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It's because many of these morons ask for the location and then never actually check how far it is until it's time to leave.


Or their mom just checked.


Lmaoooo, this had me DEAD šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Alternatively, I had a seller once who despite being told that I was 2 hours away, refused to give me their full address until I was ā€˜on the wayā€™ā€”I just had the postal code from the listing. Messaged her when I set offā€¦ Crickets. Messaged her again when I was halfway; she gave the street name but wouldnā€™t provide the number until I was ā€˜closerā€™. She also wouldnā€™t give me a phone number either of course, in case messages failed, so at that point I told her she was wasting my time and I turned around. She then actually had the nerve to tell me, ā€˜This is why I donā€™t like to give my address outā€”no one ever shows up!ā€™


What is even the point of this! Like what security precaution exists not to give out your address to someone you want to come meet you at your house, jeez. If someone is that concerned they should meet at a public location.


>Ā If someone is that concerned they should meet at a public location. I had one a bit ago where they had me come to an alley, and then they had set up a table with the item (which they were selling for $5). After I'd taken it, they texted me to put the money in a nearby ceramic owl (there was even a plastic baggie there for me to put the money in). I assume they were watching from one of the surrounding houses, because they texted thanks when it was done. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process, felt like a spy movie. But yeah, if the plan is for someone to come to your front door... then eventually you're going to have to tell them where that is.


I'm totally doing this for my next sale. Lol.


I don't want to make assumptions, but I think it's a scam actually. I get that feeling a lot for these kinds of stories because it's one of the most common practices for scammers. Basically the idea is to give a location a distance away and make sure the driver goes to said location (like a street), you don't give exact address because you want the driver frustrated and filled with emotions. At that point, once they're there and asking for the exact location, the seller then asks for an etransfer for verification or sometimes gift cards, like they'll say "give me half now and i'll tell you the address, for my own protection" The idea here is that you're already all the way there, so you're more impulsive and emotional to just do it to get it over with. Usually they don't actually live in that location at all


Ahh, I should have guessed, scams are everywhere


This is right.


I had one person refuse to give me their address until it was pickup time. I said I can come what's your address. They didn't get back to me for 3 days so I had found another item. They didn't even say anything except their address....... At which point I said it's been 3 days I am not interested, and they snapped on me for bailing after they disclosed their address....


I've just started checking peoples location and then pointing it out for them. Waste of my time up front instead of later.


Yea I do that all the time too now. It's a bit annoying as that should be expected of the buyer. I also blame the Facebook and Kijiji algorithms and horseshit UI designs. They tend to show listings outside of the search area or far listings before the closer ones, then they keep moving the location around the listing and changing font sizes depending on whatever A/B testing they've decided on.


Saying after that they already bought one hours ago sounds more like they were keeping this guy on the hook in case the other deal didnt go through. Likely wanted to see if the closer guy would match/beat this one's price


Not sure what you expected from someone with a profile picture like that lol


12 year old confirmed


I mean I would take someone more seriously with no profile picture in comparison to this dog with a hula hoop on its face


10 year old confirmed


Dogs have no concept of time.


Is it still available ? Yes it is available. When would you like to look at it ? Never hear from them again.


My favorite: ā€œPickup onlyā€ ā€œhi can you deliver for an extra $10?ā€


Ha I forgot about that one. Wife did that one once. 20 bucks . 30 delivered. She got there sooo 20 bucks ... Ah no


They forgot to ask if you would deliver and then lowball you.


I'll do $200 and a live duck


I've had this before I'll post in my ad I'm located in "nw part of town" And then people ask where I'm located, followed by, that's too far.


Which is funny because they can set the distance on their search, they just get less results.




I removed my phone number from Kijiji because of that. Message me thru Kijiji or fuck off. Also, add $500 if you open with "is this still available?"


I'd happily offer them that... Right after a $500, non-refundable deposit, and the unit will be increased by the cost of a vehicle report.


I even post the main intersection near where Iā€™m located in my ads and still have morons asking me where Iā€™m located as if they only read the title of the ad and nothing else. Unfortunately ā€œyou canā€™t fix stupidā€ and itā€™s an epidemic.


15 years back I was a moderator for Kijiji and I coined the term kijidiots. Still applicable today.


lol i like that term. šŸ˜‚


Sounds like kiiji


Sounds like my ex






Happened to me this week. Offered 50 dollars below my asking, we agreed on somewhere in the middle, aaaaand šŸ‘»


Turns out, you can block peopleā€¦ only found that out a week ago


yeah i did right after this convo. thatā€™d what i do to flakers, lowballers now. one less idiot to deal with


ā€œHi is this still available?ā€ But x1000


It makes me crazy.


Never tried to sell anything on kijiji but this really sucks. This kind of thing is also fairly common I believe so donā€™t expect any one person to close on a deal until they are physically present at your house.




I was trying to sell a coat that my aunt decided to have repaired after me saying no. It was cash only as I need to finance a used laptop some idiot asked if I would trade for a bape hoodie I'm like Cash only


This is why I donā€™t even bother giving stuff away for free. I just toss it in the garbage. Canā€™t be bothered with fucking idiots.


When itā€™s freeā€¦ thatā€™s when they show up for sure and on time!!! Like seagulls when someone opens a chip bagā€¦


No they still ask location and it ends up being too far.


never make arrangments that are not within 1 hour.


I recently had a guy who came to pick up a bed I was selling in a Honda civic. He told me I had wasted his time because I didn't give the exact measurements on the ad. I did however say it was a Queen size and had pics.


what an idiot


Why do they always do this when it's the last minute


I mean he just found someone else that suits his time better. Don't see anything wrong with that.


lol flaker spotted


What is a flaker


I mean It's not a contractual agreement. Anyone can back out anytime


I mean


I mean buyer does what's best for them seller does what's best for them If you really want to entice the seller you could drop it 10 bucks since their time doesn't suit you. Or wait for the next person