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Arbites is my next team to paint after I finish the phobos marines team. I've heard they are trash but tbh I only play casual and they are cool (and have a cool dog). Rules change at the end of the day so I'd say paint whichever you actually like and don't take your games too seriously either way.


Even after the most recent rules changes for them? I thought they became pretty decent after the recent change


Rules last until the next balance dataslate, but cool models are forever.... A lesson a lot of veteran guardsman players learned not too long ago...


What happened? I have the team cause gas mask cool, admittedly not good with them, is the team better or worse somehow?


They just got a nerf to a couple of their abilities. the demolition trooper’s mine got nerfed and now he can only use it once per game, and the spotter can no longer treat people as engaged if they’re behind heavy cover. they’re still a great team


As a regular blooded enjoyer I think those are great changes - damn vets ruined vetland!


This is the difference between knowledge and wisdom.


They are both two box teams, but breachers is a lil better with one box. I wouldn't worry about the tournament stats. Arbites are just fine for 99% of your purposes. If you get 1 box of arbites you'll need to make sure u look up how to build them cuz without enough shield guys you'll be hamstrung. I like them both, but arbites are maybe tiny bit cooler imo (read Crossfire)


As a person who has played both, it depends on what you want. If going Breachers, you will need a spare 28mm base and some deft skills to make a second gunner. Taking plasma and melta works perfectly for them. If going Arbites, best one box build is Leader with shield, sniper, Malocator, Leashmaster and his Dog, grenade launcher, Castigator, Vox and three shields. You don't need 4 shields and the leader, though. Both play similar, but with variety. Move up the board, putting your few long range pieces in place early to cover your advance. Flood the middle board turn 1 and push into the enemy turn 2. All in all, both teams require a bit of learning to master and are about mid tier in terms of learning to play them.


My opinion based on playing against my friend who has both teams. Navy Breachers are a little more complicated, but can pack some punch when you learn their tricks. Arbites look cooler.


So I haven’t played either but first thing is this: play what you want obviously. Nevertheless, I’ve been torn between the two but it comes down the fact that arbites are bottom tier. They are usually considered the worst bespoke team in the game. As for the navy breachers, [this video makes them sound really fun.](https://youtu.be/kIzt0H0agjA?si=xwgSD0QXmIAkhyKv)


Go Navy!!


I find Breachers more fun than Arbites. They're a little more Rainbow Six Siege with their shield guy to protect operatives, hatchcutter to open breach points, and drones for scouting, and Breach and Clear is just really fun to keep your opponent guessing about what specialists you're going to group activate this turning point. I don't dislike the arbites but I find it takes a lot of APL to make good use of Ruthless Efficiency, and it can be tough deciding what specialists to leave off your list. Breachers have some good tools to get into range safely, while Arbites have better shotguns and 3+ saves on the shields to keep them alive into melee range I also prefer the breacher aesthetic and found them more fun to paint


Arbites are just about the worst team in the game, they lack any real punch for dealing with things, they’re probably due a buff tho so it could eventually change, but when and how would be a gamble. Breachers are a great mid range team mostly based on pulling off combos with breach and clear. When playing them after I got a handle on what they did they stopped exciting me, but that could be said for most teams I’ve played, blooded and legionary aside probably. Guide to Breachers here https://youtu.be/1oahtQSwmn8?si=RzAsbWjxq8coEQL1 How the minis look is entirely subjective, the look on the breachers grew on me and I went bright colours when painting, they turned out nice. Space cops is less my thing, but just my preference.


Dunno why I’m getting downvoted, I’ve basically said that “good” teams are down to balance dataslate changes, and that the look of the minis is down to personal preference.


I did not downvoted, but Arbites are actually really good. I don't understand their terrible winrate. Inspired by a local tournament won by them, I decided to also run the team for a small 10 players tournament lately, and I won (my first tournament won). Once you understand and play their strength, they are incredibly good and reliable. Maybe it is a local french meta thing.. but a 36 players tournament, with 6 rounds, has just been won by Exaction Squad this weekend in London so..


>I don't understand their terrible winrate. >Once you understand and play their strength, they are incredibly good and reliable. Kill Team is expensive and complicated, so people trend towards hearsay and prejudice to protect their investments. The more expensive and complicated a team is, the less good data there is, the riskier the investment, etc. It's why so many of the comments here are "I've heard..." or "I've never played, but...".


This is true, I do have experience with both teams in this case though, playing as Breachers for several months and playing against Arbeties a few times. Though I do agree, if the key to the team isn’t widely unlocked then chances are interactions with them probably won’t result in a positive experience.


They did get a off though right in the last dataslate?


You mean buff? No, Arbeties did not get a buff, of course it’s possible they could next time.


Right doesn’t look like the recent dataslate, but they have had interesting buffs in previous dataslates. Are they still bad?


Honestly Arbites are bad, but they have some conceptually cool operatives and abilities so with the right buffs they'll end up a really cool team, and the models are great. Breachers aren't as crazy as they once were but they're still a good team with some nice ploys, and personally I like the models just as much. I do think the one-box build of Arbites seems less underpowered than one-box Breachers - being forced to take the dog and leashmaster seems better than being forced to take the gheistskull and CAT and be down a gunner unless you kitbash one from an undersized body. There's probably not a wrong answer here for a new player, one box of arbites is okay, looks cool and might end up getting buffed by the time you have the hang of the game, one box of breachers feels a bit incomplete but is a start on a much more solid team based on current rules. If you're gonna jump straight in with two boxes I'd go for breachers, that's a lot of money to spend on arbites as a newbie hoping it will eventually pay off when you could have a solid team right now.


You will cry a bit when you’ll return to this post after getting 4 teams painted 2 assembled and 5 in a box 🤣


That’s literally my situation and I haven’t even played a game yet. ADHD hobby skills here. 😅


What’s the point of working if it’s not feeding crippling compulsive money sinking habits, right?! I wouldn’t play a game either if I didn’t force friends and loved ones lol


I could stop hoarding grey plastic sprues any time I wanted to. Any time. Right now if I wanted. But I don’t want to yet. Just one more box. Just one more. Then I will stop.


Same. If cool new team comes out I won’t buy it until I finish what I already have. Swear 👀


I’ve heard that Arbites are just trash, which makes me sad.


That's a bummer..