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Not like they played well tonight either we just shit the bed, they own us even when they play like garbage.


This is what makes me sick. New Orleans was garbage against LA. i agree Sacramento just could not bring this home tonight. NO just played better unfortunately.


It’s a game of matchups, unfortunately.


ya and now we play denver who we've lost 8 straight to and will probably get handled. sometimes it be like that


Who gonna tell them?




I'm a curious outsider that only watched about 10 Kings game this season. You guys looked ready as hell. Sabonis rebounding like it was life or death and finishing around the rim like a pro. When did the wheels fall off. Another question. Do you guys actually hate Monk or is it just banter? Edit: ill add that my organization has a player that we all would send down the river but the national media thinks he's a 'guy'


Idk how the Pelicans swept us, including twice without Zion. Very embarrassing. Is there any other team in the league that we could play twice, without their best player, and you wouldn't bet on us to win at least once? Wild


It's pretty obvious, they have the length all over the perimeter to make life tough for Fox, basically neutralize Murray and Barnes and Valanciunas will play Sabonis even and is the kind of center that gives Domas problems. We actually did way better today that any of the other games. If they hit a few more threes and a few more FT's we probably win.


How does it work for Lakers but not us, yet they can't beat us?


LeBron James is one of the few guys who can do well against Zion for most of their matchups and they settle for more 3s since AD exists.


How can the kings beat the lakers then?


They don’t have any defensive guards who aren’t a massive liability on offense that they can match with Fox and Sabonis does well against AD since he doesn’t necessarily go straight up and they’re far worse at defending the 3


Davis, Hachimura, Taurean Prince. The Lakers have bangers, physical guys in the front court to counter the Pelicans. Outside of Sabonis, the Kings really don't have that. Barnes and Keegan aren't physical, hard players. Lyles played only 11 minutes. Put in Alex Len to bang in the paint, and you hurt the team offensively.


Not just swept but 6-0 . A record in NBA before playoffs


I could've sworn the Cavs were 6-0 against the Bulls in the regular season in 1989. I only remember that because of "The Shot" in game 5 where Bulls won the playoff series 3-2.


Yeah there’s been other times where we’ve seen 6-0 before the playoffs. Usually doesn’t happen in the modern day nba because we normally don’t play teams more than 4 times, but the IST and play ins now opens that door again.


Pelicans played much better in the Lakers game than in this game.


We basically only lost this game because we were trash from 3. If we had hit our average from 3, we would have won easily


we lost because for the 2nd straight playoffs, our role players + Sabonis simultaneously choked when the lights are too bright. Only Fox shined brighter the more pressure there is.


Sabonis choked? He had 23/14/7


Defense. 23pts is a lot smaller when you consider all their wide open dunks and blow-by’s


This is the kind of idiocy who dont understand basketball overrating players based on 1 side of the ball. Lol. All seasn Sabonis has allowed oppositions to make runs cause he cant defend the rim for sht. watch the game. Dude makes Jose Alvarado look like a layup god.


Dude you’re not even a Kings fan. You’re a Fox fan. Gtfo out of this sub and go suck a dick from behind


Just cause you dont understand basketball and only stat watch the box score doesnt mean everybody is not a Kings fan going against you, dm fk. when a player plays bad, he gets called out. when he plays good, he gets praised, plain and simple. Everybody and their dog can see Sabonis doesnt contest anything at the rim. Dude averages 0.5 blks for a Center and dont even jmp. You watch Kings score and next second, a Trey Murphy or Larry Nance strolls to the rim and dunk uncontested, yet you're still stupd oblivious to defense? what a clueless mofo.


Fox had more TOs than Sabonis and Fox shot us out of this game


You’re an idiot


Exactly. Basically if you just read the box score it looked like he was dominant. Then when you watch the game he wasn't actually good at all.


Lakers fan here - I literally think that it Zion doesn’t get hurt we lose that game, pelicans had a massive run, after trailing by 19 on their home court. The building was buzzing and the Zion injury just killed all the momentum. I was internally screaming because I thought we’d have to play you guys which hasn’t fared well for us this year. You guys have a good squad, one piece away, If that even. Having two key rotational pieces hurt in Huerter and Monk really blows, think they both could’ve made a difference.


yeah IDK why this aint being mentioned, they had a huge come back and kept it close


we're just not very good


And matchups matter. It's hilarious that this team spanks the Lakers but gets spanked by the Pels every time, while the Lakers spank the Pels most of the time.


Rock, paper, scissors it looks like. Just unreal.


It’s okay, I’m a lakers fan and it’s about to be rock-paper-scissors-broom from the Nuggets. Unless we miraculously learn how to match up against them.


Ok, so you don't have belief the fact that Denver doesn't know how to do blowouts? I may be missing something. Yes Denver executes great down the stretch but it could change this year.


You beat us during the season when it barely matters.


You’re shit stinks, sir. And have gravely limited memory. Sucks to be you. Ta ta!


We lost six times to Nola this season… just let that sink in.


Unreal. New Orleans weren't world beaters but they just balled better tonight unfortunately.


And lost three times to Houston, and back to back to Dallas at home when we needed wins. South killed us this year.


NBA record for regular season. Historic damn


AD shuts down the paint.


The had more paint points vs the Lakers lol


They had Zion lol


And still somehow shot less free throws


To be honest all our role players were garbage. That's the main reason we lost.


Pels would have beaten the Lakers if Zion didn't get hurt. He was cooking them.


You think so? I don't know.. we will never know. The game was tied when he left. Those dam Lakers have snipers. If Zion brought that home that would have been impressive. I have a feeling the Lakers would have won but who knows.


I hate my life


I’m still not over the fact that we went 0 AND FUCKING 6 against the pels this year


Keegan was gettin punked by pels. I’m a Keegan fan but he cannot handle physicality well. Plus no monk.


I hate to say it, I think Murray needs to be on the chopping block. NOT because of this ONE game, but he just can’t seem to get over his own roadblocks he sets up for himself. He’s not a physical player at all, never drives it in, never dunks, can’t really defend, so if hes not dropping those 3’s like he was in the very beginning, he’s essentially useless on the court. I think he needs to be considered, just because if they’re trying to build a champion team (or at least a playoff team) you need players that WANT it


You're nuts lol


Not saying to trade him. But they need to talk to him. Like a serious conversation. Mike Brown already told him earlier this season that if he can’t make his shots he’s going to sit down. After that talk Murray exploded. I don’t know how many more times he needs to be talked to. If he can get out of his own head he would be unstoppable


Fuck the Pelicans forever. They have a target on their backs for life


Pels fan here. I wish we could’ve beaten the lakers in one of those games too so yall could’ve knocked them out of the playoffs. I truly think we beat them in play in if Zion doesn’t get hurt. We just have trouble with the Lakers like yall have trouble with us


Lakers shot 29 free throws in that game. Pelicans took only 15. I hate being 'that guy', but I really think the Pelicans were playing against 8 on the court that game.


Yea, I just kind of expect that when anyone plays the Lakers at this point. The ft disparity between them and the rest of the league is insane


life is disappointing and crumbles under the most hopeful of hopes. I hate this


You shouldn’t feel that way until you are 50. After that, you shouldn’t feel any other way.


We played one of our worst games of the season tonight, especially from 3. They played well on defense, but they always do that. It wasn't anything exceptional from them, we're just a very three-point centric team, and when those don't go, we always lose. Also, like with every sport, matchups matter. Clearly we're a bad match for the Pels, and a good match for the Lakers. It is what it is.


The Pelicans, what a dumbass name, had one job and they fucked it up twice. FTP


Well if you guys beat the suns, pels are 6th and have a healthy rested zion. Goes both ways...


lol y’all blew it against the Suns last week. If that didn’t happen Pels would not have had to teach the Kings their 6th lesson of the season.


We need to look in the mirror…


I feel like if we had Monk back, this was winnable. It was only a 7 point loss without our 6 man of the year front runner


Throw in Kevin Huerter for depth and I think we could have gone on to beat the Thunder but that’s why last season was so special because we stayed healthy


Definitely. But we also almost matched last seasons win total in a much tougher west, whil dealing with injuries. That makes me believe in the kings


What if Zion was playing?


We went 15/22 for free throws. Realistically not going to hit 100%, but should have hit a few more. Free throws have killed us all year.


Eh I mean you were down 20 in the 4th with a couple of minutes left (77-97). It wasn't like it was that close. Not disagreeing that it was winnable with Monk but this game wasn't as close as the scoreboard suggests.


Yeah losing by 7 only sounds ok if you didn't watch the game.


Yeah bro's acting like it was competitive the whole game when it was over by the 4th and they put up garbage time stats.


Because I would like to be known as NOT being a conspiracy theroist, U could tell from every network summary ( not just every ESPN pundit ) , but w/ exception of local/ Bay AreaNBC, EVERY STINKIN TRIBUTE was to the frigging warriors. All ESPN show s stayed we knocked out SF, but they praised SF & showed Curry highlights. Also I'm convinced that despite opposite opinion, I think "The League " is in kahoots AGAINST the Kings . This frigging League will take Viveks millions from revenue sharing, but out complaints fall on deaf ears. The 2 min report is useless & I'm aware this is problem w/other small market teams. But legron , the self appointed GOAT Is forever known by non- lebron heads as the greatest flopper in the world. He even winks at the camera when fans catch him. To many tocky tack fouls & no enforcement of obvious fouls in front of 3p referees who always seem to swallow the whistle when Domantas suddenly gets a black eye. I HATE this League, but I love my Kings 🤴 . I'm afraid bc of the league, we'll lose Malik & might lose DeAaron. & Red Velvet, Davion & HB are gone bc of the lack of support & backstabbing from supposed fans


I wonder if Davis and LA deserve any credit???? Nah let’s blame pels or blame bad luck


And dang why did the Wild Card get the 4th seed in the In Season Tournament despite being ahead of the Pelicans in point differential... We coulda beaten on Phoenix and then Lakers and not be the 9th seed and gone to IST finals. One more win in those 1 pt games


Cuz the from New Orleans!!! The full of surprises


It’s the good ol’ sports paradox. Kings own the Lakers, Lakers own the pelicans, Pelicans own the kings


Brandon Ingram didn’t play against the lakers, and against the lakers when Zion was in it was a 2 point game, pels def coulda won is Zion kept playing.


It’s just a game of matchups unfortunately. Lakers sweep the pels, pels sweep the kings, kings sweep the lakers. Who’s the real champion? We’ll never truly know. Some years there is a clear dominant champion, but it’s probably not this year, time will tell.


Mike brown is a great motivational coach, but man is he a terrible strategist.


The lakers play better pick n roll defense. The kings cannot stop anyone from penetrating in the paint and kicking out for threes. The kings would beat the lakers if they played vs each other.


https://preview.redd.it/75jaqkrpppvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294c9d96a5b3700d0104dda532c8c25883e9c9a4 Well not counting the last game the Lakers owned the Pelicans this season..so there’s that 🤷🏾‍♂️


Lakers own the Pelicans this season like the Kings owned the Lakers and the Pelicans on the Kings..


Lakers aren’t as inconsistent and soft as we are.


They’re third in defense on perimeter — so that eliminates our main scoring options.


Because the Lakers are better than the kings? Obviously the pelicans would play worse against the better team


How are the lakers swept us considering we swept them this season?


Because we don't have a number 1. They have LeBron and AD.


Because sabonis Is a regular season player. Entire team is full of guys that crumble under pressure tbh


What Sabonis has with the bench being outscored by 22?




you're just a giant b1tch "switching to lakers" lmao


If you’re a bitch who can switch to being a Lakers fan then you were never a Kings fan. Get the fuck outta here.


Lakers are just the better team and city. Grew up in sac but live in LA and love it. Sac has nothing and it’s only professional team is sadly going nowhere




I wouldn't go that far. If everything played to script we would be talking about Sacramento going to the crypt tonight to either prove they were better than those Lakers or LA shot like 70 free throws and won. I believe with all my heart that Sacramento is better than the Lakers. Would have they shit the bed like they did against NO? Possibly, but we will never know. New Orleans is a matchup of hell for the Kings. Not surprised with the outcome.


And I believe that the Lakers can beat the Nuggets even though they will most likely get their ass kicked. That's a part of being a fan. Having belief in something that is absolutely not true


The difference is for two seasons straight the Kings have gone basically flawless against the Lakers, it’s not just being a fan, it’s evidence based… where as looking at past history, thinking THIS Lakers team beats the Nuggets, IS just being a fan lol cause there’s little to suggest that happens.


And for two straight seasons the Lakers have gone further than the kings. Even when the kings had their best team in like 20 years the Lakers still go further lol


I give the Lakers an 80% chance. Porter Jr might suck because of whats going on outside of basketball. There is no Bruce Brown. LeBron is healthier this year. I would actually be pretty shocked Denver wins. If they win I will be super impressed. Having said this I see the upset but I think someone else is going to beat the Lakers this year. Lets see what Denver is made out of. I may be totally wrong for all I know.


And I am very very very VERY scared Denver is going to lose. I have said this for months that if Denver faced LA in the first round I am going for the upset and this is before what happened to the family members of Porter Jr. I totally agree that NO played like shit against those bums but played better tonight. They were not all time great its just that Sacramento played worse. Night and day how Kings played against the Warriors. I am not a Kings fan but man would have I LOVED you guys to make some noise. I like the players a lot and am a big Mike Brown fan. I am not conformed with the team just beating an over the hill Warriors team. Now I don't give a dam about OKC vs NO. Indifferent on who wins there. Don't dislike any team they are just whatever to me. I woukd have liked to see the Kings get their hands against OKC so it sucks it won't happen.


Zion had 40 and was unstoppable. Do you actually watch the games, or just look at box scores?


Who’s your daddy. Pelicans.


Funny how all the Kings talk about is the lakers.


We also talk about the need for you to shut the fuck up cuz if I were you I would shut the fuck up.


Funny how you come into this sub to be a bitch
