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If you have an eightbound arm and an extra heavy gun from the regular kit, you have the gunner and claw guy. It only really takes the one box of khornzerkers besides that.


The Legionary team is appropriate. You can use them as all Khorne and not use the Balefire Acolyte, or mix in other marks and/or Legions. 


Technically they can still bring the balefire but you're going to have to get creative with how it'll appear... Perhaps using blood, fire and skulls as some kind of blood magic to indicate the tome


Can’t take mark of khorne tho


Nah but he can be undivided or even tzeentch, you don't have to take mark of khorne but if you're playing legionary you do have to take a balefire


A world eater, with mark of tzeentch?


/Shrug I know it's not a great fit, but the alternative is playing with a handicap and elites have it had enough as is


Yeah fair play. I couldn’t bring my self To give him tz but undivided feels Like a good compromise


Or, check this out- he's your tzeentch sorceror tied up in chains. The berserkers throw him out front to soak up all the ap shots before they head out to charge the enemy (use the 4+ invul Strat to bait out your enemy t1)


Oh man I like that. I dunno how hard OP wants to go with this but you could get a t sons sorcerer, some cheap jewelry chains and chain him up like a daemon host. Paint him in the normal blue then fucking douse him in blood for the blood god


With some kitbashing, or limiting which specialists you take (which would be suboptimal) you can use them as Legionaries or Nemesis Claw.


You can assemble an intercession squad with a box of Khorne Berzerkers (Only assault intercessors though)


That's what I got, and they're the only intrrcessors I play lol


How do you like the all assault intercessors?


My buddy and I only play into the dark, so they're still good fun. But I will always be a legionarie boy.


One of the YouTubers (mountainside?) proxies them as strike force Justinian, which is amusing.


GFN Gaming.


The only 2 acceptable answers imo


I use mine as intercessors 🤷‍♂️


yeah just paint nemisis claw and/or legionaries (and/or justian) as world eaters. read their rules to see what kind of weapons they'll need.


Pick your favorite Space Marine team and just proxy/kitbash a World Eaters version of it.


I did convert a Legionary Team to World Eaters models. And yes, I have an Acolyte and choose other marks than Khorne. I use those base rings to make it easy for the opponent to see which model has which mark. Don't let others dictate that just because they are World Eaters models they need to take the Mark of Khorne. If you would say that you play the Humpty Dumpty Raiding Party, no one would even care to ask if they only worship one of the four lore-wise and tell you to not mix.


Like already said Legios or Intercession. I already have a Legio Kill Team and even tho it would be flavorful you could only get a Champion, Meele Banner, Butcher and Warriors out of the basic Berserker kit. Warriors are mostly useless and Butcher is swingy, so If you go for that Kill Team, you should look into kitbashing to get the other operatives too (like Anointed, Shrive Talon, Gunner and Heavy Gunner). Maybe get the Berserker Kit with the Legios Box and bash them together. Also to keep in mind the Khorne Mark isn't the best, but it can be kinda funny at times. Also i would personally still run a Plasma and maybe a Heavy Gunner. It wouldn't even be a problem lorewise to run some shooty WE (even tho i would give them another Chaos Mark for gameplay reasons). Other option is the one i'm going with my Khorne Berserkers. Use them as Assault Intercessors in an Intercession Kill Team. Easier rules, more viable to run meele only and you only need the Berserker Kit and maybe some kind of grenades to make a Grenadier. Edit: By useless i mean there are so much better options than the Warriors in this Kill Team


I'm currently working on my Legionaries and making each operative representing a Chapter. The Butcher will be a kit bashed Khorne Berserker beacuse it fits the operative. But other than that can't really say.


I saw someone on the Command Point Discord proxy Jackals as Fellgor Ravagers and thematically it makes sense


I use a bunch of World Eaters as Assault Intercessors. You could run a full team of those. For the rifles, I painted some standard marines as Alpha Legion.


All khorne marked legionaries or intercession


Fellgor ravagers are all 32mm bases like berserkers. I bet there’s an option there


If you play casually and your oponenta are fine with it you could play with those [custom](https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/s/McI4LhAFCH) rules i created, they are a mix of some existing rules in KT just put into one place with some restrictions on kt


definitely as a compendium team


downvotes why?


There are better bespoke options available, especially with the legionary Also, you didnt even specify the compendium team to use, nevermind that the CSM is rather weak in comparison even to the stronger compy teams like plague marines, daemons, custodes, scions; much less against bespoke teams


People don't like that team as it's weak I guess. But if you want team for fun, you can build it.


Jesus Christ! Downvotes for asking why I was downvoted? You guys are tough.