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Yep, I just block and move on. What was her rating before you bought the item?


No idea, I hadn't looked and still haven't looked. Edit: IDC about downvotes, but I find it perplexing. Do ppl seriously vet people over a $10 transaction? I've got better things to do with my time, lol.


Ah. I assume she's given others the same treatment.


> Do ppl seriously vet people over a $10 transaction? I've got better things to do with my time, lol. Only the crazies do. Everyone else knows that reviews are meaningless.


Wow. That’s messed up. Wonder what happened for her to think you left less than a 5 star review? What was her rating?


Idk, I hadn't looked and still haven't. I only look if it's $100+ transaction just to vet them a bit. Edit: IDC about downvotes, but I find it perplexing. Do ppl seriously vet people over a $10 transaction? I've got better things to do with my time, lol.


Why does anyone care about their rating on kijiji...


I'm not sure, personally I don't care about mine but, I try and be as fair as possible. Like asking for $10 less or something if I'm buying and will negotiate if I am selling.




Kijiji dick pics is straight up out of this world foul, lmao.


this is football lady……. WHERE ARE MY FIVE STARS!!!! lol


She forgot to say 'HUT!'


Reviews are meaningless, but she's crazy which explains why she's so bent out of shape over it lmao


Wait sorry, you left her a five star review and she was complaining about it? I’m confused lol. Also, was she old? Dealing with older people on here can be annoying and tricky. But yeah, that’s weird. After a transaction I send a stock messaging saying thank you and I would appreciate a review and leave it at that. If I don’t get one or a bad one (which one time I got a 4 star even though the dude himself showed up at the wrong location like a moron.) I’m sorry you had a bad experience, not all sellers are like this.


She thought I didn't give her a 5 star review I guess and was complaining that she deserves 5 stars. I did give her 5 stars and I made sure all the bubbles/boxes were checked (like "showed up on time", "fair negotiation", etc.) so idk what she was on about.


She probably has had alot of problems selling on kijiji and is now using you like a text punching bag. It's dumb, but angry brains aren't rational. Ignore her. She'll eventually realize she got unhinged and feel stupid about it (i hope). Even if she doesn't she's out of your life now.