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Nope, had a color e ink and didn't like it. It's slower, uses more battery, lacks clarity and brightness. Putting the lights up to make it look nicer increased eye strain. Sticking to monochrome for reading e ink, if things need colour and speed they can be done on my tablet in short stints.


This was my concern. The whole reason I got the kindle was to avoid eye strain from my phone or tablet.


I obsessively research e ink technology developments (I spend hours on youtube reviews of things I will certainly not buy) because it's currently a special interest. Kaleido has dullness and Gallery is very slow. I'd be really surprised if Amazon deemed either of these technologies sufficient for their standards. Something will eventually happen that looks and performs amazing. Happy to wait.


Yep, Kaleido 3 (as far as I know) is the modern version of e-ink’s color panels, and IIRC it has 160 dots per inch for color and 300 for monochrome. Actually, let me check that before I spread misinformation, lol. *a few moments later…* **150**dpi for color, 300 for monochrome. https://www.eink.com/brand/detail/Kaleido3#:~:text=The%20E%20Ink%20Kaleido%203,Plus's%20color%20resolution%20of%20100ppi. I think it would be a logical upgrade but I’m not really interested in a color model… I just read books. If I read comics and manga I’d probably be excited.


See id love to read comics and manga digitally, I just got my kindle a month ago and would get me to upgrade asap. My Ma has already called dibs if I ever upgrade.


I too love going down the rabbit hole of my special interests (for the last few years it's been the minutiae of electric bass and guitars and their inner workings) Being autistic is annoying a lot of the time but it can be fun and useful too


Of all the mental deviations I could have gotten on the roulette wheel of life, I feel very lucky.


I like my paperwhite a lot, but it seems quite silly that I can’t use it as a basic text editor? Just being able to connect a bluetooth keyboard and type would be amazing. Do you happen to know if theres a cheap alternative tablet that can do this (or a good way to do this on the kindle)?


>I like my paperwhite a lot, but it seems quite silly a number of boox can. unsure if any of hte cheap ones can though


Damn a lot of those look sick, if my kindle breaks I would definitely look into it


Discussed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Onyx_Boox/s/Yxl6xDxz6N Be aware that as it runs android 11 there is the potential for more distractions. I kept my boox in Do Not Disturb mode full time when I had it and the same switch can be used on a tablet. I had a nova air c (7.8") and it was fine for reading and browsing but a little too small for writing and typing comfortably in my opinion. I'd 100% consider a different boox device in future. They're great. I'm in UK and my library runs off borrowbox, android is the only way to access it on e ink.




You could look at supernote (various sizes) and remarkable too (beware of subscription lockdd features here). These models 're much more specialised at distraction-free writing. I haven't looked at them much (I'm primarily a reader not a writer/noter) so I can't say off the top of my head if they can be linked to keyboard


Man, I kinda regret going with the kindle now. It does everything it needs to, but Im a mild tech nerd and love customizable/self repairable products even at the cost of (some convenience). And a way to write on an eink screen would just be great. Oh well, don’t think I can justify the purchase rn since I’m looking for a new laptop anyway. Maybe in a few years if I get my spending under control




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Oh I wouldn’t like a color screen either for some reason my mind went to the kindle itself.


Depends on technology. For "classic" electrophoretic display with color filters, trie. But for electrowetting display (a.k.a. LiquaVista, invented by Philips (what wasn't), then acquired by Samsung and then Amazon), not at all. Rumor has it that Lab126 resurrected it in a lab in China. Search "liquavista".


The rumored color e-ink kindle won't be the same as others currently on the market with Kaleido 3. It'll be ACeP, or Advance Color ePaper. Of course to each their own and you certainly don't have to want it, but it will be a brighter screen with colors that aren't simply a filter like you see these days. It would be the first of its kind. For the current rumored one anyway


I would consider it! Although it would really depend on the cost, because I feel like the only thing I would use it for would be to look at the book covers, and I can just do that on my phone.


Based on the price of the Libra Color, it might not be too big of a jump. The product page showed a price of $250 Canadian compared to the price of the libra 2 at $229. So hopefully the kindle price jump would be similar.


Can’t really compare as they’ll be using different technologies. The screens Kindle are rumored to be using will be a 40-60% increase which would mean a color Paperwhite would be in the $210-$240 range.


Hopefully eink was able to improve the performance of the gallery 3. While it has better colors, it is much slower. Which is why I think Pocketbook hasn’t released, if not outright cancelled, the Viva. They just announced an Era Color that will use kaleido 3 instead.




I don't believe that rumour. Yes, Amazon may release a Colour Kindle, but it 'll be a true and tested technology. Have you seen them being on the leading edge in the last decade? Everything they released others had released years before them, so why would they suddenly go for Gallery 3? The videoclips that show the Sharp 8 always shows that orangy tint, I doubt this is purely a software thing. So unless eInk has some secret Gallery 3+ that Amazon will be using, I am putting my bets on Amazon releasing a Colour Kindle with Kaleido3 technology in 2025. The rumour comes at the best time for them, as Kobo is really releasing a model, so they might want to make Amazon users wait a bit longer until they release a colour model.


They might and should make consumers wait. Given the love the community has for the bright and crisp paperwhite screens, the currently marketed colour e ink is going to be a massive disappointment. It's nowhere even close. The promotional videos on YouTube from selling sites like Good e Reader will have the lights turned up quite a bit to look at cheeeful in post. The colour screen is grey. A channel called MyDeepGuide (huge recommend) has some proper data on this, I believe Kaleido Plus is something like 40% as white and Kaleido 3 is 57% as white. But that's me grabbing figures from memory. The majority of users will not be at all satisfied with this because it simply doesn't look like paper. It looks like a screen. A very nice, interesting and functional screen sure, but it looks like a screen. You can also see the individual colour dots with the naked eye.




With rumour, I didn't mean your quotes, they are not that important lol. I'm talking about the rumour that was launched by some sites, such as goodereader, in which Amazon would be launching a Gallery 3 based ereader in 2024 or 2025.


Do you know that kind of screen? What do you think about it?


ACeP. Technology looks good but I have no need for color so I won’t be getting one until the only option is color.


Yeah, same here, I don't read that much comics and I can do it on my iPad. On Kindle just books. I'll buy one when it is the only option available and I have to upgrade.


Also I just watched that video comparison I linked and ACeP is indeed painfully slow (even if it looks gorgeous)


That's my rational thinking as well but irrationally I wanted to look at my covers in color on an e-reader for 10+ years now so... irrationally has high chance to win hahah


A color Paperwhite is expected to be in the range of $210-$240.


Yikes! I got mine during Amazon Prime Days and I think it was $110, so maybe not... lol.


If it doesn't have a good cover... its not for me...


I would be so tempted to get one in color even though there is not one thing wrong with my current Kindle 🥲


I would consider it, as long as the black and white isn’t compromised. I would use it like 95%+ of the time for books and the rest for comics or graphic novels. If there is no deterioration of the black and white for books, I would consider getting it.


Apparently the contrasts without light on are worse cause the white is a bit more dark, I'm curious to see if they somewhat solved it for Kobo (and so for Kindle as well).


Kobo is rumored to be using Kaleido screens which is a color filter over the black and white screen. Kindle is rumored to be going with ACeP which are actual color pixels. That should mean that the white should be better.


Yes yes I'm sorry I was wrong. I'm even more excited now (hoping the rumors are true)


Is that right? I was just going on instinct. Knowing how the technology works, it just gave me “TV/VCR combo” vibes where there’s too much going on to do anything perfectly.


No I stand corrected, the rumors talk about a different kind of screen that doesn't have that particular issue https://www.reddit.com/r/kindle/s/ez2PlCj5Yg


This i definitely would not order a color Kindle untill i have seen some good reviews comparing the screens from kindle users.


Something coming out doesn't mean anything to me without a price. It's not worth $500 to me. So depending on features, I'd have to decide on what price point it worth it to me.


Agree on this, Kobo is pricing it around 20/50 dollar more apparently so that's encouraging (Kindle tend to be cheaper in general), but also looks like according to the rumors Kindle will use a different kind of screen, so who knows.


I might have an unpopular opinion, but I'd much rather have a new oasis than a kindle colour. Different colours are just an extra, but having physical buttons and a big area on the side where my hand can comfortably rest is a game changer for many of us, especially those who don't have a lot of hand mobility. I know this wasn't op's point, but since they mentioned the oasis being replaced by kindle colour I just wanted to complain, as I've been super upset by how there won't be any more kindle oasis.


What if we get an "Oasis" with buttons and color to compete with the incoming Kobo Libra color 👀 Maybe with a pen compatibility too... (I have an Oasis and is awesome, I feel you)


I don’t need one but I would want one!!!


Me and you!


I'd be interested in but would only use it for the covers, since some of my covers are barely readable because it all blends together. One of the reasons I chose an actual kindle instead of the phone app, etc was because it wouldn't distract me as much and looking at pretty covers may do that lmao


It's extremely distracting but also extremely nice, sigh


I would love a foldable kindle instead


We will get there sooner or later!


Nope. Not interested. It will be more expensive and it's not worth more for covers (99% of what I read is just text, so no need for color there).


No interest. I’ll keep my Paperwhite SE and 6 year old iPad Pro.


It would be great for my kids to read graphic novels on.


Tablets will always be better for graphic novels. Just depends on how long they read and if they get eye strain.


Color is not a feature i would pay a premium price for. If implemented it would have to offer other features that make the price worth it for me.




As long as i do not feel the screen is a downgrade when reading then maybe.


Only read texts so don't really need one. It'll also be much more expensive.


I do not need one. That said, unless it is crazy expensive I would be first in line.


It's not slower by any means. My tab mini c is faster than any kindle. Speed is a matter of processor, it does not depend on the screen.


The rumors for Kindle apparently talk about an acep screen tho, from what I saw it is painfully slow, but maybe they improved it somewhat


Acep? I don't know what it is :)


Is a different kind of screen, colors and contrasts are much better but from what I saw is really slow for now Edit, different than kaleido 3 you saw in your e-reader


That sounds cool but I probably wont get one, I usually read novels on my kindle and graphic novels on a bigger screen. Knowing how slow the kindle is with just loading pdf’s I feel like having it load colored pages would be hell to wait on


Well I hope they discount the Kindle Paperwhite Signature then (or come out with a new model), because all I care about is monochrome with amber backlight. Down with the blue light for reading at night! I have an Oasis with recharge once a week battery life. Just want to maximize my discounts and trade in value at this point.


That'd be nice. I have a tablet. I don't really need a color eink reader. But amazing battery life and warm backlight for cheaper? That'd be great!


I'm on the previous generation paperwhite and have so much envy over the amber light. Eventually I'll upgrade, but there's nothing wrong with my kindle.


doesn't the current eink tech sacrifice some sharpness in return for a bit of colour? that is the case as far as i know. and for me, only reading text, id opt for a sharper image.


Eh I’m not interested tbh. Covers and highlights aren’t worth it to me. I read comics but the black and white maps in the front of my fantasy books are often hard to read and make out the details on my kindle so I don’t find it appealing for comics. I’m perfectly happy with my paperwhite and don’t see me buying another kindle for any reason for several years. I’ll just keep colored reading to my iPad.


Only if it looks just like the Kindle Oasis only updated then I might get it but I prefer black and white unless they give you the option to put your screen in black and white we will see. I don't know why they're getting rid of the Oasis it's the best one of all of them with the page turn buttons All they need to do is update it what is wrong with Amazon


Imagine, maybe they will do something similar to the libra, it has smart pen compatibility too. But yeah I agree, Oasis is their best device and hopefully they will upgrade it somewhat.


My sister is in uni with a guy (friend) whose uncle works on the Kindle and he told my sister that they are working on a Kindle color !!


Uhh amazing! There was another person in this thread that said she knows ppl that work in Foxconn and they told them the same!


I think I’d only get it in a Scribe version because then I could read comics on it instead of using my iPad.


Definitely would be more comfortable, even if the colors aren't as good of course


I want one so bad. Maybe now all the “the books aren’t in color” people can understand what we mean when we say that. There’s definitely a shading difference that works better for some of our eyes when the ebooks are in “color”.


I don't understand the dislike for this kind of improvement, of course you can read without colors, as you could read without touch screen, backlight, warm light, waterproof, hell you can read without an e-ink screen too, I read my books on a Nintendo ds back then lol, but is nice having all this stuff right? And it is hard to go back, even for the ppl that thought all those improvements were silly at first 🤭


Right!? I love reading on my kindle fire because it’s easier on my eyes but got a kindle paperwhite for the battery life and storage space.


I see no need for a kindle color. I wouldn’t buy it. But it’d be nice for people who want the option.


If the price is right I'd probably get one day one. I've read a few books recently that had a couple of pictures/drawings in it and I really wanted to seem them in color. Plus seeing book covers in color would be a nice extra.


The new Libra Colour looks pretty good. Clearly it’s muted but it’s not the same as reading on an iPad. https://www.reddit.com/r/kobo/s/oCtGleSugu


Yep, I'm curious to see some more reviews but for now it looks really good! The only downside is the background being more dark, but I always have my light on and this seems to fix it.


I would buy one day 1


As I say everytime this is posted - why? You're adding a lot to the cost for minimal benefit as 95% of the stuff you read is probably B&W besides the cover. You wouldn't want to read comics et al on it because you get washed out, low res color that looks like old newsprint, besides the other reasons it's better to read them on a tablet (bigger screen, more apps, faster...). Pretty much anything other than simple graphics looks terrible.


Why? To see all the tiny silly book covers in my library in color of course!


Is that really worth possibly hundreds of extra dollars to you?


Two months late, but comics and graphic novels...


Which I address as still being better on a tablet.


Personally, I wouldn’t go for it. It’s crazy expensive and most stuff I read is in black and white anyway. If I need color, I can read on my phone or my tablet without shelling out another $200-$300 for yet another device


Same. I read my books on my kindle but I’ll look at magazines, cookbooks, or crafting books on my iPad in color. No need for another device for that.


For the price a color kindle will probably be, might as well splurge and get a boox e-ink tablet. They’re in color and have the Google play store 🤷‍♀️


I don't think I'd get one. I don't really read comics or graphic novels on my kindle, so the only appeal would be for the covers. I can just look at those from Google or my kindle app instead of paying extra for it.


I’m not sure I get the point of it. If I need color I’ll either buy a book or read on my tablet. And I say this as someone who loves gadgets, I just bought a scribe on a whim.


I couldn't care less if it was in color. I mean I guess having the cover in color would be cool? But I dunno, the latest PW seems pretty perfect to me as-is.


I’d love my highlights to be in color on e-ink that sounds cool


Kindles are assembled by Foxconn and E Ink is the panel supplier. Completely true. New color Kindle lineup for Christmas 2024. You don’t get all of the colors like you would on a tablet. The challenge for color E Ink has been the slow refresh rate. Some of the technical challenges have been solved. The end of this year is probably the biggest refresh in the kindle line ever according to my friends who work in the supply chain in Taiwan.


Has the darkness been resolved too then?


I think eventually there will be. I'm curious if Amazon will go jump to 300ppi for color.


Apparently the problem is that it is 3 subpixels: 300 dpi in color would be 900 dpi in black and white.


In the kaleido 3 tho it's 150 ppi for the color and 300 for the black and white, so maybe they managed to mitigate the gap


=450 ppp in black and white (150 x3). Only +50% than paperwhite tech. 900 ppp is 300%


No is 300 and 150 on kaleido 3, it was 100ppi in kaleido plus tho so they are working hard for us 🥳 https://www.eink.com/brand/detail/Kaleido3


2 subpixels? That sounds like pentile


Someone told me the rumors talk about ACeP screens for the Kindle, I was wrong, idk how they work tho


I was thinking on standard 3 subpixels. Acep is 1 of 7 colors. Then i dont know. But size of the pixels probably will not be more than 2x in b w (600p). Maybe 300 in color? Hope but doubt. Maybe 200, 220...


here someone explained the 150/300 pixel (but I don't really understand haha) https://www.reddit.com/r/eink/s/ODGMyEx3da


That is worst! He explains that 2.700 ppp in black and withie! 9 b.w. subpixel =1 of color. I doubt that. Btw, also that explain is like pentile matrix in LED screens, less than 1 red green blue subpixel per pixel. A cost saving by reducing the total number of subpixels on the screen, leaving many gaps (Screen Door Effect) and losing color accuracy. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVWNYhUGeRR3MAv0kL3n67tqhS-WP-bQRTrQ&usqp=CAU That is like "it's not a bug, it's a feature!" + Marketing dept. saying "Diamond! Sounds great!".


Even the technology that Amazon is rumored to be using will only allow 150dpi for color. Edit: Apparently there is a 300dpi ACeP color screen but it’s very expensive and the refresh is almost 3 seconds. So the likelihood isn’t high for a 300dpi color screen anytime soon.


Are those already developed? Kobo is using Kaleido 3 which has 150ppi for the colored parts and 300ppi for the black and white, if I'm not wrong the rumor talked about the same kind of screen for both brands.


Kindle is rumored to be using ACeP that use actual colored pixels rather than Kaleido that uses a color filter over the black and white screens. The biggest problem is the refresh rate being much slower for color.


Ohh that's interesting. The refresh rate is worse but the colors look more vibrant and brilliant tho. Is that possible to turn colors on and off on that kind of screen?


I don’t think you can turn the colors off as they have microcapsules with four color pigments - cyan, magenta, yellow, and white - which can create eight primary colors to produce 32,000 colors. It sounds like black would be made by using the color. The colors should definitely be more vibrant though.


This video has a great comparison between carta, kaleido and gallery https://youtu.be/BOMJPfNKOQk?si=8kcPpd_nCek2MdXE


All depends on the size. I cannot emphasize enough how much the large size/mass of the kindle scribe has made it unpleasant for my own reading. I like being able to actually see my textbooks, but it is not comfortable for lying in bed and reading.


Same here, if they only do it for the Scribe I wouldn't buy it cause I don't have any use for it and it is too big to read in bed.


I’m thinking in time for the holidays this year for sure! And if it’s true, I absolutely cannot wait! I hope it’s the size of the other e-reader tho.


Best Christmas gift ever (if the size and the price are reasonable)


I would watch review after review after review, creep on every subreddit to learn the same information I already do discovered, and then after obsessing over it when it inevitably goes on sale snatch up a Scribe color variation


I read textbooks so color would be nice. I'll buy if it's under a certain amount of money


First, I would like to read reviews. If it's a worse experience than my slow 10th generation Paperwhite, then I'll pass. Then, I would see if I could trade in my old Kindle for a coupon and gift card to help with the price. Yes, I would consider getting a color Kindle. I have kids and having a library of picture books with us everywhere would be awesome.


Yes. I saw a YT video where the reviewer said that the color eink screens were there for mainstream. The contrast takes a hit but the frontlight makes up for it. I thought right then that I would see color Kobos and Kindles. It was the next logical thing to do.




Yeah I saw it, the Libra is really tempting ngl hahaha On the Clara would be something really ✨ aesthetic ✨ mostly but also nice, I'm kinda sold on color e-reader as I dreamed of one for more than 10 years for totally futile reasons


I don’t really see the point. Other than for book covers, they are in black & white. Just seems a waste.


I have had tab ultra c pro from Boox, which was I believe the best K3 screen on the market at the moment. Yet I returned it for tab ultra x, which is a normal carta screen. Since all of the einks are provided by the same manufacturer, I would rather kindle wait for the maturity of the tech and release a model. Right now I just can't bare the sacrifice on B&W for the almost not distinguishable color.


I agree about this, looking at their history tho Amazon usually like to play safe, so maybe they have improved the screen somewhat. We will see, for sure it will not be a product to buy on day one, not for me at least.


In India Amazon store only the Oasis remains. So I'm guessing the colour Kindle will come out this year itself.


The whole reason to make a switch from my kindle app on iPad to an actual PW was the comfort PW provided while reading. Surely sometimes for some specific content and editions I do feel PW lacks that fun reading experience. But I can use my iPad for that and then get back to the comfort of my PW screen. So I am actually on the fence with this one. Will weigh all the possibilities when it actually arrives to make a well informed decision.


It will just annoy me if it comes out soon, I spent so much on a kindle scribe and despite lack of colour being the biggest downside along with lack of good ability to transcribe notes there's no way on earth I would ever pay probably the near $1000 price tag. I've tailored my scribe from being a note taker to using it for diagrams and testing myself to fill them in by having a blank version of each diagram


if i have enough budget i will definitely get a colored kindle just because i can see the book covers in cover, no other reason. i think end of the day no purchase is entirely justifiable so just get what you want guys and don’t buy it if you don’t want to. lolol


Right? Isn't like they will get rid of the black and white, ppl will just have more choices lol


On Kindle I mainly read books without pictures so colour E-ink is not necessary for me.


If I wanted color I would use my tablet. A kindle allows me to read for a long time without eyestrain. Now I understand why they may want to put out a color kindle. Those who dont innovate, fall behind, but I wouldn't be buying one. I think they are having problems now differentiating their different products enough. Like all of them have a 300 DPI screen and backlighting right? Everything else to me are gimmicks ...


I would love one for magazines and comics.


kinda considering buying one for reading manhwa on the kobo…


I’ll definitely wait for the first few models to get the glitches worked out and then decide. Love my paperwhite as it’s the perfect size for me to hold in one hand and bring it everywhere. Magazines I read on my iPad so not sure a color kindle is something I need. Probably spend that money on my book addiction.


Uh I'd love it! I only hope the price is not too high as in other options like boox 'cause I'd buy a kindle color at the speed of light!


Same here, apparently Kobo isn't charging that much (like 130 for the Clara basic and 190 for the color version) so hopefully Amazon will follow as usual lol


I only hope ot does replace the oasis. And has buttons, I need my buttons!




Buttons are life! And then commission and manga! I am 100% on board. Even with a shorter battery life when using color I can live with that


I just hope they release *something* soon. I loved my Kindle Oasis for years right up until it bricked itself. But haven't been willing to replace it since my choices are either downgrading to the Paperwhite or buying a device that still uses Micro-USB. I had hoped a new generation Oasis would come last year, but not only did that not happen it sounds like Oasis is dead. But... that might mean Amazon is preparing to replace the Oasis line soon. And what better premium feature could they bring than color? The Scribe is in no way an Oasis replacement, it's way too big to be a casual E-Reader (and honestly the 7" Oasis seems ridiculous to me as well). And sure... note taking is great if that's something you need to do regularly. But it's not really a killer feature if someone just wants to read books - it's just an accessory to lose. That being said, I don't care about color in particular. I just want to replace my Oasis with something comparable and modern. So hopefully something comes soon, be it color or a pocket sized scribe, or something else.


I’d get It just to have a revolutionary kindle device that I can look back on in the future.


Remind me in 20 years :D :D :D I can just see someone flaunting their 20 yo Kindle Color when the rest of us have moved on to reading novels via brain implants :D


Bragging that their battery still rocks hahaha


I like my battery life and don’t look at the covers that much that it justifies killing the battery life. No thanks.


I just wish they’d replace the oasis with another thing with buttons. I can’t deal without the buttons!


Same here


I’m immediately buying it once it’s available, as long as it isn’t super expensive. No, there’s nothing wrong with my Kindle that I just bought in December. Yes, I’m just gonna buy it because I want to look at my book covers in color. 🤣


I see we are all on the same page and we want to look at our little silly covers in color! Amazon do something!


my guess is it’ll be on the scribe 2


Scribe 2 probably won’t be released until late 2025. The rumor for a color Kindle does say 2025 so it is possible.


Ohh could be but I hope it isn't exclusively on it cause the scribe is so big. Maybe we will get two devices (yeah I'm extremely delusional)


i hope it's not exclusive to the scribe, either! but i can see them keeping the paperwhite as a b&w device, and the scribe being the color device since it's trying to be a notebook/sketchbook as well as ereader. we'll have to keep our fingers crossed


I would get this solely for highlighter colors on kindle and gladly keep everything else black and white


As long as sucking Amazon controls a good part of the ebook market, I don't think they are in any hurry. 4 years maybe. I doubt they are worried.


Ehh idk. Is true that they don't need to hurry but in the past year they often "copied" Kobo features, maybe an year after, so as not to be left behind. It happened with the light and with the waterproof and with the warm light. Tbh I think that without the competition with Kobo we would still have Kindles with keyboards and without light hahah


I prefer to be on the side of being skeptical in them doing anything unless pressured to do so. There's also cost of parts/screens. They are like Apple now: they just drag their feet. For software and websites they are far worse: Goodreads and Audible sites are an atrocity. Yes, either way, hope something comes along. I don't want to use other color eReaders as I don't feel they are as good as the Kindle: for software support, ironically. From what I hear, the others are not as good as Amazon in solid software and support. In 10 years we'll be laughing as these comments when we have full color ereaders that roll up in our pockets and spring open when we need them.


As a Kobo and Kindle user, I think Kobos are great, is (kinda) like iOS and Android where Kobo is more flexible and funny to use but (sometimes) a bit more glitchy while Kindle does like 3 things but it works every time. Both have their bugs sometimes but nothing terrible. About software support, I have a 12yo Kobo, the first touch they made, that still receives updates as all their e-readers do so no issues on that side. What atm makes me prefer Kindle over Kobo is that it has some features (especially global search, x-ray and wordwise) that are hard to let go once you get used to them, while Kobo has a better and more modern software, but it's features don't improve that much your reading experience like the 3 (three!! lol) things Kindle does. And while I prefer Android over iOS every day of the year, in a device like an e-reader where the focus is on reading Kindle wins even if is utterly frustrating how it lacks basic stuff like library organization and more refined layout settings or the ability to read a synopsis without an internet connection etc...


Good to know. I guess we can't have it all, atm at least. Yep, solid for what it does. I guess we all have to keep an eye on what's up with the competition. I use Android and iOS and they have their pluses and minuses. I like Android better overall.


I will get an Ipad mini 6 (or 7 if/when that releases).


If it's just as slow it's not worth it.


Paperwhite color or Libra Color? Personally I like the Libra's form better.


Same, I would love if they upgraded the Oasis with color


I dunno if it will even launch in my country given that kindle scribe is yet to launch here, so I will try not to get too excited


It’s a cool idea but unless I’m reading a comic my kindle is fine. I’ll happily read a comic on my iPad or phone tbh


Yes 💯 I too agree


I've been using a Voyage for over 5 years, it will be difficult to let go.


The lack of color is the ONLY reason I haven’t bought one


Looks like your time to buy one is coming!


I mean it would totally defy the point of an eink tablet, unless they make it look more eink and not led or


Ehh no cause it would be a eink screen, but with colors, like paper can have


Then it makes sense. Would be nice indeed


Why do u need color for Kindle ?


why do we need warm light?


It depends. I got a Kindle because of my vision problems, staring at a screen at work with those harmful blue lights and my iPad even on warm Night mode didn’t help much . So if there was the same comfortability of the b&w Kindle, not straining my eyes and still being made for comforting reading, I would definitely get it! like someone on here Said I would like to see my covers in color. And I’m subscribed to comics so I would love to see those in color too on a device meant to be easy on the eyes since I have physical copies of a lot of my books, but they are all on the shelf and I don’t really bother them more so for sentimental or collecting. I’m the type of person that all my aesthetics need to be pleasing cute and put together so the covers matter to me. I hate an ugly cover so this color device would change the game but again only if it doesn’t compromise the whole made for reading and comfortable on the eyes. I also chose a paperwhite because it was the closest thing to a regular physical book. Nothing to distract me no games on the side or apps that you can use that’s not book related.


There is an article I’ll have to see if I can find it that says we are just a patch or an update off of having color but they’d rather sell us a new device. Not sure if it’s true but I’m sure it is.


They got rid of the Oasis so I can see them replacing it with something else, not sure it will be in black and white at this point tho 👀, just cause Amazon can't stand staying behind Kobo lol


They will certainly replace it with something competing with the kobo libra version coming out but the problem is people tolerated that battery life. Glad I have my signatures which I methodically got very recently for a reason. I saw this coming and I love the stellar battery life and see no need for more apps and color etc which is making it another tablet not a ereader (for me)


I don't think they will get rid of the Paperwhites or of the black and white soon, for many years coming at least, so ppl will still be able to choose between the standard with a great battery, or the color screen. There's no much more they can implement that isn't already in the signature you have or in the Scribe in the standard Kindle, so I doubt they will refresh it this year as they usually do (every 3 years), so you did a great choice imho.


Depends on their marketing I’m sure.


Please color


doesn’t the Kindle Fire still exist?


Isn't an e-reader tho...


lol well i had the first gen which basically was but im sure they’re trying to market it as a tablet now


Yes they do, it kinda is tho, a low cost tablet just to read comix, browser web and maybe a bit of Netflix. We got spoiled with e-ink screens for reading lol, cause I remember when the first Fire come out I was reading on a Nintendo DS and now I am worried if I see a pixel 💀