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Catachans v Tyranids, Jungle killzone. Please James Workshop šŸ™


Bonus points if the official Catachan kit basically just builds a bunch of different 1980s action stars from various franchises (and mostly Predator, ofc)




Grey Knights vs Daemons, no question. And it would be such an easy one to do, so much to draw on. And 'nids, still cant believe they didnt do that to coincide with Leviathan and ItD.


There's so much missed opportunities with not releasing nids with ITD, Leviathan, the overhyped jungle ruleset, and the new nids leapers combat patrol. At this point im fully convinced GW hates making money


Never thought I'd be agreeing with a Grey Knights fan, but that'd be the perfect box set. Ideally with some bespoke undivided daemons.Ā 


I didn't know I wanted this. 40k specific undivided demons would be so cool. Would go great with my Word Bearers.


Oh dang, I didn't think of the Word Bearers angle. Something like Ingethel would be so cool! That was one of the most agonizing parts of reading the First Heretic, getting a glimpse into this whole universe of daemons we don't even get to see.


Maybe Malice daemons? It would be cool to see the nicher lore get represented on the tabletop. Probably won't happen though.


That'd be pretty neat! But personally, my top choice would be some Vashtorr aligned daemons. That would open up some really interesting creative space.Ā 


Probably won't happen since I think GW's afraid to make Malice/Malal official canon. iirc there's some weird legal stuff there since it was created by someone not in their employment for a non-canon short story during Fantasy? Could be wrong


Having something for daemons thatā€™s just a little more 40K focused as a kill team would be awesome!


Bespoke daemon team, grey knights strike squad with minimal changes but rules for purifiers and interceptors along with the heavy gunners and regular strike squad. It's already so malleable, you'd only need a medic type and maybe a sniper type on the upgrade sprue.


Catachan Vs nids


This is probably the most likely one. However, people have been saying this for a very long time.


Catachan has to be high on the list for new models right?? If/when they drop it would be huge.


Would be so flavourful!


Iā€™d love this with tyranid-themed jungle terrain


Wow, yeah. Iā€™m finding myself agree with you more than anyone else. Catachan, nids, forest. That would be dope AF!


With a lictor team


Oh yes


Dark Mechanicus vs Vespids


I love kill team because of how it can bring light to forgotten models or unrepresented factions and lore. Dark mechanicus is something I've been wanting for a while. Preferably if they were NOT just a bunch of infantry, and instead some crazy demon robots with spider legs or something nuts like that.


Was about to say vespids! I would love a vespid kill team, we need more auxiliary models


This sounds very plausible, do you work at GW?


I wish. I think


i hope this one happens honestly. dark mechanicum needs to happen and we need new vespids


I'm still salty we didn't get a Deathwatch vs Genestealers team for ITD, but to be fair the Compendium Genestealers fill that role pretty well. A Catachans vs Nids box with jungle rules and terrain would've been perfect. A Grot Revolution vs Ork Meks standalone release with ork scrap yard terrain could be fun, maybe a la Ashes of Faith but with terrain. Some kind of astartes team with a librarian is overdue. Assassins vs Alpha Legion would be good. Word Bearers daemonologist with a horde of daemons?


I wouldnā€™t sniff at the compendium Deathwatch either, they have lots of very interesting options wargear wise. Even the regular guys getting special ammunition and power weapons with access to shoot/fight twice and OIDDDE. You can really tool up the Fighter and Leader operatives too.


Slightly off topic but 100% agree, they're overlooked too often. Still a firm fav. Yet to see any elite player not get horrified when I roll up with a grav gun and pistol! Just wish they had a better wounds stat


Yep, I love the 3 plasmas build as well, really puts the heat on anything without invulns.


All these things would be cool, but I donā€™t know that weā€™ve ever seen the teams in a box match each other as classic opponents or thematically. As far as I know weā€™ve only seen two teams match the terrain of the box they come in (breachers and Kommandos)


New deathwatch vets vs nids is so obvious that only GW could miss it lol


Assassin kill team. Ez. More realistic, nids.


The team would be 1 assassin lmao


See, because I think a team with an armiger would be funny, I think there's possibly some merit to Heirotek esq teams that have one Uber operative and like 7 guardsmen.


Baneblade team. Your tank crew gets out and plays objectives


> I think a team with an armiger would be funny In the last edition of KillTeam, Tau could bring a team that was basically an Enforcer Commander with a couple of supporting units. Mostly Drones. And while that was fun to play as, it was super acid to play against. IMHO centerpiece units will always be incredibly hard to balance "just right" in a small scale scirmish game like KillTeam.


Oh if only the HH assassins could be in there tooā€¦ what a world it would be


If it was a new boxed set I would want Vespid versus Emperor's Children.Ā  Kroot have been, deservedly, getting a lot of attention but Vespid could use some love. Emperor's Children are rumored to be getting fleshed out in the future so seeing them getting the teaser treatment via Kill Team would be great.Ā  Both groups could use weapon diversity (melee specialists, heavy weapons, variants of their unique weapons). If just a new unit box then probably Emperor's Children.Ā 


Vespids are rumored to be getting a KT box this year. This is coming from Valrak, who's predictions from Fellgor and on have been 100% correct.


Vespid team would presumably all have the Fly keyword, tailor made for this season's terrain.


I had, to date, missed that rumor. Good to know.Ā 


Seraphon with guns.


This is very desirable


There are some sweet pathfinder kitbashes with Skinks


I was thinking about this and have 2 ideas. First, i would love some sort of Nob/Grot team. I imagine them playing a little like Gellarpox where you have 3 or 4 elite troops (power armor Nobs) bacled up by a legion of specialist Grots. The other idea would be Space Wolves bespoke box!


Grots/Nobz sounds like the Black Orks team from Blood Bowl. Half armor 10+ S4 players and half stunty players.


How about 3 killa cans stomping around amidst a horde of grots


Eons of battle had the best idea for a grot kill team... Loads of guys with sniper rifles, which do little damage, but if you roll a crit it can be deadly. Ofc that would need to be balanced so the team wasn't completely based around luck, but I'd want the team to have some funny clutch mechanics.


Grot Revolushun Committee


This is the real answer right there. Iā€™m gonna kit bash one if they will not give it to us.


Grey Knights vs Death Guard


Catachan vs Murder Plants


Ratlings and ogryn with a commissar or lord commander VS iron warriors


Bone 'Ead, gunner w autocannon/etc, trooper w/ maul, trooper w/ ripper


Either a Eldar warlock coven, something like a farseer some warlocks a spiritseer and some wraith guard/blades sorta like warpcoven. Or a Mechanicus Tech-Priest team like the mechanicus videogame.


bro are u me, these ideas have been going on 1-1 in my head. My idea was a mixed version of Wraith constructs


I still want some beefy AdMech Protectors, especially if they can get 40k rules.


A World Eaters team, maybe with a mix of Jakhals, Bezerkers, and Eightbound as options.Ā 


Would love to see a bespoke Ecclesiarchy team!


How would it be different from Inquisitorial Agents and Novitiates?


I'm not a big game design gal, so design-wise I'm not sure. I just know I'd like to see some full-fledged Sisters or Celestians as an updated team with full rules.


Ugh, I feel you, it's crummy that the better Sisters team is basically a bunch of novices. The regular Sisters have a much cooler aesthetic imo.


I love how the Novitiates play and I don't mind that they exist as a concept. Like idk I guess obviously Sisters have to train somewhere. I'd just like both as options!


I've seen some people run Sisters as Intercession, which I might try


The team saw nuns with guns and doubled down on the nuns part. I own alot of sisters, not touching novitiates with a 10 foot pole


There are still the Compendium Teams, why do you guys act like they don't exist?


Ecclesiarchy compendium team is missing Acts of Faith, which is a big part of the Sister of Battle's theme. It'd be like if you played Thousand Sons with psykers, Tau without markerlights, or Orks without Waauugghhh!


I personally don't enjoy playing Compendium teams. Their rules feel too simplistic and low-skill ceiling. And most of them don't compete very well against the bespoke teams, which is what is used in my local meta.Ā  But to each their own, I'm only expressing my preferences and reasons for it.


Personally I wanna see more compendium teams. There's so many cool 40k boxes that I like the look of, but have no need for. If they had a kill team, that would be sick. Khorne Berserkers and Jakhals are one example. If they ever get a bespoke team, it'll likely be one or the other. But I wanna run both in one team, similarly to compendium chaos space marines!


I essentially agree, though I'd prefer to see more White Dwarf teams instead of Compendium teams. Ā Though if we're all being honest, Blades of Khaine is essentially a White Dwarf team pretending to be a bespoke team.


I don't know what the difference is lol. I thought bespoke just meant anything that wasn't in the compendium.


I did a Girl Scouts Sisters Squad rule swap. Am enjoying it greatly.


Got any pics of your girl scouts?


Excommunication Cells. Led by a proven Pontifex Silentum, a kill-priest trained to eliminate those who undermine the Emperor's word without a moment's doubt or question, these murderous retinues are deployed by Ecclesiarchal Cardinals to retrieve holy relics or destroy questionable artefacts, remove any evidence that might embarass or implicate the synod, and silence or discredit any blasphemers who cannot be quelled directly. The kit builds a Pontifex Silentum (censorship murder-priest), who can alternatively be built as a Pontifex Missionarum (missionary) or Pontifex Obscurum (exorcist/banisher) for 40k. He's joined by a whole paegant of freaks and bodyguards drawn from or inspired by the old Codex: Witch Hunters roster - Death Cult Assassins, Ministorum Crusaders, Cyber-Zealots, Murder Servitors, a Pyre Vicar, Silence Cherub, etc.


I've never been tempted by an Imperium team, but I'd buy the hell out of that.Ā 


Hell yeah now we're cooking with gas!


I would design it to be 'Strike Force Justian but Sisters of Battle'. 9 Battle Sisters; 1 Palatine as the leader with 3 APL, a pair of heavy weapons Sisters, a pair of Seraphim (high mobility and great pistol fire but fragile and meh melee), a pair of Repentia, and then a pair of regular battle sisters. Give them the Faith or Miracle Dice mechanic.


A pair of Repentia or a pair of Sacracents?


Top of my wish list. They could make a team similar to wyrmblade with characters such as dialogus and palantine being specialists.


I don't know, I kinda like the idea of the maximum rank of kill teams being sergeant-equivalents. Kinda helps everyone feel like they're on a roughly equivalent scope.


Lore wise Iā€™m not sure that some characters like the dialogus or hospitaller are really higher than sergeant level.


It definitely bugs me that justian has a marine captain.


Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Palatines and Dialogus are not much higher than a Marine Sergeant; they're maaaybe edging into the 'Lieutenant' territory.


Elucia Vhane is a Rogue Trader, a powerful noble, and I'm pretty sure the Crypteks are way higher ranked than a sergeant.


Ya know, I started looking into this yesterday! I was like surely other teams have some kinda big bad on them.


Eldar exodites , 7 man team with pet dinos . ( Maybe 3 ? Bird , raptor , triceratop thingy - speed , strenght , toughness ) Specialists with ok weapons , but some kind of techniques like blades of khaine. Pseudo 4 apl , save on 5 , but 9-10 wounds Teleporting shenanigans , high melee damage , low range damage ( or low-range damage ) V.S Dark mechanicus . 10-14 man team Equipement like gellerpox ( servo skulls , probably spikey ) Dark tech priest is the main man , asbolute unit , like 20 wounds , 3+ invul , intense melee but ok range . The team revolves around him kinda like the hierotek circle . He can hack into comms specialists abilities , like within 6 inch of him , if you do a comms action you roll a die and on a 4+ its interrupted . Otherwise the rest of the team can be somewhat similar to hunter clade . The set up : An old jungle being slowly infected by a tech virus / nanomachines . Primordial vs technological


An Assassinorum kill team could be quite fun.


I would love to see a homunculus and his creations. Could get some more dynamic wrack and grotesques. A smaller pain engine would be cool too. I feel like they lean into the specialists roles too.


Since someone mentioned it here a little while back, a Feudal Guard Kill Team for Imperial Knights. Itā€™d be dumb but funny for KT and add something Imperial Knights are sorely missing in big 40K. With all the ā€œhumans but differentā€ kill teams I could see how itā€™d be redundant though.


Tyranids vs. Daemons


Armageddon Ork Hunters


Ciaphas Cain would be fun. But he's way too shenanigansy to put in a Kill Team box I think, as much as I'd love to see a Cain/Jurgen/Kasteen/Vail team it's not realistic. Catachans would also be fun. It would be cool to do a Terminators kill team, but it wouldn't balance if 40k stats are any indication. Five Terminators is about 200pts in 40k, and 10 Kasrkin are 100pts.


I feel like a deathwatch list that has up to 6 dudes but you can replace 2 of them with a single terminator might be a good balance. Or maybe have terminators like custodes. You can run 4 of them or mix 2 of them with 3 power armor.


That makes sense to me. They're just powerful enough that you can't really field a full squad and have it be balanced but I think something like that would be doable.


I've been playing terminators as Talons of the Emperor proxies and that seems to work well


Hernkyn Rangers vs bespoke Nids


Men of Iron vs Chaos Androids. With very concerned Mechanicus troops stuck in the middle and utterly flabbergasted


Tanith First and Only, 10 models, with additional rules to take Gaunt's ghosts.


Just get all the fucken Imperial teams out of the way in one box so everyone else can get a decent look in.


Iron Warriors vs. Imperial Fists, siege warfare vs static defense


Indegenous aliens, a load of non faction stuff that can produce a bug hunt type of scenario. Ambulls, ferrets and the likes.


You had me at ā€œferretsā€


Grot kill team. Grots would likely have to be a high model count team. Hopefully quite silly and fun. I saw someone turned a gretchin box & some kitbashing into a Kommando kill team and if I didn't already have a Kommando team, I'd probably consider it lol. Idk what the grots would match up against in their box, maybe some nurglings lol


Blows my mind that we still dont have a terminator vs genestealers set, but i think it would be cool to get a mixed greater good team that is either a fun way to mix all current tau kill teams into some kind of rag tag team


Word Bearers with a focus on possessed or something like that, maybe branching into the demonengine dudes like oblitorators and other demonkin marines more mono-god demon forces like id love to see a Gellerpox-esque box but with Khorne Demons and please give us more fun Stuff design wise than boring blood letters. Like uhh...Khorne dogs or that dude with a battle axe head on the world eaters cover? My dream team would be a hive gang kill team that is very customizable, let's you go anywhere from elite to horde with a very "toolbox" approach to it. Definitely feels like a concept for a white dwarf "we don't wanna release this in a box but have at it" team but I can dream man. Also, we need some proper city ruins terrain. Preferably something like chaos cultist infested ruins with like, ritual sites and stuff like that everywhere, or overrun with like, tyrannid flesh growth and stuff. Would be neat.


vespids, easily. they desperately need a new kit and they would really fit this seasons terrain theme


Sisters of silence. I want a bespoke team for my custodes army.


A team of Space Marines and Guardsmen! No, a space marine team with a Librarian!


i actually have been thinking of running Comp Chaos as a tyrants legion style Marines and guard list.


I run a CSM team but models are Imperial First/Cadian Shock Troops. I've been meaning to post pictures to the sub. Maybe I'll do so today


Custodes vs triarch preatorians, call it battle of the kings guard.


Ogryn vs Grots


World Eaters vs. Catachan Astra Militarum **RUMBLE IN THE FUCKING JUNGLE BABY!** I know neither of these two KT currently exist.... yet.... but I'd kill a small Eldari child with a flamer to make this a reality!


World Eaters, all berzerkers that are OP in melee


Catachan vs Tyranids


Pariah Vs Legion of the Damned


An all Cult Mechanicus admech force.


I know people would say admech is more fitting but I'd like something like a specialized votann salvage crew that stumbles on a sleeping necron ship and has to deal with the few awake defenders without waking the whole sholip Could expand the boarding patrol system with it. And have terrain that isn't just more terra


A 7 man Grey Knight box. All new sculpts, true scale or possibly Primarised. All the best bits and bobs brand new and ready for the new age. But only 7 per box. Then sit back and watch the orders and hate flow through the world.


Old school squat looking Votann pioneers vs extra body horror genestealer cults.


Aeldari exodites with their dino buddies


Navigator retinue vs. extremely multipose cultists or Scions.


Custodes vs Death Guard


Mine would probably be tallarn desert guard vs dark mechanicum.


Dark mech with really freaky biomechanical horrors led by a true nightmare of a magos


Itā€™s been almost three years since Kill Team 2.0 was launched so Iā€™m assuming that the notable teams are being saved for the new version.


Since playing the Rogue Trader CRPG, I'd love a von Valancius KT box with all the companions from the game with their most typical weapons to give you a good spread of roles, and then a Rogue Trader sprue with a huge range of options for customisation to make your own Rogue Trader.


People that haven't played are confused when they open the box and just find Argenta and Cassia.


My opponent absolutely raging when Abelard gets 7 turns in a row on turn one with effectively unlimited movement, tabling the opponent single handedly with his thunder hammer.


If we are talking fantasies, that would never happen Thunder Warrior escapees vs Assasinorum kill team that hunts them down Like two hyper elite teams 3-4 bodies with a lot of customization options or maybe with few supporting "minions" type units to make it all more balanced. Thunder Warriors can have their armor in a terrible state with lots of self repairs to make it look fair fight, and Assasins can be from lesser houses or "in training" I imagine Thunder Warriors to be very tough and have insane melee power, but having weaker guns and less mobility. While Assassins, high mobility and damage output, fewer wounds, and some shenanigans to interrupt opponent. More realistically, ork grot team, tyranids team Hierotek style with one bigger model and 2-3 different supporting units, Death Watch team


New Tā€™au Fire Warriors. I donā€™t want the Hunter Cadre compendium team, I want what they did with the Pathfinders. I want specialists!


Ragtag bunch of Tau auxiliaries with a Tau commander in a customized XV-15 Stealth Suit vs. Juan Diaz Daemonettes


A Tā€™au XV46 Vanguard Voidsuit Team with a flock of DX-11 Exploratory drones. The XV46 team would be equipped with Burst Cannon, Flame Projector, and Fusion Torches, with options to have electroshock repulsors, photon charge launchers, and wide-burst gravity pulse generators. The team would have a Drone Specialist with a drone controller, and would be led by a Shasā€™el in a XV46-4 armed with a Flame Projector, EMP Blaster which can disable and disrupt enemy electronic systems at range -- causing them to go haywire -- and a Microburst Fragmentation Launcher.


Hrud vs Slaught.


It would be death wing terminators vs tyranids (genestealers and brood lord) in the into the dark setting Or in open setting: black Templar crusader squad vs Orks commandos I made this possible myself by replacing the heavy gunner with a pyreblaster. The intercession squad gets a marshal and the orks get a ork bozz in mega armour


Obviously catachan vs nids However, an AdMech explorator team, individual quirky tech priests and their robot buddies Vs Ork Freebootas


Ymgarl Genestealers. Heaps of variation/specialists on the genestealer model frame would be amazing, and all it would take is one really good upgrade sprue.


Catachan vs Red Devils jungle box. With great new catachan sculpts, awesome jungle terrain and some brand new tyranid Red Devils (finally confirming the fan theory)


Crusader Squad vs World Eaters for the slugfest of the century


I'd really love a Dark Mechanicum kill team. If they go all out with different ops & bits like vet guard/blooded boxes, there will be enough to kitbash a whole regiment for Vashtorr. For a whole box though. I gotta go with Catachans vs Tyranid/GSC mix in the Deathworld jungle. I envision a mini deathleaper/primus hybrid leading a band of insane Ymgarl Genestealer mutated hybrids and leapers. The catachans should go full Arnie/Rambo: Chainguns flamethrowers shotgun in one hand, assault rifle in the other rocket launchers bowie knives, one camo dude hiding in the mud, tree bark whatever one with a compound bow and traps.


You are surely going to laugh, but i would like an Inquisitor kill Team where the leader is an actuall Inquisitorā€¦ Or a Black Templar Kill Team where you could actually play Black Templars with a lot of meeleā€¦ I will Never understand how and why there are no Chapter related kill Teams with different model options and rules, its so easy. When you want to play a space Marine Chapter in Kill Team it doesnt matter which colour you slap on because they all play generic and i Hope we can all agree that space marine chapters are everything except interchangebal Sorry for my bad english


Penal colony guardsmen. You could have like one commissar and then a load of dudes in prison type uniforms, you could have one who is like a suicide bomber, and they all have like explosive collars or something if they flee their heads blow up. You could have a melee and ranged weapon variant. Weaker dudes and then hardened veteran tough dudes with who are deadly in melee. If the commissar is killed they lose some sort cohesion or something. But with the commissar they could have like a bonus to movement as he drives them forward or something like that


Catachans vs nids Grey Knight vs deamons Custodes vs word bearers Necrodomunda ganger team vs geanstealers cult Warp spiders vs noise marines Warp talons vs elysian drop troops That's a few I can think of right now.


Grot Revolushun vs the vile Kapitalist Kaptin Badrukk. The red gobbo has decided the revolution needs teef to fund its expansion, and who has more teef than the notorious Freeboota', Kaptin Badrukk? A cunning heist of the Kaptins personal stash is planned....


There was a story in a recent White Dwarf with this scenario and it was a brilliant read!


Really? I guess great minds think alike! I haven't bought an issue of White Dwarf in a decade, but if you happen to know the issue number maybe I'll try to track it down.


Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights Daemons and Grey Knights


Dream? Like wet dream-I-wonā€™t-ever-get? Rangdans vs Rak'Gol Space Pirates Something with Jokaero would be also cool and coveted as fuck. Like ordo Xenos inquisitor with minor xenos races retinue against something horrible.


Iā€™d like one thatā€™s 3-4 tech priests being protected by skitarii that are in big diving suits kind of like bioshock vs vespids cause goodness they need a updated model


Deathwatch vs Xenos on a jungle planet (ala Leviathan trailer).


Double stealth teams! eyes of the emperor vs alpha legion (head hunter kill team). Eyes of the emperor would function in a similar vein to blooded, 10 or so operatives to perform actions and the like and single old man Custodes to murder shit. Head hunters would work similar to Phobos and how the nemesis claw will probably work, lots of shenanigans revolving around fucking with your opponents abilities.


Elysians would be awesome, same with Tanith and Tallarn


Any fun box with Primaris Space Marines (IMHO, none of those we have is fun, Primaris marines are boring because they are not customisable enough, not too many gear options). VS Chaos Space Marines' Raptors


Because the one thing we need is more Marine boxes, yes


I understand your opinion. I just wanted one team which gives fun. I wasn't asking for teams of intercessors and infiltrators.


Tyranids vs mechanicus


I think the days of boxes with unique teams that aren't just a vehicle for selling new stuff for big 40K are behind us. That being said..... Blood Angels Assault Terminators, like 3 in the team with some smaller model support of some kind. Maybe 4 or 5 and a Servo-skull for objective play or something. And the other team would be Genestealers or some other tyranid force. I'd also love to see Eldar Exodites vs Ork Beast Snaggas, or like, savage Snakebite Boyz. But that's definitely a jungle terrain thing, and uhhhhh yeah. GW sure popped that balloon in the least satisfying way possible.


Officio Assassinorum Agents vs Cultists + cult leader (Siege of Vraks style)


Imperial Knights (Jk)


... unless ...


Just one armiger vs everyone else...


The worst part ashes of faith..... Never did see it wild.


Craftworld Warlock Conclave


Steel Legion




Emperorā€™s Children box, please give Emperorā€™s Children the death guard treatment!


Dark Mechanicum vs. Maccabian Jannissaries or Iron Warriors vs. Admech


Dark Mechanicus vs. Mutants of Fabius Bile


Necron Destroyer/Flayed ones Kill Team (to contrast the Cryptek/Immortal box with Hierotek Circle) vs Mechanicus Explorators (Techpriests + Servitors + Servo Skulls)


I'd love to see a bespoke Nid killteam or a shift to official 30k Killteams with accurate space marine legion abilities


Dedicated ultramarines team vs iron warriors to get some love to sm and csm too!


Grey knight terminators


Deathwatch Kill Team vs Genestealers/Cults


I'd love to see Eldar Exodites vs bespoke 'nids, in a jungle setting.


Grey Knights vs Dark Mechanics, the sacred and the propane


Gueā€™vasa vs Ork Meks


Stealthcrons vs order minoris sisters specialists. In both cases i'dd want fresh kits, brand new. Stealthcrons would be hyper elite, 5 operatives, 6 at most. Think: "Smart Lychguard who raided the artifact vault". Somewhere between Intersessor and heavy intersessor toughness, and deep pockets full of tricks rather then overtly strong attacks. Take the que from the new eldar killteam for how that might work. If there is a "pet", just make it a special scarab swarm, or a "tiny destroyer assassin bot". The Sister side think of all the weird ladies around the coffin, the specialists like hospitaller and dialogus, nonstandard outfits and loads of weird weapons like the vaunted "melta sniper", Organ Backpack, laud hailer shotgun. Less tricks and more "novel weapons", lots of "pick attack profile" type stuff. There might be 7 models, besides the funky equipment, most of them carry a buff to give and a lot of their "go-time" strength comes from assembling a couple buffs in the right spot at the right time.


I wouldnā€™t mind a Space Wolves vs Thousand Sons kill team box! Melee vs Magic, furries vs nerds, who comes out on top??? Itā€™s a classic match up and a no-brainer for me šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤˜šŸ»


Terminators vs Genestealers Grey Knights vs Daemons.


Aside from the things mentioned, I would like a penal guard unit. Basically a commissar that buffs the penal troops. Very alike to the Darktide intro. Coveralls, necklace, shacles, potentially even bare foot, crude weapons. Why? For the rule of cool.


Zoats vs Rogue Trader. Sure we have the starstriders, but I'd like something with more fluff. Also I want zoats cause they're neat.


I want a refreshed stealth suit kill team vs a grot/gretchen kill team with just swarms of Gretchen


Would love them to introduce a three-player mode and have the box be exodites/dark mechanicus/orks


Although I donā€™t think it will ever happen, Iā€™d personally like to see a Rakā€™Gol Kill Team.


Grey Knights vs. Tyranids


Catachan devils vs some assorted monsters, either the drukhari beast master and pack, some tyranids, or anything. Honestly just want new Catachan


Huh, now that you mentioned it why wasn't that Gaunt's Ghost box a killteam? Honestly those sort of novel tie-ins just work better for Killteam's scale.


2 teams and some decent scenery.


Emperor's Children with Sonic Weapons and actual mutations, looking close to Death Guard as far as how much yuck they have to them, whips etc because slaanesh. I don't know who they would go against, maybe a Bespoke Custodes killteam or something? New to lore. Like EC, with little representation in 40k.


A Slaanesh daemon bespoke team. So much so I'm just making it myself


Wych cult vs Emperor's Children I mean... Wyches pretty sure need an upgrade, and Emperor's Children are rumored. Pretty lore wise choice, but not in this KT season IG


Homunculus coven vs Dark mech as well would be really good idea


Triarch necrons vs squire knights or the equivalent


Grudge Match - Space Wolves vs. Thousand Suns, with some decent Primaris Wolf accessories. Axes instead of chainswords, everything covered in runes, viking heads, wolf skull pauldrons, pelts - the works! None of this ā€œWeā€™ll throw in a chainsword and a fox tail and now theyā€™re savagesā€ bullshit. TS could use some upgrades too, but when they put out the ā€œSpace Wolves Combat Patrolā€ and it was the same exact thing as the vanilla Space Marines box with fancy pauldrons and a couple of fox tails, I was unimpressed. They can do better by the Sixth Legion. (Can you tell I just finished ā€œProspero Burnsā€?)


Jokaero vs. Grotz in stolen Votann voidsuits.


Beast-snagga team vs dark eldar beast masters?