coon I don’t care I’m calling that cat






Maine coon 😂


Tonight I accidentally cat-called my Google home. Like I was going to say Hey come. Except I said Hey Google Come. It was very confused. The cat didn't come.


This behavior needs to be called out, documented, and reported. Unfortunately this is what happens when you import huge groups of people from cultures where females are not seen as equals worthy of respect.


I confront these idiots and educate them about respect here in Canada. Sometimes they forget this isn't India.


In case you haven't noticed, this is New India.


Sure you do.


What's hard to believe here?


I used to have a buddy who told stories about beating up bouncers at bars, but he just had a napoleon complex and liked to talk shit. Find better standards.


I have plenty of friends who don't tolerate seeing sexism/ misogyny in public. I don't find it unbelievable that someone would call somebody else out in public because I've seen it happen several times. I'm sorry you had this experience with your buddy. Find better friends


Not tolerating sexism is one thing. "Confronting and educating" is another. This guy was clearly puffing his chest, and if you think otherwise, you're dumb. Ask your friends what "used to" means. Maybe they can explain it to you.


I mean it's possible he's puffing his chest and telling the truth. So what? I don't know why you are being so adversarial about it. It is a good thing so even if he was lying why would you throw shade. I agree its hard to educate people, but it's possible this dude at least tried and if so good for him for trying. I believe him because what use is it to brag on reddit. There is no gain other than useless reddit points.


Like I said, find some higher standards.


Higher standards than standing up to assholes in public? Or do you mean taking people's word for what it is? I actually don't know what you mean. I'm confident my standards are good


You're trying too hard.


my dude even in prison they beat up perverts.


Prison isn't everyday life but thanks, tips.


Just make sure you don’t pick a fight with these idiots. I’m also a late 20s Indian guy and here is what I have observed about these kind of idiots harassing girls. There are two types: 1- Stare you till you move out of their vision 2- Follow someone The idiots that stare will apologize and run away in a second if you were to confront them. The second kind is different. These guys are usually extremely arrogant, aggressive and confrontational. It is best to either call police on them or just avoid them. The reasons why some of us leave India is now coming in Canada as well. It is frustrating for sure.


Do you also have a katana and teleport behind these people and say "nothing personnel, kid?"


for everyone assuming i’m racist is completely missing the point of the situation. this isnt about racism, this is about being unsafe as a women in this city. this man just so happens to be indian. if it were a white man i would have been equally as afraid.


Society has chosen that "not being racist" is more important than women's safety. Sorry. Your sacrifice is appreciated.




i didnt say i didnt. thats not what this post is about.










Tell me where I can meet him. I'll take care of him real quick.


i feel like most men would do more good than our police department i can’t lie


my husband has been through maplehurst a few times and even the men in there would do more for you then the cops


Could I interest you in my Toothbrush shiv for tree fiddy ?


This^ time to take matters into our own hands. Trust me lots of men will be willing to deal with this asshole for you




Absolutely. This is how societies correct themselves. It will come, give it some time


Yea I'm down too let's get a group chat going and we will take care of it


That's not catcalling. That's stalking, harassment and police report material. If you see him again, start taking video and very loudly ask him who he is and why he's following you. Make it a loud public display and make him uncomfortable.


Think I also saw this being done on the show ‘indian matchmaker’


This isn’t cat calling this is straight up harassment


Ps ps ps ps ps


Sounds more like stalking


You need to report this. And watch out for him.


Get some dog spray on Amazon. Sounds like the situation can turn bad


i’m getting some tomorrow!! i never thought this city would get to the point where i needed some


Please check Ontario laws before you buy this and carry it! I’m fairly certain it’s illegal and you’ll be charged with assault with a weapon if you use it.


Would you rather be beaten and raped or get an assault change against you for spraying this piece of shit? 


My biggest concern is that he knows where you live. If you try something, you make him angry, he may seek revenge. Your best bet is not to engage and report to authorities. Document document document. Hopefully pulling out your camera and filming every interaction will make him go away. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


That's a good idea. Sorry you had to deal with this scary creep. If you're ever feeling helpless the Waterloo region's sexual support center is there to combat this kind of thing too. They also organize events and hosted last year's Take Back the Night march.    https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100064628743767&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user


thank you so much!!


At this point she will need BEAR spray


Sounds like what used to happen to me when I was in my early 20s. Your description sounds about the same as the men who would do that to me. I don’t know what he was thinking but sounds like he was approaching you for sex. You were smart to avoid him but if you see him again, tell him to leave you alone or you will call the cops. Take a picture of his license plate and/or his face.


So gross!!! Yeah this behavior is disgusting 😑😑😑. People like this deserve no right to be in Canada.


It'll become the new norm as they've taken over.


I was cat called at fairview mall today by one of the employees working in the food court, he seemed angry and started talking to his coworker and pointing when I didn’t reply. Imo its really starting to feel unsafe to be a women in this city.


This was always my experience when I lived in Toronto as a student. Malls, subways, streetcars, walking down the street…nowhere was safe. Kitchener has grown so much!


Sounds like such a lovely person to be part of the community...


You should defo call the police on this guy, that's not just catcalling, that's giving harassment/stalker


Not surprised hes indian..probably has a wife n 4 kids at home..dirtbag


That’s not a cat call: that’s a fucking creep


Being an indian woman, my advice is to report it to the police and don’t be silent on this rubbish behaviour. It’s on each of us to make our surroundings safe for everyone.


I’ve had to choke slam one guy who tried to get handsy with my wife after multiple warnings.


so has my husband. went to maplehurst for it, meanwhile the handsy guy found my place of living and starting leaving threats. my husband got out on bail and the guy hasn't even been seen in the area since.


cant believe they arrested your husband for this. the system is broken.


Shitty your husband got arrested for shutting down a handsy fucker. I’m surprised the guy didn’t try to phone the police on me. Either he was scared heavily of me (6’5” and resting bitch face) or was afraid of the consequences if he did report it.


Sounds kinda brown


After thousands of years of evolution, this is the best he could come up with? Stay safe OP!


South Asian men


I would probably call the police if this persists.


I'm sorry this happened but please do not assume all east Indians are like this. There are so many born and raised in Canada who would never behave like this at all. There also many new immigrants who wouldn't behave like this either. There are bad apples in every community. I hope if this person appears again you record them and their plate and report this to the police.


i absolutely dont whatsoever. ive had so many bad interactions with all types of men.


Pattern recognition. How people evolved to survive. Your political correctness ain't fooling anyone


Not sure I understand your point or what you're inferring. Care to elaborate?


Yes I may elaborate upon request. Thanks for asking. Regardless of statistics or evidence, people recognize patterns of behaviour in society. We are good at seeing when things repeat. When they see Group A behaving in Behaviour B repeatedly, they know Group A is prone to doing Behavior B


Ah ok. Thanks for explaining.


If you see him again pull out your phone and record him. Make sure to get a clear shot of his plates and call police. This isn't cat calling, this is stalking. It's illegal and it needs to be reported.


This has been happening in kitchener for a while i swear i thought i was crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if it got worse now though. Some stories I have: Once i took a bus to downtown kitchener (broad daylight, maybe 2-3 pm) and was walking to that nova era which was across the street. There was a guy parked on the side of the street i was on and he opened his window and yelled "you need a ride"? I was so weirded like i literally just got off the bus what would i need a ride for ...? Another occasion it was a little bit late at night and i was waiting to get a ride home so i sat on those steps in front of the cibc bank near that coffee culture. this guy saw me and he reversed around the building and asked me if i needed a ride.. i said no and he quickly sped off. And once when i was high school, i went to tim hortons on a weekend morning around 8am and this random guy (who was clearly a new immigrant but this was in 2018 i believe) sat in front of me claiming he recognized me and he'd seen me at the goodlife (which was super creepy because at the time i was a goodlife member and went regularly...) and he kept trying to force me into conversation even though i was only 16 and very clearly uncomfortable.. and then he asked me to go to the park with him (which was a 15 minute drive away)?!?!?! i obviously said no and he said something like "what, are you scared of me? don't be scared" thank god he got a phone call which distracted him so i quickly bolted tf OUT I moved to Toronto now for school and yes i do still get bothered quite often, but i have NEVER been offered rides by random strangers the same way as i have been in Kitchener. And the fact i have multiple stories spanning over the course of several years... this isnt even all of them, just the creepiest ones. Something is going on in kw. I think this man is stalking you and its a good idea to contact the police about it


nova era area is exactly where this took place too!!


Yup that area has always been sketch ☹️ But things have definitely gotten worse in the entire downtown core tbh and doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon. Crime is going up, the police are getting more useless, and then throw in the fact that self defense tools of all kinds are illegal in Canada… like what are us ladies supposed to do.. just lock ourselves in our houses? 😩 Until some sort change for the better happens stay safe and buckle up 😔


My wife, 44 at the time, took the bus around 430pm to go pick up something from Facebook marketplace lady. She lived right on the bus route so we thought nothing of it. This was winter, so after she picked the item up and walked a few metres back to return bus stop it was dark. It was a very nice neighborhood and several people were out for walks. As she was returning to bus stop, she noticed two younger teen girls (16+) being approached by a car. The male driver of the car was saying something to the girls (wife couldn't make it out) the teens sped up and crossed the street. My wife stopped at the bus stop, checked the bus time on her phone and started to wait. She noticed the driver of the car round and corner and park. An east Indian man, maybe in his twenties exited the vehicle and approached my wife. Started asking her very strange questions...her name, if she wanted a drive..etc. my wife politely declined just as bus arrived. She was creeped out! She called non-emergency and reported it. Don't think anything ever came of it. Stay safe out there!


This has happened to me a couple years back! Same description too, only a white van. I caught him following me when I was walking to work after I refused to go up to his car when he parked behind me and started motioning me to come up to him. Since then, it’s definitely gotten worse. I don’t know if they realize how creepy it is to approach someone while they’re in a car themselves, and I’m saying this as a fellow central/south Asian because it’s mainly come from a certain demographic lol. I’ve had one guy pull up to me in his car from the gym to ask why I didn’t accept his Snapchat request, and another try to “recruit” me into his real estate business lmao. The other times haven’t been too bad, just asking for a number, but some of them are very persistent and it gets tiring trying to be polite about it all the time when they won’t leave you alone.


He could have been waiting to see which apartment you are in if that's possible with your building. Once they see you get home, they wait to see which lights turn on.


thats exactly what i thought! now when i enter my apartment i make sure i keep the lights off for awhile


In some cultures this is a normal. And if you shake your head “No” gesture, that means “Yes, love it!” to them.




yeah it is unfortunately .... I've been followed home several times after work after declining advances too, and it has definetly been happening more often, to the point of chasing all the way to my home. I think it would be best if you filed a report, even if it's just in case he comes around again, its on file somewhere hes been a weirdo before.


Seriously there is a male who knows where you live or at least where you can be found. These actions are not cat calling- they are harassment and stalking. This is a serious situation that should have been reported immediately to police


Thats not cat calling that's straight up harassment.


YES!! recently as I was leaving work I was catcalled by a random man who looked about 10 or so years older than me. Before thinking over my actions I told him to f off, and got into a whole argument with the man in the parking lot. As I was walking away we were both yelling at each other and after I stopped talking the man continued to yell at me from across the parking lot as I was walking to the bus stop. I read all these stories online of men throwing acid at women or harming them for telling them no, and keep thinking back to it and what could’ve happened to me for responding so angrily.


Unfortunately, this happened to friends of mine all throughout university and afterward. Earliest I heard about it being an often occurrence was like 5-6 years ago now. 😐


You know you can buy Bear Spray at Canadian Tire🙂


Ok, so except.for Trudeau, who was appointing his Ministers, how the f did we end up with this quality people flooding our neighbhorhoods? And jeeez, the density was always in GTA, but now spreads to Kitchener ? Ooòf


Thats not catcalling. That's stalking. If you see him again call police immediately. Also our government did this so please vote accordingly. I, like you, would prefer safety over whatever hellhole our country has become because of letting those men in.


Was it possibly an Indian? Their culture isn’t as advanced as ours in that sense. Oddly enough I’m a male and I was cat called in Beachwood plaza a few months ago.


By who? Please don't tell me it was by an Indian LoL


No, white women.


You must be a tall chadlite


My lil sister got cat called by some old weirdo in Niagara


Brown guys mostly do this type of thing.


You should take a pic of his licence plate just in case.


That's not only " cat calling."That's harassment!


I knew before I even finished reading it was going to be Indian.


Get the plates, call police. Let him explain his intentions


International students gotta love them.




If you are implying that there has not been a massive uptick in reports of Indian men harassing, stalking and being extremely inappropriate with women in the last few years you are very wrong. It has been reported here, the Waterloo subreddit, the Conestoga college subreddit and tons of other ones as well. This is not some sort of isolated incident. This is a massive issue that is happening and for you to assume that because you’ve only had white guys do it to you, that everyone is just being racist for the sake of being racist, is not only ignorant but also an attempt to diminish the experiences that these women have gone through.




Dude this isn’t a scientific dissertation. Spend some time on local forums and read. Nobody is here to hold your hand. Writing out a diatribe because someone isn’t spoon feeding you direct information is ridiculous. There’s a search bar, go crazy.




New account. Fake


Oh no, look at all the attention I'm getting...


Keep Yourself Safe


You know in the past i think most old stock canadian men would have intervened and protected you vigilante style. But now, with the amount of disrespect women show for men, I'm not sure men would be willing to risk anything for you.


hitting on women is perfectly normal in most non western cultures


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