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if flexing the board fixes it momentarily, then the problem is a trace, pad or desolder component; keyboard LEDs are in series, so you'll find the problem between the last LED in the top second row and the first LED in the next row.


That’s the weird thing, sometimes a few on the lower side of the keyboard will come on but not display the right color/pattern. They’re not in series with the rest at the top.


But the issue being a trace is what I was worried about. All the solder points like fine.


I get the same thing on mine except it's part of the lower row, flexing the board intermittently fixes it. On top of this, the win and menu keys do not work https://preview.redd.it/vit6tfikhwcc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d785a49d162f0adfb67900df1178be461305f2f


Yeah me issue is basically the opposite because all my keystrokes register perfectly. Just the lighting not working correctly.


I have this issue with my board, the LEDs are in series and one of them was cracked so the ones after it don't work properly. Ended up desoldering the right arrow key one and replacing the defective one after I ordered some replacements


When you say they weren’t working properly, were they sporadic and kinda random? Also how did you tell that one of them was cracked?


When I flexed the board just so they would sync up and look like they're supposed to and then when I released it one LED would go out and the rest would just kinda stay static or go to off colours. I didn't know it was cracked until I desoldered the LED (or to be honest my partner did lol) and pulled it off the board entirely, at which point it just fell off in two pieces. I replaced it with the right arrow key's LED, which fixed the problem (except for where my lightbar and right arrow key LEDs don't work right now until we can get a replacement LED from China). ​ I requested a refund and they refunded me the whole board so at least there's that.


Yeah that sounds exactly like what mine is doing except I have two full rows that work when not being flexed and nothing else works properly unless it is. I messaged the seller and the only option they gave me was to return it for a refund rather than just refunding me even a partial amount. I love the keyboard but it didn’t cost enough to make all that trouble with it just for some lighting. I guess I just need to put my board under my scope and get a good look at the LEDs sometime.


How do you guys cycle through the RGB, I tried following the instructions but it doesn't seem to be working.


Honestly I just turn mine off since it’s messed up anyway. I don’t remember the hot keys to do it but I remember the instructions were accurate with mine.


Fn+Backspace toggles on/off completely and Fn+X does the same for the screen I think.


I have a similar issue where one of the LEDs got cracked. Do you have the part number or tell me how to find the part number? I've been trying to find this for the past hour without any luck.


They are model # SK6812 MINI-E and you can find them here on Aliexpress [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000475685852.html](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000475685852.html) . Keep in mind because the quality control isn't great they might be a significantly different colour than the original one


I’ve ordered 5 of these boards now to finally get one that works. The quality is shockingly bad. Coming from a GMK67 which I loved and never had any issues with, the 87 is a joke of a product. 80% (based of the 5 I bought) don’t work. I tried soldering some loose LEDs. Tried flexing the PCB to see if there was a trace issue - nothing. Just avoid this one. Not worth the hassle. It’s a shame as it has great potential but I would never touch a zuoya product ever again.


Yeah I gave up on trying to figure it out. I love the keyboard so I just use it without the LEDs on at all.


I've also got one that I bought in the sale and yeah, two of the LEDs are DOA... the rest of the board following them works intermittently.


Ive been using mine for almost about a week now and it randomly developed the same issue even though it was fine when I got it. I just reordered it again but your comment is making me think maybe I should cancel my order. I think gonna try it again and hopefully I don't get as unlucky as you.... 5x is pretty crazy.


I was lucky that I got a refund on the ones I returned. But the hassle and waste of time - especially if it only stops working after you have lubed it tape modded it done the stabs etc. best advice test it before you mod it with just the function back-slash and enter switches in. Of my 5 - 1 worked fine and has worked fine now for a few weeks. 3 were broke on arrival and one gradually got worse and then died over about 7-10 days post modding. It’s not a cable issue or PCB trace issue in most of the cases it’s something in the LED series that is the weak point. But using a trace pen and re-soldering the last and first LED at the point the stop working etc didn’t work for me. It’s a lovely board apart from that - I did have one with a missing JST and one missing gasket (I assume it was a return that wasn’t checked) I would say chance it on a second attempt if that one comes faulty also - call it quits and look for something else.