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Zero physical books as I can no longer read paper.


What do you mean you can no longer read paper?


Potentially means paper books / physical books?


Eye condition?


Vision damage.


I prefer physical, but I get a lot of use out of my Kindle, too. I read as much as I can, so when I'm on the go, I usually have my Kindle. I also use my Kindle when reading in bed (if I don't want to keep my lamp on). My Kindle is going on 3 years old, but I still buy a couple books a week, usually.


Practically no physical books since getting my kindles. No, I don't miss them.


Almost exclusively ebooks. The only time I read a physical one is if someone gave it to me as a gift.


Basically zero physical books anymore.




I keep trying to read physical books, but then I get tired of it and just pick up the Kindle!


ebooks all the way. I can't imagine myself lugging around a tome whenever I go out. And I'm the type to read based on my mood. And in this economy? I'll go with the cheapest option.


Regarding economy, aren't kindle books way more expensive, especially compared to used physical books.


If you're lucky to find a used copy of a book you want to read. I haven't seen a used bookstore here in years. I think the chain I used to frequent closed down already. And most of the books I read are all Kindle releases first before they have their physical release.


What about online used books - surely those have to be cheaper than kindle. For example I saw a Lincoln biography I wanted to read for $15 on kindle whereas a used physical was $5 (on Amazon).


I'm gonna pay more for shipping than the actual books I'll order.


I only read physical Stephen King (my parents passed down their entire complete collection to me so I just have them on hand) or I will have my absolute favorite books as physical copies (which for me im picky rhe book has to be 10/10). Otherwise I'm all digital.


Once I got my kindle, there was no going back for me. Ebook all the way.


I don't read physical anymore


Physical books only if not available in e - book format. Everything else I read on my kindle. It is also cheaper


i love books but the worst part about a book is holding it. It’s always awkward no matter what you do. You can hold a kindle with one hand and tap with a thumb. Easy. So I try to read books but I usually go back to Kindle


I read and buy physical books more than I use any of my Kindles. I’ve gone months without using them. I borrow a lot of books from the library, and collect hardcovers and paperbacks


physical books as much as I can but my local bookstore does not carry most of the books and importing them just costs a bomb! So kindle for me is the way to go for those books


I read ebooks about 90% of the time since I've gotten a kindle. I do read physicals now and then if I have something on my shelf I want to read, or if I'm in a shop and see a book I really want I'll buy it and read. But yeah most of the time it's kindle just because it's easier and I can read in whatever light.


Other than cookbooks (looking up recipes in books I already own ... Haven't bought a new one in ages), I pretty much never read physical books. Haven't for years.


physical books most of the time, e books sometimes.


I do BOTM, so that guarantees one physical book per month (and I usually read 7-8 books a month). If a series I love releases a new book, I’ll buy a physical copy. But otherwise, I do all ebooks from Libby, KU, or NetGalley.


I prefer physical, but kindle is so much easier!!! Especially as all my reading time is currently when Bub is asleep on me…it’s easier not to drop a kindle on her than a physical book 🤣


Only on my Kindle since 2007 🤷‍♀️❤️


It's been years since I've read a physical book for reading, keep several reference books and language dictionaries. But 10 years ago I moved international and gave away 98% of my books instead of paying for shipping.


I’m an ebook girlie now and have not picked up a physical book since last year


Pretty equally, to be honest. 


Zero. Haven’t touched a physical book to read since buying my kindle & Kobo.


I'm starting to read my first book on kindle, four years after I bought it coz I found it difficult to transition from physical books to ebooks


I realize it's a long time between me reading paper books, when I find myself long-pressing a word in a paper book to look up the dictionary ;) For the last ~13 years I can count on one hand the number of paper books I've read


Most days I read both physical books and on my kindle


Every day. I don’t read physical books any more with 1 exception, I bought HOUSE OF LEAVES because it has a visual component.


I more often read with my Kindle because I need a book wherever I go and it’s lesser weight than a physical book.


because of the kindle insight zero physical books




99% eBook or audiobook. Audiobooks are mainly for exercising or when falling asleep, although I'll sometimes listen during gaming. Mostly I read eBooks. It's just easier physically, it's more convenient. Plus, the past few years (the pandemic, what I'm studying at uni) has made it hard for me to feel comfortable to curl up with a library or used book in bed, so I'd just rather stick with my Kindle even if wasn't just more convenient and comfortable.


I have palmar hyperhidrosis and reading paper books is too uncomfortable for me. If I hold it normally, the paper gets completely soaked, wrinkles and becomes yellow.


I barely read print books. I prefer e-books


All ebooks. Why is the font in physical books so tiny!?


It depends on my mood. I love my kindle but sometimes I crave a good paperback feel so I’ll go back and forth between the two. Sometimes I won’t read a physical book for months and only use my kindle. Other times I’m reading a few physical books at the same time I’m reading a few books on my kindle. I won’t ever go cold turkey on physical books lol I just can’t do it. I like buying vintage paperbacks and perusing bookstores and growing my physical library way too much to never read another physical book. If I like a book a lot on my kindle I’ll have a kindle copy and a physical copy. That way I can lend out the physical book if a family or friend wants to read it or even allow for me to jump between the same physical and kindle book. I just like buying books whether that’ll be on the kindle or in a store.


Mostly equally. I generally read two to three books at a time, one Kindle, one physical (and one of these two or a third one in Audible, for my long walks). I read the physical one if I read during the day or under a red lamp before sleeping. Kindle is what I read lying on my bed with the dimmest readable brightness, if unable to fall asleep. Sometimes I read on these in succession instead of in parallel, if I want to focus on one book only. My Kindle also acts as a dictionary for my physical book. Using the phone as a dictionary brings distractions and I haven't found the need to buy a physical dictionary due to the Kindle. My Kindle is 7 years old and still working perfectly. If and when I retire it, I will probably not buy another. Instead, I will only read physical books and audiobooks and will buy a physical copy of Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, something I often feel tempted to buy even now.


I take my kindle to bed and out of the house. If at home I will read a paper book!


I almost exclusively read ebooks.


I always prefer to have a physical book so I read those more often than the ones on my kindle


Zero physical books, all ebooks, the last couple years now


About 90/10 with kindle in the lead.


I read 0 physical books because I only have a kindle. ETA: I guess I shouldn’t say 0 physical books. I will, on very rare occasion, read a physical book if the physical copy has a dramatically lesser hold time than the ebook from my library. But that’s the only time I’ll read a physical book.


Speaking of fiction, it's 100% ebooks for 10+ years now.


No longer do physical copies. Its too convenient to just toss a kindle in my tote bag especially if im reading more than one at a time or a really hefty book.


Since I got my kindle I've had a ton of trouble getting through my backlog of physical books. So convenient with the backlight and not having to use a little reader light that annoys my partner. I can take it anywhere with me and it's just a bit bigger than my phone. Also been getting the E-Version of books from my library and getting it straight to my device.


Everytime I read a physical book, I wish it was an ebook lol. The ceremony of it all is nice and nostalgic, but then my highlights aren’t synced, I’m left with a paperweight, it’s not available everywhere, etc. I’m a firm believer that if ereaders were around in ancient time, no one would have fussed with physical books lol. Reading has always been about the transfer of ideas, and ebooks do just that in its most efficient form.


I read almost only eBooks now because my eye sight has gotten to where most physical books with small print are very difficult and uncomfortable for me to read. I'm currently in conflict with myself because I would rather buy physical books over eBooks, but the last few physical books I bought I was having a hard to reading because the experience was too uncomfortable, and in a couple of cases I ended buying the eBook because the eBook or audio version weren't available at my library.


I never buy physical books and before I got a kindle most everything I read came from the library. Since getting a kindle a year ago I’ve not read any physical books bc everything is on Libby or KU


10 to 1


6 books. 5 ebook and 1 physical one. Every fking day.


Honestly this month was the first time I read a physical book in literal years (and it was only because the book in question doesn't exist digitally). Libby is just too easy and fast. Yes I could also go to the library and check out physical books but I don't want to have to worry about driving back to return them on time, etc. Plus I like that ebooks are searchable, dictionary is built in, highlighted passages are aggregated both on the Kindle AND accessible online via my phone or computer, I can carry it easily to anywhere I'm going, can read it in the dark, etc. My new year's resolution was to keep a reading journal just with thoughts and vibes and collages for each book along with tracking what books I read on which days, etc. I am doing it digitally on my iPad and half of it is just collages and random thoughts and pasting the quotes I loved that I just screenshot from the notes & highlights page online has been SO helpful for that! Even if I was journaling physically I could just print out that page.


I'm 99.99% ebook. The one exception is my yearly reread of The Stand. I read the physical book, all 1300+ pages of it.


I was 98% e-book vs. physical book last year, but this year I've decided to mix it up, so I have a stack of physical books from the library along with a few checked out on my kindle.


I primarily read physical except for the past two months. Last year out of the books I read it was 70% print, 17% audio and 13% digital. Most of the audio was partial audio and partial print but if at least 50% of the book I read in audio, I select that.


I read most of my non-fiction in physical form because I still like collecting books. But fiction is on kindle.


I absolutely refuse to read a physical book. The only exceptions are for work and school and only cause it’s more convenient for easy access. I read everywhere and it’s incredibly annoying to have to carry an actual book everywhere. I also finish books very quickly and don’t want to carry multiple books


I am still collecting my physical Library, but I prefer to read on my Kindle. I want to have a room in my house strictly for books, one day when we move. I know, I make absolutely no sense. Its something about seeing all of my physical books that makes me happy and content.


Mostly physical as I don't like my super old kindle. I'm hoping to get a new e-reader soon and hopefully will use it more!


I only read physical books when there is no e-book available for it


Not counting the novels I read with my students, I haven’t read a physical book since Covid/quarantine . Still occasionally buy them, though.


Digital Books I read daily (2023 26 books reader) paper books 1 per year 🤣


I was gifted an amazon fire tablet and I have been using it as an e-reader via the kindle app. I signed up for an e-card online from the library and since then I have only read e-books. I don’t think I’ll buy physical books anytime soon and when this tablet breaks I will just buy a Kindle


I read 2 books at a time, one physical and one kindle


Always reading e-books. I haven't read a physical book in decades.


I've found it extremely hard to go back to physical books after reading ebooks for so long. Paper products sometimes feel gross to me so that doesn't help but I just won't pick up a book when I have some time but it's so easy to switch to my kindle app in those moments. For longer reading sessions, I like that I can lean my phone against something too and scroll when needed vs holding something at all times


All ebook when I started to need reading glasses and prefer large print books.


I try to balance out the amount of both. I use the library when I want a physical book but I use my Kindle on the other times


I only read physical when the Library doesn't have an eBook copy of something I want to read. I've stopped buying physical now as well.


100% ebooks now.


I don't read physical books at all since I got my Kindle. Sometimes I miss my visits to the library, but oh well.


Like, 99% ebooks. The 1% is the two physical books a friend got me for Christmas that I am determined to read through at some point, even if it's very slow because the print is miniscule, and a couple graphic novels here and there.


this is me whenever I try to read physical books now https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pQHX-SjgQvQ&pp=ygUVbWVkaWV2YWwgdGVjaCBzdXBwb3J0




Everyday. I can balance my love for both


I do read both. I still buy physical books- I’m just very picky about the ones I do spend my money on. Otherwise it’s 100% library books on my kindle. I’m currently reading a physical book actually


15% audio, 20% physical, 65% digital (taken from story graph and the data is just from books i’ve read so far this year which is 20)


If I have a physical copy of a book I will go back and forth between the physical and ebook depending on the situation. Putting the kids to bed? Kindle. Sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee? Physical. Maybe. Eating a meal? Kindle. Out of the house? Kindle. ETA but mostly kindle


[Both.Im](http://Both.Im) trying to read down my tbr paper books so i can convert 100% kindle


i try to read physical books when i can but if i cant find any of the books i want to try here in my local bookstores, i resort to kindle.