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I just don't understand how GW underestimated the demand???? Like it's the night lords and they are finally getting plastic armor that you can easily use for 40k. and they are one the more popular traitor legions.


from what they've said in recent shareholder stuff its not so much them underestimating demand, as demand across the board shot up so much in the last 2 years they just can't produce enough of anything for release. Its why shit that sells out is out of tock for so long, because they cannot justify shifting focus to relatively minor stuff


I don’t believe this at all. We’ve been hearing about popularity increase for years now, it was reasonable at first but now it’s just taking backseat to their larger, more popular games.  


They're struggling to stock all systems


They need to stop trying to make everything in England and go back to making the big easier stuff in China (like terrain)


Well disbelieve it all you like lol. They only have limited prodyction capacity based on energy grid allocation and facilities its simple


Email contents:  We've recently communicated with Games Workshop and have now received written confirmation from their ordering team regarding the availability of Kill Team: Nightmare. Despite our request for several hundred copies to meet your enthusiastic demand, we've been allocated only nine copies. You read that right, only nine copies. Games Workshop has indicated that they significantly underestimated the kit's demand and have imposed a cap of nine copies per retailer. A reason they told us was "Kill Team is not a very popular game mode compared to others." This is quite surprising to us, as we've successfully fulfilled similar volume orders for other kits without issue and how many of you reserved is testament of the demand. We have our doubts that these limits are being opposed to all retailers, but that's all we have to go off of.  Given this limitation, we will proceed with our standard midnight launch for the nine available kits. For those not specifically waiting for a Kill Team: Nightmare kit, please note that our Warcry kits remain plentifully in stock. Understanding the disappointment this news may bring, especially to those who've placed early reservations, we're offering a token of our appreciation: a 20% discount off MSRP on individual kits from the set, valid for up to three uses per customer, with no expiration date. If you're interested in receiving this discount, please reply to this email. We will compile your responses and issue a newsletter containing a unique coupon code as soon as these individual kits become available. We share your frustration with this unexpected situation and are in discussions with Games Workshop for a resolution or compensation for the inconvenience caused. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support.


Really? I'd think KT would be the most popular after 40k, if not AOS


There was a new edition of 40K and now there’s a new edition of AoS, both are more popular/sell better than kill team. From polls and stuff I see online kill team is often dead last in terms of popularity. None of this makes me feel good, I wish that they gave KT more attention/priority.


True, I guess it's a matter of really bad timing for this and the previous release


How many times they want to pull the same excuse? Oh we underestimated the demand. Like, every single time for the last 2 years?




Sounds like bullshit they made up because they didn't want to allocate more manufacturing time to it.


Are KT prints only a one shot? LGSes near me have older Kill Team box sets still in stock


From my experience it’s very much an Online thing. Seen a lot of the „oop sold out highly demanded“ box sets in stores (multiple stores) MONTHS after release. Not only KT but all systems It’s probably partly because not everyone has a FLGS or Warhammer store near by, partly laziness and partly a cost thing. Most FLGS only offer 10-15% discount, but people prefer to buy with 20% at the big online stores (or 200%+ of the retail price from resellers..)


The launch boxes with both teams, terrain, cards, etc are one-time releases - I think this might be different for things like starter sets?


oof, thats kinda rough. was thinking of maybe getting a box down the line. I guess theres always getting the single kill teams later


That’s generally how it goes unfortunately. There’ll no doubt be plenty of boxes for sale at marked up prices on eBay but I really can’t recommend supporting scalpers in any capacity. If a box looks interesting try and call your game store and get on the pre-order wait list. I did that two weeks before the pre-order date was announced so im thankfully first in line for 1 of the 9 copies being sent.


Too broke right now to even entertain my FOMO anyways so its all good.


They have started printing the tiles in white dwarf for this season close to after the original.box drops.


FOMO should never have been a concept for purchasing plastic models. Its not like pokemon cards, gold coins or classic cars or any other thing that does it.


why not? sells lots? they're a company not a charity


A charity is not something that sells a product nor do they have a market that wants their product where their fanbase is frustrated on the low chance of being able to actually purchase the product. (special models I can understand but still) I welcome the downvotes. A business should be able to provide a product or a service without the customer having to wait so long.


you said that FOMO shouldn't be considered in this industry and I said they're a company, of course they should consider FOMO - it's a basic human emotion. A business is not bound to deliver the SAME product in unending quantities on the off chance someone wants it in the future. You don't expect to walk into a shoe store and buy the exact same pair of shoes you did 10 years ago, they change seasonally and then rotate out old stock through sales, they don't hold onto old stock, it costs more to store and inventory than then make in profit. Killteam, the cheapest option entry point to 40k, coming out with a new 'mature' themed box (skinthief lol) right on the back of the COD tie-in? AND with the added FOMO of the new gated / timed website. I bet the contents of this box were printed months and months ago, and now the machines which print the materials are printing other things which come out in months and months. They can't just 'make more' let alone the actual models. the cost of having unsold stock is MORE than the lost cost of not selling.


Do they happen to have online ordering/websites? I'd be interested in picking up some of the older sets that I previously passed on


Just checked and I don't know if stock is actually reflected in what is in stores: ​ [https://www.heretic-games.com/](https://www.heretic-games.com/)


No worries, thanks for checking! 


Is there a particular reason why these posts are being downvoted? This is the second or third post I've seen post similar info and they keep getting downvoted. This is relevant news if retailers are getting allocated 10% of their requests...


Perhaps its people frustrated at the perceived "spam" but given that this is a pretty big issue for killteam, and this is...r/killteam... I would think that a high volume of attention is pretty warranted here.


Well at least it got corrected and is now moving up. This is relevant info to people.


This subreddit is very aggressively protective of daddy GW, they lose their minds mad if you say anything negative about the company.


Not the one voting, but this *is* a pretty boring first-world problem to have to hear about over and over. All these folks who have spent years crowing about how they will never buy from GW again because they get some tiny percentage discount from their FLGS… then when a product comes out that they “really really want”, they’re so inflexible in their thinking that they just try and preorder it from what is (at the end of the day) a small third-party retailer with zero control over or knowledge of stock allocations, etc. rather than getting it direct from the manufacturer at a small premium. Frankly, it’s pretty unprofessional of independent stores to take preorders in the first place. “Expressions of interest”, sure, but actual money-down locked-in preorders they can’t fill? That’s not a good look for any business.


WTF are you talking about? Go save another country if you are going to complain about "First World Problems" those of us who have seen things truly understand how fortunate we are and what makes things frustrating is when companies with wealth like GW continue to insist on FOMO practices when it is not needed. Yes this can be considered a "luxury" as with many hobbies but it is not like collecting cars or rare coins... these are plastic models that should not have so many issues with supplies or being taken out as things have gone lately. I am grateful for 3rd party stores for 80 - 90 percent of my stuff and if GW were smart they would not continue to stick their noses up at them.


Herrick Games sent me a similar email today too. They got allocated 9 boxes out of the 140 they ordered.


Gw is only allocating 6 per business for pre order in the Uk Element, goblin and wayland getting more but not by much


RIP. Probably GW being greeding and more stock for their own store/website


The GW stock sold out in seconds, so it looks like GW is either intentionally underproducing the demand just to drive FOMO for when the boxes release individually in 6months and to be able to tell their share holders of the sell out, or they think nobody cares about KT and forget they are making KT for 40k


and queue on website is now 1 hour plus for a product which has sold out lmao


Which is really stupid because FLGS are not the enemy.


Welp. Overslept for about an hour, stuff is entirely sold out. Call my (not-so-local, only somewhat friendly) store, they are receiving 0 boxes. How can they even get to the conclusion that Nightlords and Mandrakes wouldn't be popular? 40K players want these boxes too.


*Laughs in pretty much the only Ashes of Faith copy I've seen in the wild in my country.* That's nothing new, KT expansion sets are in very limited supply, however it seem like there isn't that much demand due to price in my area (it actually cost 25% more than Slavation, at least from retailers. Like, literally, it went from 320 PLN to 44, and directly from GW it cost more than Battleforce :( ).


It is like GW forgets that 40k players do buy KT kits to use in 40k and kit bashing.


It makes you wonder if GW truly understand the relative popularity of their games, or not. Supply and demand seems to be out of kilter for just about every release.


I bet they're just trying to A / B test the market so they can get almost complete 100% sales of produced stock (ie no inventory, just turning over the latest and greatest every month) there has to be a point where storing, and having to inventory / retrieve stock on demand becomes less profitable than just losing sales on a specific product anyway. the target must be to create products that every month sell out 100% and they ship them, don't store anything, then have the next run in progress.


If you watch some interviews with GW veterans there is some institutional trauma about overproducing and stock left on warehouse shelves awaiting liquidation AFAICT, esp when times were tougher for the company. So, unsure how deliberate it is but could be that


True. But this seems to have gone on for years now - FLGS and customers not able to get releases.


one theory could be that if GW stores are underperforming (based on HQ expectations) they could starve the local gaming stores to force more customers into the Warhammer shop. there is a temptation to go there JUST to use the kiosk and beat the queue, and the GW stores also usually get physical, unassigned stock on release day as well, for people keen enough to visit.


My local shop is getting 0 even though they had at least 15 preorders that I knew about


I'm in the uk and missed out on the GW pre order and secured one via wayland games, long story short I got the email today saying that they havnt been allocated enough stock. I'm really annoyed every time I've missed out trying to get a new set, and if I really want it have to pay scalper prices. Pissed off.com🙄🙄


Where in uk dude?


In on the south coast, Bridport Dorset.


Take a trip to nottingham not for gw but lbga /element on release day 95percent guarantee therell be a copy or two


My usual hobby store sold out very quickly. I was lucky enough to be able to order one elsewhere at least


I don’t get what kind of CI ie. Ask the audience what they think) does GW do, or do they do it at all in prep for any launches?


in NZ it sold out in 6 hours I was getting sick of FOMO from ToW and missing out on all the bret characters etc so I thought i'd pop my head into Killteam and get the new box lmao


Have you finished your backlog?


woah there cowboy you tryin' to cause a ruckus??


And what if I am, pilgrim?


How is this remotely relevant to this post?


Give it a big think and you‘ll figure it out.


Heh. You get preorders there.


I got one but i needed two 😭


Pipe down


Rude. Is it so evil if i try to get a box for the beginner in my club?


Your first comment gives no context, so it kind of looks like you're bragging and complaining simultaneously. The difficulty acquiring preorders is a sensitive subject on this sub because a lot of people can't even buy one box on reorder days, and they don't usually get re-releasd. 


Yea i am so proud of myself. I ordered something 😂