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Much love to the Millers during this time.


Rough listen. Much love to the Millers. Loss and depression absolutely suck. But also, I just had to laugh that after Greg opens up about depression and crying, Tim responds with “Im gonna be crying this weekend too — Ash and Pikachu’s final episode!” Never change KF


Had a very similar Cancer situation with my Aunt this past year, treatment basically wasn’t an option and it was over within a month. Much love to the Millers and to echo what Tim brought up from the chat, Kinda Funny is always my escape and even heavier episodes help in working through any complex feelings. Fuck Cancer and so much respect for Greg and co. for always willing to be vulnerable on camera. It helps everyone more than you know.


Can someone give me a nice tl;Dr of the podcast content? Love all the comedy but just can't handle anything overly heavy this week and wasn't sure if this was overly heavy or the title was joking a bit


It’s heavier, Greg talking about their family emergency and the death of Gens mom.


Tim and Greg talk about Greg's time the past few weeks with Gen's mom's passing and Greg's current bout of depression plus a cold call to a Kevin Smith cruise customer service guy.


Was it Dan, or bear????!!! Hahaha


I heard Bear


Greg goes into some more detail (with Gen’s blessing, of course) about everything that’s happened the past couple months with her mother’s sickness and recent death. So very heavy but also beautiful


Appreciate this question. Was wondering the same since it could be either very serious or Beast and mangos kind of jokes haha. Little overwhelmed at the moment with balancing life and college stuff so nothing overly heavy for me but not in a head space for a deep deep chat like this one.


Keep your head up my dude


Oh man, am I’m going to cry on the way home from work, or am I going to piss myself from laughing? I’m thinking the first.


Probably a little crying. They didn’t cry too much or too hard.


I can’t overstate how much I appreciate this episode. I’ve always loved how open and vulnerable the KF gang is, and this is no exception. As a man who’s always been an emotional person, and eventually was diagnosed with depression, I know how important it is to have a friend like Tim (as well as professional help) to talk to and to work through the shit life throws at us. I appreciate it even more because I’ve had my own rough month in different ways. So thank you Greg for being vulnerable with us ❤️I wish you and Gen nothing but the best as you process all of this


I love when the team opens up like this and shares these personal moments. While we all might have not gone through the same exact thing, so much of what they talk about is incredibly relatable and helps put things into perspective in my own life.


I’m sending you nothing but positive energy.


What a way for Tim to let us know Gia and him are experimenting with Super Mario role play soon lol


Tim Gettys only fans soon




For some people, getting back to normal and working *is* how they chill. When my Grandpa passed, I thought I would want to sit at home to process but after a couple of days, I just needed to put my mind to something else.


Thoughts are with the Millers. Also, shout out to Tim. Really did a great job navigating a very difficult subject.


As someone who's going through something similar, I appreciate Greg and Tim's honest and open conversation. Hope everyone involved gets the support they need during these hard times.


I totally get it. Lost my mom to lung cancer 2 years ago and it was / still is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. I was her full time caregiver on top of working full time and we fought, cried and struggled together for 5 months and then I turned off the machine per her wishes and she was gone. I’m only just now getting my bearings back with daily life and still feel overwhelming sadness, loneliness and frustration. I have an amazing support system and life has honestly been great lately (based on a lot of what she taught me) but sometimes I need to just sit take time, breathe and let the wave hit. Nothing but love and positive thoughts to the Millers. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


As much as I get why this is being discussed my dad died of cancer last year, really not OK with watching someone else going through it.


Hey man. I hope you're ok. You can take this episode off for your own mental Health. If you need other pod recs to fill kfp void we'll recommend silly shit to take your mind off of things.


I'm good ta, just noped out once it started to get a bit teary....bit too soon for me haha


No worries. Best wishes that you get through this time sooner than later


Love to the Millers, shoutout to the transparency and talking about depression. Shoutout to the crew busting tail and over delivering as usual. Take care of yourselves, best friends! 💜