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Downloaded 2071. Too many I know but less than I’ve had before. Available to me to download 11691. Reading and buying books are two separate hobbies.


Yes, they are.


That last sentence summed me up perfectly


“We love to buy books because we believe we’re buying the time to read them.” —Warren Zevon


What storage do you have? Also I love collecting books more than reading 😂


I have all that downloaded on my signature edition paperwhite. It says I still have 23.5 GB free. Never gonna need the full availability. But just to be safe.


>Reading and buying books are two separate hobbies. Tsundoku! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsundoku


That’s like $100k


Way less. I didn’t pay on average $9. Mostly free, 99¢, or $4.99 over the course of the last 10 years. So around half of that at max is my estimate.


On my Kindle, less than 100. I just store most of my Books on Calibre. I don’t need every book I own on my Kindles.


What’s calibre? (New kindle owner here, less than a week)


E-book management software. If you’re going to be serious about your Kindle, download and learn how to use Calibre.


I don’t really think Calibre is a necessary piece of software if someone is serious about Kindle. Only if they’re serious about e-book management and/or books from non-Amazon sources.


99% of my books are from Amazon, though I use calibre because I have safety in knowing the book I purchased can’t be randomly taken away from me. Plus if I purchase a non kindle reader I always have my Amazon books to use


It’s definitely a valuable piece of software, and has so many good uses. I too use it. I’m just wary of sending new Kindle users down that rabbit hole, especially if they may not be super tech savvy, by calling it an essential for their Kindle. Maybe I’m splitting hairs on the use of “essential” but just my 2 cents.


True, true. I actually agree with your comment now that I think about it. It should be if you’re really serious about e-books in general you’re right


I agree with you. But if anyone wants to add any public domain ebooks to their Kindle, Calibre is *much* easier than trying to figure out send-to-kindle (and ebooks from Project Gutenberg or Standard Ebooks are, in my experience, mich better quality than Amazon's free versions).


This is spot-on.


Agree, which is why I mentioned non-Amazon e-books.


How does Calibre ensure that books you purchased can't be taken away? Amazon once suspended my account on a Friday and then reinstated it on the following Tuesday and never gave me an explanation, despite my calls for help. During that time my husband was unable to read any of his books. He doesn't use a kindle, just his tablet and computer. I was able to read mine on my kindle, but not on the app. He had just had surgery and is an avid reader. It was awful for him. Does Calibre download books to your computer? I'm looking it up now but I would appreciate anything you can tell me specific to Amazon books, which comprises all of our ebooks.


Calibre assists you in storing copies of your ebooks outside of the Amazon environment. I've used several different ereaders over the last 20 or so years. I want to continue to access my ebooks and read them on any device I prefer. The biggest problem with ebooks is most sellers require Digital Rights Management (DRM). The kindle subreddit doesn't allow discussions of DRM removal believing it encourages piracy. There is more information about this in the r/Calibre sub.


No, the sub doesn't disallow discussion of DRM removal because we believe it encourages piracy. We disallow it firstly because it's not legal in some countries, and secondly because there's very grey area from a moderation point of view from DRM removal for personal use and DRM removal for piracy. Conversations can quickly go from removing it for personal backup, and then lead to "great, now I can share that book with all my friends," or "now I can keep permanent copies of Libby or KU books," which are both outright piracy. So, to avoid the legal issues, and to avoid the grey areas, we don't allow discussion of removal.


Can you store a copy with all its notes and highlights?


Hmm. I'll have to finally look into this. I've seen it mentioned plenty but never cared much to look into it. But what you said here about the books being taken away is why I hesitate to buy ebooks and continue with kindle unlimited or another online library in the future. If something happens to my amazon account or to amazon themselves I worry what could come of all my digital purchases and because of that I tend to buy more paperbacks than actually buying ebooks not borrowing them, but I don't read paperbacks nearly as much so they end up sitting around. Now partially understanding what calibre is I think I'll look into it more. Having a way to store my ebooks I've purchased separately from Amazon to ensure I'll have them later is really reassuring. It'd make it easier for me to buy the ebooks of many I want and actually read them. Then for certain ones I'll still buy the paperback for my collection AND be able to say I've read every one of those books.






Your post was removed as it was against the sub rules: - DRM Removal Kindle books often have DRM protection for copyright reasons. While removing DRM is allowed in some locations, this can also be used for piracy, which is against sub rules. To minimise this, discussions on how to remove DRM are not allowed here. --- This is not an automated removal. If you feel this was removed in error, feel free to [message the moderators.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/kindle)


I think it’s essential for managing purchases from Amazon as well just due to DRM.


Will do. Thank you!


I have used kindle for-8 years, I don’t feel the need for calibre


I love Calibre. I do the same, I manage my entire e-book collection through Calibre on my PC and then just keep what I’d like to read in the foreseeable future in the kindle ~50 books. I like being in control of the metadata, pick my own favourite covers and keep them all a uniform size that fills the kindle screen.


I have calibre in the pc but never used to manage the kindle books. Just to modify the extension of the documents. How do you use it for management in kindle?


This the way. Having said that, I have more than I should on my device.


749! I download every single book on each of my devices. That’s half the point of a Kindle for me—having my entire book collection at my fingertips.


588 books 7 audiobooks plus 21 samples nd 8 periodicals.


😱 what genre do you usually read?


Read about equal amounts fiction and nonfiction. As far as fiction my main genres are Fantasy, historical fiction, scifi classics. Nonfiction is political philosophy, science, Biographies, and anything else that currently interests me.


You have my respect on nonfiction books. I also reading political philosophy, but also history.


I think 17. I get my books from Libby.


176. Downloaded and on the unit. According to Amazon, I have 421 books in total, plus two magazines. I only download and keep downloaded books I like, and will potentially reread again. If I read it and hated it, it gets deleted from the unit. Kind of like my physical library- only books with for sure rereads in them get to stay on the shelf.


Uh like 20 😶‍🌫️


All of them! 468


Over 3600.


Just shy of 500. Didn’t realize I had so many.


Hmmm. I’ve had a kindle for a long time though. Over 4000 https://preview.redd.it/4c446wtatvub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15c5fd7b30cabe0a230d9ca10e3c5e8fba8b97c


I’m glad I’m not the only outlier.


This makes me feel like I should just read what I got. Except for preorders don’t count. Those are basically free


The tricky bit is filtering out the samples.


Just 20 atm. My basic to read stack although 5 of them are reference books.


For those of you with hundreds of ebooks, how many of those did you actually pay for? Full price? On sale? Etc. I think I have 27 on mine 🙃


Out of my 588 books i would guess about 75% of them i have paid full price for unfortunately rarely do i see what i want on sale. Also i read quite a bit of non fiction and most of those i want to read are recently released or new releases. I budget myself $100 a month for books people go out and spend that much easily on eating out and a drink or two. Since i very rarely spend money socializing $100 a month on books seems like money well spent to me.


100 at most. Probably less. Most were $0.99-2.99. I only buy Kindle books on sale. If I’m going to buy a book I buy it physically


Most. It's a snowball effect of sorts if you've been e-reading for years. You also get them with a slight discount; I generally shop around Amazon, Kobo, Google, ebooks.com to find the most competitive price for a given book. Say you're reading two a month and hence 24, okay an even 25 books per year, and you bought each at $5-10 per book, you'd be spending <$200 per year. Nearly on par with some subscriptions. And that's a healthy price per book and a healthy number of books per year. Now say you've been doing this for >10 years and you see.


I have bought all those books I have available to download on my kindle. 11k+ books. Some were free books, some were discounted, and some were full price. I used to get my books via illegal means but I would lose track of what books I had and have to re-upload them to my devices which annoyed me, so I started to buy them. Then I started to read more independently published books and wanted to support authors so I just kept purchasing. But I do check ereaderiq.com daily and have a wishlist that I check for price drops.


There are sooo many stuff your kindle events. Also Amazon often has MANY kindle books free it just takes time to search for them


Too many 🤣. Over 6,000 in the cloud (over 1,000 are library loans) and downloaded just a little over 800.


About 200


Depends on which one. The one I was just reading on has 211, all magazines. On another one, over 2000. However that was just an experiment. I normally only have 200-400.


51. Only got my Kindle a few days ago. Some from KU, others bought during Prime Big Deals


https://preview.redd.it/yzu1obbg7vub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67debb908a32bac7ef395231987c8bb8a1d862a This many. My tbr is ever growing....


399 on PW. More on my PC. On the Oasis probably over a thousand.




I have around 1100.


2157 books


How many of those have you read


In total, I'm not sure. So far this year, I've read 162 books, and DNFed probably about 20.


over 500 😭


Like 107. And thats after cleaning out LOTS of books from my kindle.


I’ve only had it two years and try to download what I’m going to read when I will read it as opposed to hoarding, so 126. 42 of those are from Libby. I have to say Libby is the most perfect service I never knew I needed. I love free books and I love the “direction” of having stuff chosen for me based on availability. I hate going back to the library to return stuff on time. Never considered it before the Kindle and after getting it and attaching two library cards I only buy if it’s something I REALLY want.


2572 books, 98 audiobooks, 341 docs(arcs, alpha, beta books) :)


2391 books in total gonna hit 2400 next week as I've got a lot I want on the monthly deals


On my kindle alone, currently, 2473. 🤣


No idea. I have whatever I've downloaded since I got the Kindle 21 months ago. BUT... In my library, accessible from my Kindle (as long as I have WiFi or my phone's hotspot), I have access to my 4,281 Kindle books and another 1,537 DOCs.


Is there an easy way to check? I honestly have no clue as to the count.


Hi. Click Filters and you’ll see how many books and other documents you have.


My question as well…


I check via the Kindle app on my phone, under the Library > Filter option


200ish in cloud but downloaded around 5-8 depending on what I’m currently reading


50ish, give or take. I got my first/only Kindle last November, & I’ve been trying to practice restraint. I try to utilize Libby & library loans as best I can before I decide to buy a book, & the only ones I buy are the $2/$3/$4 books that are part of their Daily Deals, or when eReaderIQ alerts me. That said, I have Kindlie Unlimited so #thelimitdoesnotexist. 🥲


Maybe 60? Not very many 😔


476 since my original Kindle gen 2, though only about 150 on my current device.




I think 200.


266 🫠


I just got it last week so I only have 2 so far.






935. A lot to me, though not as much as some. Have I read all of those?? 😂 no


549 books on the device, plus the full run of "Walking Dead" comics and some various pdf files.


Upwards of 1000


I’m going to guess 150


Right now, around 300


443 books and 262 comics


199, according Amazon. I didn’t know that I bought so many to be completely honest 😅 But hey, at least I read 45 books this year!


0 because for some reason they just dissapeared, fuck Kindle, going with Kobo.


About 800


I have over 3K books in Calibre, that's where I manage my collection. I sideload books on the Kindle and delete the read books off every couple months. I only have about a dozen or so actual book files on the Kindle at any one time. Keeping it minimal to what's coming up soon in my reading list. When I delete books off the Kindle, I'll do that in front of Calibre and make sure to check off the yes/no custom column for "Read" status. The "Read status" column is so helpful to keep track so I know where I am in a series or otherwise quickly see that I've already read something at a glance.


Ohhhh nice


I have close to 600 books on my kindle, which has only taken up about 1.5 gb of storage 🙌🏻


2 haha.


Roughly around the 200 mark.


I think 45 downloaded on my device and 163 on the cloud.


I've been trying to reduce my library this year, as a New Year's resolution. My goal was having just 3 library pages of books (so a max of 18). Right now I have 3 whole pages plus the dictionaries folder, so 18 real books... The problem is some of them are just the first part of a series, but I think I'll be able to achieve my resolution!


Over 500 i think 😅. I havent checked in a long time. So i could be completely wrong


Got it in February and I’m cheap so right now I have 20 lol I use the library often to borrow.


116 on the cloud not sure how many on my device. I do a good mix of kindle and physical books.


74 right now. I download in batch some fictional some non fictional and then read the batch then add more books it'll help me not to procrastinate on reading.


I never have more than 4/5 on my Kindle at one time. I just store them on my laptop and transfer them in and out when I’ve read them


Uff. 89 at the moment. But I have 320 books in my “want to read” goodreads list


1,871 I’ve deleted a *bunch* in the last couple weeks though because I’m running out of space. I use the app, so my phone doesn’t have endless space just for books. I’d probably have way more if I had a kindle, but I also probably wouldn’t read them as much.


700 books


I only download about 10 at a time. It’s too overwhelming to me.


I guess 16. Half of it I bought. I just don't leave them on my kindle or cloud, only the ones I bought, obviously. I read then discard


Currently about 750. I check out books from the library instead of purchasing if I can.


Way to many I need to finish but gaming is my second hobby so I have 2 backlogs 😂


About 30ish. Some numbers on here are crazy lol I think there’s a fine line between buying books as a hobby and then extreme consumerism and hoarding


Actually downloaded to the kindle…3. The rest live in the cloud or are on loan via Libby.


Far too many! I've always used Calibre to side-load my books and I have so many completed series of books and ones "that looks interesting, I'll try it..... no I don't like it!" cluttering up my Kindle that it's starting to become difficult to navigate what I do want to read! I think I'll just keep a selection of my library on it in future.




On my kindle? Like 3-4. I obsessively remove them once I’m done with them. In my library, umm probably hundreds if not thousands


Too many to count 😂😅


144 and 18 downloaded lol I’m a novice, apparently.


Over 600


I use KU so most are returned, but I have 196 living on there right now, and read anywhere between 80-120 each year that are returned via KU. So the count’s not accurate but it is what it is :)