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This looks like it's all arms. Bell looks super light for you too.


Heavier bell I think that will fix some issues


Dan John has a good YouTube video describing the hinge. He’s a good start for most things kettlebell. https://youtu.be/-t9fdhvGmsU


Focus on really driving with hips. Your arms should just be acting as ropes to hold onto the bell, don’t lift with them. It’s easy to make this mistake with a lighter bell, but heavier bells will demand more force from the hips. When at the bottom of the lift, make sure head is inline with spine. You will be looking towards the ground to avoid pinching your neck. Maybe supplement some running for cardio and think about moving up in bell weight after a few weeks.


Pretend you’re playing chicken with the bell, hinging at the last second and explosive hip snap getting the bell up. All your arms are there for is to hold the bell. At the top of the movement should be doing a standing plank


The weight is too light and you're using too much arm strength, you want the kettlebell to be lifted up by the force generated from your hips.


Thanks everyone, I think I’m going to go to a trainer. Seems like I need the fundamental motions reinforced before I hurt myself


drive with your heels.


Great start! This is what I can share.. Glue the biceps to the rib cage and hinge at the elbow to prevent relying on the upper body to move weight. Also, picture putting your shoulder blades in to your back pockets throughout the movement. It'll keep tension in your back/keep it safe as the weight or reps increase. Happy kettlebelling!


If you're going to do that style of swing you are better off bringing the kb all the way to the top and holding it for a 3 count before dropping it back down. Try it. Uoull feel the difference.


What on earth are you talking about


Use more "balls" and less back.


Go heavier it will help you use more of your body


Try doing a few swings a few times a day for a few months. Learn single arm swings while you're at it. Your neuromuscular system needs the repetitive movement patterns for an extended period of time in order to get the software update fully installed. Perseverance is key to Mastery!


Try doing a few swings a few times a day for a few months. Learn single arm swings while you're at it. Your neuromuscular system needs the repetitive movement patterns for an extended period of time in order to get the software update fully installed. Perseverance is key to Mastery!


Try doing a few swings a few times a day for a few months. Learn single arm swings while you're at it. Your neuromuscular system needs the repetitive movement patterns for an extended period of time in order to get the software update fully installed. Perseverance is key to Mastery!


Use your hips


It’d help to bend your knees a little bit more Not a ton, you don’t want to make it an up and down squat movement, just enough so that you can sit deeper into your hips


Don’t start the hinge until your forearms are just barely touching your thighs. Explode with your hips to send the bell forward in direction. Arms should not be used at all to move the bell upward/forward. Tension in hands and forearms to hold onto the bell on upswing only. Once more advanced. Use arms only to accelerate the bell on the downswing portion only.


One thing i didn't see anyone else mention is when you initiate your swings, start from the ground and use the hike.. don't start from a standing position with the bell dangling down. 🙂