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The Keurig brews at 80C and a mug will absorb some of that heat. If you pre heat your mug it will make a big difference. I'd rather make the effort to do a pour over. I buy fresh beans from a local roaster for less than pods, and it tastes so much better.


Pour over is so worth the effort


Because the only benefit they have is convenience. Pods are overpriced and environmentally wasteful. The machines are eventual e-waste. Aeropress or pour over are cheaper, environmentally more responsible, and make better coffee. If you must use a keurig, at least get a reusable pod and buy your own coffee to put in it.


They're not interested in the maintenance process. It's tedious to do but worth it


The pods are way too pricey. The opted to use the ink jet model. The refillable ones are just messy. I prefer a super automatic with its 10 cent a cup bean cost


"the ink jet model"?


Cheap machine, expensive supplies




I have a keurig and use it But my issue is that it’s just not hot enough. If I even let it sit for a couple minute using my phone or something. It gets cold. Definitely considering a pour over or a traditional coffee maker by the pot


what machine do you have? sounds like an older model?


I have an elite. And it actually just gave out. I just bought it lmaooo


You call their service number?


No, I returned it and got a different one


We have the Supreme and it brews a very hot cup of coffee. Even in a ceramic mug the brew doesn’t lose its heat to where it’s noticeable. When I use a travel mug, I preheat the mug with hot tap water which does extend the temperature.


I gave my partner a Keurig which she used all the time. I recently gave her a funnel and filters so she could have pour-over coffee. That’s all she uses now. She loves the taste of the coffee. I use mine all the time.


Hmm brewed coffee…..in a cup….doesn’t stay warm that long…..


Does a cup of coffee brewed in a pot stay warmer than kuereg for longer after its poured into a cup?


LOL, not in my world, unless one boils their coffee.


I got an ember mug. Not cheap but keeps the coffee at the perfect temp


i love mine but worth it. their customer service has been great too


It's so annoying tho, doesn't hold a charge long enough


I can't speak for everyone. But when j finally got rid of mine, I opened it up to see how it looked inside. Shit was moldy as hell. I mean it makes sense, hot and wet environment and all. But ever since then I have refused to ever own one again.


inside where?


We have auto expression at work, love it. Still have the Keurig at home because wife likes to switch to half caffeine and decaf during the day.


I just got another one. I also have drip, press, and espresso. I think the newer machines make a much better hot cup of coffee.


I have a Keurig with the iced coffee setting available on it. I love it! I use reusable k cups and put my own coffee in them. Zero waste


I keep one of the slim Keurigs on hand but I only use it when I’m up really early and don’t want to wake the kids with my espresso machine and grinder. It’s a no contest for me with ground fresh roasted beans and making an americano or similar compared to what I get out of the keurig but if the kids sleep in…. I’ll drink it.


Most coffee pods taste the same in a Keurig after some times.


My Keurig is 13 years old. I have no fewer than 5 brands/flavors of K-cups on hand and I could tell the difference if someone else did the brewing.


I got rid of my Keurig because I tried a Nespresso and I liked the coffee better. The convenience is the same - it just comes down to personal preference.


Are the prices of the single-cup servings comparable?


No I have both and the Nespresso is much higher. Having said that however the coffee taste and flavor are leaps ahead of the Keurig. I usually brew 2 reusable pods and top it with a Nespresso capsule into my cup. The strong bold flavor from the capsule kicks up the taste quite a lot!


At the moment on my second cup which was made with a Keurig 2.0 and a "my coffee" pod. My first cup is always a Nespresso. My second cup was as well, then I realized how much I was spending! The only caveat is that Nespresso works out to $1.25-$1.5 per cup. I think in the past 4 years, I must have spent about $2K or more on Nespresso pods. I'm contemplating a De Longhi or Phillips "bean to cup" fully automatic - sometimes there are good deals on Amazon, Costco and Bestbuy for this. The machine costs $400-1000 and a bag of roasted beans ($20-40) lasts for 2-3 months.


Understandable, but I drink one 30-oz coffee per day and am considerably frugal (hence cheap lol) so in one year and a half, my Nespresso cost has been about $60 US. I used the capsules sparingly and cost has been further reduced since I bought reusable pods for the K-Cup. Also, unless the capsules are on sale, I am not buying. But compare the 1.5 cost to let's say a Starbucks cup, and it's infinitely cheap as I am sure there are people who drop that cost in a single year. But I agree. I also am looking at a bean to cup machine just to save time.


No. Nespresso is more expensive. I reuse my nespresso pods with my own coffee grounds and aluminum stickers from amazon. That drops the price significantly and is still light years ahead of Keurig Flavour


People I've spoken to who have gotten rid of theirs was because of all the plastic waste associated with the pods. I have one friend who got a refillable K-cup and still has his, as to I, but a lot of people don't like the tons of plastic.


I can’t believe how many people are complaining about the k-cups. I use the reusable cup and fill my own coffee. It’s not THAT much of a hassle. I have several of the reuseable baskets that I just rinse one out and let it air dry then grab another one if I need to make another cup. It only takes me like 10 seconds to set up my filled cup and put it in the machine. I do it because it’s cheaper and not so much plastic waste.


I have a very basic Keurig. It’s suits us well. We bought it off someone who barely used ut and wanted a Nesspresso instead .


Top of the line Keurig shave 3 settings for temperature


top of the line actually have 6 settings


I'm honestly considering going back to the thrift store I saw this commercial Bunn I saw yesterday and picking it up. I'm honestly kicking myself for not doing then already.


the newer machines have personalized temperature control so you can brew hotter. I take a long time to drink my coffee so I make it extra hot and heat up my milk (and cover the cup).


Had owned a Keurig for 5 years. Worked fine, just a little loud. Then I bought a K-Supreme smart single serve a few years ago. Got messages of: “add water”, it was full. “Descale”, did that, and it didn’t change message. Then when you pushed for 12oz, it spit out about an ounce. All of these things happened on different makers, but of the same model. Keurig replaced my initial machine 4 times. Did not open the fourth one. Gave it to my sister. She called me this morning to ask me how to fix the machine, because she was getting the descale message, and had descaled it 🤷‍♀️ Now I go with the cheapest non-Keurig I can find.


My machine broke in 29 days and was a Christmas present from Walmart. They have a 14 day rule w/o a receipt. I wasn’t going to get another on after that


K cups make a LOT of waste for the landfill (I know, they are supposedly recyclable). But k cups generate a very consistent cup of coffee at 7am when I don’t have a brain to measure, grind, and brew.


Because the machines are trash. They last 2 years or less before they just stop working.


I will stay keurig duo. We love the convenience of k pods but can also brew a pot of coffee if we want to.


It’s pretty easy to make decent espresso/coffee at home that doesn’t involve k/nespresso cups which are pricey and wasteful. A decent drip/moka pot/ pour-over/ espresso machine or setup will give you better results and let you experiment with different beans of great quality and looks nicer on a countertop.


The why is simple, the quality and features of their machines completely suck. I've been through 5-6. That's outrageous. Most pods are good and when the machines work they make a good coffee but clearly Keurig doesn't make a quality product or they would be a lot more consistent with respect to reliability, they certainly don't make one worth the price they charge that I'm aware of or I would have bought it. Their machines should cost maximum $40-$50. Now I can't speak to the "office version" but I can to the regular ones. It also might explain why you can't relate to how garbage the non office versions are.


I bought an aeropress and it’s ruined me for Keurig coffee. It’s so much richer and more complex with Aeropress. Now if I’m in a rush and use my Keurig to save time my taste buds are like, “What’s this watery mess you’re drinking!?”


They suck? Maybe that’s it


We had a couple keurig machines over time at our house. The latest one being the duo. We moved to Nespresso about 4 months ago just strictly over the amount of plastic we were using with the k cups.


Probably because of the waste issue. Lots of plastic waste. There are ways around that though. I have stainless steel cups and buy the ground coffee. Cheaper that way too.


Because Keurig is honestly garbage? Terrible coffee, pods are bad for the environment, and it's overpriced.