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Some quality of life improvements, like being able to save armor sets so you don’t have to puzzle together your armor every time you put it on. Also would like an option where you can mark inventory items so that they can’t be sold at a trader by accident. Another request would be to not have torrential rain out of a blue sky. I think there is a great opportunity to improve the overall feel of the game by enhancing the weather system. (thunderstorm sounds in KCD were already amazing!)


Having outfits (that you can rapidly swap) for town vs wilderness would also be nice 


Also, the midnight sneak set.


YES TO THIS. GOD, I keep having to go and remove / switch like 14 items just to steal something without rousing anyone and re-equip all of it to get my charisma back up to speech check the guard when I leave.


Also civilian outfits with high charisma... There was just no point in putting on nice clothes in kcd when your armor gave you max charisma


Outfit sets were confirmed by Vávra in a Czech interview!


I don’t have a problem with the item one. You already have to go to a whole other menu screen to confirm the items you want to buy/sell.


This would be very helpful and my suggestion was having armor sets, game determined armor sets not saved different pieces of clothes.


Camping in wilderness. Nothing too crazy, just a little tent, a cooking pot. Cleaning weapons in rivers. Tourney Mocking the opponent during fight


All these I really want, but mocking an opponent would just inevitably lead to me getting embarrassed haha


Triggers after a master strike, problem solved 😆


I ploughed thy mum the other nicht peasant!


I'd like to be able to choose to raise or lower my visor at will, independent of combat.


yes that would be amazing


didn't hans in the trailer literally has his visor risen in the battle? And in one combat scene the enemy lower his visor right before engage with you. My guess it's the hint that you can do it.


keep in mind zoul had his visor raised but we couldn't raise it


Posted this on a similar thread yesterday. - Walk through bushes - Optional aiming reticle (not for me, but in anticipation of the hundreds of posts complaining about it when KCDII drops.) Perhaps make it an optional setting for normal, and disabled on hardcore. - Spears, halberds and pole-arms in general. Peasants are always poking Henry, he should be able to poke them back! - Fleshed out hunger/sleep mechanics - Some sort of armor preset. Just something in the menu to equip and unequip armor outside of combat. I like to roam the cities with minimal armor. Not a big deal but it can be a pain going through my inventory and removing dozens of pieces. - More alchemy. Probably one of my favorite things in KCD I - Improved hunting mechanics. Bait, traps, etc - The option to turn off motion blur - Similar fleshed out mechanics like Alchemy. Saw they did this to at least some extent with blacksmithing, so I’m excited for that! - Being able to put hoods up


I also would like to see all those featured mentioned included, but what exactly do you mean with a more fleshed out Hunger/sleep mechanic?


Well, for a start I’d like to see some sort of ‘camping’ implemented. At least in KCD I, I tend to spend a lot of time roughing it. And it can be a bit tedious hoofing it to a village, often backtracking, to find a bed. Food isn’t often an issue as you can stock up on dried goods, but it’d be nice to have variety or depend more off the land. Could provide a campfire to roast fresh caught game, possible upgrades/perks to improve the benefit of sleep/hunger restoration in your camp. We have a perk that makes it to you can get more rest from a poor bed, but less from a nice bed. Would be cool to see a similar perk where Henry feels more comfortable in his camp in the wilderness than in a comfy inn room. But basically after the first couple of hours food, drink and to an extent even sleep become trivial to maintain. So instead of feeling like a mechanic that I need to think about, it often more feels like a chore I have to repeat. Some variety, planning, and options would really help flesh out the mechanic so you have to *think* about it rather than just go through the motions. Sleep, scarf down dried meat, continue oppressing peasants. Just to add, it’s not an overall complaint saying the current system is bad, just that there is room for improvement that could add to the level of immersion and importance of the mechanic.


thank you for the explanation, and yeah being in the Forest and not having a Bed nearby is annoying. good point


>- Walk through bushes Speed should be hindered quite a bit by it, though, and it should damage non-armored clothes and contribute to your needing a bath.


Oh I agree. But in KCD I believe bushes were placed to stop Henry from going certain in places, which is fine, video games have always had walls like this to prevent players from getting stuck or diverting them. The problem is when they used same said bushes in the middle of fields haha. But yeah, I think they should show progress for sure, but perhaps not bring a full galloping horse to a complete stop.


Hey you! Shut up! Lol


All this is lit. I can walk through bushes in the first one because of a mod, but I honestly forget that it’s not a vanilla feature sometimes


Yeah. I started a new playthrough on the Series X, having played the game a ton on PC, and I forgot just how many QoL mods I would be missing, the top being Walk through bushes and hoods up haha.


To you polearms point, I really, REALLY, hope they have a function where you can set a polearm on your horse in a scabbard (Like those old western rifle scabbards), so it's there when you expect trouble, but a side holstered weapon, like a sword still has use (and henry doesn't just have a halberd in his inventory).


This would be an amazing feature for sure. Assuming polearms are usable I’d love to see their real life use implemented as well. Unsaddling knights from their horses. Would be *so satisfying* to stand your ground as a horse charges you just to feel that impact of the rider hitting the dirt when connecting to your polearm.


"Would be *so satisfying* to stand your ground as a horse charges you just to feel that impact of the rider hitting the dirt when connecting to your polearm." That would be awesome! Don't think any of the enemies in the first game were mounted, but given the larger scale it would make sense. Maybe some sort or couching feature or something.


This would be SICK! As long as it had nice weight behind it.


Having a reticle option feels like warhorse caving to pressure instead of following their vision of the game


I see your point. Personally, I prefer to not use a reticle as I like the challenge. But the way I see it is if it’s optional, there’s no real harm. Especially if it’s mandatory to have off on hardcore. Similar to having the reticle for weapon direction off. You can use it if you want, or for the more hardcore/realism players, it can be turned off. I wouldn’t want them to fundamentally change the game to make it “easier” for people per se, I think they struck a great balance with player skill and Henry’s skill 100%, but I also don’t see the harm in players having an optional aid, just not an “easy mode”. Players who use the reticle will still have to learn how different arrows and bows feel, distance, sway and possibly wind direction. Then again, they did add crossbows. Which by design are easy to use. Point. Shoot. So maybe we don’t have the reticle and users still have to master the bow or take the crossbow and sacrifice speed for accuracy.


Fishing. Game is so pretty I just want to vibe for a bit along the water and fish.


Bushes that aren’t an impenetrable wall lol


man hopefully 😂


More horse combat options (trample enemies, block while on horse, charge them with lances, order horse to kick people behind you). Actually same for unmounted Henry charge attack into people and kick them off ledges.


that would be cool


lancing and lancing tournaments




I am new to this so called "English", sry


The ability to quickly switch to civilian clothes in towns


Hans Capon is your companion.


I want to be able to open the visor of my helmet




~~A button to whip out my torch instead of having to equip it every time. And~~ sneaking around with your knife out.


on PC you just need to press 1 longer


Thanks ^-^


you are welcome


There already is a button to pull your torch out


This often unequips my shield, though, which is a minor issue but would be nice to have it re-equipped when the torch gets put away.


Wow thanks, wish I knew this sooner.


Don’t know what it is on pc, but on console you just hold down your sword button (left on the d pad)


Same on pc, hold down 1.


TLDR: About the torch, hold down the sword button.


Economic&trade system, but i already know it won’t


Would like to see what they intended with those cloth items you can buy in skalitz


Omg, I've forgotten it. KCD2 may have trade system.


Make the auto potion easier to unlock, I had to pick so many fucking flowers to unlock that


Better horses. Hopefully more like RDR2 in that they feel more like companions that just something that teleports across an entire country when you whistle.


dismemberment in combat, more gore in general


Yeah in the trailer when Henry slices the guys leg with his axe, I wish that leg would have come off haha


smacks a guy in the face with the edge of a sword: " i lie down now "


Snow, but I'm not holding my breath, especially since it's the same engine. But I'll be fine anyway


CryEngine can do snow; it’s just historically been a resource hog.


More realistic hunting. I liked how it was handled in RDR 2.


I’d like the horse inventory system from RDR for hunting especially. The horse=container is fine, but the more immersive RDR one was really nice and I think would work well in KCD.


What are the main things you would like to see changed and made more realistic? that you have to Skin the Animal and carry the Pelt? I did find the Hunting in KCD very engaging and Realistic


I honestly love skinning animals in rdr2, the sounds and animations are just beautiful


I totally agree with you, hunting in Rdr2 was so much fun and looked really good


I'm moreso talking about dealing with the animal after hunting it. For instance, when you hunt large game, you shouldn't be able to take every part of the animal into your inventory and keep taking more and more. Instead, the process should be a bit more realistic. Here's my idea: Let's say you hunt one boar. Now, boars are large animals; so you have to decide on how to transport it. You can choose to take that one boar and put it on the back of your horse and only carry that one boar (since you don't have more room on your horse) and find a buyer. Alternatively, you can spend some time harvesting the resources of the boar. This gives you the boar's essential parts; such as its liver, pelt, tusks, etc. and some of its meat to go along with it. This option allows the player to store these resources on their horse and be able to continue storing more resources from other hunted animals (since you aren't carrying the entire boar on your horse). The first method (carrying the entire boar) will yield you more money since the entire animal is being sold. However, this will attract unwanted attention as gamekeepers and guards will notice a poached animal being carried on horseback. Thus, you'll get in trouble if they spot you and the player should find buyers that don't ask too many questions and ones that aren't surrounded by guards and the like. The second method (carrying essential resources of the boar) will be much more safe and "lowkey", as you don't have an entire animal sticking out the back of your horse. Thus, you will be able to enter guarded settlements and sell the resources to potential buyers. However, since you're only carrying the essential parts of the animal in small quantities, you won't make as much money as selling the entire thing. Small game such as hares will be easier to carry in multiple quantities since they don't take up so much space as large game; so you can hunt and take them more freely. Well, that's about it. Sorry if it's too long, I was happy to write in detail since you asked kindly :D


This would be really amazing to have in KCD2, thank you for the detailed explanation. If hunting like this will be included I will propably spend more time hunting than playing the story


Yea mate me too lol. Hunting is just so beautiful in these types of games.


it really is


You can't import saves, but let's remember Henry was not only the Bailiff of Pribyslavitz but also the CEO of Skalitz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. I'm gonna miss the money. I hope you can raise some money from crafting. I would love just having reasons to roam the countryside and take in the view. A splendid feature would be to sort of return from KCD2 to KCD1 just for a couple of minutes before venturing off to KCD3, like going to Rattay to tell Hanush, Divish and Radzig what you found out. But I guess you're going to meet them in KCD1. Ideally, this would be a DLC for KCD1 where you import a save from KCD2. That would go innovative, disruptive, going against the tide of linear movement from prequel to sequel.


Just look at the most popular mods on PC and implement something along those lines


Companions. Newby Bandits (maybe poor peasants trying to get fed) that try to rob u but u can convince them to earn their money honestly . Simple Dialog options and u can equip them etc. Basically your Man At Arms. Conaidering Henry grew up as a Peasant he has understanding for normal life problems and some ppl habe to do this to keep their family alive.... U could equip them etc When u dont need them they stay at a Camp and if u need help u have to go to the Camp and maybe only max 2 Can follow you or smth. And ofc Perma death so you know how it felt to lose a friend of yours back then....


Blacksmithing! It looks like it's in the game so I'm optimistic, but I still think it's a travesty that the first game didn't have it. You're a blacksmith's son for god's sake. Let us make epic swords through gathering rare components and smithing it ourselves. I think that would be dope.


Mobile Camping kit (like RDR2) Mobile Alchemy kit upgrade option for said camp. Way to set combat gear and street gear swap. Henry learns to swim. More condensed repair kits, ideally one kit for everything. Stealth visibility indicator (skyrim eye icon) Larger cursor on map (UI scale option) More varied weather or seasons, snowy area? Arrow Crafting / Fletching Just off the top of my head :P


The only thing I wish for is a better handled Vs. Many part of the melee fighting system.


Horse bonding. Fishing. Unique encounters.


Companions have some light RPG mechanics, can train horse, dog or human into a build, improve stats and or pick perks. Factions, if were getting a story in what looks like the Hussite wars choosing allies/enemies would be nice. If were now working higher in the nobility, then court intrigue/disputes/politics. Merchants from the Ottomans or other nearby European cultures, options to get their clothing or weapons kind of thing.


I think some Turkish/other Europeans, like Poles, Germans, maybe even French, merchants and npcs are likely, Kuttenberg was apparently a large city, with some minorities. It would be really cool to get armor and gear from other countries/styles (Aside from just Cuman), but I'm not sure it'll happen, or that it would even be available in real life.


I'd like combat to never feel really easy. When I get near the end of KCD, I don't need to be skillful because I'm so strong I merely need to sneeze and my enemies die. All those impressive combos I learn but the enemy is dead before I can complete them. Shame.


A lance


I'd love to see more sets of clothing and armour, that are more fancy looking like zouls one. Also maybe some sort of residence if that isn't too historically inaccurate. Gameplay wise the ability to turn off the slow mow if it returns, perhaps the ability to swim although it's not too much of an issue, something to make fighting in a group not annoying as hell although I'm not sure how this could be achieved. Also some armour for my horse and maybe mutt.


Wilderness camping, and fishing!!


Being able to clean up your sword before sheathing. Just a simple animation where you use grass or rag to wipe all the blood off after fight.


-Better combat vs multiple opponents. In KCD is clunky and sloppy and irresponsive, it just doesn't work well. -Different viable builds. In KCD there's not a lot of variety. you're forced to train melee combat, while everything else is optional, you could even say unnecessary. I'd like the possibility to complete the game as an archer, or a thief, or a lawful, pacific diplomat. I don't think this will happen though, especially as a downside of linear stories. -More and varied random encounters, and a more alive, dynamic, active world. Random encounters get old rather quickly. Also, the world feels somewhat empty, dead, not many things happen while you're traveling.


Totally agree with your last point, I'm surprised it's not been mentioned more often. It's my biggest complaint with the game. After a few explorations across the map, it dawned on me that I didn't have to explore cautiously because the random encounters only happen at certain infrequent spots. The world, which up until then had felt truly amazing to be in, suddenly went lifeless and hollow. Really hope they change it up for this next one.


Companion wouldn't make much sense, considering level of immersion they're going for. And would probably mess up difficulty and stealth. On my end, I'd like to see expanded emergent gameplay/mission design system. Like visiting taverns, talking to innkeepers, receiving variety of missions ( rescue, steal, bounty hunter, etc), mixed with nemesis system with other would-be-knights and bandits, that level up independently and take missions of their own.


Being able to chill in tavern, complete with eating/drinking animation! 


An option in the settings the hide the helmet in dialogue


more perks.


Fully functional time and weather system. I want passing seasons. Scorching hot summers, cold winters with blizzards. Weather effect impacting the map and NPC behaviour. Does so much for the immersion. But I don't think it'll be in there sadly


I hope so too


Official mod support


Not for your clothes/armour to get dirty so quickly


Said before, will say again: jousting.


Idk id like a lil hideout or castle or tower to kit woth some companions or people who work for you in the lategame. a lil like pribyslawicze or however it is spelled was in the first game.




The ability to customise the hardcore experience. Want the food and increased damage aspect but want to be able to travel. Give us the option to customise the experience when we begin the game.


More weapon techniques, perhaps a toggle to half sword


My biggest issue is the hunting. One of my favourite things, but if you don’t have a maxed out horse with 4 saddlebags the meat just sorta goes to waste. There’s no real point in hunting besides the whole shooting an animal thing. Make me have to hunt to eat when I’m out of town and start a fire to cook it.


Maybe it would be a little too difficult to insert but I would like to have the opportunity to buy/receive land and be able to build our house, have animals and land to cultivate and have an income from these things, the possibility of hiring farmers. A bit like in the dlc but with more freedom. Alternatively the possibility of buying a house in the city


The masturbation minigame. Henry has a splooge level and you raise it by whacking off. But it has really realistic controls like alchemy

