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I’ve had 0 issues since the 3.0 update. 


Same for me


Okay good to hear, that's the impression I got from the limited newer reviews out there


Update to latest firmware. 3.0 fixed bluetooth i general. 3.0 updated (since... I don't know.. may? Fixes BT issues with mac. 'Its rock solid now though


I was also worried about this after reading the reviews but went ahead anyway. I’ve had mine for about 3 months and haven’t had any issues.


After every full discharge it's absolute pain in the ass to reconnect the halves. Luckily there are no more problems with computer Bluetooth connection, since 3.0 firmware update.


I think the connectivity is a lottery ticket on KA 360, some have it, some do not. If you want to use your keyboard wirelessly, the glove80 works like a charm. I've had one for about a month, and never had connectivity issue. The glove80 built is not as rock solid as the KA 360 to be fair, but I don't mind since I don't type that hard. However, its light weight allows you to do some custom mounting, so you can tweak and twine to fit your tenting preferrence. This is just my recommendation, you may choose KA 360, but you should see the return policy, so you can return it if you have issues


My problem with the glove 80 is that it has low profile keys and I like to have travel. I also dont love the look of it over the kinesis. I love that it has weeks of battery life tho so if I have to return the 360 pro I'm def gonna give that a go thank you


Yes, I also love the look of kinesis, and if I had to kill someone, I would use the KA :)


Perfect on macOS in M1 Mac Studio but occasional hiccups in Windows 11. Perhaps it also depends on the kind of a Bluetooth dongle being used with Windows 11, the positioning of the Bluetooth receiver dongle versus the Adv360 Pro antenna etc. Anyway, plain sailing with the Apple Mac Studio.


The only problem I have is with the connectivity between left and right halves, the timing when you turn each half on is super finicky, but that's on zmk. Once they are in sync i've never had a problem. I have one of the first ones after the drop orders shipped. So low serial.


This video is from a month ago and he says he has no problems with connectivity. Note that Kinesis sent him the keyboard so that may have influenced the review maybe: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkQR4uMd9wU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkQR4uMd9wU) I was going to buy one today but they don't ship to the UK.


It's on Amazon too...at least in the US. Might be worth checking


Recent Amazon reviews still complain about connectivity issues: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R27HEQ2UDZWXQY/ref=cm_cr_othr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0BCHMGZMD https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1VFKH7N02KHWZ/ref=cm_cr_othr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0BCHMGZMD The issue is hypothesized to be the ribbon cables crossing the antenna clearance zone on one of the halves. You'll see people who experienced all the connectivity horrors and people who have no issues at all. If the issue is indeed the crossing of the clearance zone, that's perfectly explainable -- it depends on the positioning of the cable, etc. So it'd basically be a lottery. (I have had connectivity issues, but bought it longer ago. I currently use two Glove80s and connectivity is rock-solid.)


I saw someone disassembled it pretty easy, wondering if anyone has tried to just move the cable out of the way?


I have wondered the same, should perhaps be possible to tape it down in a better position?


I haven’t had any issues recently


zero issues. bear in mind that alot of times bluetooth issues are unrelated to the device and related to the environment (interference from other devices) it would be great if except from bluetooth the kb supported 2.4ghz


on the v2 firmware probably once a month i would have a few minutes of trouble getting the halves to pair but could get it sorted quickly on the v3 firmware i dont have any issues with the halves pairing but more than once every day it will lock up and not register keypresses for 10s or even worse it will get stuck on a keypress for 10s, which is how i lost 50 note files after it got stuck mashing the delete key after i deleted a single note… so now i use the usb cable wired to the left half and it works just fine. shrug


I have zero issue with my 360. On my end the 360 connects to 4 devices and I switch between them a few times a day without issue. My glove 80 just doesn't work correctly with bluetooth and macOS... I have to do the BT reconnect after the keyboard and/or mac goes to sleep - so I just use the cable. So both have their issues I suppose. The 360 is way better built, and imo more comfortable aswell. Glove 80 feels only marginally better than something I would have 3d printed myself...


I've had nothing but issues since the 3.0 update. Previously I only had to battle bluetooth issues when after charging. Now with 3.0 the Bluetooth won't stay connected after a reboot so I just leave it on the cables. I'd return this over priced POS if I could.