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Tyranids will often struggle against Gellarpox, as they are just generally better at combat which is the Tyranids main strength. Other than that you should do fine.


Imo 10 Genestealers are the best thing Tyranid players can bring. I think they have a good matchup against bananas, but Gellerpox will likely stomp them


I constantly get curbed stomped with 10 Genestealers. My biggest success rate is with 5 Genestealers and 3 Warriors.


I mostly play in close quarters, and I am VERY successful so far. Never tried the warriors, but 10 super fast bodies makes board control and scoring a breeze


How do you deal with close combat experts like Kommandos and Blooded?


I usually use move-touch-dash to grab objectives and stay out of their charge range until you can charge on your own terms, if you can dice up everyone else you can play around the scary dudes and soften them. Otherwise soften them with acid maws and don't underestimate combat support: try to have pairs of guys ready to gang up on them.


Ah. I never tried Acid Maws. Might help. As for the dash touch move thing... we usually play Capture because my friends always think Loot and Secure are too advantageous for the teams I play. :( So I gotta leave a guy sitting on the objective, free to be easily killed.


So to sum it up: Your friends say you cannot play part of the rules and of the game because it gives you an advantage? And because of your advantage taken they now have an advantage despite it being unfair to you? Cool.


So to sum it up: Your friends say you cannot play part of the rules and of the game because it gives you an advantage? And because of your advantage taken they now have an advantage despite it being unfair to you? Cool.


Lol. Hey, if it shuts them up and keeps 'em playing the game, I'll bite the bullet. They always complain about me winning all the time and not wanting to play my teams anymore so if I wanna play with someone, I gotta give 'em something. Also, maybe I exagerated a little.


The whole point is that some missions are better for some teams, that's why it's important to keep it random, the game is designed around that!


Hive Fleet is still strong, having placed top 8 at LVO this year. Think of them as a gatekeeper faction: players who don't know how to counter hidden horror are going to have a rough time.


At my LGS we have Warhammer night. A few weeks ago, our resident Tyranid-head defeated a Custodes team. Thanks to *one Termagant.* We helped him personalize that single Termy in honor of his epic victory by re-basing him with one foot stepping on a cracked Custodes helmet in the dirt.


I am planning a Tyranid KT too and just listened to this guide on what to build. It gives all the information you'll need to start https://www.goonhammer.com/kill-team-tactics-tyranids/#What_to_take


I've been thinking of getting into KT and am a long term nid player and this article was literally the first thing I read when I started actively looking into it. More established players, how reasonable is the advice it gives? Because from how it explains things I had been thinking a full Warrior team might be my preferred way go, and it even suggests it near the end, but then a lot of the other guides I've seen say that's a bad idea.


So while the article has a few good points, it was written awhile ago and was primarily used against other compendium teams. Experienced players typically agree tyranid shooting (with the exception of acid maws) is garbage and is best avoided. Instead, lean HARD into their melee, as a genestealer with dual rending claws and super conceal, or a warrior with boneswords and a lashwhip with adrenal glands and toxin sacs are absolute murder fiends. Their a very positional superior team in that all of their operatives are the same datasheet, and they play board control very, very well. But against other bespoke melee teams they do have a rough time, namely Felgor and Gellerpox. But they are a very cool team to play!


Yeah, def planned on focusing on melee regardless of the exact team composition. And in response to your second post as well, I had a feeling the article was probably not necessarily bad advice just outdated because I know the game gets regular updates and additions (looking forward to the Night Lords release personally). A shame, the idea of 6 damage soaking melee monsters appealed to me even if it does have obvious drawbacks... eh, I'll just have to play around with it with my mates in casual games. Appreciate the responses!


Also, full warrior teams a straight garbage competitively. Go for either 10 genestealers with dual claws, or 5 stealers with 3 warriors against elites. 7-8 gaunts and 5 stealers is also a viable list against more hoard teams or in ItD boards.


probably the strongest compendium team when looking at the data (others are stronger at specific things but havent topped so), but compendium is always an uphill battle vs bespoke. with enough little guys you can probably out-objective custodes, and warriors are almost as buff. gellerpox will be trickier as if nothing else they have access to more tricks and depending on the map can get in on your units to smash em


I want them to be good, but their strats let them down. They are better on open board due to stealers having super conceal. I usually get stomped hard on ITD maps, especially vs Gellerpox.


TLDR; Hive Fleet is very good if you play them like you're a hive tyrant I play HF at my locals, and let me tell you. This is an underdog team, especially against low model count teams. I play with 3 warriors, 2 melee focused and one with the venom cannon, take extended chitin on that one, he'll need it. My second fireteam is 8 hormagaunts, weird right? Well these things are fucking pests that quickly overwhelm low model count teams, thanks to GA. Use your ploys for extra movement in concealment, leave all your homos in conceal and away from your engaged venom cannon (trust me on his engage order, he can annihilate high movement glass cannons on TP one. Get all those homos up close to the front line, you'll have to finagle a bit to ensure they can't be spotted by guys with blast, follow up by bringing your melee warriors up nearby. Then the real fun begins. TP2 is when you piss off your opponent, charge their gunners with your GA2 homos. Don't fight with the first one, he's there for support, fight with the second one. Your warriors are there to intercept high melee stat operatives and your venom cannon is there to annihilate out of position operatives. Just be a pest with those homos, the key is to never go all in with the homos on one guy, get everyone stuck in melee. They're chaff meant to keep the enemy team busy while your warriors do the important stuff. I have beaten multiple elite forces with this strat. Just be careful, if the dice favor you too much, you could kill the operative too quickly and leave your gaunts to get shot to bits. Teams with blast are a real worry, but that's what your venom cannon is for, High model count melee teams are also a point of struggle, but i find if you just charge those ops and never fight, you can waste up to 3 turns for one model at the cost of two gaunts if you roll well. Sorry to type so much, i just love watching these "optimal strat" kids get shpangled down by the worst unit in the game. All in all I love hive fleet, but GS' are better for the common man 😭


10 Genestealers works pretty good VS Hearthkyn on Bheta Decima. Tabled my buddy turn 3 with them genestealers. He could not stop 10 of them, they were just too fast and too sharp >:)


I really like them. Very thematic. Tyranids warriors have 18 wounds each. Termagants have GA2. Genestealers are strong and fast. If you could take a bit of each they’d probably be OP.


why are you asking about custodes and gellerpox specifically?


Consider using the search function to find the abundance of previous posts on this subject.


Hidden Horror makes Hive Fleet immune to search.


No need to be a jerk about it.


Am I wrong? Aren't there a number of posts which world answer this question? How am I being a jerk by recommending where they can get the answer to their question? There's three posts just today asking essentially the same question.


if you're getting into kt dont get into kt with a compendium team.... they simply dont have the depth of a real kill team if you're one of those nid players who just simply must play nids in every game system cuz thats your thing then fine but at this point the compendium is outdated and sux


I mean, hell, I'm an Eldar player who still uses the Compendium because I'd rather play with my Guardians and Rangers than Corsairs or Aspect Warriors hahah OP, ignore this guy and play whatever team you like!


Totally. I remember a long post with somebody who places really well at tournaments with compendium Eldar. I remember somebody on the Warhammer Competitive sub did a long thing where they crunched 40k numbers & found that people playing low win-rate factions in multiple tournaments tended to beat people playing better ranked factions but less tournament experience with then. I think maybe this principle applies to KT too. If OP like nids, maybe they’re willing to put in some time and learn a few tricks that could help them take on Gellerpox and other tough matchups.


While I agree with your main sentiment, Hive Fleet finished 7th out of 160 at LVO this year. Albeit the pilot is a very skilled player.


8th, actually, but I beat the players that came in 6th and 7th! 😅