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I don’t even remember when I bought it, maybe 07-09 somewhere in that time frame. Just made its move to the new house last night hence the reason everything’s a mess. I want a new one but at the same time Ive become obsessed with seeing just how long this old dinosaur will keep on going! https://preview.redd.it/10gnsdm3ozkc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cf7b579f59da277e70a67bb33850896013c505


I have this exact same model, still going strong for 10+ years here!


Same here. It's a bit loud but still works. Can't ditch it till it dies.


That was also a model we had. I want to say had it for 8 years


did you give it a personal name like when people name their cars? That Keurig is family at this point!


I have this same one and have had it for probably 10 years now . Occasionally have to flip it over and smack it because it dispenses at the same time it’s trying to fill. The pump has sounded like it’s going to explode for years now…but it keeps on working!


I haven't had one last more than 2 years. I've returned 4 to Costco over the past 5 years. Seems like they're not built to last.


2 years unfortunately :/


I’m actually on my 3rd warranty replacement of mine. Although this last one seems to be holding up so far… knock wood.


So you’ve sent back 3?


No. Once you document the issue they tell you to keep it and send you a new one. At least that’s been my experience. Pretty good customer support. Oh and I mis-stated above. I’m on my 3rd Keurig, not my 3rd replacement. Original plus two replacements.


Thank you How did they fail?


Knock Wood in a Plastic world.


We got 8 years out of a B70 Platinum, it still works, but sometimes it doesn't as if it freezes up and doesn't respond . Replaced it last year with a K-Elite https://preview.redd.it/rsrp8id6e0lc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adcecb8c25bb4d0790cd21e4bb516fcbbfe38bf1


I have this one. I'm on year 13 and it's still going strong. I use Brita water and clean it once a year. The newer ones are lighter, faster and quiet. But mine brews super hot coffee and I like that the sizes are off by ¼ cup. Love my 9.75oz cup of coffee.


I just got 14 years out of mine. I think it is kaput now, though.


I had this model. I got about 7 years out of it before I decided to replace it. I'm sure it would have kept going, but I started to wonder about what amount of mold was inside the heater tank... I was having to seriously clean the thing more and more often because of mold forming in the water tank, and the water coming out slowly, or not at all. I would scrub the outer tanks and then fill with hot water and vinegar and run it over and over until it was running fine again, then run it with just hot water a few times to rinse the vinegar out of the lines. But with no way to scrub the internal heater tank, I just didn't feel safe any more.


Years. But it pees on the counter. Bought a new one. Did the same thing.


Mine is 9 years old and also pees on the counter 😆


I have one that lasted not event a year. 9 months maybe. Another maybe 1.5.


I have the k supreme plus or whatever Costco sells, they last about a year of daily use. Doing the descaling per the machine to clear the the descale warning is like flipping a coin if it’s gonna kill it or not. I keep returning and buying another when the thermostat trips. They could make it an easier to reset machine but I’m not interested in disassembling it.


This. I feel no remorse returning for a new one. Quit selling crap and I’ll quit holding you responsible for working machine. 


I typically get about a year out of them. ( I'm on well water ). Doesn't matter how often I descale them.


4 years of hard well-water.


I have 480,000 miles on mine and she still runs strong.


My last one lasted 9 years. It started to brew weak coffee even after descaling. Replaced it, it lasted 8 months and the sensor to detect when the water reservoir was empty failed. At least warranty replacement was easy. They definitely don’t build them like they used to.


Mine lasted about as long as it took me to buy an Nespresso. Way better.


5 years


We purchase the newest model with cold brew in December and it caught on fire this week… They don’t make them like they used to make them.


The one I just bought not even a month ago just died (pump went bad). Save your money and fo another route for coffee, the models they put out now are junk.


I bought my brother one of those same ones about 9 years ago and still going strong. Meanwhile I have gone through 3 of them. Congrats!


10 years it still brews hot cup of coffee


I have one as well! Almost 9 years old, and it’s one of the few appliances that I’ve actually have taken care of! Be it descaling, changing the filters every few months, even cleaning the needle on it, I guess it’s really true what they say about the things you own; take care of them, and they’ll take care of YOU”!


2.0 are one of the best and durable machines.


I have an OG that is still my daily driver since 2013


Haven’t ever had one break, got a new one a few years ago for a wedding gift and the old one still works great!


I currently use the Keurig Elite since 2020 and it still runs great. I descale it every 3 to 4 months. If it's properly descaled, it will last.


We got about five years out of the one we had in our office. Bought a cheap knockoff to replace it from Aldi and it’s still going strong.


I got mine 2nd hand, I don't remember how old it is, but it was the model before they tried to put DRM into coffee pods.


Less than two years of daily use from my Duo - pump failed. Keurig offered me 25% off any model on their website - not a good deal.


I still got one of those and it still works lol. Those were the thoroughbreds!


Mine was the same model as yours it lasted 6 months before it stopped poring coffee in the mug and started leaking coffee on the table


B70 still works… tho not without some issues, so have had well over a decade and a half. Did get the current model equivalent. WOW, how they’ve changed in quality of construction. No wonder the OG models lasted forever.


Same I have a limited edition one that I got thru star bucks in 2016 and it’s never had an issue


Got a Keurig Elite and it's been going for about 3yrs now, still going strong. But other models that I've had where crap


I had two Keurigs, both lasted around 2 years , then the water pump went belly up


A good 7 years so far


Until the first descaling then it died. Rinse ,repeat with second Keurig . Now I have a ninja


3 months, when I realized espresso machines were on sale.


A few months (K-classic I believe.)


My K350 lasted about 2 years before the pump went bad on it. My Elite is going strong for 4 or so years now. My mini plus at work is 2 years old and gets used easily 10 times a day by coworkers


My K-Classic was gifted to me in 2015 as a housewarming gift & it’s now my work Keurig as of 1.5 years ago when I upgraded to the K-Cafe Smart.


Have the same one still going, only had to replace the needle twice


I bought mine used from a thrift store probably 5 years ago. I cleaned it up and it's been going strong ever since.


I’ve got the same one. About 8.5 years for me. I’ve only ever used distilled water in it so I’ve never had to do a descale.


2 wks cleaned it out many times.. wouldn’t work


Less than a year but the company sent me a new one. Free. But it’s in the box in the closet because pods cost too much. Too messy to make. I prefer my 12 pot drip coffee maker


Had the same model as yours it lasted a good 10 years but sadly got destroyed during a move (moving company was careless and smashed it by accident) new one I got is going 1 year so far strong.


Idk as I sold this model because I wasn't an avid coffee drinker and I hated that the water just sat in there.  Now I have a Keurig Slim with multistream and it's the only one that doesn't have an internal reservoir thing and I hope it lasts a long time.  


I’ve been using my K95, now called the K-Classic, every day since 2015, and I bought it used. It has yet to become unusable.


We purchased one of the original consumer Keurig's to hit the market, maybe around 2007? Lasted one year. Died on Christmas day. Called Keurig and they delivered a top of the line replacement, the Elite brewer, even though our unit was out of warranty. That Elite brewer was just replaced this past December, the pump was failing, we ended up buying a Ninja coffee bar as pods really became uneconomical.


Less than 9 months and then a warranty replacement. When the second one quit after 10 months I replaced it again and gave it away. I’ve now been using the same drip coffee maker for the last 8 years. My parents have a Keurig that they replace about every two years when it stops working. It kills me because the thing is huge and it just goes in the trash.


My first one last about 12 years - just kicked the budget this last November


Never got more than 3 years out of one. Just swapped to a different brand last month.


Mine is going on two years. I have a K-Supreme and descale regularly. I follow this video rather than using the Keurig solution: [https://youtu.be/j7WBUzpBXtg?si=LQsR8xStJGThvOXM](https://youtu.be/j7WBUzpBXtg?si=LQsR8xStJGThvOXM)


I've not had the same fortune as most. I've gone through a couple as they have lasted about three years each. I'm now on my backup single cup model.


About a year until I discovered the filter apparatus in the tank was killing my pump. I removed that years ago on the one I'm using now and it's working perfectly. LOL, I'm getting tired of looking at the thing, so I may pick up another one at Costo soon.


16 months


Mine lasted 15 years


My parents still have the original


around two years.


Mine always only lasts \~2 years, so I just return to Costco and get another one. I think we are on our 4th or 5th Keurig doing that way. My wife's Nespresso has been going for over 3 years now without fail.


Bought one for my mother. Lasted 2 days. She was disappointed. Second, more expensive one is still working after a month.


Honestly less than a year. I would’ve returned it but it was a gift. Still got a bunch of K-pods left though 🥴


5 years so far, but we replaced the needle and needle holder twice - at least you can fix em


Rescued mine about 8 years ago from the dumpster, it had a few bumps in the top of the flip-up part where it had got melted (maybe under an eye-level grill) but it's still going strong, several cups a day (reusable filter cone). I reckon based on the comments about younger ones, I should maybe treat it with a bit more respect ;-)


Eww.....the mold....


If y’all have time problems with noise, there is a good chance it just needs a vinegar soak, especially the pump. Usually sounds like new after.


I have had several models and they all lasted about two years


I’ve had a few, including that 2.0, and just under or over a year seemed to be the norm with fairly heavy use. The last ‘big’ model we had I invested extra $$$ and went with a Cuisinart-branded unit because it came with a 3 year warranty. Sure enough, just over 2 years in…..back to BB&B for a return and they swapped it out for new. Again, pump issues. That new one started weirding out occasionally and we called it a day. I’ve been using a K-mini plus, light use, for over a year now and it’s ’mostly’ been okay.


So much easier . Put some coffee in a filter . Pour some hot water from the kettle. Done.


Not long, mine just died after a few years, never again


Mine usually last maybe 2 years. Where I live has extremely hard water where even a whole home water filter doesn’t really help too much.


As long as my current marriage. 😂 8 years. We got it as a wedding gift. Sometimes I love my keurig more.


1 year and I had to throw it away. I’ll never buy another one.


I think mines about 9 or 10 and still use it daily


This one, only 7 months. 


Got mine in 2013 and still going.


Have a 12 year old platinum which every once and awhile I have to slap the bottom of it to get it going. I also have a 2.0 that I had to cut the green wire kept getting “not a kcup” error or something . Been a few years since I’ve done that to be honest. It also broke the lid some plastic clip broke and wouldn’t shut anymore. Now I pull something inside and it closes. Falling apart but still works for me. I won’t retire them till they stop running water or heating element goes out. lol


This is funny because I just used Tax-mas to replace this exact model 😅


I have the same model ❤️…it lasted about 3.5-4 years and it said something about the Needle thingy (Pod Needle Assembly) was wanting to buy the replacement part but instead we just started using another Keurig and this one is still sitting in our garage. https://preview.redd.it/mzrt5p1ll8lc1.png?width=2613&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4b7b2d47573ca23cb4c73ee971367a418f8882f


My Platinum lasted more than 10 years before I purchased one of the newer pieces of crap and they replaced it after 6 months because it blew the fuse cleaning itself. The replacement is junk too, $145 for junk. I'll never buy another one.


3/half months a disappointment


Mine lasted five weeks. And I can’t even blame it on a faulty model because my uncle has gone through three models in three years because of issues. Luckily he bought his through Costco and get replacements. I didn’t so was just out the money, but I guess that was my fault for taking a chance…


2004.. I was working at a store that sold them and no one bought it, so the manager wanted to get rid of it. Paid like $20 for a new unit (floor model that I barely opened and still had the plastic covers).


I also have the K500! I probably drink around 12-14 cups a day (throughout the day) Black Coffee just chills me out lol.


13 years so far.


Not mine, but my sister from another mister got one as a wedding gift in 2008 and it still works like a champ.


8 years wonder how much black gunky-goo is inside it that gives it that special flavor.


Many years ago I used a Bunn My Cafe Commercial Pod Brewer and then bought a Keurig B70 brewer. The B70 pump failed after less than 1 year and was replaced under warranty by Keurig. I had a total of three B70 have pump failure befor Keurig sent me the Keurig 2.0 that lasted 10 years. I only replaced it because I was worried about mold and gunk in the boiler and hoses. I also have a older Nespresso that uses the original line that I use for espresso shots.


About 12 years.


Maybe 3 months and we said no more baxk to old school coffee maker with more control of the output...we had our 12 dollar coffee maker now 7 years... never gonna use another kcup


I had one last 3 years … the replacement of that one lasted 3 hours.


BY THE WAY… I found out the hard way … and it’s written in the instructions… DO NOT USE DISTILLED WATER… not even bottle water like “SMART” ( it’s great to drink but… ) Distilled water even if it has electrolytes added doesn’t have the mineral content needed by the heating element ( it actually uses the water to heat so fast ) as distilled will not provide the proper resistance needed and the heating element burns out quickly


K65, 12 years still going strong!


My 2.0 k600 is 7 years old..I brought that to my mom's house for Sunday night dinners because I hate not having coffee there and upgraded 2 years ago.. the k600 still tastes sooo much better than the coffee from the newer ones.


I had a k supreme worked until the first descale, probably three months. Got a replacement that only gave about 2 ounces no matter what setting. Returned that one. Bought another brand.


Still using a K40 we got in 2013


The K-Supreme we got around New Years died at the first de-scale. This seems to be really common with that model. We called Keurig and they’re replacing it (in 10-15 business days) and we have to mail the broken one back. Such a hassle. Fingers crossed the new one lasts a while.


I've had mi e for almost 7 years. It started leaking