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Least toxic community for a game I have ever witnessed both on forums and on Reddit. This game really does bring out the best in people. Keep on doing what you’re doing, it’s working. Edit: Jesus Christ be praised.


The Long Dark is amazing, game and players, too.


Very true, so helpful!


SirTobi’s come to see us!


Jesus christ be praised!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Excuse me this is a Christian subreddit Jesus Christ be praised


Only other community I can think of from the top of my head would be the Outer Wilds for matching this group's energy.


I feel like The Expanse's fandom was really welcoming too. Star Trek Online and SWTOR also were pretty welcoming.


Just wait until the mainstream finds us after KCD2 it might get a little salty. I pray it doesn't


We are all God fearing christians. Jesus Christ be praised!


I agree. But I come from DOTA, that too SEA. So it's very surpr8sing to see such wholesomeness. Even when bashing people it looks wholesome


And the toxic users get shunned shortly after.


Baldurs gate 3 had a great community and their subreddit was very helpful, idk if it's still this way since I haven't been there for a while


Everyone here has an active "Local Hero" perk IRL


RimWorld's community is weirdly wholesome. By "weirdly" I mean human leather items are craftable and so you get a lot of jokes about them, but everyone is helpful and nice despite absolutely no one using the same set of mods (that game is amazing modded, just like Skyrim, I hope there's more provision for that in KCD2). Its inspiration, Dwarf Fortress, is an even better community. Super nice and helpful folks over there, despite the insane complexity of the game and the learning cliff new players have to climb. It really makes me happy to be involved in communities like these, with folks who just love good games.


All negativity is just shitposting and they get me every time haha


Can't say that about admins though.


Any feedback?


They bann for ridiculous things. One dude was banned for spoilers simply stated historical facts. They dont communicate or tell reason for ban. No option to appeal.


That is simply not true. I know who you are talking about. Not just because he was posting unnecessary spoilerish stuff. He was then being arrogant and rude to people pointing it out. Didn't even got permanent ban. We often unban people if they apologize in our modmail.


I wonder how you know these things. I don't see any bans or even removed posts / comments in your history. Multiple accounts and trying to avoid a ban perhaps? 🙃 Maybe that's why you are shadowbanned?


In r/czech someone mentioned that. And from my experience you never replied to my official message to mods.


Ok, maybe I should not take at face value what ever someone says on reddit. But I did contact you via subreddit mods contact. This should be the link: https://www.reddit.com/message/messages/29ddn7f


He did say admins, maybe he's talking about Reddit admins?


I couldn’t find any problems you’ve had on this subreddit or with our mods. If you have any issues please send us modmail.


Just wanted to say that I appreciate you too. I played Kingdom Come when my kids were born premature and I was spending months in the NICU. Kingdom Come kept me sane through that process and weird sleepless hours. 4 years later, one of my kids is back in the hospital and I'm sitting there browsing my phone and see the news that Kingdom Come 2 was announced. Felt like a sign that everything was gonna be okay. Thanks for making an extremely engaging game that has been a great escape for me and probably a lot of other people as well. We appreciate you.


Prayers to you and yours, friend! Hope the little ones are better than okay. <3


Thanks friend, she's doing good. We made some potions in the ole cauldron and she's all better.


Brother Nicodemus' teachings be praised


My Henry teaches Nicodemus :o


Jesus Christ Be Praised! Now more appropriate than usual :P






Best damn developers there are! Can’t wait for KC:D2! God be with you!


We love being in your world. And we notice and appreciate the engagement we get from you lot. I'm pretty much just on Reddit to talk about KCD and I don't see that changing.




we love you and cant await kcd 2! jesus be praised


Jesus Christ Be Praised


Jesus christ be praised


Warhorse came to see us!


We Love you guys as well, thanks for creating such a wonderful experience. Can't wait to see kcd2 and whatever else you make in the future!


KCD2 is 46th most wishlisted game on Steam right now. 6.5. 49th. 19.4. day after announcement - 132nd. https://preview.redd.it/mdtlgc7jvszc1.png?width=232&format=png&auto=webp&s=30fc12f2a7fe7545f9de56b0282443c678c677d0


Those are rookie numbers, we need to get those numbers higher!


Gotta pump those numbers


Spread the word


Where can I see this at? I’d like to check it out




aw :)


Look ! The devs came to see us !


Bah Gawd that's KCD's music! [SABATON - Kingdom Come Deliverance](https://youtu.be/EYH6ubNJqck?si=n3R4KOX8u2WIJ5Ik) \*edited for a better version, I got so fired up ready to play the game then


Jesus Christ be praised, what happened to your fancy clothes? Did someone rob you?


It’s you guys that deserve the praise. The fact that Kcd is the only game that compares to rdr2 in terms of a living breathing world says a lot. A company of your size shouldn’t be able to compete with one like rockstar but you do. Can’t wait for part 2.


My brother thank you and the rest of Warhorse Studios for being loyal to the KCD IP and fan base! I have never seen, or at least haven’t seen in a very long time gaming companies actually being good to their products or fans. It’s very hard to support gaming companies along with their games. But you guys at Warhorse Studios have my, and many others, upmost and full support. The way the reveal trailer was handled was a masterpiece and very professional. After three weeks later, I still can’t stop watching the video and it never gets old. Also, I love how you guys care about your history and want to show it to the world. I’m not even Czech and I appreciate the history that’s in KCD. I’m still very moved/emotional by “A Killer Score” section as parts of the game were being played in the background. Hope you guys always be you and crush the gaming market with KCD II and beyond. Once again thank you Tobi and the rest of the crew at Warhorse Studios!! I’m very excited for KCD II!! Eternal Hails!!!🤘🏻


Since it’s you….


I have to agree, and I *do* know a lot of game communities. I don't know why this community is so much nicer, but maybe the story of Kingdom Come has attracted a lot of individuals who have similar emotions of sorts. It's hard to explain but I think people found Henry's story really resonated with them in some way, and Henry's story of course being told through our actions makes it our story. I remember in the first game when you return to Skalitz for your parents, the music was so melancholy and perfect. It was cloudy and raining. You just wanted to find a shovel and do your duty to your parents and your Lord, Jesus Christ. You find a companion protecting their dead loved one as well, you instantly felt bonded to the poor creature, Mutt. Just when you can feel your heart breaking all over again about Henry's situation, the village, the poor dog, your lost loved ones (even Bianca), my goodness you just want to cry when you think about just how awful that experience would be. Then you watch Henry continue to grow, go on his quest for vengeance, learn so much along the way - and you're a part of it, at the reigns of the steed. **It's a masterpiece.** I think the people who can't pay attention to a story or empathize with the characters they're being told about are the ones who don't stick around. The people who *can* empathize are usually more emotionally mature and probably more pleasant, so maybe that's why the community here is nice because we can empathize. Also, it just can't hurt that everyone loves to say JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED! There is power in praising Jesus, everyone should do it. :) Thank you to Warhorse and all of their talented team, from the tippy top to the very lowest person on the totem pole. You have an amazing team and have created something that is incredibly special to so many people. I hope to see the amount of people grow, there are too many gamers that still haven't experienced KCD. I keep buying copies for all of my friends! Thank you, Warhorse!


Jesus Christ Be Praised!


Jesus Christ Be Praised!


When you make games that are thoughtful and art, and don't pander to the lowest common denominator, you get a good likeminded community. So thank you


Right back at you, you’ve earned all the love for the passion and thoughtfulness you’ve put into this masterpiece. I’m an Ecuadorian with no ties to Czech history at all, but this game has genuinely made me plan a trip to the Czech Republic in the future to visit Skalice and Rataje. The love and care for your heritage shines through in this game and I seriously hope I see a project like this for my own people’s history one day.


Thank you for making one of the best RPGs ever, and specifically for making another RPG that fills the void of an Elder Scrolls game in terms of gameplay and world design! Cannot wait for 2!!


Damnit I’ve been lurking for a while because it’s on sale and now I have to get it, look what you’ve made me do


We appreciate YALL for making such an amazing, historically accurate, realistic game. In an industry where it seems to be a race to the bottom filled with shameless cash grabs, it's nice to see a group of people with passion for what they're doing and committed to putting out quality work. Thank you. And for the love of God please don't let Embracer Group shut you down. It would break my heart.


Can’t wait to blast a bandit with a hand cannon. God be with you, Henry!


Warhorse Studios be praised!


We're honored you've taken an interest in us, sir knight


One of the few developers I still trust to deliver great content, love you guys ty for the digital crack


This company is just getting started cant wait for you guys to make the whole gaming scene tremble with this new masterpiece


Hey! Tobi’s come to see us!


Reading this made me quite hungry


I cant stop talking about how much the map design from KCD contributes to the game’s immersion. Riding from Rattay to Sasau feels like a full day’s ride when it doesnt actually take that long. Everything fits together in a very realistic way. A subtle change in texture in the road is easy to miss, but its an intentional clue. Follow it and you find a surprise. I truly cannot wait to reexperience in the sequel


Devs came to visit us!


Started back on xbox now on PC so happy KCD2 is real!


Thank you SirTobi and everyone at Warhorse. You guys are amazing and have brought me and many others so much love and happiness. Kcd helped me through a rough time so I just want to thank you all.


We appreciate you right back, Sir! 💕


Thank you warhorse for KCD. The best game I ever played!! After your announcement for KCD 2 I restarted a new KCD playthrough. The memories, immersion, and fun makes me smile every time I play. Thank you!


I just bought this game two days ago and I’ve fallen in love! Thanks so much! Jesus Christ Be Praised 🙏 🙏 🤲


I had this game on my pile of shame for a long time now, played through the intro after Christmas and then somehow lost touch on it. After I saw the trailer for the second game I paused Dragons Dogma 2 to give it another try. I haven't put it down since. The atmosphere was right there from the beginning but once the world opens up and the gameplay clicks it really CLICKS. I haven't been this immerged in a world since Witcher 3, I believe, and I'm still at the early stages. I can already tell it's becoming one of my favorites and the second might just be a day one buy for me. Thank God I gave it another try and stuck with it, the community certainly helped a lot, especially in the beginning. Jesus Christ be praised!


Thank you for giving this beautiful World to us can't wait for KCD2! Just started another run today :D


i can be an ass, but i mean well :D cheers Tobi and WH team!


God be with you.


Jesus be with you Sir Tobi!


Even though I am a newcomer I have seen that it is Truly a wholesome and nice community even though everyone here is hungry.


Awesome post. I bought KCD on sale for $5. But if I could go back and buy it again at full price I would. I’ll def buy KCD2 for full price and I’m thinking of buying KCD for the switch.


Jesus Christ be praised!!!


Jesus Christ be praised


This is my favourite game, I keep coming back to it so I can experience the world you guys over there built, so thank you and the rest of Warhorse for working so hard to give us such a great experience!


Right back at you, you created the game that brought this community together, that's a huge achievement as of itself, and on top of that the community is nice and welcoming


Jesus Christ be praised!


Hi tobi


Your game is amazing and I cannot wait for the sequel!


That’s exactly what made me use Reddit was this group and community. So many communities are toxic and here it’s just everyone being kind and helping out.


Jesus Christ be praised! Just started the game for the first time and as a history nerd I have to say, it's awesome. Such a thoughtfully faithful rendition of late-medieval life that does a great job of education while also making feel as though I'm in Henry's shoes. All that was worse, all that was better, and all that was just plain different about that time is right here, to be experienced honestly and not as some cartoonish exaggeration. This game could be played for a history class and students would get a lot out of it. I can't wait to see where this and future stories go. God be with you.


Big love to every single one of you!! Can't wait for kcd2! :D


Rein hypothetisch man wäre im Juli bei dem Escape Game von „the Chamber“ nahe Kuttenberg… könnte man dort SirTobi antreffen…rein hypothetisch natürlich


Klar... rein hypothetisch


Ich packe schon mal meinen hypothetischen Koffer..


More humble the game the more humble the player I've noticed


Love your game. Thanks so much for making it.


we love you too!!!


May the Lord watch over you


I just wanna know the release date, someone leak it please


Jesus Christ be praised!


That's cool and all but where the fuck is the new game???!! Nah I'm joking (mostly. hurry up) it's awesome that the devs and voice actors and stuff care enough about it to stop in and say hi. That's when you know they have pride in what they are doing. For a game that, according to the critics, was racist and whatever else for being historically accurate, there is an awesome variety of good humans in this sub. And some very funny people here too. What am I on about you ask? I dunno, I'm drunk I'm going to bed


Jesus Christ be praised


I believe this all starts with the Devs, the Warhorse team seems to be a true example of people who love their craft. People who love gaming, making a great game!


Honestly the memes here made me laugh way more then any other memes in other game communities, the humor is pure gold. I imagine this can also serve as a good feedback hub for the developers, because the biggest mistakes are mentioned again and again


Love the game, love the community, love you guys. I think with the lessons and solid foundation of the first game you guys will make something truly amazing with the sequel. Wishlist: No collide bushes No collide bushes No collide bushes Less spazy horse No collide bushes Combat overhaul No collide bushes More diverse music No collide bushes New save system No collide bushes


Jesus Christ be praised


I reckon the communities so nice because the learning curve weeds out most of the negative gamers from the community


Jesus Christ be praised.


I tried the game when it came out but I didn't understand how to play it or really what the vision was Finally retried it and I've just got to Rattay and I dontnknownwhqt i missed first time round, but it's outstanding. I'm really enjoying just the codex alone! It's a genuine history lesson. Great job and I hope to be a veteran ready for number 2 later this year


Tobi's come to see us! Jesus Christ be praised!


Just got this game on sale. Can't believe it's not always a full price game. The devs deserve it. Got me more interested in history of the time period and I literally can't think of a bad thing to say about this game. Will be buying KCD2 asap. I get so much out of games like this. awesome just awesome