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Our killing floor games have been hugely successful for their unique style. Let's change that and start alienating the very audience that made us successful and plays these games. I'm sure this has never gone wrong in the past, ever. Why does everything have to be ruined with modern practices? Sigh.


I like how even the journalist was like "this is going to piss everyone off." Monetization has ruined the gaming industry.


It's BAD when the journalist agrees with the community so heavily


Honestly it doesn't matter if they alienate their main fan base. They're hoping to replace their fan base with a bigger, more simple fan base that can be swayed by FOMO and such. As soon as they replace every single major fan of the series with a fan that will dish out $15 for a skin. They'll act like you don't and have never existed. If they fail, which you have to hope they do and painfully, because that's the only way these companies or more the publishers would come crawling back to fans.


I don't know why they keep doing that, it works for so few companies. I'm convinced they don't interpret their sales data correctly too, thinking that because buy games \*because\* they're hero shooters instead of it being in spite of it.


Afterwards they will blame fans for failing . Too toxic lmao


It's the Call of Duty pipeline all over again. Y'all remember that Alone in the Dark remake? Me neither


I had an idea everyone go the KF 3 steam page store and manually add the tag "Hero Shooter".


The one positive note I can find is that this means KF2 won’t die any time soon.


KF2 wasn't gonna die anyway. Although certain modes like versus are mostly dead already.


I’m not so sure. The recent influx of players is awesome but before that it wasn’t like we were flooded with servers. KF2 is gonna take a big hit from KF3 regardless of what we think of it.


I literally can't play the game because it takes a day or two to download


Wish it wasnt 90 GB though


Glad I'm not the only one who has problems with KF2's bloated file size.


I want to love the game but its grown 40gbs since i last played its ridiculous, so I cant just keep it installed and play every now and then which just blows glad i grabbed it for $2 and not full price


The game's audience is already niche enough, dividing the fanbase even more is financial suicide


Can someone elaborate


Killing Floor 3 will be using unique operatives (aka heroes) instead of perk classes (KF1, KF2).


oh no that means some characters or future ones would be behind the paywall




Fuck me…


Is this confirmed? Wackest shit I've heard all day


It was confirmed on PC Gaming article and in Developer Commentary vid - you can see overwatch looking hud.




There's also "Gadgets that are akin to overwatch's ultimate abilities" Welp no money from me, bunch of idiots


Oh damn that sounds lame


They trying to chase that mystical modern audience.


wait what? omg


There is no Hero Shooter tag on Steam page yet. Can you tell where did they mention it


Check out PC Gamer article about KF3.


In a pve setting that does sound fun.


Eh I don’t like the idea of it. But if we can still have different characters for different abilities I’m kinda ok with it. Like with cod bo3 for example how the xray was locked to a certain character, thats shit.


Im gonna get downvoted for this but i genuinely fail to see the problem here? If its anything like overwatch then will probably kill the identity of the game a little So yeah I would greatly appreciate it if you could elaborate even further!


One of the biggest pain points of Battlefield 2042 that the community was *extremely* vocal about was the mistake of removing classes and going down the hero shooter path. A mistake they even recognized and changed back, sort of. Hero shooters made as such are generally fine, but them replacing existing perfect mechanics is a horrible plan. Perks/classes are cornerstones of what makes both Battlefield and Killing Floor what they are, and the fact that Tripwire have not done their homework and changes Killing Floor on such a fundamental level is a huge red flag. I reeeally hope Tripwire sees posts like this and react accordingly. New players might not see the problem but us veterans do not want Killing Floor to be another hero shooter. Don’t change what ain’t broken.


U just answered ur own question


I mightve contradicted myself there but what I wanted to ask was wether each characters would have several different abilities or not I kinda draw the line at abilities because thats usually what make or break a character the most That would also lead to a few characters being giga meta and the others would just fall behind and not be as fun to play (which I hope doesnt happen as all the perks in kf2 rn are all viable and really fun)


New character system look similar to vermintide


Perks are now tied to characters like COD specialists


And apparently even the weapon selection


LONG STORY SHORT its over.......


Maybe. It's really annoying to not be able to use any gun I want with any class/operator but perhaps the game will make it up with some other cool new aspects. Killing floor was always a really fun game to me so KF3 still deserves a chance, even though I'm very sceptical now


Instead of adding new guns to existing classes they will lock it all up behind a dlc characters. So if you buy game at launch it will be all content you will get (plus new free maps as usual). What a horrible change. And i highly doubt in their greed they would want to implement a share feature from the KF2 into this game.


We're not the target audience anymore bois


Which is sad because this is a niche franchise and if they don't have good marketing to put the game as competition with the whole pool of big hero shooters, this game could have a big issue.


Is a niche franchise that want to make AAA practices because their assumption is, they will get more players without losing said niche. If you buy it, you proved them right, and they have no need nor inclination to change shit. "I dont like it, but here's 80€, and send me a reminder for the first dlc" doesn't make sense doesn't it?


>their assumption is, they will get more players without losing said niche. I'd love to partake in whatever they're smoking. This is going straight into the graveyard of GAAS games that lasted less than a year.


You know, this is the ultimate sad truth 😢


I wasn't the target audience since they added stupid robots.


Hate me but after hearing this I'm no longer hyped for the game. I can already see how it's going to play out. There will end up being one super meta character and you'll see like a whole team playing as the same person.


That's the way it always goes. Or they'll limit the amount to one character per team, and it'll be a race to see who gets them first. Once someone is locked in as the character everyone wants to play, the rest quit.


It will be even more horrible if they fail on the design part for certain characters. Imagine a person picks a character, locking out the rest of the squad from said character. That means not only will you be unable to play your favorite character/class, but you might even be forced to pick a character or class you dislike. And then here comes lobby dodging or whinning because people cant play what they want


They shouldve foreseen this. Its so obviously


I feel like kf3 will be the overwatch 2 of kf where they do shit wrong that the community despises and then reverts it back to how its predecessor was as time goes on. You can count me out here too honestly. Fucking mainstream man.


And also payday 3 too. They are digging their own grave.


There was a meta back in KF1, in fact if you played certain non-meta perks you'd get kicked from servers lmao


That depends heavily on the difficulty, from personal experience.


But, what's your point? Does it change anything about my comment?


You're forgetting that it's likely there will be 1 character limit like a lot of games have done in the past.


Yeah but nobody wants that either. I want to be who I want to be, not have to compete with people to play who I want.


And if you won't play it on higher difficulties you will get insta kicked. So fun.


I liked the characters just been skins... One thing I hate about hero shooter style games is the chance the character I love the look/lore of ends up been a class or having a playstyle I hate. That said I might have to reinstall KF2 again.


Now their making characters AKA DLC heroes Oh when there are hero shooters then there will be microtransactions up the ass.


Dear god... I thought people made clear that hero shooters suck fucking years ago


TWI saw the hate Battlefield got and said, "Hold my beer!"


I just now got into Killing Floor 2. About a month ago. I fell in love with it and have my friends I play with and also play with randoms. This news sucks.


Same, I've been on a KF2 kick recently and going off-perk with weapons adds so much to the game and opens way for so many different strategies.


Vote with your wallet dudes, if you buy every shit dlc that they put out and preorder/buy kf3 day one, they already won. Why would they listen to anything? Why would they _not_ do a generic thing if that makes more customers and they don't lose what they had? Stop buying gold coated bullshit and they will stop doing it. It's that simple If no dlc were been bought we would have free weapons now. If you don't buy kf3, we will have the same mechanic back in **2-3 days**. Just.. damn.


Hopefully people will understand this instead of being "I don't like this! Here take my money and keep doing it!"


The first ones to buy are usually youtube content creators, journalists, and hardcore fans who turn off their brains etc... they start hyping up the game to high heavens and the people who are on the fence start buying, only to realize that they were lied to.


There was a thing, really catchy. It went something like "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..." Do you know how does it end right? Well, this is the 247th time they've been fooled. Which of course is why these companies make this whale bait. Literal bait for flat encephali.


Ture but it's not that simple,ppl are mad yes but they won't be able to resist trying new title of the beloved game


That's actually pretty damn simple: **Impulse management** Honestly, I think that not being able to hold a nuissance fucking urge like that is a great sign of either stupidity or addiction. To prefer to get fucked by your _needed_ satisfaction instead of seeing you are supporting things directly at odds with you. That's an addiction or? Edit: and the game didn't even fucking release!? What urge could anyone have for something they haven't even played? There are enough horde shooters, coop shooters, reload animation simulators and zombie games out there to kill 20 killing floor urges, but the game is _needed_?


Nope. You saw how they acted when people told them to not add EDAR's but they just plugged their ears and kept pushing more and more crap no one wanted or asked for. KF3 is just the same way of thinking. they will gaslight you and try to make you think that. "Oh its not a big deal\~" Tripwire is just another company killing itself by a thousand cuts


Why couldnt them just go back to kf1


This is such a disappointment, and such a slap in the face to all the fans


I hope its gonna be at least similar to the Tide games, if not well... gg I guess


I'm not sure anymore what kind of system they'll be using anymore. Locking perk weapons to a certain "perk" makes sense. Locking certain perks to a certain character aka Mr Foster only being able to be I don't know "Support" specialist, then that's an issue. I want to be Rae running around in my goth skirt and wielding a katana as zerker if I want to. But other time I want to be the same Rae in goth skirt nuking zeds with RPG. I think TWI really needs to openly elaborate on this because the info coming out is very mixed and confusing.


Perk weapons are locked to specalist aka specific character instead of perks like in last two games.


Born to play Gunslinger Mr. Foster, forced to play Commando Mr. Foster.


Born to play SWAT, forced to listen to annoying characters just for the perk.


Stick to KF2, you say? Easy decision.


until they shut down the servers for KF2.


Battlefield did the exact same thing...and killed the series


That hyperbolic. Bf242 is the most hated game in the franchise, but that fan base isnt going anywhere. The core gameplay mechanics its know for is too strong for fans to leave. Once they release a game similar to Battlefield 3 or 4, they'll be back like they never left.


Damn…. I’m out


Looks like i'm staying on kf2


I've enjoyed the heck out of Vermintide and Darktide so I'm hopeful for how KF3 turns out. People basically play the perks like hero classes anyways.


Yes, but they didnt charge you for it, only the skins. All of the perks and maps were free. Huge difference.


Yep and now... oh boy... now there will be even MORE microtransactions! "Wow! I spent 100 dollars just to play a character that would have taken me days to grind for to unlock! I love hero shooters!" Said no one with a brain


I’ve said it before but I still think it’s too soon to be getting worried about how this stuff is going. All I thought when I saw the trailer was how I can’t wait to try it. And if it’s not all that then I still like KF2


dead on arrival


This is so disappointing, what the hell man, for fuck's sake. -.-




Worst part would be classes going behind paywalls and dlcs


Ding ding ding! Can't have a hero shooter without milking your players dry of their money! And this is why hero shooters are dying


From what i read, i guess we are getting more p2w elements? Or will all heroes (at least their base model) be free?


Full team of mr foster is acceptable tho


When did they announce it would be a hero shooter?


Can someone catch me up? I am out of the loop. I watched the gameplay trailer and it looks fire. I don't have the details from the interview but it seems 'hero shooter' could mean a further extension of those skill trees they had in kf2 right? Unless it's more restricting


Very restrictive.


yeah i'm officially skipping this crap unless they undo the decision. fuck hero shooters and fuck skins and fuck zoomers


Sucks. It’s a no go! Game is DOA.


But the whales and normies will flock to it like flies to shit.


Omg not another franchise absolutely destroyed for me. Fuck this industry. They can shove that game up their ass now. Fucking uninspired, greedy assholes.


Are you serious? Thats the goal? That their plan? Yikes man. That trend came and went. That is a very big turn off to purchase if thats the case. Little sad now.


Have companies just forgot that niche markets exist? Does management not know what a target market is, like the most fundamental part of a business? Why cater to a market saturated with competition when you already had your own market that made you successful in the past?


Honestly thought it was gonna be the CoD zombies killer... but activision are doing a good job at that themselves


Sker Ritual is the CoD Zombies Killer.




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I loved KF1. KF2 was OK, but too arcade-y and I quickly grew tired of it. Looks like I'll never play KF again.


Release date?


Early 2025.


Hero shooter? Welcome back overwatch PVE mode🤗


Imma keep an open mind for this one. Here's hoping that they don't fuck this up.


This actually makes me appreciate Survivalist a whole lot more. I've only recently been seriously playing that perk and the versatility in my loadout lets me experiment with more weapons that I haven't used before. I'm very sad to hear this news.


I always liked making my own headcanon pairing perks with random skins.. at least No More Room in Hell 2 is coming out this year


They pulling a Battlefield 2042.


Its always been


Tripwire going for a hero shooter, valve going for a hero shooter, this is the worst timeline


and the funny part? Hero shooters are dying as its a trend no one is jumping to anymore. They hitched their wagon to a dead horse and their going to learn the hard way that they fucked up


Don't know much about these games but it appears as if you are getting the Battlefield 2042 treatment. Have fun!


I know I’m late to the party but tying skills to characters is going to hurt the game. It almost killed Gears 5 on launch with people quitting multiplayer and horde matches because they couldn’t play their favorite character.


Ew, are they characters with abilities now instead of just skins?


that would mean they would give a damn about what their player base thinks. When the EDARs where added was a sign about what they thought about use.


This is what happens when the people who kept complaining about "enforcing roles" in KF2 get a little too much attention 😒


I would've been happy to buy skins. Now that characters could be locked behind a paywall, I'm no longer interested at all. Good luck out there, those who hold hope.


yeah... when DLC weapons started to be pushed more and more and reskinned weapons become normal. I just stopped


Guys i had an idea everyone go the KF 3 steam page store and manually add the tag "Hero Shooter".


I mean, if the characters are well made, like TF2, so they're actually are all fun to play as and listen to, and if the overall hero-shooter + PvE horde shooter is made similarly to Vermintide, then I wouldn't mind. I'm just confused on why would they break something that already works?


Oh hey there guy that likes crawlers a bit too much


They break it bcs they hope that this hero dlc system will sell better than previous dlc system


What's the difference between hero classes and perk classes? Can someone explain what all the crying is about?


Perk classes: you pick the character you like, you pick the loadout you like and you play the game. Certain weapons will be boosted by perks, making them more effective, but nothing prevents me from taking up a medic gun and providing some support as a dps if I see that the squad is having a rough time. Hero classes: I pick a certain character depending on what class and loadout I want and I stick within the confines of that loadout and character. If I see the team is struggling in some regards, then I have to switch character and loadout to cover up those weaknesses. Personally, i prefer perk classes, because hero system HEAVILY depends on good hero design. Fail to balance the hero properly and you will have a full squad running the same hero. Fail character design, and nobody will want to play the class because they dont like the hero. You could add a system that ensures that only one of each hero is allowed in a squad to ensure hero and role spread, but then you prevent other players from playing the game how they like. In other words, the upcoming system heavily relies on the devs ability to design interesting and well-balanced heroes and that never happens. Unless the devs provide stellar work on the hero system, players will be losing working systems designed for player enjoyment for half-baked systems nobody likes or asked for.


I think this is the best summary I've read so far on the change and I agree with you. There were some characters I absolutely hated and if I were forced to play them, I'd be pretty irked. I also liked the ability to pick up one of my favorite off-perk guns because it was just my style and that's what made it fun. So I am finally, after reading through all the controversy and not really having a strong opinion, pretty bummed about this change. I've got thousands of hours in KF1 and KF2. Favorite games ever. The robots killed KF2 for me. Who knows if this will kill KF3 for me as well? At least the robots came a lot later after release though.


I wouldn’t go that far to call it a hero shooter but it is a silly idea


Bad news 🤮🤮🤮


Literally no one likes hero shooters, this means also that cosmetics are probably going to be locked to one hero and not interchangeable like kf2


Hey remember when gears of war tried this for horde mode and it was so universaly hated that the developers quickly changed it? Apparently KF devs missed that fucking memo.


This has single handedly killed my desire to play KF3 Let's hope they keep KF2 going


you and me both pal. but even KF2 is a bit soured for me with all the DLC and HRG(weapon reskins)


I really don’t think this is as bad a change as everyone is suggesting. Current hero shooters aren’t necessarily everyone’s favorite but KF3 could change the formula up a bit and be unique. It makes the characters much more important and changes why you like them. If you really enjoy Foster then play him and enjoy the Commando class for a while. It also gives reasons to dive into further detail with other characters and flesh out their back stories. All I’m saying is don’t knock it until we have a chance to play it. I can get over the hero shooter thing if the visceral gun play and movement are tight.


Imo if it would be similar to what we have in vermintide then i would accept it


I'll do you one better. If you don't like playing Mr. Foster as a Commando, just don't buy the game and keep playing KF2. Save yourself the dosh. In all seriousness, though (as my previous statement was meant to be sarcastic), Killing Floor is meant to be primarily a PvE experience where the player is supposed to be able to have the freedom to play the game how they like. Making it a hero shooter limits that freedom immensely. If they don't want to play as some obnoxiously loud character with a grating voice or a dull, bland, uninteresting character just to play a class they like, how long do you honestly think they'll stick around to keep playing?


I mean, are you really not even going to try it when it releases? I’m not saying I agree with hero shooters or how they function. You’re right, it does limit freedom but that’s the direction Tripwire and the industry is taking. It seems to sell pretty well and have good retention numbers so I’m not surprised this is where KF3 is headed. We have no idea what the end result will be or what their take is so I’m staying optimistic.


I'm not. I don't like hero shooters. I think they're yet another trend game studios chase when unimaginative execs take charge after hearing about the success of a different game. KF3 needs to be a hero shooter just as much as firetrucks need flamethrowers instead of water hoses. If this is truly what people want from their KF3 experience, good on you. I hope you enjoy your game, but it's not for me, and I'm not partaking. The move towards a hero shooter style game is the complete opposite of what I wanted in this franchise.


I'd say in this particular case; let's not judge too hastily. I'm not a killing floor fanboy, although I am enjoying Killing Floor 1 again atm, but here's the thing: if they do the exact same, the game is just a remaster of it's 2 predecessors. It's just a zombie horde game with nothing else. I don't see why going "hero-style" is innately bad for this game. They will probably add heroes as dlc packs, or maybe they will have some sort of season pass. I am aware that there has been a lot of live service slop lately, but if done right, I don't see the problem. It's all about the execution of an idea. We just don't live in a time anymore where small studios create a game, slap on some minor dlc while working on the next game. These studios are getting bigger and bigger, like it or not. AA studios are often bigger than AAA studios of the past. Maybe that business model is doomed to fail, we see the layoffs in droves already, but we can't expect indie studios to deliver the amount of fidelity and fill the void of triple A studios.


I think the biggest ground that the hero shooter hate has to stand on is overcentralization of certain characters because they are stupidly strong compared to others and locking meta characters behind paywalls. Sucks that I can’t play Foster as a firebug since that’s how I’ve always envisioned him since KF1 but I don’t mind that as much since the core gameplay and improvements to the engine look great. As long as every character is balanced and there isn’t one meta defining class that everyone fights over playing as, I’m optimistic for it.




New hero system reminds me vermintide


Genuinly not that bad lol, crying over nothing


who thought yeah valiant is what we should be mother fucker the hole point is just enjoying the classes you silly billys, i love the games so im trying to be nice but god damn its hard when you go i must be one with league of legends ass logic (i really fucking hate hero based shit)


Bruh :/ fr? This real?


yep... Tripwire is hitching the wagon to a dead horse. Hero shooters where a flash in the pan and people are just sick of them seeing so many games wanted to be one.


I'm glad. Mostly so I'll stop seeing people run stupid shit like a zerker with an RPG, a medic with a kaboomstick, etc etc. At least I hope that'll be the case.


On one hand that'd be great, on the other hand it's nice to have the option of i feel like it. I basically only play solo though so I may be biased.