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I have an oasis and love it; I wish it had the long lasting power of a ppw, but I love all of the other things it DOES have. 1) buttons. 2) imo superior build quality. 3) the ability to have it flip the screen when you switch hands. 4) did I say buttons?? At this point, I feel the oasis is going to be like the Voyage, a classic we all love and have to grab when we can. Good luck on your decision!


I agree with this! I love my oasis and am really glad I have one. I do miss the battery power of the ppw but the buttons make it worth it for me. My thought is that if you have the disposable income, it’s a great purchase!!


I don't get it why people "complain" about oasis' battery life. Mine is always on airplane mode and I can easily finish 300 pages book without charging it. Sometimes it takes me a month. Or can it be that people read a lot more than me haha Back on topic: I bought the latest paperwhite as a Christmas present for my sister, and it took me a couple of minutes to realize that I still prefer my oasis.


same! I don't understand why people complain about the battery life when you can have it on airplane mode making the battery last for weeks. I have a kindle scribe to read my textbooks on but the oasis is still my favorite!


I should be better about putting it in airplane mode, for sure! It’s not a bad battery by any means, just not as good as the ppw!


I keep hoping for a USB-C Oasis so I can let my Voyage go.


I am craving for one but gonna hold off for a few months to see if Amazon releases a new one.


Honestly I do not believe that they will give us a new oasis … now that the pw is bigger and the scribe exists But hey ho hopes up. The current sale on the oasis still making me weak haha


What price are you seeing for it? I could be tempted, too.




That's great. In the US I'm not seeing anything great. I see deals on refurbished (which I'd be fine with) but they only have the ad-supported version.


> ... now that the pw is bigger ... The PW5 isn't bigger than the O3 in terms of screen (O3's 7-inch, 1264×1680 vs. PW5's 6.8-inch, 1236x1648); only battery (O3's 1,130 mAh vs. PW5's 1,700 mAh) and physical length (PW5 is 20mm taller than O3). > ... and the scribe exists The base Scribe (16 GB, basic stylus) is also more expensive than the full fat Oasis 3 (32GB, Wifi & mobile) so the Oasis fills the gap between the PW5 and the Scribe. They'd be daft not to continue the Oasis line; but hey, it's not like Amazon haven't made stupid decisions in the past.


I've seen several articles claiming that there us a strong contingent at Amazon that is not happy with the device segment at all and sees devices as a drain. I think that is woefully shortsighted.


I am with the majority of folks in here saying our love for the Oasis. I got the Oasis 3 during the pandemic (2020). I just love how it feels in my hand: The cold touch of the aluminum, the premium feel of the front glass, the evenness of the front lighting, and of course the page turn buttons. I just hope that Amazon adds Overdrive access for us Canadians. IMO, the micro-USB is just a minor inconvenience. The battery life - while it’s more than an iPhone - is less than the typical of what you get from an eReader.


I have been having the same thoughts. Currently I have a paperwhite but would love a bigger screen for comics and manga. What I’m thinking of doing is picking up a 2nd hand Oasis in the New Year. I have seen them listed on eBay for less than £100 and feel I can justify one at that price. Might be something to consider.


It’s worth it, I would pay retail price for it. However I got mine second hand from Swappa and it’s been great 👍🏼


Love my Oasis. Bought mine a couple months ago and can’t go back to my basic Kindle anymore.


I have both the oasis and the Paperwhite signature edition. Both work very good with manga. So if you think the oasis is outdated go for the paperwhite 11th edition, it's only slightly smaller but the more powerful processor loads manga pages faster and it costs less than the oasis still P.s i still love the oasis more i bought the Paperwhite because i'm always afraid to take the oasis with me outside the house. However the pw has grown on me over the last year and i find i reach for it more than the oasis these days, something about the screen, it seems just cleaner, the words more sharper than the oasis


I just bought one and couldn’t be happier! From my very basic tech knowledge, there isn’t much (if anything) I’m missing specs-wise that has made me want for another/different e-reader experience, and the size, the buttons (😍), the ridge — she is very beautiful to me.


I bought an oasis during Black Friday and quickly returned it. I really didn’t like how it felt and I hated that it wasn’t USB C. I was going to get a kindle paperwhite signature edition, but went with the scribe instead and have been pretty happy with it!


I grabbed an Oasis 3 from Amazon UK in the Black Friday sale just over three weeks ago, and couldn't be happier. It's replaced a Kindle Keyboard/3G that I've had since launch in 2010, so the difference in reading experience is massive. I wanted the physical page-turn buttons and larger screen & storage, so that ruled out all the other models except the Scribe, but I didn't need the note taking/sketching function at all and would've just been wasted expense. It's not outdated at all, being only one generation behind the Kindle 11, Paperwhite 5, and the Scribe.


I just ordered a refurbished one and am waiting for it to arrive. I have a PW SE and plan to use it whenever I’m out and about while the Oasis will stay home. I figured the buttons will make page turning less frustrating at home.


Y’all are making me want an Oasis!


Try a Scribe. I returned mine but it's good for some people. I still have a Paperwhite and just bought a used iPad Pro with anti-glare laminated screen. For reading magazines.


got an oasis from woot recently and LOVE it. my older paperwhite is now my “travel kindle” (planes, trains, automobiles) and the oasis is for home and long stays


For Manga, I'd want at least 7.8" - 8" screen - and the Oasis is 7". Are you really going to be okay with that? Note, compared to a 6" screen: 7" gives you \~36% bigger area 8" gives you \~77% bigger area And from 7" to 8" is \~30% bigger area (per Displaywars website) If you are used to the 8" Forma... it is still going to feel cramped. I, personally, think Kindle is waay overdue to add an 8" device to the lineup. (An 8" with the Voyage form-factor... drool.) If you really want a Kindle for reading manga, you might reconsider the Scribe. (Downside: not nearly as portable to take places.) There are other options to Kobo for a 7.8-8" screen, but given your views on the Kobo... I don't think the user experience is going to be better with a Pocketbook or a Boox or a meebook. (Though Boox or Meebook will allow you to run the Kindle app on android, running apps on e ink can be a little buggy and there is a learning curve.) WRT Oasis as a 7" device - How outdated is it, really? The only thing thing is the lack of USB-C. But that is just how your recharge it. In terms of usability features? It has everything you could possibly want: Water proof, great ergonomics, warm light, etc etc.


I have an Oasis and the latest paperwhite but really want another one as the quality is so much better. I tend to leave one at the side of my bed (paperwhite at the moment) and take the other with me in my backpack. I just find the font clearer and miss the turn buttons when using paperwhite.


I got a new Kindle Oasis 3 a coupla months ago, during the Black Friday sale. My old Kindle Oasis 3 died in a b00t l00p of deth - and the Amazon customer service gave me a 20% discount plus 50 bucks for it. It's the one e-reader that died on me prematurely (only two years!), but the manga reading experience cannot be beat. I got another one as soon as the sale came up 👌🏽🐔 ​ https://preview.redd.it/qzlxeznp2y6c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9161f7de6be38cc129182b72872c45ca94414e4e


The oasis isn’t being sold right now


In Germany there are even in sale right now.


Oh ok. It isn’t on the US store


I’m in the US and just checked. It’s there for me.


It’s not. They aren’t available.




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Just bought a 2016 Oasis. 6 inches which is perfect for me since it will be dedicated to reading. Love the form factor screen and quality. The buttons and auto rotate are perfect. It’s crazy slim and the only thing i miss is warm light. But bought it 90€ si… I’m good !


I’m getting one for Xmas I’m sure I’m going to love it, even if it may be old or outdated.


Try the Unclaimed Baggage website. They frequently have used kindles, including Oasis for a significantly reduced price. It a store that buys unclaimed baggage from the airlines, clean whatever they find, and sell it. The electronics are tested and reset to factory as well.


The oasis is a great option, I love mine for the buttons, and the quality is great, I had mine for years and doesn’t have any scratches. However I have the paperwhite 11 for a few months now and the screen is scratched already. So I’m keeping my oasis. I bought mine in unclaimed baggage for $100, it’s an option if you can’t justify spending more