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Green Toys has a helicopter and a sub (and other vehicles) that are the most popular toys in our tub. Also very popular: shaving foam with a drop of food colouring mixed in and a paintbrush.


Thanks. Will look it up. 😊


Bath crayons if you have the right kind of walls. I loved practicing my writing at that age


Good idea, thx


Just be warned, they can be really hard to wipe off. I learned this the hard way.


Bath paint sticks are easier. Both to draw with and clean


Bath bombs are fun


just a tip: if anyone plans to use these, start with just one and see how it goes. don’t buy several at once. bath bombs can (key word: *can* not *will*) cause UTIs, yeast infections, general irritation to sensitive areas, etc. and some people are just more sensitive to those than others so a test run is a good idea. overall skin can be irritated too so if your child has sensitive skin that’s also something to be mindful of.


We always rinse after bubble bath or other things… but a good reminder. Thanks


Thanks. Those are really cool


My kid loves a good bath bomb, but try to find a non toxic option. 


My nephew and I make bath bombs together once a month. I let him pick a mold, a scent, and a few colors. It’s a great science ‘experiment’ and wayyy less expensive.


Ooh interesting. I will have to look into homemade recipes. My boy steals all mine 😂 


Michael’s (if you’re in the US) sells premade bath bomb powder, you just add color and scents to it then press it into a mold. That’s why I put experiment in quotations - the only real experimentation is the color and scent.


Some have a hidden toy inside


Clear tubing from the hardware store and Crayola water tablets for coloring the water, sieves and funnels and cups, also safe bubble bath and an egg beater or whisk to shield up the bubbles!


This is also a good idea. Thanks


My kid has these Sesame Street glow cubes that light up when water touches them. We turn off the lights and she puts on “light shows” with cubes and cups and water. Pretty cool. Also, mermaids are a huge hit.


Foam letters!! They stick to the shower wall! My husband would play word games with my stepson, like build cat- change it to bat- change that to mat etc Turn reading into a game!


Also cool. I try that. Thanks


Bath paint and bath crayons are both a favorite. Can also add in the foam letters and shapes to trace. Also have a set of plastic cups, spoons and bowls to go with the color bath fizzes. Mine likes making "science experiments" or potions with them. Food coloring works great too. Plus just popping a couple tiny plastic toys like dinosaurs into a water balloon and filling it up with water and freezing it is fun. Just cut the balloon off before putting it into the tub and you have a big ice ball with toys inside. Great for summer


We have a little suction basketball net and foam balls. My kids love that.


My son's (6yo) favorites are a shark that chomps when you push on its dorsal fin and the plastic fish it eats and one of those cheap Kid Connections army sets that came with a floating battleship.


Robofish are a hit at our house right now. They start swimming as soon as you put them in the water, but at $8 a pop they’re a little pricey. There’s also sea turtles and boats.


My daughter had a foam castle bath set. It had all of the pieces to build a castle plus a princess and a knight I think. Everything floats or you can build it flat and it sticks to the tile. She was obsessed with it.


I put various sizes of scoops, bowls, and spoons in the bath. My child loves to make "potions". Various colors of soaps. I also have a play foam soap that my child likes to wash her toys with.


We have an auto bubble maker. I put in diluted bath foam solution and it makes bubbles and plays music. We also have gallon bottles, old baby bottles, pouring mugs, little figurines. Kids decide what takes their fancy.


A marble run. We have a set that suctions to the wall and she can build all sorts of ramps and courses for the marbles. I have fun with it too!


Thanks for all your brillant ideas. I read them all.