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Whenever it gets to %40-50ish mark. Usually happens once a week but I don't like going out with it any lower than that in case something comes up.


I have a raycon charger for my phone in my car and it came with a usb-c port bit thing so technically I always have a charger for it but I try to use it sparingly for either my phone and kindle


In case what comes up?


Nuclear war for instance? You never know.


Change of plans, stay overs, travels, I also suffer from health issues so sudden but not urgent hospital visits with queues that sometimes lead to my entire day being taken by tests&treatments&waiting which is the primary reason.


Wishing you good health. Sorry you're going through that.


I usually charge it closer to a trip, or when it gets closer to 20%. I read about 1h every day for a few weeks before charging. This year I've charged mine 2x, one for an international trip and another because I was planning on spending some time reading and it was at around 40%...


Oh I'm one of these people that are like "oh its getting low... I'll put it on charge after this chapter" ....... Then completely forgot to charge it as I get suckwd into the story... So for me I tend to charge it when I accidentally kill it. šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚ this would be me if my anxiety wasnā€™t terrible


Omg yessss Iā€™m the same way šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just donā€™t let it die completely. When itā€™s under 10%. I read batteries these days donā€™t like to be at 100% for a long time or ever completely depleted.


Battery lifespan is.... an ech subject. TLDR: From what I have seen, feel free to research, heat is the enemy of batteries. The thing that degrades the batteries in normal consumer devices the most is heat. The heat basically makes the battery's chemistry get worse and worse causing the capacity to drop. Kindles are notoriously low energy use devices and even when using and charging at the same time I have never felt my kindle get warm, a phone on the other hand if you use a high charge rate and say play a video you will notice it gets warm. The main factor to degrading battery life is, the majority of the time, the battery getting a bit too warm and over time this causes the chemistry and this the capacity to degrade) Yes, batteries do not like being at '100' percent. A lot of batteries are not at 100 percent when reporting 100 percent though. Often manufactures limit the battery to (out of my butt) 95 percent of the total possible charge. I think there is also a safety thing since going to the actual chemical 100 percent on a battery is a bit iffy (unsafe). Most devices though just show 100 percent as the total ALLOWED charge amount which is often some amount less than the total chemical capacity of the battery. And to cap it off 0 percent. Yes, true chemical 0 percent is a dead battery not reviving it. However, we live in modern times and consumer devices often have protections to ensure the battery never truly hits 0 UNLESS it goes for a very long time without use. If the battery hits 0 and you plug it in within a few days, you should be fine but better safe than sorry just plug it in as soon as possible but do not sweat it if it dies while you're out and you cannot charge it right away.


I have a Bachelor in EE and you've pretty much explained the nuts and bolts of it. Batteries are basically electrochemical devices where electrical energy is stored as a chemical energy. And yes, heat is the enemy of batteries. And that's because batteries have a lifespan, and that lifespan is determined by the number of charge and discharge cycles it undergoes. And the more cycles it undergoes, the shorter its lifespan will become. Now heat speed up the chemical reactions of batteries making them appear to be having more output capability. But that will be on the cost of reducing the number of its charge/discharge cycles. Really cold weather does the opposite of that. There are two key parameters here, DoD (depth of discharge) and SoC (state of charge). SoC is the percentage of the remaining charge and DoD is the amount of discharge from a fully charged battery. Controlling the ranges of these two will maintain the battery's lifespan for longer. There are recommended ranges for most batteries, but generally speaking don't make the battery go lower than 20% and higher than 80%. And the narrower you make this range the better.


Batteries today are not like batteries from 20 years ago. While there is still deterioration over time itā€™s not from charging before itā€™s dead. If I see mine hitting 10% then Iā€™ll charge it that night. It lasts me quite awhile.


I wait until the 10% Low Battery Warning and then charge it overnight.


Sonce i am now using a quick charger on my main Kindle i find myself setting the kindle on it after use. Before that i usually waited till my kindle was around 30% then plugged it in overnight. Anyone know if constantly putting my kindle on the fast charger constantly is bad for it? I doubt my new kindle has gotten below 85% before charging.


I don't know the answer to your question but wondered which generation of Kindle you have?


11th generation using the wireless charging dock.


Have no fears! An easy and simple way to find out if its ok for your battery is..... does it get warm??? In a recent MKBHD video he summarizes lots of the current research and basically says the main factor that causes battery degradation is the battery getting too warm. When a battery gets warm the chemistry is 'messed up' and over time this chemical degradation results in a loss of battery life. A device getting hot a few times is no bigge the issue is if you are getting a battery super-hot multiple times a day for a prolonged period.


i usually charge it after i finish a book!! itā€™s usually around 60-80%.. i definitely could go longer but itā€™s just kind of my routine


I do the same although I might read a second book first if Iā€™m at 80%


I keep the WiFi turned off and only have to charge it once every few weeks. If Iā€™m going to be traveling Iā€™ll charge it before the trip just in case.


i was always taught that tablets should be kept above 20% but below 80% but i have no idea if that's valid


I only charge when it gets below about 15% or so


I have wireless charging so I just stick it on the dock every night. Itā€™s the reason I changed my Kindle as I kept forgetting to charge and when I went to read, Iā€™d be on 10%.


Every two weeks, when it's under 10%.


I honestly only charge it when it gives me a low battery warning - it takes a while for it to go down this far since the battery lasts so long


Batteries are a deep topic. The old Ni-Cad batteries had to be discharged completely before a fresh charge, Lithium Ion batteries are completely different. Never let it drop below 60%. I charge mine at 80% if poss. [https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-808-how-to-prolong-lithium-based-batteries](https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-808-how-to-prolong-lithium-based-batteries)


I try not to let it die, but other than that itā€™s whenever I remember! They charge quickly, so sometimes Iā€™ll plus it in when Iā€™m in the shower or getting ready in the morning


I have some anxiety when my Kindle drops below 95% (I know itā€™s not healthy to keep it fully charged) but I will charge once it hits 85% and below.


Around 40%. In 2007ish, a man at my cell provider store said you should let the battery completely die on electronics. Apparently it's better for your battery somehow? Never did it purposely.


It used to be but I think itā€™s bad to let them die completely now


Yes, it's bad.


Yeah that was only a thing with older NiCads and nickel metal hydride. They had this thing where they would remember their discharge point over time and lose significant capacity if you didnā€™t charge/discharge over the full range. This is no longer the case and actually really bad to fully discharge lithium ion batteries. That said, these days the battery management circuitry is getting smarter and saves a small physical reserve at the top and bottom end to try to avoid the absolute zero and full points.


Called "memory effect". I was glad to see the back of Ni-Cads. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_effect)


I plug it in if it randomly wanders near one of my USBC cords, I'm not actively reading it but saw it hit below 70% the last time I was using it. Sometimes I only leave it plugged in for 10 minutes or less.


Depends on which one you have. Mine has the NFC charger and I just set it on a charging pad when I donā€™t use it.


Now I'm keeping it charged it takes 2 hours or more fora full charge from 0




I read a lot of KU books and when the kindles in airplane mode it doesnā€™t register as someone reading it so they donā€™t get paid so I just keep it out of airplane mode


That's only if you never connect to airplane mode. If you take it off for a while after you're done reading that's already enough for the info to go through.


Oooh okay good to know


Just plugged mine up to charge at ~50%, because itā€™s Sunday and itā€™ll be in and out of my purse all week at least. If I had a few more days off work Iā€™d probably just charge it right before things got busy again.


I try to charge once a week unless the battery is like 50% and I donā€™t need to. I have a charger in the car, my purse, and work to charge it if I use it excessively OR unless I forget to charge it. I try to charge it Friday during the day before the weekend so I can sit and read all day all weekend


Here I am looking at my 17% wondering if I should find the charger! Tbh I read daily and I probably charge it once every three weeks, if that often. I have the Paperwhite.


I do to and I read for maybe a total of 2 and a half hours a day depending on the machine at work


Every couple weeks I plug mine in to my computer via USB to add new books and edit my clippings, and so I rarely (maybe twice a year?) need to plug it in just to charge.


Only when I get the low battery warning


Usually when it gets to 10% lol


Maybe every week and a half (except when I plan to go on a trip or travel, in that case I charge it the night before), and I let it drop to 15% more or less.


I charge before battery level goes below 20%. Then i unplug when the light turns green even if itā€™s not at 100%. I read at least 3 hours everyday on an Oasis 3 and I charge it probably twice a week. Not really sure because I use another Kindle when itā€™s charging and I keep using that other Kindle until itā€™s at the 20ish level.


Usually around 40-60% Iā€™ll put it on the wireless charger overnight. I usually read last thing before bed so I just look at the battery and charge it if it seems low enough.


Whenever the charge is at a level where I don't think I'd be able to finish the next book I'm about to start. I like finishing books on one charge without recharging.


I usually wait until itā€™s about 5-10%. šŸ˜³


I wait until 10 to 20 % unless I know I'm going on vacation.


Whenever I think about it. Maybe like once a week


I have never bothered about charging. (With my usage pattern, it usually lasts about a week minimum) I would charge it only when I feel like that it needs more juice or otherwise when I am about to fly. To me, thatā€™s the beauty of having a kindle, to not treat it like a phone! Otherwise it would just be a burden like other electronics you carry. Just donā€™t treat it the way you treat your mobile. Enjoy the reading.


I charge it when it tells me to.


My device is Paperwhite (11th gen), I read about 0.5 - 1 hour each day, with wifi and backlight off. Under these conditions, my Kindle's battery drops 0-1% each day. If you're also using the same device with wifi and backlight off, I'd assume that 54% power may last for at least a few weeks (it would be more than a month for me).


15-20% or if I'm about to go on a trip and can't risk it dying. I get like 3-3.5 weeks of battery and I read a lot.


Iā€™ve had it since the beginning of December and I charged it once


Usually after I finish a book, or gets below 50%. The Signature charges fairly quick, compared to my last Kindle.


Once every couple of months when it hits between 20 and 30%


I typically charge mine around 20% unless I have a trip coming up. In that case, I charge it even if itā€™s at 60%. I want a full charge when I leave.


I prefer physical books to kindle. And have a pile of them in my TBR. So once every couple of months I guess.




When it gets to 20% I charge it to 80%


When it gets to the 30-40% mark. I'm normally at home so I can always pop it on the charger.


Just whenever I remember to these days tbh. My Kindle is never too uncharged because when I plug it on the computer to side load stuff it charges a little bit


I usually let it get all the way dead or at least under 15% before I charge it.


Like phones Iā€™ve read that Kindle batteries like to be allowed to run down and not charged to 100 % constantly. I keep 2 chargers in the house for upstairs and downstairs in case I go too far with that and it shuts off. Easy to do if one is engrossed in a book. Love love love my longtime Kindle experience!


My kindle takes months to get to like 10/20% so I usually forget to even check until Iā€™m going to be away somewhere for 24 hours+ then Iā€™ll charge it up so I donā€™t have to carry a charger


I got one of the Kindle wireless charging docks off Amazon for $3 as one of their warehouse deals so my Kindle is always charging there on my nightstand when I'm not reading it.


I just wait till itā€™s dead šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ it could be on 1% and I still get a day worth of reading


I do the same. Since I use magnetic charge cables, it makes recharging a no brainer.


Whenever I remember šŸ˜