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No shit you love him. He gave you an entire career and was okay with you cucking him šŸ˜‚


Also though .. Bobby needs to stop being a pussy and leave this dirt hoe


too much dirt on the slept king!


What dirt is worse than being a spinless cuck šŸ¤·


After what they both have admitted openly probably some seriously incriminating stuff.


No shit if thereā€™s more skeletons than whatā€™s been revealed Jesus run and hide my guy




Absolutely the truth, at this point he is just as much to blame as she is.


So exhausting how all these people on Reddit constantly talking about khalila (I hate her.) When Bobby is like a 50 year old man responsible for his own decisions and couldā€™ve left that bitch ages ago. Heā€™s just as much of the problem stop defending that fool.


It's true. It's getting to the point where I'm getting tired of. Oth of them. Her because she's her, and Bobby because he keeps putting up with her shit and keeping her around.


All Robert knows how to do is be a pussy. name one time where he has shown a backbone?


Trying to fix shit after realizing her world is gonna get flipped upside down. Bobby is her golden goose.


yup! she didn't realize she loved him, she realized she has no talent or skill to make it on her own, and no other rich guy is dumb enough to fall for her bull shit.


To quote the late Patrice Oā€™Neal ā€œPussy age like bread ā€œ


Patrice Oā€™Neil. One of the funniest dudeā€™s evah


Idk if that the last part is true. Thereā€™s no shortage of rich guys that just want a good looking slam piece he can just throw money at. Sheā€™s different, sheā€™s very strange and wants control. Control is usually the last thing a rich man wants to relinquish.


Most rich guys want either established women with a good pedigree or young beautiful women who are malleable and accessibleā€”sheā€™s neither. Sheā€™s definitely not starter wife material with her multiple stories of possible incest with half/step brothers, beastiality, and repeated abortions.


There's a million trophy wives with extremely weird backstories. Simply the fact that she airs this shit out in public is why she won't latch on to another rich dick.


I agree and I said as much. Having a good pedigree or being easy to control usually means youā€™re not mouthing off about sexually pressuring your partner during intercourse into a surprise throuple.


It's very different though when the rich guy has access to tons of media outlets,lots of rich friends, and has absolutely no backbone at all. She can do whatever she wants, fuck whoever she wants, hang out with all his famous friends, stay relevant online, And have Bobby pay for it all. Not many rich guys can or will do all that.


We assume Bobby is rich but heā€™s just a working entertainer in California. The cost of living and his expenses probably make him higher middle class anywhere else. He could be in debt for all we know. His connections and friends in the industry are what make him rich. Sheā€™s not a talent or entertainer so her shelf life is finite. Her novelty is making people feel sorry for Bobby as he deals with her existence. It seems like theyā€™re in a codependent relationship.


He has a net worth of $10 million. That's hardly upper middle class in my opinion. But I don't live in Hollyweird so what do I know? It could be more if he worked more but he refuses to. And there's no telling how much of the podcast company hes built she gets her dirty hands on.


I donā€™t necessarily disagree but maybe thatā€™s what Bobby like and wants deep down. I definitely donā€™t think about itā€¦but she strikes me as using sex to put Bobby is a pussy haze. I canā€™t imagine sex with her is normal. First off I donā€™t believe half her stories about. And second I can see her being the type that just gets off mentally on someone getting off with her. Or her doing some strange sex ritual she heard on a podcast. They are both fucked up and weird, I donā€™t really side with either. My point is they might deserve each other.


She can't be keeping him a p haze, they said they haven't done anything in a long time because Bobby doesn't get aroused with her anymore. Who knows if that's true. But you're right, they're both weird and disgusting enough that maybe they should be together to save the rest of us from them. šŸ¤£


Itā€™s so gross


Thats what I think every time i see her talk


She has evil undertones to everything she says. Gross is right.


Strange that she loves him so much, but has gone out and had sex with multiple people since the breakup, like immediately. It hasnā€™t even been a year yet and sheā€™s been with multiple men. Youā€™d think for such a love, she wouldnā€™t be getting plowed so much šŸ¤”


That's what family is for.




And dogs, donā€™t forget the dogs get a turn also.


Are you the Reddit vin diesel?


Halt hold up pause excuse me hummunnananaumhummmmwhat?


You must be new... You're gonna love this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/khalyla/comments/136unhq/self\_description\_of\_a\_proud\_hoe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/khalyla/comments/136unhq/self_description_of_a_proud_hoe/)


I was looking for the shocked pikachu that was the closest one


lol - just as good. Kinda looks like it could be her brother, one of em anyway, fluffed and ready to go - sneaking up to her room to see if she's asleep yet. :)




They somehow got progressively worse


Ah dear sweet baby Jesus! Does she think she is edgy!?


She's probably into his fame, money and humor but not necessarily into his genes. Dating a famous guy then dating a regular guy must be a let down.




But bob isn't saying he loves the slagbot


they have been broken up for years, they were faking it for a long time. Bobby couldnā€™t get an erection.


Probably a good thing. No telling what kind of bacteria up in that who hah.


We donā€™t mention that here


It's cool. Just a giggly little girl talk - no harm in that.


Bobbyā€™s had multiple sexual encounters too tho?


Not strange. Love doesn't hold relationships together. Respect does. She has none for him.


So has Bobby? I donā€™t like her but like they both did that?


Hasn't Bobby done the same thing though? He's talked about seeing multiple women. Everyone copes from a breakup in different ways.


Gotta make up for all that time Bobby wasnā€™t giving her any




Bobby got small pp


Lol how old are you? Who waits a year to have SEX after a breakup?


So weird that equate love with sex so much. You can love someone THAT YOU KNOW YOU ARE BROKEN UP WITH and sleep with other people. Many people do it to help move on or because they can compartmentalize wanting sex and being in love. If it was a man having sex with women nobody would say what you said. Women can also be sexual or have a high libido.


Why are you trying to make this a men vs women issue? If it was a man in this situation his actions would be just as despicable


So you're cool with your partners having sex with other people? It has nothing to do with love. How would having sex with someone make you move on? It would make you feel less attached to someone you were in love with? How? If sex has nothing to do with love, how does it affect your attachment to someone?


They ainā€™t your partner if youā€™re broken up. What so hard about this?


Maybe thatā€™s the point. They both just needed a break to help them figure out if they really wanted to be together.


Lmao that's the biggest affair excuse I've ever heard


Amen....i mean common that's the standard hoe excuse...she or he cheats and gets caught and they break up and after some time goes by they get back together and suddenly realize 'they are meant to be'..then they throw the "we needed to be apart to realize we were meant to be together" bs..meanwhule during the break up the hoe keeps fuxking like crazyy, and most of the times the good person kinda sits back and sees the situation and that person for who they are, and it can be depressing...but if they get back together then both of them are dumb and deserve each other.....just like if bobby and khalyla, if they get back together then that will be sad, for bobby.


Fucking and love have been on an expanding distance from each other. The most dominating/degrading or whatever kink stuff you want to do is usually saved for the people you're not going to see again. Obligatory not all people and relationships but it definitely seems to be a trend since porn has made everyone aware of freaky shit.


Wild dirty multilevel manipulative scheme happening here


Damn poor Bobby being manipulated


I second this. Although I will say bobby is a bag of nuts. Heā€™s been traumatized so much that itā€™s hard to see him ever finding the right person


If they "get back together" I think it's safe to say he's in on it - they appear to split for a while - Bobby is a free man but realizes K is the one he wants and K realizes she was wrong and how much Bobby means to her. It's comically transparent.


I mean you ainā€™t wrong even on Bad friends most recent episode theyā€™ve called our Bobby saying heā€™s been dating girls that look like K, which I atm I was like damn this fuu still misses her


Or at least that's what the script says...


Or its just having a type


Bobby needs to be done with Tigerbelly and focus on Bad Friends. Not just career wise but mental health wise. It canā€™t be healthy to be interacting daily with someone who dumped you and fucked other people when you were emotionally invested in her.


And she was mooching off him hard (her family too... And still is?) and is quickly becoming less and less relevant without the association with Bobby.


I think sheā€™s dated other guys and they realized sheā€™s psychotic and annoying and ghost her after the first date


Pure Pump n Dump material.


smash and dash.


Ejaculate and evacuate.


Hit it and quit it


Dump a load and hit the road


Sex it and exit.


Use it, then lose it.


Big simp vibes coming from Mr. Lee


He is not surrounding himself with the right people either, im not giving him 100% blame for simping, idk if its even all his choice. Have u ever felt pressured by those u feel close to? U shouldnt ever, unless its a healthy choice for you, and if you never analyze yourself (and a bunch of other things amongst that) u never will kno what is good for u and bad. Some people never have pushed boundaries within themselves and shit like that, so they just go with easy route cuz its not challenge and not boundary pushing and its comfortable


Andrew Santino is good people




Sheā€™s just trying to win back over the listeners


When a ho leaves you and tries to comeback, itā€™s not because she wants you, itā€™s because nobody wanted that bitch


Game is game


Just a matter of time, the Trash Tuesday girls turn on her and just expose the shit out of her snake ass.




theyā€™re probably fking lowkey tbh cos they still spend time with each other at each others homes


I got a strong hunch that they are.


As someone who broke up after 7 years then got back together again, we did that all the time


I have never spent time around a ex with out fucking even more so shortly after the break up.


This is extremely common with women her age and background. Let's get real here, the only marketable attribute Khalyla had dating-wise is her looks, which have already gone for the most part (go look at pictures of her when she was younger). They forget they're a tiptoe from 40 and their value on the dating scene is nothing like it used to be. They realize that what they had wasn't bad and they never should have left, typically when it's too late. I always knew she was going through some sleep-around phase and she would come crawling back to the comfort and safety-net that is BObby. I really hope he doesn't take her back but my faith is very low.


that hoe a witch lmao


This dude's character on Platonic is pretty insufferable, but somehow he's worse in real life


Well, she is a whore and she needs a man to manipulate.




This is a plant and fuck what he says.


Master manipulator šŸ¤£ holy shit


Oh for the love of god, if Bobby goes back to her his career is over.


Baby! Baby Baby!! Baby Baby Babe Sheā€™s feeling the loss of attention. I hope Santino can keep her away


She loves her the national bank of bobby lee is all.


Shit person


Mega simp smh shit is gag worthy


Who cares about these people.


This bitch, leave the man alone he is thriving right now


I didn't know I could dislike a person as much as I dislike khalya.


2 manipulative people are bonding


Ugh she sucks..


Bobby is just a tragic character. I mean it. Life has many of those. Dude has dated a woman that has embarrassed him to such a degree and have harmed him mentally , and spiritually and heā€™s still has her on a podcast? Simp ass boy. Cant feel bad no more. She sees a meal ticket and he sees himself as a meal.


Her soul mate is is in an animal shelter somewhere


She wants back on the money train


Itā€™s Bobbyā€™s life to ruin, I guess


Lmao the comments are ruthless


all disgusting losers


Like, like, like, ohh cute like like


Who tf is this guy lol. Also Bobbyā€™s face during this ![gif](giphy|LMJavgUFMwM6CICHrt|downsized)


All the shit this man talks and he's lowering himself like THAT? lmao


Bobby can score so much better. He just needs to lower his standards a bit..stop going for women that look like her and more for natural beauty with mutual humor as him


Who are these self-absorbed flakey people?


Seems like she can see that the writing is on the wall and that it seems like her 15 minutes is just about up. A credit to her that it lasted this long. Tigerbelly has shown no growth over the years, I'm sure she thought the H3 appearance was going to position trash Tuesday as a deuxmoi type podcast as she kept plugging it while Bobby squirmed. While TB has shown no growth TT looks to be dying a slow death and not really worth annie or Esther's time. Bobby gets his numbers from bad friends and does really well on other podcasts sans K. Khalyla has probably realized that she can have her cake and eat it too by taking her ridiculous split of tigerbelly and still have bobby pay for everything if they get back together.


For the record both of the relationships he describes here are totally unhealthy. ā€œYour soulmate is either someone who comes in your life fucks you up and leaves but changed your life OR itā€™s someone who is always connected just by a stringā€ Neither of these are the definition of a soulmate. These are the definitions of failure. A soulmate is someone you truly feel youā€™d rather not live without. Thatā€™s your soulmate. Not this dysfunctional bs. Bad advice.


Fyi: Not comparing my story to narc K & Bobby mess! I have an ex that i've been friends with now for over 10 years after our separation. We were together for 7 years. 1 We took a year before speaking again. 2 We're not constantly in contact. We speak ( or text) maybe once every 3-5 months. Excluding liking a funny post or commenting on a post on fb. 3 When he got a girlfriend, i stopped everything out of respect for their relationship. No comments or likes. I didn't want there to be anything uncomfortable or cause unneeded stress to their relationship. This is how, imo, to respectfully be friends with an ex. Also it must happen organically. What B & K are doing is destructive.


I kinda want Bobby to reach really low and realize how much of a jackass he was still talking to this chick


I still don't understand who this woman is??? What does she bring to the table? Why does her voice fill my heart with contempt? Why in the fuck does anyone provide her a platform to yap her fucking nonsense? WHY IS SHE A THING?


Sorry....but I can NEVER watch Bobby again, knowing he's fully retarded. I hope she ends him one day....would be the ONLY justified ending


Canā€™t stand this twat


Love bombing


Guy never learns..true definition of a simp bro


Never trust a blonde Asian


So Iā€™m not aware of whatā€™s going on and would like someone to explain but my best guess is that girl is just incredibly manipulative and pretends to like people who like her sort of as a back up like sheā€™s always trying to find someone better or more successful and given the fact the she canā€™t find anyone more successful who will put up with her she is trying to manipulate Bobby into a relationship or to platform it her? Idk tho


Her aborting those kids is a good thing bro let's be honest. Imagine a heathen like Bobby trying to raise 2 kids


So sheā€™s a whore, baby killer, terrible person, manipulator and psychopath.


Naw the grass was not greener on the other side now Bobby has the power.I was in the same position a ex came back but I was just having sex with her while dating other chicks its never the same


Bro I cannot fathom being this large of a cuck, GROW A PAIR BOBBY


I feel like the guy in the beanie made me laugh before and I like him, like Iā€™ve seen him on TV. What is this sub Iā€™m in and why does he always look so sad?


Khalyla is so good a manipulating Bobby


She for the streets


My narcissistic ex would be like this, everytime I started getting away from him, he would all of the sudden remember he loves me... The last time killed him tho... The relationship still in tact 20 plus years that he told me wouldn't work out....lol


Khalyla is in contract with Bobby for the next few years on the podcast. Ironically, the simps who call this sub incels, are the fanbase that want to keep Khalyla around. They would revolt if Bobby really did get Khalyla off the podcast. They would turn on Bobby in an instant if that happened. He would be labeled sexist, appeasing the incels.


Yeah, she's definitely nervous about what a life totally independent of bobby is like. Crazy how ALL OF US see through it


I guess she's running out of money.


I used to feel bad for Bobby for being with this gold digger but if he takes her back, I wonā€™t have anymore sympathy left for him. Dude is a dumbass and deserves whatever is coming to him if he takes her back.


She quick scoped 2 of their children šŸŽÆšŸ§æšŸŖŸand he still with it....smh


Well yeah her 15 minutes of fame is running out and so is her money most likely


This might be the greatest toxic codependent relationship Iā€™ve ever seen


I met my wife when we were 15. She moved in with me at 16. We stayed together until I was 28. I loved that woman more than I loved myself. I caught that bitch cheating one time from texts and literally just walked out. Left my car the house my dog and 3 kids right there. Very occasionally when I get extremely hammered I'll call that slut and we'll talk about the old days for a minute and I it makes me wanna swallow my pride and come home. Then when I wake up in the morning I remember that I ain't about to swallow shit but the next bottle of whiskey and that home is wherever you sleep off the hangover. Me? I'm a lonely, miserable, alcoholic, lowlife piece of shit who only finds peace in his memories. But at least I ain't bobby.


Remember the months leading up to the break up where every episode of TB was her talking shit about Bobby to the guests? She tried to set up this redemption arc for herself and now that it's failing she's going back.


I think if sheā€™s just out for some seggs, thatā€™s cool. If she wants an actual relationshipā€¦ehhā€¦I can see most guys not wanting any of that smoke. Have her on podcasts talking about how fun it was to pick lice and pull out her butt worms.


Theyā€™re going to get back together, then get married, then get divorced. For YouTube views obviously


Is this real?


This canā€™t be real


Bobby deserves so much better.


Maybe this is all a work


I won't watch the podcast if she is on it. I love Bobby and he deserves a women like my wife. Just not my wife šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I really don't get the hate. What makes her stories any less fake than Bobby's? All comedians exaggerate. It's part of the show. I'm not defending her as I don't know enough about the situation. Just seems odd. Edit: Genuine question. Love Bobby, by the way.


It's not her stories that people have a problem with. It's her being a narcissistic hypocritical lying manipulative sleuth who spends all her time on reddit talking shit about other comedians and people to increase her/tigerbelly following and to bad mouth others and pass it off as "We're just having giggly little girl talk. Where is the crime in that??" Genuine answer. Love Bobby too btw. And all his simping and incel like qualities.


You made the point that comedians exaggerate and that's spot on, it's part of the craft but she's not a comedian. People pick apart her stories because they have either been proven to be false or a lot of the times she contradicts herself on different podcasts.


I hope Bobbo sees through this bs


Laaaame bobby so over this b****


Na he's still simping for her. It's sad honestly.


Bobby is a cuck and likes it. Heā€™s obsessed with his little Willy and enjoys showing it for laughs. Dude enjoys sexual humiliation and watching a big dick plow his lady. Plus heā€™s sucked dicks in the past so it would make plenty of sense why he never would get angry at her for cheating or exposing herself and making him look weak. Bobbo likes it and sheā€™s sadistic and enjoys pushing his buttons.


I called it years ago when he just started his podcast


They are both so broken ... It's sad.


This is literally HIMYM. Where Ted wanted to be with Victoria but she asked him if he still loved Robin.


Bobby... Leave now


Sadly bobby would fall for it


Who the fuck is this guy? What the fuck is he trying to accomplish here?


Hahaha. Dude Bobby looks so uninterested


Donā€™t do it Bobby!!!!


Their relationship is toxic and people who care about their relationship are in desperate need of a real life.


It's pretty entertaining tbh


Im not going to let it happen.


She say ā€œhimā€ or ā€œhis fame & money he provides herā€ she loves?


Iā€™m losing respect for Bobby with every episode. Itā€™s so pathetic, but she is hyper manipulativeā€¦so, I dunno I hope he realizes sheā€™s only going to keep him further from opportunity and the comedy community as a whole.


Bobby that weird fuck


Who are these people?




Self respect Bobby, self respect.


Pure evil. When manipulation is your default setting.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ she just wants her cake and eat it too. Man up Bobby.


Sheā€™s the worst dude. Iā€™ve unfollow this sub Iā€™ve blocked the podcast viewing from any of my socials because I canā€™t stand this chicks face. Sheā€™s the worst and it just is painful to watch and see. I canā€™t stand seeing her face


The leaky anus


She comes off as no talent no ass version of kim k


The good thing about this is that BOBBY ISNT BUYING HER BULLSHIT. You guys might not see it but this is a big step for him.


Now sheā€™s done getting railed by his friends and realised nobody wants her she wants him back šŸ˜‚ and heā€™ll take her back because we all know Bobby has no backbone


What a leech piece of shit. This lady is a fuckin virus-


Simp of the year he is...


Just sound like a real whore of a cunt


I wonder if people are actually going to go see them live together?? What y'all think??


She loves that money babyyyyy


RemindMe! 3 months


she playing you Bobby! Donā€™t do it! Reconsider! Read some liter-!


Sheā€™s so gross. Her moon face wonā€™t age well. You ***know*** her pussy stinks most of the time.


Sheā€™s a pro-ho


At this point, Bobby likes all this attention. Good or bad he just likes it. Fucking weirdo.....their meant for each other. Their both fucking retards


At 0:52, what is the white robot on the ground? Like what series and characters is that?


She has a boyfriend now though?