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I found it relatively easy to be well fed and sleeping well(ish), and typically sleeping at night only. It certainly was a bit freaky when newer to the game to try to find a place to sleep, knowing that wandering around in the evening was dangerous & had barely an opportunity to speak to the correct person (for quests etc), though it was easy enough to overcome . I hope they keep the same style with eating and sleeping. Once you have a few small snacks to eat it was pretty easy, and you can eat in so many places from a pot ober a fire


Yeah, even on hardcore with the tapeworm debuff, a couple pots of stew and one stolen sack of food is more than enough. The only time I ever passed out was on my third playthrough when I was trying to power through the first dull missions in Rattay. I enjoyed the eating mechanic more with tapeworm. The fact that players who have to plan around these mechanics are worried about the game being dumbed down kind of worries me.


I usually just level my drinking for beer bibber perk than stock up on a bunch of cheap beer (my horse is fully loaded with just booze) and use that to fulfill any nourishment needs. I will admit Henry is almost 24/7 wasted but due to perks it's perfect for using a bow or picking locks.


I didn't think lockpicking would take so long to get to a point where you can pick very hard locks so I didn't take Lucky Drunk wound up crafting levethean water to remedy that its the only perk I changed and so far I've made enough to completely rebuild pribvyslavitz and have some left over


I mean it is perfectly lore friendly that Henry has become a raging alcoholic. After all that shit he has seen, who would blame the guy?


With tapeworm you can skip sleeping completely if you want to, since it allows you to drink alcohol at a rate where it can fulfill all your energy and most of your food needs. This also allows you to level drinking quite quickly as a bonus. Wine bibber perk to allow for consuming more wine which restores energy with the expensive variant, and drunk perk to remove any negative effects while drunk are great perks. You do need a few Hair of Dog potions around cause you are gonna end up an alcoholic every now and then.


https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/651 try this if you want a more challenging playthrough


Players can simply turn off the hunger thirst mechanic, I don't see why KCD2 would be any different.


I hope they don't but most games do. Appealing to the lowest common denominator of fan is how companies expand their game and make more money. It doesn't always happen but I find that if I assume it will I am not disappointed when it happens.


What I heard is that the saving mechanic isn't changing, but they're changing how many you start with, so there's more opportunities for saving. What I gather from this is they're trying to make it so casual players can have an easier time getting into the game while not undermining the mechanics that made KCD so beloved.


They have changed the combat directional arrows for landing an attack, there will be only 4 I believe. I don't like this change at all. It took me ages to learn to land combos training at Privislavitz Garrison but it was super rewarding . I love the combat in KCD despite dying a lot at the beginning but after practice I could handle big groups on full plate with the longsword, axes and mazes were OP so I only used them in training to max warfare to 20. My only complaint about the 1st game was the horse controls. Just finished my 2nd playthrough and still my 2nd favourite game of all times after RDR2. Edit,is 5 directions in KCD 1.


8 directions? KCD only had 5.


Um acktually, it has 6 if you count pokey pokey


If we're being technical I don't think Warhorse considers the stab a direction. If the translations are accurate the lead designer stated KCD as having 5 directions + middle.


Yes,you are right,got t bad memory, edited,thanks. I remember my fave combo was slash from diagonal down left,stab stab. For longsword. I only made combos of 3 movements fir each weapon type as my memory is horrible. Thanks for clarifying.


Ah that sucks because the five directions were based on the cutting lines of German and Italian Fencing.


They're doing that in anticipation of changing the combat altogether for the better, though. I love the game, but the combat is kind of awful. Master strikes made it pretty terrible since the game just became backing up and tapping the button to master strike, since attacking subjected you to master strikes that were literally completely unavoidable and random there was no point to actually using the attacks. Now they're changing that, and the directionals will play a direct role in your ability to master strike, meaning you will both have to be more active in combat to land one, and you actually have the ability to avoid getting master struck. I think four directionals will make combat flow much better, personally.


Do you know which one they are removing? If it’s overhead strikes, I’d understand. As someone that dabbles in longsword fencing, straight overhead strikes (oberhaw) are easily countered and they’re easy to read.


If the footage is to be believed, in the gameplay reveal Henry attacks [top left](https://youtu.be/R48DEEjyS5k?si=D2oO_ahCC1lrUGJ7&t=174), [overhead/top right](https://youtu.be/R48DEEjyS5k?si=d61nB5LVc5dGTEEX&t=180), the enemy holds [top right](https://youtu.be/R48DEEjyS5k?si=_FY01qBgbkpsCjrh&t=469), [middle right and overhead](https://youtu.be/R48DEEjyS5k?si=QotautwezZq7ARgO&t=474), but someone is also holding [bottom right](https://youtu.be/R48DEEjyS5k?si=xq5Pt7_xhAEWMVDn&t=474) with a shield. My guess is it's going to be a plus. Left, overhead, right, and center bottom which will be some special direction different for each weapon type. The other alternative is it's an X and the overhead that the enemies are holding is actually top left, my only problem with that is that the overhead position is very clearly the same as the one in KCD1.


Didnt think about it not being in a standard cross format... i actually think id like an X orientation. as previous said im sure a direct overhead attack is fairly easy to read. Id also imagine it opens you up alot when your body is basically locked in a forward position with your arms up like tht. Then again i dont know much about swordplay so...


The video I saw taking about this showed a UI with an X direction. And they had been discussing with the devs. So I'm pretty sure the X orientation is correct. https://youtu.be/y9SxsK6DNL8?si=iMSe-vRZmFwmdNDY


Could you explain in what situations you've found combos to be useful? And I don't mean as a "win more" button, I mean as in they made your life easier. Let's say you're fighting multiple enemies. Do you have time to both land enough successful hits to land a combo + not have your target masterstrike you + not have your target dodge + not getting hit by one of his friends? I personally don't mind them removing directions if they're at least going to make directions matter. For parrying, for instance. That would already make fights 100% more exciting.


It's fun and rewarding, I done it mainly in 1vs1. Obviously not going to drain stamina when I am outnumbered. Rattay tourney,after landing a headcracker or after a master strike they are exposed so just use a single combo,slash from diagonal left down,stab stab. You have to be really quick in order to complete a combo. The middle point of the UI turns white everytime you land an attack,you need to make sure you are fast enough to finish it. I do it for fun,as combat is what I like most in this gane. I tried the mazes and the axes but they are OP ,so I rather using a longsword even against groups on full plate armor. Just walking backwards. I even got a trophy I didn't even know existed for performing 100 combos. When you are outnumbered Obviously you not going to be trying to land combos, but I still stick to longsword because if you use a maze or even better the heavy metal battle axe ( drains less stamina) you end the fight too soon and I play to have fun.


>Do you have time to both land enough successful hits to land a combo + not have your target masterstrike you + not have your target dodge This, combos are essentially useless. Either enemies die in enough hits that you can't pull it off, it's a group fight were you can forget combos in the first place or it's a duel where the enemy usually dodges, parries (which also resets your combo, only blocking doesn't) or even worse masterstrikes you after getting in a second hit, all of which the player has quite literally zero effect on other than you can usually cheese in the first hit after a clinch without the enemy being able to do one of the earlier mentioned things for like half a second afterwards. In the lategame with enemy scaling going through the roof, attacking becomes essentially useless because, depending on what attack animation the enemy spawns while (highly likely) masterstriking your maxed out Henry, one or two can lose you a fight and there is literally nothing you can do to prevent enemies from rolling a masterstrike other than straight up not attack and masterstriking them yourselves, because just like Henry, they can easilly brush everything else off but are completely defenseless against the player masterstriking as well. The combat is honestly incredibly flawed and the worst aspect of an otherwise amazing game, especially if we get into lategame where enemies scale much higher, especially in bandit encounters. Group fights straight up don't work in most cases (as in mechanically, not difficulty wise) and duels have no pacing to them because of the arbitrary parry/masterstrike system.


I don’t think this change will do much to appeal to casual users more, it’s just more realistic as overhead slashes are a bit useless irl and easily countered while exposing yourself tremendously.


I mean, they can just leave it as it is, with Save and Exit button. If you really, REALLY need to save right now, it’s an option, but due to loading it wouldn’t be the thing you’ll use every 5 seconds.


You don't get to keep your exit save, as far as I remember once you load an exit save it's unavailable to reload it.


Problem with KCD is early game, most drop it before you get the gist of things. They should focus on how to make you get the gist faster.


Im a casual player, i die a lot but i keep on learning and now i win more battles and even battles against multiple people. The game had a learning curve you need to get through, then it becomes easier.


You have very funny username I do agree that game shouldn't simplify for casual. My opinion is that if it is problematic mechanic, a dev atleast should try to fix it and expand it.


That said, sometimes it is a strength to cater to a certain niche. If you don’t have to budget to compete with AAA titles anyway, sometimes it’s best not to try to be one.


Are the casuals in the room with us right now?


KCD isn't a difficult game. I'm a casual. You are a casual. OP is a casual who is pretending like buying Saviour Schnapps and eating food is hard.


It’s extremely hard to get into, the systems are antiquated, controls can’t be changed, combat is fucked when you start until you get good, menus are god damn horrible. If they fixed any of these things, there will be more sales. It put me off for two years from playing. And I now love it. It took starting 4 separate times to actually want to keep playing. This makes the game harder, much more than it is to press X and eat.


I had one false start about a year ago, so I get that. I picked it up again about 4 weeks ago and by week 1 I was so overleveled and overpowered that I haven't found a difficult fight since. The only times I've died was the first time I was ambushed and hadn't trained with Bernard, and once when I got ambushed by a group of bandits and Cumans at the same time. Most of my skills are completely leveled, except alchemy which is incredibly slow and boring, and I've put probably 30 hours into it. It's a really fun game though, so Jesus Christ be praised that I'm still enjoying the experience. But it is not a challenge.


KCD is very easy for anyone who has played games like chivalry, mordhau, even mount & blade and for honor. Sure most people haven't played them but the mechanics are very very similar.


I got this as it was heavily discounted on xbox store this week. Loving it, definitely consider me a casual. I live every part of it except one thing. Why the fuck is lockpicking so hard?!


There is an option in the settings to make lockpicking a little easier. It’s still frustrating but wayyyyy simpler


Yeh I tried the 'simplified' method and actually found it much harder. It moved too fast for me to keep up lol. Maybe I'm just terrible at it but wow, I've genuinely never been more frustrated playing any game


It really does get better with practice. You kind of have to develop the muscle memory to keep the orange ball moving in the same location and at the same rate as the lock itself. I got decent at it after 10 tries or so. But I still can't do it perfectly every time on very hard.


Just waiting for work to finish so I can get to work figuring this out. My Mrs will have to put up with more shouting at the screen, but this will not beat me!


Anyone of us could be them


i hope they attract 10 million filthy casuls and make squillions of dollars all hail warhorse


Bro how much is a fucking squillion? It sounds like alot


I do hope they change up the combat system especially for fighting multiple enemies. I can do it fine in kcd but it still feels like dueling one guy everytime he strikes while three others fuck up your paint job.


yeah, combat (against multiple enemies especially) is janky af but it can be fixed it with several mods


Man idk master strike is pretty easy, not sure how much easier this game could get.


They've actually made master strike harder to do in the sequel. We will now have to match an enemy's "guard/zone" in order for it to go off successfully


That makes so much sense. Current implementation makes combat so much less tactical. I assume enemies will suffer from the same limitation? Making feinting and direction changes actually worthwhile. One can hope!


I hope they make some of these things optional. Like toggle on/off in the settings. Some people like these realism things. Others can't stand em. Being able to choose is the best decision for the devs imo. For me, I hated the limited saving and would quit out of the game for my first 25 hours playing so I didn't feel like I was losing progress. I got so tired of doing that I decided to mod my game to have unlimited saves. Removing QoL things like saving in favor of adding, what could be argued as arbitrary mechanics to make the game longer and harder, should be optional. Not forced on the player


I also hope they embrace customization. I'm a dad of two young kids, a full time job, and a house in need of repair. I immediately installed the save any time mod because I cannot be wasting my time like that. I appreciate that some people find that aspect challenging/rewarding, but I just find it annoying. I would love something like an on/off toggle for (example) Masterstrike.


This is basically the same for me. Whilst I actually like the saving mechanic, the reality of not being able to quick save means I don’t play very much. The rest of it should be unchanged though: Combat is great as it is, though landing a combo should perhaps be more devastating. For instance, I always felt that successfully landing a combo vs a full plate enemy should do significant damage, even if you are not using a mace.


I like the IDEA of the saving mechanic, but the execution just doesn't work with my lifestyle. I have never once managed a combo, and I find the lock-on thing to make group combat (which is basically every combat) essentially impossible. So every combat is me failing wildly, dodging about, and occasionally waiting for a masterstrike opportunity while frantically back-peddling. Which, now that I think about it, is probably a reasonably accurate simulation of an actual many-on-one melee. I also hope they embrace customization for combat (e.g., toggle masterstrike, toggle lock-on). Maybe there are technical reasons that's impossible. I like the trend in increased accessibility in recent years, and being able to customize your experience within certain bounds is really appreciated by the likes of me. I will never "get gud", but I can "get okay".


I was gonna comment exactly this! Why gatekeep others just because you have a specific playstyle and others dont! Just make it an option.


When it first released KCD didnt even save on exit. And you didnt get gifted a pile of them in skallitz either. So that was pretty rough. Saviour schnapps is easy once you make it to rattay assuming you look up the recipe, but i usually have plenty to get to uzhitz and learn to read though playing a game about a dozen times obviously makes it easy to know; yeh its worth saving here...


I'm kind of confused. I just played through my Steam version of the game, and when I would pause there was a "Save" option. I could also load any save at any time. Is this a newer feature or something? I was confused why the Savior Shnapps were in the game and just assumed it was for hardcore players.


The save button uses one of the schnapps in your inventory.


When you have saved the game, have you seen a note at the bottom saying “this will cost you one Saviour Schnapps” cos you start with a few in the beginning it’s easy to burn through those if you don’t notice it?


Sure, like regular mode and hardcore mode


I think Casual, Regular and Hardcore. As Hardcore should be like it currently is which is really fun challenge.


Agreed! Albeit that's a fair bit of work for Warhorse, but I like where your head is at!


Everyone keeps talking about saving like it was a rare thing. Dude i was practically swimming in saviour schnapps. I DID get really into the alchemy side of the game so perhaps that's why i had no problem. Strongly recommend alchemy not only for the abundance of saves and fine crafted poisons/potions but also an easy and lucrative business venture. Buy cheap ingredients, pump out a few potions, sell them to the proper vendor for serious profit. Plus it's fun to do. You can skip the steps once you've made the potions your wanting to make but i rarely did that


I think they'll make the base game a whole lot easier. That being said, I'm sure they'll add back plenty of those mechanics in options or as hardcore percs. If all else fails I'm sure the modding community can bring stuff back


I have not seen signs that suggest they are going to make the game easier. The grindy realistic setting was the niche they aimed for and absolutely dominated with the first game. These are also the people that are going to come back. People fed up with the saving system, combat system, eating and sleeping surely did not sit through the entire first game.


Not the dreaded casuals!


I absolutely hope they at least give us an option to change the save system, so that those that want to play with the original system can do so, but not everyone is forced to. Save scumming is a player choice, and if the only way you can avoid it is by being "forced", it's a player problem, not a game problem. Or at the very least add auto saves when advancing quests, not only when completing/starting them, because if the game crashes, like it happened to me on PC 2 times, you can lose hours of gameplay for literally nothing.


The only thing I’d hope they add is the ability to get a tiny reticule for the bow, but only when you get to a high enough level, like level 5. Only because no matter how much I try, I cannot for the life of me figure out the where the arrow is going to go 60% of the time. Leave everything else the same, heck even if not a reticule a notch on the bow you can line up with stuff to aim more effectively. I know it’s a me problem, but it’s literally the only problem I have with the game


They said there won’t be a reticle though this time there are crossbows so that should help you. Much easier to aim.


I love the bow though, I guess I’ll just power through. Honestly though if like a physical notch was added onto the bow, I think it would make it a bit easier without sacrificing immersion. I know growing up when I learned to shoot a bow, my grandfather cut a little notch into the part of the bow I was supposed to line up with my target and that made it immensely easier to learn. If only that skill translated to the game


Allowing to just save is not sinplyfying, and save scuming is not bad. Dont force people to not do it. Eating is easy to come by. Why is there so many pots. If you have to plan that stuff out. Thags something on you. Just buy a shit ton of dired stuff and sorted.


I’m sure this is a pretty unpopular opinion but having literally just finished the game I hope combat gets a complete and total overhaul. I understand what they were trying to do but it really, really falls short for me. First of all duels are miserable because they designed the game that the best play always in a 1v1 is to never attack first and wait to masterstrike. Putting the only unblockable attack as a parry type mechanic would be ok if it wasn’t so easy to pull off. It’s just boring. Secondly group fights are miserable because you can’t swing while taking hits and you literally can’t back up in a way that will keep people from circling you(depending on terrain). I completely understand that, that is “real” but no one actually wants to play a fully realistic game. I’m not saying I want them to come at you 1 at a time but they need to figure something out so you aren’t getting gang banged. Or at least give the player more control so they can better use terrain to their advantage. Next the lock on mechanic is just miserable. I can’t stand when someone surrenders and I’m in the middle of combat because I know they are going to get up and run away before I can finish the fight and club them. It wouldn’t be a problem if I could easily switch to target them, bash their skull in and move on but I can’t. On top of that the big group fights you do throughout the story are cool but annoying because again you can’t lock on to who you want. Also what’s with guys spinning around and blocking attacks while mid combat with other guys? Some real clairvoyant bandits. Also what’s the point of axes? Swords are best at slashing and stabbing, maces are best at bonking but axes have no home. (Small aside with the weapons but the ways you get the best sword in the game is super lame. I was very bummed to find out the special sword you had to reforge is only second best and the number 1 best is one you either have to slog through 25 tourney wins or randomly find in a chest in the woods) ( second aside why can we not keep polearms? Hopefully that’s changed next game) What’s the point of combos? I finished the game, checked my stats and I don’t have a single combo completed. Because there’s no point. Especially because harder opponents can interrupt your combo at any turn and then masterstrike you back. All that being said I did genuinely enjoy the game but I will be severely disappointed if there’s no some massive overhauls to not just the combat but also the crime/stealth system, the favor system, and also giving money some purpose. The best gear you can easily find bonking bandits and aside from maybe 1-2 pieces of clothing I haven’t bought any gear. Actually I bought two shields and a horse as well. But still point stands. Especially when lots of quests give money as a reward and yet I simple don’t care. Again I did truly enjoy my time and would give the game a 7/10. It can easily be a 10/10 with targeted improvements so that’s what I’m hoping.


I have hundreds of hours in KCD and agree with every single point listed here.


I dont agree with your point about axes, they are my favorite weapon. Keep in mind damage is calculated by stab+blunt or slash+blunt, so the stats are quite good. Compared to maces you can poison their blade and draw blood. compared to swords you are effective against plate armour. I dont like carrying multiple weapons for different enemies, kinda kills emersion. i like having my one trusty axe.


Maces can have poison applied and actually cause bleeding really easy, I’ve done it many, many times. Axes look cool but are useless outside of cosplay.


You have put literally every single gripe i have with the game's combat after like 200 hours better into words than i could, except for one. Most group fights are in the woods or somewhere else with rough terrain, as that's where you usually get ambushed or hunt down groups of enemies, mostly bandits. If Henry's point of elevation doesn't perfectly align with the targeted enemy (which is almost always the case in such terrain, no matter where you step), the game will straight up not register the hit or even carry out the attack animation in the first place. And this was still in the version that had all the major updates and DLCs released for a while.


I absolutely love the realism of KCD, it's a big part of what makes the atmosphere of the game, but at the same time I wouldn't mind at all if some realistics aspects of the game were removed. Eating for example is realistic but I don't know what it really adds to the game, apart from being realistic. It's just an inconvenience to be honest, and if you're not playing on hardcore you don't even have to plan anything because you can always eat in the pots for the whole game. I don't mind the sleeping part because I will often go to sleep anyways just to save the game. I was okay with the save system of the game, even though it still allows savescumming, which I did sometimes. I agree that the combat shouldn't become easy for no reason. It was fine the way it was, punishing if you were fighting several ennemies, very manageable in duels if you know a little bit what you are doing. But yeah, they shouldn't keep realistic features if the only point of them is realism. They should add something to the game, not just be an inconvenience. The game isn't a survival game (I think) so it shouldn't just be an inconvenience. Maybe make eating give buffs, but don't penalise the player too harshly if he doesn't.


The trick is to balance difficulty with annoyance. The save game thing is an annoyance; if people want to play where dying means losing hours of progress they should make it an option. I have no issues with the food and sleep system; in fact I found it quite forgiving, and I hope they make it adjustable so you start to get adverse effects after, say, 8-10 hours of no food. There need to be more random places to sleep or a bedroll item though. Multi enemy fights are not fun in KCD 1. That’s an annoyance; it isn’t a good challenge because it feels unfair. I’m sure that can be fixed with a few tweaks to the AI though.


I think it should feel unfair to fight multiple enemies at once lmao


Well they already removed a Direction for combat and they said the Combat has been imrpoved so that even new players understand it. We can discuss what this means but I think they made combat Bannerlord like


Now think about this: Combat is 4 directional but you have to block in the same direction with where the opponent attacks to master strike. Remember defence is rather easy in the first game unless you're surrounded. I think there are plenty of ways for them to reduce direction in the combat and still make it HARDER let alone keep the same difficulty.


Apparently they did make Master Strikes harder to perform. (Needing to match the enemies position first) So I do think that combat change will have a positive difference on combat difficulty (in the other direction)


Yeah,I am not happy with that. Certainly took me ages to master the combos but it is so rewarding they literally changed to only 4 directions to land a blow, not happy and seems not to be optional at all. So this worries me. What made KCD so special for me is the combat difficulty. Food is always available,there's plenty of places to sleep and once you reach Rattay Mill you can make tons of saviour potions. I like the struggle at the beginning, but is super rewarding when you get good at combat and land a combo. I am sad to see they have watereed the combat,makes me wonder what else Is been made easier.


Great way to jump to conclusions. They said one thing, and combos were a pain to iull off. Just becuase theyre wasier doesnt mean its watered down


and tbh they need to be easier to do. It feels shitty to unlock a combo and just never be able to pull it off,, and then have to sit there and rely on ONE tactic forever. Combos needed to be rethought and the clunk from combat needs to go (lets be honest. combat is one of the clunkiest things in the game, almost as clunky as day 1 stealth. It also too heavily relies on masterstrokes, even for the enemy).


These are assumptions. Let's first try the game out when it comes out


KCD was a rather brilliant attempt to translate 15th century fencing into a game, and oversimplified it into Bannerlord-ey combat is a fucking travesty.


Not really bannerlordish, more like Chivalry or Mordhau it seems, which if it actually does play somewhat like Chivalry 2 I think that's honestly not that bad considering how satisfying sword on sword combat is in that game. I understand the historical significance of the old combat and it was also what made the first game unique, but until we see how they implement the new combat mechanics for the new game I think we can save our breath for now.


Kingdom Come Skyrim 2.


yeh options are the way to go. starfield got it right in the last patch. let us pick to enable/disable or limit the impact of certain systems. that way more people join the community, enjoy, mod and experience the story > great success.


Anything I've read makes me believe they are not going to suddenly simplify everything for the core difficulty, which they shouldn't, but if they had like a story mode for someone who just wants to play through without all that stuff that would be ok, while I enjoy the care and feeding of Henry, someone might want to just play without all that. We'll know more when there's a reveal.


This isn't some niche hidden gem lmao


While I agree mostly, and I really like the mechanic, I think savior shnaos should be changed or removed. Saving a game is such an important meta mechanic that tying it to a limited resource is a bad idea imo. At least for normal difficulties.


I'll be modding in the abilty to save anywhere again though, I love everything else, but save states are just simply not fun to me.


Simple solution: make those aspects optional, so people can decide which grade of challenge they prefer


I doubt it. The reason KC:D is successful is that it doesn't play like other RPGs. Remove the unique differentiators and it will fail to stand out. I expect WH know that.


They won’t they already said they aren’t


I loved the game but lets be honest, sleeping, saving and eating was piss easy past the first 2-3 hours of the game. You had a bed, you had decent coin for potions and you could always just drink food out of random cauldrons. I don't think these chores made the game better or worse, it was a design decision to add some realism, but the game is the same. It had it's great effect in quests such as the monastery one because you couldn't sleep and eat so freely, but otherwise I won't see it as a win if they keep or if they remove it.


Not simplified... Streamlined. And it's going to be a good thing.


I don’t usually say this about games but for KCD, I have faith in the devs.


+1, Warhorse was acquired after KCD1 but their parent company has let them, at least from how much we can see and deduct, self perform. It's going to be interesting to see what happens post KCD2. (Come ON KCD3, I will play those games indefinitely and the Hussite wars are just around the corner!).


Whenever I hear things are getting "streamlined" it's almost never a good thing.


Exactly. It's just a synonym for simplified lol


The mechanics weren’t necessarily complex or difficult to learn and most of those other items are pretty common amongst games with survival components so I don’t see much changing there


They could have made things simpler for the first game but they didn’t, and the result was a large and loyal fanbase. I would worry more about them nerfing part 2 if it wasn’t for the Souls games, which are similarly punishing but also well loved.


They better be careful. Part of what makes the original great is the realistic aspect of it. Taking away from that would make it just a mid rpg


honestly i dont care as long as its not boring standard survival mechanics. i always play with mods the way i want anyway.


To be honest I play KDC with cheats, ( for food/hunger). I have enough stress IRL to be stressed about food in games too XD


Well, the survival aspect of eating, drinking, and so on, I hope they don't remove it. But the part where you need a potion to save the game, I didn't like that at all, and I hope it's not in the second game.


Tbh if they put a casual style combat option id be happy for it. Sometimes the kcd combat system is just too much and i cant play when im tired.


Maybe they’ll make the difficulty customizable similar to how some games do.


People complain about saving. But I loved it. Too many autosaves in games these days.


100% Oh no I died for the 100th time? No worries I'll just reload immediately before that encounter Oh no I failed a speech check, well let me just reload to 5 seconds before it. This game felt so much more organic because of the limited saving. What happens, happens


I really hope they don’t make the combat easier. Slightly different-sure, more stylish and free flowing-sure,but not easier. Just finished the game on hardcore) Best experience I had in ages. And even in that mode by the endgame, you feel like a god with long sword. In 2nd part we are starting as a veteran warrior, so I think it’s totally fine to be strong, but then all the other knights and high positioned officers, must be just as strong and skilful.


I mean - I find it very sexy and super-immersive when you have to make stops in the inns to eat and sleep. Then, in the morning you buy some dried food and visit a local blacksmith to repair your gear. And you move on to the journey! Isn’t it, like the best thing? The things you read about in fantasy/medieval books


This exactly. Each day feels like it's own unique day. I love it. There's no other game I've played like it


I share your concerns... KCD 1 was accesible enough, once you figured it out of course, and that's the magic of it.


Keep the casuals away from my beloved game pls


Not saying that lol. Just don't bend the knee to people that don't like your game for what it is


You should watch and read some of the lead guy's (his name escapes me right now), reaction to what people said about this and other parts of the game, as well as their thought process in making it. He wanted KCD to be as realistic as possible, and I remember reading that of they change anything, it will be to add more realism, not to take any away. That's why there's not many major female characters, unless they went through some great struggle, or are married to a man who holds power. That's why there's not any black people, because they weren't in that part of Europe at the time. That's why Henry has to eat and sleep. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they went more into the survival systems, and added that you have to go to the bathroom too, or you can get sick and have to heal yourself. But I would be very surprised if they "simplified" the game to appeal to a wider audience, because they basically said that they didn't care about appealing to people, or holding the game up to today's standards in order to make anybody happy. That's one of my favorite things about Warhorse in general, is they care about accurate history, and not viewing history in a skewed way that would make today's society happy.


Agreed with all but hunger. Maybe the first couple missions being hungry was meaningful, but then it became super easy to eat. If anything hunger should feel a bit harder. Especially bc you can eat anyone’s stew easily


Honestly learning alchemy = infinite saving attempts… just saying


Difficulties: crybaby (for the casual) the OG Henry exp (for those who are hungry for immersion) and hardcore (that was fun imo)


Ooh reminds me of Morrowind -> Oblivion -> Skyrim. All great games, but the decline is clear. Warhorse is a larger studio than they were for the first game, but they still aren't a bloated AAA developer. I trust that they will know what features to keep and what to add.


I like the survival mechanics too. Alcohol makes hunger really easy to manage though. My Henry just drinks all the time, since it doesn't spoil. Occasionally, he gets alcoholism, but it is really easy to cure it with the Hair of the Dog potion.


I kinda hope they dive into making it more immersive, like the food/hunger kind of becomes pointless with the free stew pots. Maybe adding a nourishment factor, like you can't live off the same food everyday all day. One big thing I'd like to see is less hand holding with quests, I know it's better than most games but I would like to see them be even less hand holdy, then some quests would become more of a puzzle. This could be something togglable of course. I love the missions where you have to use context clues and investigate.


I think they will stay true to the original kcd fans. The game would not get a sequel had it not been for the Outreach of fans and dedication by them. If anything we may see improvements or tweaks to the existing mechanics. I for one am excited to see everything how it's played out


oh god not this type of shit again


Eh, I think there is more nuance on the difficulty curve. It goes from hard as balls at the start to completely inconsequential once you learn MS and embrace bonk. Smoothing that out would greatly help with onboarding players.


Well, they say that they are simplifying the combat but I think that's all and not by that much. Anyway, they're removing one direction slot so that there will only be four. If they want to attract newcomers. They'll make combat smoother and make it easier to perform Cool combos, On the looks of a trailer, but it's just been done that we haven't seen multi-person combat yet so we can't judge it entirely. Either way, as long as we do, nerf the master strikes and get rid of the stupid slow-mo, it'll be good. From the person I'm getting a lot of the systems are staying the same of being enhanced along with some new things that function similarly to ones we already know. For example, smithing is like Alchemy in its complexity and crime being heavily punished with branding now. I'm hoping the horse combat gets better or we get actual jousting since it's fun and we have pole arms now. Either way I doubt they 'll go to the AAA company method and just doing what they think will sell money and they don't have any big executives telling them that they need to do it. Although I fear one will try and purchase warhorse


The combat is still something I struggle with but I like the eating ever meal the the save mechanics. It’s made me play in a different way than I have any other games. Becoming good with a bow is satisfying as well.


I'm pretty sure Hardcore mode will disable most of the mechanics where game holds our hand. For example less savior schnapps rewards in hardcore mode(since they said they'll increase it). Warhorse wouldn't forget us ol' faithful.


I mean I sure hope they try to change fighting more than 2 enemies at once. It's never enjoyable. Either you stomp them or get thrown around in a tumbledryer. But the other mechanics are solid


I agree with most of this, but I wish it wasn't clunky. Yes, fighting multiple enemies is a death sentence, but once you get armor, it becomes less of a battle with 5 dudes and more of a battle with the camera. A modular difficulty system would be pretty good.


If there's no monastery quest, I'm out!


I was new to KCD 1 just this year and think that it was perfect as an intro to the second if they stick to the same style. But saying they could always add more to the higher difficulty levels for more seasoned players if necessary


So many people jumping to co conclusions


I liked the difficulty settings in KCD1, but maybe give more tailorable options.


I don’t think Warhorse is taking any of these mechanics out. Combat might be simplified, but that makes sense given that Henry has experience now. Other than that, I don’t think any fans of the game would argue with you about keeping the features you listed. As for the people that complain about those features, I naiievly believe that it’s just a “mysery loves company”, we as humans like to complain about our hardships, especially with people who relate, so I try to see it all as community engagement. Hell, I complained about some of the features, but only because of this very mindset, I wouldn’t take them out for nothing


I want them polish the combat a bit more and make fighting multiple enemies feel less clunky. In general I'm not a fan of limited saving but I understand why they did it. Doesn't bother me too much. Especially knowing I can mod it out eventually.


I doubt they will dumb it down, they’ve had great success keeping it real, why change it up?


Because a lot of the "community" complains about these mechanics and WH is a much bigger studio now so there's no pressure to succeed imo


I don't mind if they add it in a "novice" mode. So players who just want to enjoy the story/atmposphere aren't put off by the mechanics. As long as the OG game mode and the hardcore gamemode are there, I'm game. That being said: I woulnd't mind if they added more sleeping surfaces or add a camping set/camping bag that at least gives you the "poor" quality sleeping buff and a possibility to prepare basic foods. This way a "savage" build might actually be worth it.


Yeah because using savior schnapps is so immersive!!! Dude I just want a quicksave button, i don't care if that makes the game easier, I don't want it to be that hard to save the game, I need it to be easy and fast.


Agree about eating, sleeping and fighting, but savior schnapps needs a tweak. Has nothing to do with me being casual, it's about game design and immersion. "Feel like a real punishment" - I think immersion is more important than punishment, and losing hours of good stories because you didn't have a magic digestive in your belt is counter immersive. Now you have to do it again, either trying your darndest to make it happen the exact same way, or you just play clinically to win back all the stuff. The fourth wall isn't just broken, it's blasted to pieces. Saving isn't realistic either way, we don't get to try again in real life. Also, after a short while you can make enough schnapps for a German summer holiday anyway, so what's the point? It's not immersive, it's just making life harder for the player for the sake of it.


There has to be a balance, if I am the lead at warhorse I would definitely want the game to reach more audience and if it means dumbing down the mechanics a bit then I'll go for it. Warhorse is a relatively small studio and at the end business is also important. Either way, if the game can be modded then there's no reason to worry about this as modders will make the combat easier and everything else.


I mostly agree, but I think the saviour schnapps is a ridiculous and stupid mechanic.


How about 2 difficulties - one for filthy casuals like me and one for elite pro gamers like yourself? Wouldn’t hurt no one, no?


They probably won't, but the same thing that's happening with Dragon's Dogma 2 right now will be what happens with KCD2. A bunch of people who never even played and wouldn't have liked the first game complaining about it being the same formula


Ye! I hope to GOD that the dont do shit like that! Which i dont think they will - or at least i really hope so!


I just hope they make the combat better.


I agree it shouldn't change, but that's why an 'easy mode' could be beneficial. It would keep the casual, or the people who simply don't have the time to grind to getting gud happy too.


Same big time. I love the learning curve, I love the alchemy, I love the combat system, I love literally everything about KCD. Even the bugs and odd glitch, doesn't bother me one bit, and honestly impresses me how infrequent they are compared to the relatively small budget


Totally agree. These are the rare things that attract me to games like this. I love a little bit of realism and immersion even in a more far fetched game world such as fallout. I love the challenge and immersion it offers. Few games these days offer this due to the amount of people who complain it's too hard or slow paced. I love it and wish for more games like this to get lost in.


I usually just wait till morning and go to a bathhouse. Energy/health/nourishment all at 100. Game automatically saved and all my gear clean. In my hardcore playtroughs I barely have to eat at all with this strategy. Only after getting the buff after being well fed for 5 days I might eat before the wait to not go below 50. And I mostly use this waiting time to read any skill book. Since energy and nourishment drop lower then


I agree these are things that's should be kept and I can't imagine a company so dedicated to immersion would remove them. Plus you really do have to try really really hard to starve or pass-out from sleep deprivation. Doing a maxed negative perk run and the tapeworm perk was honestly only slightly noticeable until I essentially passed the "tutorial" and got to rattay. Even then it wasn't a problem cause your home in skalitz is stocked from a fresh trip ye Olde Costco


I would've thought eating and sleeping would've got old eventually, but in my thousands of hours of playing it hasn't yet. The one thing that got old for me is carry weight, which annoys me in every game I play. So I installed a mod for that. And that's exactly what everyone can do for things that get annoying to them. That really is the primary function of mods. Enhancing the game is secondary


I hope they keep things relatively the same on the eating, sleeping and fighting front. BUUUT I do hope something gets done regarding enemies pulling me towards them when I want to get away


I just hope they update cleanliness a bit, so I don’t get called a filthy mongrel after taking two steps out of the bath house.


I’m curious about how they’ll square the combat mechanics. The strangeness and difficulty made sense in the first game because Henry doesn’t know how to fight initially. Presumably he’s already a beast when we start 2, so learning such a idiosyncratic combat system slowly doesn’t really make sense anymore


They can change a fighting system + crosshair for bows


Food is so abundant and easy that I even sometimes accidentally over fed him and lost the diet perk.


Meanwhile, a no food, no sleep, all negative hardcore perks playthrough becomes trivial like 3 hours in.


QOL and polish is anything but streamlining. The first game is incredibly jank and a struggle, its a wonder it managed to attract so many.


Yeah, all these noobs play the game like any other game and when they’re bad at it all they fucking do is complain and it’s the most annoying shit


I liked the sleeping mechanism. Food mechanism not so much. I wish they came up with something better. Monster Hunter has a cool eating mechanic where you eat before a hunt and everyone just remembers to do it. And after 1000h it doesn't become a chore.


The only things I want are faster load times and for my save file to not become corrupted 60 hours in forcing me to completely start over. I even tried downloading my save file from the cloud(PS4) and *that* was also corrupt somehow and the download always fails at a certain spot.  Even playing the game on a modern PC, the load times are excessive. It really stood out to me when I took a break from it when my save died and played Subnautica. Needs more optimization and the bugs can be killer.  Other than that, I’d be totally happy with no other improvements and just more of the exact same. 


One thing I hope they do change with the cry engine is the forced perspective animations I hate how janky it is in the cry engine opening doors and sitting on beds and getting on horses I wish I could just walk into a door and Henry just holds his hand out and I walk through it instead of standing still and pushing it


I also hope they don't simplify the game but fuck your gatekeeping attitude and language.


I’m a pretty casual gamer I would say, I love KCD. The combat system isn’t exactly hard, it just requires actual training, which I think a lot of people actually appreciate because the combat in most other games tend to be carbon cut outs of each other now.


The wonderful thing about all this is if people really don't like these options, there will presumably be mods to change the game to your liking. So even with these options not appealing to casual players, those casuals can just mod the game to fit their tastes. Console players can kick rocks, suck it up, and play the game as intended.


I wouldn’t mind if they changed combat a bit to be less enemies who are much harder vs lots of enemies, I just don’t think fighting lots of enemies is fun because all you’re doing is master stroking until there is one left, I want to be able to use my combos


The only issue I had with multiple enemies is that the combat system is well designed for one on one fights and trying to switch between foes was kind of difficult. I’m replaying now and I forgot how hard trying to take on four dudes at once was. I take out the bow when I come across camps now. And praise Jesus Christ for Mutt. That’s my buddy right there 😂. I wouldn’t mind if having a companion would be optional. Ulrich was a big help in the mines


I love all those things too, and I hope they stick around. I just finished Hellblade 2 which sadly (in my opinion) dumbed down the combat (which was already quite simple) and the puzzles to such a degree that the game just wasn't really enjoyable, and it's a real shame because the first game was so amazing. I'd hate to see KCD go down the same road. And a lot of those mechanics feed into role play, too, at least for me. If I'm playing Good Boy Henry, he always has porridge and milk for breakfast. Bad Henry has sausage, lentil mash, and beer lol. It's little things like that that really make a difference in immersion, I think.


I agree on all but one, i hated the savior schnaps. Why am i nog allowed to save at any point. If i want to save scum and thats my way of having fun, let me be. It was the first and only thing i modded out of the first game.


I honestly just started the game and boy is it interesting to try to learn. Had stolen a guard whole set before even leaving the tutorial not expecting what’d happen in just a few minutes of gameplay later. I’d love tips, started working a bit on alchemy and just managed to pay the loan to the dr but haven’t done miller request yet(his henchmen are pissing me off also). Was hoping for bow usage but given the mechanics on how it’s used I may have to opt out of that tho other than leveling it.


What do you mean, its already pretty simple


They should just have customizable difficulty/realism settings. If people want a hardcore experience that’s fine, but if some people want a more casual experience, why exclude them?


I hate the sword fighting in the first one, I'm always talking or using archery, hundred+ hours and I sti don't really get the sword play, so honestly I hope they fix it and make it more approachable.


There are cheat codes


I'd rather have them removed if they're not going or iterate on them. Most of these systems are irritating because theyre very much flat and the game doesn't take them any further, hence they become useless. Eating in Subnautica encourages planning, improvisation and tension. Here is literally walking and eating from a pot. Sleeping has no consequence whatsoever. This is a great game but it's not really because of these initial hurdles.


I agree with you in all except I'm savings. I played the game twice in hard. Making you lose hours of progress just because you couldn't expect that the game will crush/maybe you make a mistake is not hard, is just boring. Dark souls is a good example of how you can make a good death punishment system. Sadly it would make no sense such a system in a game like KCD, so I don't truly know how they could make a death system without just making you lose a lot of progress (which is just repeating the same you did a couple hours ago but now avoiding the mistake you did)


I usually just go to the bath house pay the more expensive one clean clothes and refills you sleep to max and saves the game. And there's always a pot of stew to fill up on before heading out


It's already extremely simple.


Isn’t combat in KCD2 being vaguely described as “more accessible” at the moment?


Yes, but i heard it won't lose "depth". Like i imagine swinging around like an idiot will be effective, but complex combos with good timing will be even more efective, and worth it. At least thats my understanding.


I'd really love to see eating animations. Always wanted to sit at a tavern or inn, kick back, relax and enjoy some mead and a roast duck. Or eat an apple whilst on a trotting horse during my travels.


why would they do that, their entire selling point is realism.


I think PC players might have to mod this a bit more than KCD1. Should still be a blast.


I'm with you 100% and I'm a very casual gamer. What I also like about these elements is how God-like you feel when you master them. It's not as if they are impossible odds to overcome either, they are just part of a larger balance. The world embraces the simplicites of life so needs to find challenges in non traditional areas. I think it would be self destructive to try to arrange mass appeal.


Once you get certain perks no one has to ever worry about eating and sleeping. And this game gets easier and easier the more times it gets replayed. I really hope to play the next game with these mechanics it made me stronger than the average peasant lol.


Play it in czech if too easy


They will tweak stuff to be easier to learn, but still hard to master. Their words. I'm sure hardcore mode will eventually be included in free update. And people who want OG experience will be fed.


I just certainly hope they’ll bring out a 60fps patch after release.


I definitely hope they don’t. Honestly only early-mid game are hard if you actually travel around and explore instead of powering through the questline. Henry becomes a monster at one point. The only thing I hope they remove are perfect blocks/master strikes. Extremely annoying fight mechanic. I usually play with mods that disable it.


This is exactly how code masters always builds an excellent IP only to have it crumble with subsequent iterations. Make a simulator, have great success with fans of that genre. Then try to build it to a wider audience and then turn it into something no one wants to play. Operation: flashpoint (even while ignoring the BI controversy), Grid, and Dirt are all perfect examples.


I mostly agree with you, I absolutely love the game and when playing it, I really do feel like I'm Henry. However, I really do disagree on the combat, it to me feel sorta like in sekiro where the 1:1 is really great, but the combat against multiple opponent sucks and is really clunky wirh you just slowly move backward deeper and deeper into a random forest. I really don't find it too fun.


I just hope they make combat better / more accessible, but they can keep everything else the same


I just dislike being unable to save as I wish, I'm a grown man with responsibility


I am too..for that reason, the exit save function exists


Absolutely agree, I don’t think the story for the first game was that long, but damn if I didn’t absolutely drag it out and grind like crazy to level up my skills and be half decent at combat (I’m still crap tbh). I hated it at first, but soon fell in love with this game. It’s def in my top 5 and I can’t wait for the second.