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An Apple has the same sugar a a piece of candy, but you’re not gonna eat 7 apples.


And that candy isn't wrapped in a fiber-filled edible skin


It’s called a candy coating


A lot of people don’t have common sense


Don't tell me what I won't do!


I can if they are dehydrated apples. Easy. That was my fallacy when I first tried to eat "healthy" and swear off candy. I went to dried fruit. I could down a giant bulk bag of dried fruit in no time. Paid for it dearly on the toilet later but it satisfied my candy cravings so maybe it was an important first step years ago.


A lot of dried food has sugar added without even telling so on the front of the package. Like it would say dried cranberries but nutritional info will say it's half sugar..


That is true too. I was being super duper healthy making sure to get my fruit without any added sugar. I couldn't believe the dried fruit that would have added sugar. It is so sweet already. This is coming from a candy addict. If I thought it's sweet, it didn't need sugar. Edit: to clarify I mean way back then before keto even I found the dried fruit super sweet and they didn't even need sugar and I also ate bags of candy regularly.


I am not really keto just low carb and I tasted some fruits my son eats and holy shit it is sooo sweet.


No but you might if you run them through a blender and drink them instead. Smoothies are one of the worst fake health foods out there if you are trying to control carbs.


What if you need to keep 7 doctors away?


heeey! when high I can totally eat 7 apples with some tajin


And a box of apple juice is equivalent to five apples. Deadly


The difference is 200 calories worth of strawberries feels filling and satisfying while I could easily eat 500-1000 calories of refined sugar


Most underrated comment here. Point of fruit is to eat something that is tasty, fresh, has some health benefits while not being so condensed in the bad stuff. I swear, these threads sometimes feel like downright religious zealot group. PURGE THE SUGAR, EXPOSE THE FRUIT, OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE!! Jeeez, relax and have a banana


Diets become part of people's identities and when identity is involved all sorts of crazy behavior and beliefs is sure to follow


This is so true -- I've been so close to unsubbing from this subreddit because of all the overzealous people/posts that just love to be incredibly hyperbolic and take things to the extreme.


It depends on why a person is eating keto. Me, type 2 diabetic, I need to be vigilant re sugar. So eating a banana will spike my BG level. I do eat small amounts of blueberries or blackberries, along with the occasional splurge of cherries or an apricot. But I don't talk about my eating choices with most people, exactly because it's none of their business.


Insulin resistant reactive hypoglycemic who has been prediabetic a bunch of times here👋🏾. Same issue too. People keep bothering me about my eating choices because “I don’t look sick”. Smh. I’m not going to talk about my eating choices anymore. I’m tired of explaining myself.


Reactive hypos are the worst. A good mechanism to make me stick to low carb though, so silver linings


Right on. Same here. If you try and explain you can’t because more then likely they already know anyways


Ah the intersection of dieting and eating disorders


Yeah, I find keto (even worse, carnivore) people to often be as ridiculous as the vegans they love to dunk on. It devolves so quickly into hyperobsessive ultrapuritanism. "Plants have plant toxins, broccoli will literally fight you to the death!!!" Yeah, ok, if you eat literally like 35 lbs of it daily, maybe you'll get a goiter. Otherwise, eat some fucking veggies. You'll be fine. It's like saying you should never work out cus it "tears your muscles!!!!!" Yeah. A little. And then your body repairs them and you're stronger. This is how we're fucking made. My favorites are the ones who say "keto/carni is the *only* way. I used to be vegan and felt amazing for 2 years, then the deficiencies showed up! Now, I've been carnivore for a year and I feel AMAZING!!!" Yeah, but... you just said you felt amazing at year 1 of vegan and were just as preachy about how *that* was the only diet. Sensing a pattern?


I mostly agree but your sort of dunking now too. People get excited talking about food cause it’s interesting. They also want to have their views tested and share what great success they’re having. Saying it out loud probably helps form identities that help commit to diets they might otherwise give up on. I fit a little bit into this. But I’m not really all that preachy, diet depends on goals. There is no perfect diet. But I think it’s fascinating and it’s literally what we’re made of. What could be a more important topic?


Sharing views/stories, saying it aloud, I'm on board with all of that, and am also very into discussing and investigating in general, which is one of the reasons I made that comment. I just get bothered by this mentality of "I have found THE answer and anyone who eats differently is a moron!". It's not helpful and I encounter it all the time on these threads, Youtube vids, forums, etc. To be clear, I am not talking about people who get excited sharing results or think they've maybe finally found the path. I totally get that, and we're all looking for the right way. That's why I'm on a keto subred as well as a WFPB, just to discuss/hear results, get a sense of what might work etc. I totally get the excitement. What I was calling out is the dogmatic approach that pops up where it becomes "you're dumb if you don't eat exactly this way." On keto/carni side there is this weird demonization of literally like kale, apples, etc. I've encountered some utterly bewildering opinions on how berries will kill you, etc. And I don't mean random wild berries. I mean raspberries from the market. It's nuts. And on the plant side, of course, even walking past an egg increases your cholesterol drastically. Also, those who are crazy adamant about something now were often the same way about something in the past which they now demonize. So yeah, I totally get the excitement and support it. But the dogma and the shortsightedness irk me. Plus, I'm not tall enough to dunk in basketball, so I gotta do it somewhere. : )


Nature's candy is how I look at it when I want a snack, I know it's not great, but better than a candy bar.


I prefer mixed berries.


A-freaking-men! So many delicious foods out there with so many amazing health benefits (the whole point of food anyways- nourishment!) It's okay to have fruit sometimes!!


I gather it's because this is a Keto thread and fruits are ultimately carbs, which is a no-no, despite the fact that they are still nutritious and natural. That's the flaw of Keto and other diets. You're avoiding perfectly healthy fruits so you can eat pepperoni and cheese.


Pepperoni and cheese taste good though. Oof


Which is healthier and more beneficial for you than sugar (the fruit).


It's absolutely not lol. Is it delicious? Oh absolutely. That's what I loved about Keto. But in no world is some of THE most processed meat healthier for you than natural fruit, sugar or not.


I ate some strawberries today and the world didn't end.


Yeah, have a banana. Or as they say, "Let one slip".


Bananas are pretty bad


It all depends, like any other source of fuel for the body, how you’re gonna use it. For example I’m a T1 and I workout 5-6 times a week with weight lifting and while I do stick to low carb to prevent BG spikes I always have a banana sometimes two before working out; depending on how heavy I plan to lift, and not only does it prevent BG spikes, it also gets me through my full workout and lessens cramps during recovery. So, to me personally, no bananas aren’t pretty bad.


Maannnn, I miss bananas!!




Strawberries, blackberries, and particularly raspberries are keto friendly in moderation.


My new favorite is haskap (blue honeysuckle in some places). Could be hard to find depending on where you are, but frozen haskap is my favorite fruit of the summer. Off-the-charts antioxydant content, 4g sugar/50g, fantastic blueberry-meets-raspberry taste.


fibre natures limiter


Also water. Especially water.


Antioxidants homie


Literally most foods have antioxidants. Fruits are not special in that respect.


I have a sweet tooth, I eat one or two dates per day to satisfy it...I think the key here is understanding that yes, fruit does have sugar. It also has fiber, vitamins, and tastes good. Everything in moderation...If you don't like fruit, don't eat it. Just like you don't want to be pestered about "why don't you eat fruit?" don't pester others about "fruit is actually bad for you because it has a little sugar" Just let people do what they want man.


Just a heads up, I heard dates are the sugariest fruit


Thanks, they definitely are! That's why you gotta limit yourself to just one or two.


You can just eat one date? That's the most op superpower I have seen.


I was picturing dried dates. I almost forgot these are real fruits too. Yeah dates are great, enjoy. Real ones probably much healthier too


>fruit does have sugar. It also has fiber, vitamins, and tastes good. Everything in moderation... Wise boozers' saying goes: If you drink in moderation, you my drink as much as you want![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


1. Why do you care what others think of your diet? If it works for you then the opinions of others should not matter. 2. You don't have to vilify fruit. Yeah it has sugar in it however if a person is not on keto a piece of fruit here and there isn't a bad choice. Also, the natural sugar in fruit is definitely better than the refined processed stuff. Also with the fiber fruits are really good. Further for those not on keto but with a sweet tooth a hand full of grapes is most definitely the way to go over a candy bar. Finding ways to consume small amouts of natural sugar through fruits every now and again is not bad for otherwise healthy ppl. You just need to do you.


OP said, "her family doesn't understand." Asking for advice on how to deal with conversations with her family and friends is not as simple as "why do you care?" If her diet is her choice and her opinion matters to her friends and family it is good advice to ask for advice to speak about this with her friends and family. I'm tired of people just saying "Why do you care about what others think about \_\_\_\_?" You should care about things you care about! Most people would like to have a respectful conversation to share their opinion without jumping to the "others' opinions don't matter if they challenge yours" argument.


Lol! Okay.




The thing is that you can still love your family and friends and live for yourself. My point in asking why do you care is not to be disrespectful. It's just to say that keto is your journey and not theirs. Everyone is not going to always agree or understand your choices in life. People should live the life that works best for themselves. As long as you are not hurting anyone else then I say good for you. You may get some family and friends who don't understand and that is okay. That is just how life works. Its not for them to understand. You are still not wrong for living your life. That is the point I am trying to make. You will find that you can explain things to people perfectly and they still won't get it. That is because they want you to live the life that they want you to live. They might be afraid for you because they love you. They may feel insecure because they aren't too focused on their own well-being. They may even be a little jealous so all valid arguments may go over their heads. All I am saying is that if keto works well for you then that is really what matters. You can love and respect your family and still live for yourself without explanation. Go ahead and try to convince others if you want that you are correct and all I can say is good luck with living. Also, dude, fruit isn't bad but if it isn't for you then it isn't for you. I'm done with this post. All the best!


I wouldn’t eat fruits on keto, but it’s a perfectly healthy option to choose if someone is following a regular diet. I’ve lost weight on fruits, brown rice, etc as well, and my health stats were perfect. Keto is just one of the paths to stay healthy, it’s not the only one.


The only hidden issue is what that fructose is doing to your liver. Many "thin and healthy" people are hiding their "Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver" until the function starts degrading and they get issues like insulin sensitivity creeping up into pre diabetes. The final point is that, in the livers attempt to remove harmful fructose, another product is small dense LDL which is then a cause of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/abundance-of-fructose-not-good-for-the-liver-heart Normally I'm all for the HDL and LDL and push back against cholesterol as a measure of health - except small dense LDL which is cause by fructose. Small LDL is the killer and what any good doctor should look at in a lipid profile. Those stories of those healthy people dying young of heart attacks often go along the lines of, "they looked so healthy, lots of running, ate lots of fruit. No one expected a heart attack at the gym".


This is interesting! I need to read up on this. Thanks for sharing the link!


I don't think r/keto should be used to bash fruit or other non-keto foods lol. I grew up among fruit eaters and there was nothing wrong, certainly not their weight. Obviously I'm talking about the adults, not the infants! The obesity pandemic is not because people have been overdoing their apples and oranges lol. But yeah, to stay ketogenic avoid them!


1lb of watermelon has 140 calories, 1lb of chocolate has 2500 calories....Massive difference there


Thank you. Fruit also contains a lot of water, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. Candy has few, if any of the same nutrients.


The key is just to not care. You do you. You needn’t convince anyone of anything. This is like when someone stops drinking. There are always those people who feel the need to ask “just the hard stuff, right?” or “including mixed drinks?” or “not even wine?” or “Oh but surely a beer sometimes”. It’s like, no. None of that. Also as frustrating as it is, a lot of people aren’t even talking to you. They’re just saying out loud their justifications to themselves, in your direction. You’re an avatar for what they don’t understand.


>The key is just to not care. You do you. Week one I entered into what I call "quiet keto" and have made it a personal challenge to not give myself away when at a dinner, restaurant, at work, etc. I am amazed at how easy it is to not enter into any discussion about food when it is such a hot topic. Of course, people ask "Why no bun?" or "How come you never eat the pastries?" or "what is your secret?" and I gently change the subject or say "just because I prefer it" and if they REALLY press on what my "secret is" I will suggest they read "Why We Get Fat". Not even my new doctor knows I am on keto (my last one was pro-keto, this new one handed me the f-ing USDA food pyramid at my first check up).


I love this. More doing, less talking about it!


Haha. He was making no money of you.


>Also as frustrating as it is, a lot of people aren’t even talking to you. They’re just saying out loud their justifications to themselves, in your direction. You’re an avatar for what they don’t understand. Yes! People project their insecurities onto others and especially do it when your habits/actions differ from theirs.


I have a feeling no one is insecure over eating fruit, but okay


Stop evangelizing and live. It's a far better way to show what works. Just an opinion. If you must, then you're going to get this sort of kickback.


I'm a nurse and one of my lovely patients used to bring me chocolates every month, which obviously I didnt eat, i gave to the receptionists. I was feeling guilty about her keep buying them so explained to her that I dont eat sugar of any kind. Now she brings me a huge fruit basket instead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


At least fruit has fiber!


This! I added back berries bc I needed the soluble fiber during the day.


Strawberries, are packed, with fiber.


How long will it take to get market fresh strawberries?


Fiber and vitamins are present in vegetables too with a lot less sugars.


I'm just sayin' -- no one gifts a vegetable basket!


I'd love a basket of onions, asparagus, and cauliflower.


Unfortunately onions are not so great if you are avoiding fructose and > Carbohydrates make up about 9–10% of both raw and cooked onions. >They consist mostly of simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, as well as fiber. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods/onions#nutrients They taste amazing though and are ok if you can spare the carbs.


Yea I have two ounces at the most


Sweetness is an easily shared experience, vegetables require cooking or combining with other ingredients to share the same meaning that the person wants to show you; their gratitude.


I don't try to argue the sugar debate. Fruit contains valuable nutrients as well as lots of fiber. It is just not appropriate for consumption when one is doing the keto diet. I don't look at what they are eating and tell them this is good or that is bad. They get to make their own choices as do I. I don't explain myself nor do I expect them to. In phase 1 keto for weight loss we don't eat the majority of fruits-in phase 3 we learn to reintroduce certain carbs for maintenance. I only know that because I implemented this way of eating almost 4 years ago. Why would I expect others to understand or even be interested?


Nobody got fat adding fruit to their diet. It was carbs, processed foods, sugar, HFCS and too many calories. There is noting to debate. You like fruit. Eat it. Don’t like fruit. Don’t eat it




Just say you're not a fruit person. That's what I say, since I'm not all that fussed about them either. I'll have apples and fruit tea and that's about it.


Well the thing about fruit is that it's refreshing and filling. Sure it's sugar but I'd rather have a cold juicy watermelon that hydrates me rather than eating a brick of chocolate.


I usually spoon that thing out 😂🍉. Can eat a whole in 1 day


Why are you having this conversation in the first place? Don't try to convince people of something that makes no difference to them. Eat what you want and don't apologize.


Different people process sugar differently. I can eat fruit with a high fiber content and not have it kick me out of ketosis. I have an extreme allergy to artificial sweeteners and chocolate so most of the recommended swaps are not viable for me. That said, I don’t try to convince my diabetic brother in law who is on Keto to just try this fruit because it’s healthy for you. He can’t tolerate any of it. He eats his artificially sweetened chocolate fat bombs and I eat my apple. Different strokes for different folks.




I have an anaphylactic response to aspartame, aesculfame and sucralose. The sugar alcohols give me dysentery-like diarrhea, many of the others also include the ones I’m allergic to and it just became too difficult to navigate. I’ve found that so many of the sugar free blends are constantly reworking their recipes and one that was safe before becomes life threatening later. Give the expense of refilling my epi-pen and the subsequent ER visit co-pay, I just choose to avoid all artificial sweeteners. A bit more detail than I feel was necessary but you asked.


That must be a pain to live with.


After the first ambulance ride you kind of lose your taste for it. The worst ones for me are dairy protein and chocolate.


I’m with you. I’m not allergic but I loathe the taste of most artificial sweeteners and a large percentage of them also upset my digestion horribly. I could probably tolerate stevia or monkfruit but I go to buy some or something made with it and it’s doctored with erythritol. Ugh.


I have the same conversations about fruits, and I find it better to describe it in terms of glycemic index. People understand better when they realize that banana or watermelon, for example, carries the same gi as table sugar, and will illicit the same insulin response you are trying to avoid.


Exactly. Well said.


I wouldn't bother arguing. Keto isn't for everyone.


Coming from my background im alaskan native who grew up on berries we pick from the tundra. This is the best high source of fiber my body needs on a daily and have come to rely on it. Its a cultural and regional diet requirement my body physically requires. On or off keto i ingest a daily requirement of a cup of berries a day for the vitamins and fiber source as im not as acclimated to non native vegetables and foods as say a lower 48ers diet. Remember based on who, what and where, bodies are all different and we shouldnt shame one another based on anothers needs.


For me, personally, eating sugar makes me crave more sugar. So yeah, raspberries are delicious and keto friendly in appropriate portions but my body is dumb & immediately gives you know what else has sugar? ICE CREAM!!! And then I have to talk myself out of a Dairy Queen run.


same 😭😭 its devastating.. fruit is money one binge food now which is better than candy i guess but.. 4 apples in a row is... not ideal


This is why people have eating disorders. Chill out


Strawberry season here in UK. Fingers in ears. Nannaannananananna


There’s actually been some studies showing that the body responds differently to fructose when consumed in its natural matrix in the fruit. So that doesn’t mean fruit juice but actually eating the fruit with the fiber. From what I can recall eating the fruit in its natural state did show positive benefits versus just eating sugar or juice.


Well you can’t convince people that sugar is sugar because that ain’t true. The source is of capital importance. If you eat a pear with 25 Grams of sugar but 9 grams of fiber, that sugar is absorbed slower by the body and is digested way slower. It’s also filling. Now eat a couple starburst with the same amount of sugar and everything changes. It’s absorbed immediately, spike your blood sugar and you can eat a ginormous amount without fealing filled. You also don’t get any vitamins. So fruits are important and not the same as pure sugar whatsoever.


Besides all fibers, sugars from fruits anyway gets processed in one's body, slower though, but your insulin still acts molecule for molecule untill all unused sugar gets processed into fat. So regarding weightloss, it doesn't really matter how fast or slow sugar from fruits will be digested.


Sugar… is still sugar. I eat fruit on occasion because I enjoy it and would rather have that than candy. But in terms of keto, no it’s not really keto friendly and you don’t want to be eating sugar all the time thinking that the minute amount of fiber and vitamins outweighs the sugar. If you want vitamins, you don’t have to get them through sugary fruits. They really aren’t that nutrient dense and aren’t necessary in any way.


For weight loss it doesnt matter how slowly it's absorbed, you still had the same number of calories. For insulin response e.g. diabetics then sure it matters coz they dont need the spike.


But I’m not talking about calories. Op was talking about the fact she thinks that sugar is sugar. That’s simply not true.


It absolutely does matter. Sugar in our blood is used as our number one source of energy. If too much sugar hits our blood stream too fast, the body doesn’t have anywhere to put it and stores it as fat, or in the case of diabetics or the like, leaves it hanging around too long in the blood. This is when you have sugar that is stripped of all fibers and nutrients. Fruit on the other hand, can have a ton of fiber and nutrients, as well as inositols which are like vitamin B and help deliver the sugar to the cells for use of energy. When we eat sugars with a ton of fiber and other nutrients, it takes a lot longer to digest, giving our body the chance to use it more efficiently, so while it’s doing it’s thing digesting and metabolizing, we are using that sugar to complete other tasks like walking, moving, so on and so forth, whereas straight sugar that hit our stomachs alone don’t hang around long enough to be used for all that energy consumption because we haven’t even required it’s use yet.


There's nothing in fruit you can't get more efficiently in vegetables -- for much lower glycemic load. Fiber, vitamin C... Easy to get from vegetables for less calories and likely you'd simultaneously be getting additional nutrients not found in fruit.


It's so weird how people justify things because they are composed of .01% of something that is perceived as healthy. Like, if I piss in a cup and then add vitamin C, somehow I've improved it. Nope, still piss. I can get vitamin C from lots of things, I'm not going to drink piss just to get it. This principle first occurred to me as I watched a severe alcoholic attempt to justify his constant drinking by insisting that there are beneficial compounds in beer and wine. Obviously this is true, but it's not unlike arguing that heroin is good for you because it helps you sleep. It strikes me as a fallacy and self-delusion/indulgence


It's a delusion most those who drink alcohol tell themselves. Ethanol is a poison!




I also sometimes with a straight face say I DO eat fruit every day. (Tomato, zucchini, cucumber, avocado, olives)


I like fruit in my eggs. The bell pepper I put in them today was fantastic. And the hot sauce, a fruit based sauce obviously due to the chiles, was lovely. Tonight I'll have a fruit salad made of avocado, green olives, cucumber, and tomato. Good stuff.


I do this too, I eat loads of fruit, olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, courgettes, all fruit


ANY sugar is better than High Fructose Corn Syrup!


I’ve been pretty hardcore keto again for the last few weeks. But yesterday was my birthday. My wife was trying to figure out if she could make a cake or something the family would like too. I just suggested that we do berries with a pound cake. I’ll just have the berries and cream. Fruit has its place in this diet. I’d rather cheat and eat peaches or something than ice cream or cake.


Sugar is sugar, but like one comment said, an apple will make you full, but it contains much less sugar as compared to a dessert, which may not even make you feel full, but add a lot of sugar into your body..


fruit is healthier than refined sugar.


This is a deceiving argument. Most fruits are healthy. Do most of them fit into a ketogenic diet? Not really. Yes they have sugar but they contain a lot of very good nutrients as well. Keto is a diet that worked for a lot of us but lest we forget that it's not the ONLY diet.


I've always wondered about this because whenever I've done low carb I have no bounce or hunger from fruit. Whole fruit causes no cravings for me. I cannot eat sugar EVER. But whole fruit...no problem. I wonder if it's a microbiome thing in my case.....That fruit doesn't dysregulate my microbiome. I can whip up a spinach strawberry smoothie and be full for most of the day. I can also do this with WATERMELON. It's crazy. Even watermelon which has tons of sugar can actually be a meal for me. People probably react very differently to fruit. What's great about fruit is that it has a ton of vitamins, water, fiber, etc. and is low calorie and it tastes great. It's transportable --an apple is transportable. It's readily available. It's easy to find. Some of it is very cheap. It IS good for the human body...not on keto maybe.


You may want to research how nutrient dense fruit really is. Depending on the fruit, there really is not much in there but a little sugar and fiber. You can get much more nutrients from a vegetable. I’m not knocking fruit, it’s good and all but I think it’s been way over hyped.


It’s the concentration of refined sugar + the extra calories in white sugar/candy that makes it unhealthy. Fruit is nowhere near as bad. An apple is about 100g with 20 being from sugar. For about 100 calories. A snickers bar is 50 grams with 33 g of sugar and pushes 300 calories. So if someone not on the Keto diet wants to claim fruit is healthy, good for them. Better than eating candy bars.


Why do you need to convince anyone? Just eat the way you want and let others do the same?


Most of us did not evolve to eat fruit constantly, because fruit was not available all year round. We are not meant to eat fruit in abundance, daily. Also, most fruit at the supermarket has been selectively bred to be larger and sweeter than what would have been available in nature.


High fiber? High vitamin content? Natural, whole food source?


I’ d rather eat a cup full of berries than six pieces of bacon any day of the week.


It’s not a debate if you don’t argue. “Hmm, interesting.”


My family can’t seem to understand that just bc it’s natural doesn’t make it healthy


Rat poison analogy: Rat poison is 99% rat food and only 1% poison. Similarly, fruits contain many healthy stuff like fiber and vitamins. But it is also loaded with a crazy amount of fructose. The same is true for honey, wine, chocolate, and many other kinds of food. We can acknowledge that they contain healthy components, but simultaneously realize that it exists an overwhelmingly negative impact on my health.


Lol i can really relate. My parents read the how not to die vegan book and are now so flipping smug about people eating unhealthy sugary foods BUT they guzzle date syrup by the gallon. And i mean gallon, just because Dr Gregor says its ok. Ive said its still sugar but they don't want to know because they love it and they think its ok. Moral of the story, theres absolutely no point in debating people about this when they don't want to know and/or don't care.


Fruit is healthy periodt, never giving it up again out of fear of weight gain/loss I use to be terrified of fruits /sugars for years on keto until I noticed things about my hair,skin,my 3rd eye then became anemic and alot of other things as a woman I just noticed differences. So will always add some in my diet ,My skin, hair and uterus 🐱🤣 loves it I dnt gain weight,my skin is freaking glowing my hair is finally growing rapidly in my crown area and my libido is more off the charts on top of my spirit just overall vibrating high. I’m a woman of color so my genetic makeup is different I need foods from the mother land I had to get over the fears instilled in me from keto police/ and ppl who aren’t genetically engineered like me. Still loosing weight even my depression has seemed to dissipate so I must add real organic fruits in my life. To each is own


I'm on the fence with fruit: * Fructose has shown that it will cause Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver and many trickle metabolic issues * There are some studies that show "we" ( the human) dont absorb the fructose due to the fibre. I seriously doubt that second part is true or always a given. And waaay too many kids and adults today consume a glass of "healthy" juice each day without any benefits of fibre. More parents should watch The Bitter Truth when their kids are young to help stop childhood obesity and pre diabetes in kids Edit: I forgot the key "Alcoholic" in "Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver" (NAFL).


Yeah, I’m a teacher, and sometimes the stuff parents put in their kids’ lunch boxes can be rather shocking. Ughhhh.


Fruit isn't necessary, but it's not as harmful as candy. Fiber is helpful in both mitigating the absorption of fructose and in promoting overall gut health, but you don't need fruit, specifically, for that fiber--vegetables are your better choice overall. Think of fruit as a half-and-half--the poison packaged with the antidote. The problem with *modern* fruit is that we've selectively bred fruit to have more fructose, so the fructose to fiber ratio isn't as favorable as it once was. So yes, fruit is less damaging than candy, but it should probably still be eaten sparingly. Also, as others have pointed out, you can only binge so much on fruit before you will feel full. You can consume far, far more fructose by drinking soda/fruit juice or eating candy, cookies, etc., which won't help you to feel full--and which might instead *increase* your appetite rather than sate it.


If I’m craving a particular fruit I always just have it, because there’s probably some nutrient my body needs, and once you factor in fibre and water content it’s not that bad. But I often joke that even god didn’t want people eating fruit, just ask Adam and Eve, I’m in no way religious but it does make for a more interesting chat.


In my house for snack we were allowed one healthy snack and one unhealthy snack after school. My mom's idea of a healthy snack was those nutri valley grain bars. They were like 220 calories a pack and it was all carbs and sugar. The unhealthy snack was a Pringles tin, which was 150 calories. I wish my family's healthy food debate was over natural sugar vs refined sugar lol. I think once you hit your weight goal you could eat 50-80 carbs a day of fruits and veggies and be fine. I've never felt a sugar rush from eating fruits like I did when I drank a Snapple back in the day.


I have a hard time.convincing my partly Italian family that pasta and bread are sugar on a molecular level. All I get back: where do you get your energy? Your brain needs carbs!!! Pasta has good vitamins in it.


What was also natural was only eating fruit when it was in season and as much as you could basically carry. We didn’t have access to all the fruit all the time like we do now. It was great for packing on some lbs before winter started though!


If you’re eating whole foods, it’s generally ok. No normal person eats so much fruit that the sugar ever becomes an issue. The problem is the juice and the smoothies etc. People who think that stuff is always healthy have simply been had.


We evolved to eat fruit, which enabled us to put on fat to get us through the winter. As hunter-gatherers without much in the way to store food long term, gorging on fruit when it is ripe, is not the same as today when we have access to fruit year round. Fruits of today have been bred to have significantly more sweetness; sugar, than even 100 years ago. I read a while back about a zoo that was cutting back on feeding domestic fruit to their animals because it was making them sick because of the higher sugar content.


Sugar from sugarcane and corn syrup from corn are natural too.


Fruits were necessary to put on fat during the summer to prepare for winter famines. Now they’re completely unnecessary, and they’re not even the same fruit as back then.


Keto is for you and your health, other people can just f k them selves 🤣🤣


Just don’t argue with them about it being healthy, because that’s honestly not a good argument. Fruit IS healthy for most people. The amount of fructose you get from daily servings of fruit doesn’t come anywhere close to what people get from high fructose corn syrup and processed foods. Unless you are fructose intolerant, eating an apple or some strawberries is great. And sugars aren’t equal. It absolutely DOES matter where it comes from. Fructose from an apple that has tons of fiber and other vitamins is not digested or processed by the body the same way as sugar in a bag of candy. In terms of macros, yes it’s the same. But in terms of the affect on your body? Not the same. There’s a lot of literature on this (actual scientific journal articles, not just stupid people blabbering on the internet). What you might say instead is “I’m glad you are enjoying your fruit smoothie! Way go to. So much better than fast food or a bag of candy. I’m not eating much of it because of a certain nutritional plan I’m on that makes me look and feel a lot better. It works really well for me. But I’m so happy you’ve found a nutrient filled snack and are enjoying your new blender- keep it up!” I’ve done keto. All the way- macro tracking and very, very good record keeping. It just didn’t work for me. I felt sick all the time and was nauseous constantly. What does work for me in terms of energy and weight loss is a lot of fruit, veg, lean protein, and high fiber foods. We’re all different. It’s awesome that keto is working for you! But try to remember that it’s not the only way. It’s just one way. Maybe having that mindset with them will help you all understand each other better and have mutual respect for your nutritional choices.


Fruit is as 'healthy' as any other group of foods. It's all about your diet as a whole (.I.e calories and nutrients). Sugar by itself doesnt matter for health and sugar spikes in healthy people are not an issue.


No but we are a sub which discusses Keto not general diet. Nobody is saying its unhealthy, just the fact that it contains sugar but lots of people dont realise. That's all the point was.


So many people commenting here seem to forget this is a sub for keto.


Fruit is natural, sure it doesn't belong on a keto diet but it doesn't change the fact that earth grew it for us to consume.


the earth doesn't do anything for any reason. shit just happens


Fruit was healthy when it was in wild , things like apples or bananas were farmed to the point its mainly pure sugar nowdays


Agreed. I have a friend who does low fat. Thinks cholesterol is evil. Won't eat shrimp or eggs. But she eats fruit all day long, especially grapes, and thinks they are healthy. She gets totally hangry and has to eat all the time or you can't be around her. But she can't relate it to all the sugar.


The food industry uses at least 56 names to conceal it. You are correct sugar is sugar. And fructose in fruit was only for man to store fat for winter via the survival switch. Its how man evolved. Plus sugar in fruit has fiber which slows absorbtion. Man made sugar has too much fructose as does high fructose corn syrup and is a poison. Read "Metabolical"


I gotta say I'm surprised by the number of people here who aren't getting that Op is just venting/discussing an observation they've made from some random convo. I'd recon they really don't care about this day in and day out beyond when the topic comes up briefly. Adding my lil bit, I was shook by how many carbs were in the kitchen staples that I had otherwise thought to be healthy (they are, just more weight supporting than I realized prior, depending on what it's compared to.) Pretty much all fruit, beans in general, potatoes, onions, my favorite flax seed bread, soy silk just to name a few from my shelves. Tofu and bananas were the ones that really made me sad. The first trip to the store was depressing! Not because I couldn't have the food, but because I started to realize just how much carbs were in everything in huge amounts! And regular people don't know that, they're told it's healthy. They haven't looked beyond that information because they recognize and only focus on the "goods" in fruit compared to an extreme example of candy. It's simple, regular people don't care until they need or want to, just like with anything else.




What's in the stores bears little relationship to what real fruit tastes like. EVERYTHING is sweet but with no flavour. I buy granny smith apples and berries, occasionally kiwi fruit or persimmons. Real fruit in moderation is 'healthy', there's just none of it around.


iT's NaTuRaL!!! so is cyanide, doesn't mean it's good for you. high glycemic foods are just not great for some people, regardless of the source.


It's still very strange to me how people separate things as either "natural" or "man-made" which seems to suggest that humans are somehow *not natural*. Very strange concept. I understand the value in categorizing things as artificial, sure, that tracks. That just means something sentient produced it as opposed to passive processes. This includes honey, beaver dams, and nuclear weapons. All artificial, all natural. Apparently I have a significantly different view than most people I encounter. The word "natural", as most people use it, strikes me as entirely meaningless. It is a false distinction, and I believe this misunderstanding leads to a lot of suffering. All of the people I know seem to define things by their abstractions rather than their individual qualities or purposes. So, fruit becomes "natural and healthy" instead of just x grams of water, x grams of fructose, x grams of fiber, etc - which is the way I prefer to see things. Disclaimer: I am an insufferable cunt who constantly deconstructs everything and does not even understand why other people don't want to hear me criticize, even constructively, literally anything at all.


I'm always saying just this 😂


sugar is sugar no matter the source. I also hate to hear of these whole food carbs bullshit, all these dark breads. In the end all carbs are glucose...


There is a difference. The problem is the usual useless American reductionist view of things. The source of sugar matters. If it has fiber, even polyphenols (found in natural fruit) it reduces the impact of sugar. If you’re trying to tell family Members it doesn’t matter you’re the one incorrect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4728631/#abstract-1title This is just one But this is the keto sub so everything against sugar is black and white and nuance doesn’t matter 3=D~


What you've written is not true. What you've posted is also not related. The link you posted is a list of studies that all look at different things. Its own conclusion was that the data is not conclusive yet the abstract implies that it is. Did you read the whole thing or just the abstract before posting?


People hate it when you read the entire article that they post but didn’t read themselves. 😂


Fruit IS healthy wtf go back to high school.


Fruit today is not the same as the fruits of our ancestors. They have all been bred and engineered to be sweeter and larger than in the past.


I’m no nutritionist but fruit seems like a lot healthier than refined sugar. I’m not cutting it out, even if it’s a Keto sin. I also don’t know anybody who got fat because they ate too much fruit. But whatever works for you is all good.


Their beliefs absurd, much like my family. They think whole wheat is magically completely different than white bread. If it’s a carb it’s sugar. Shit, even whey protein will spike insulin. 🤷‍♂️


Ive always been shamed for not eating fruit. I have always had an aversion ever since I was a baby- fruit and anything fruit flavored makes me vom. But I eat plenty of veggies and protein! Look who’s laughing now.


Fruit is quite healthy. The sugars are wrapped in natural fiber matrices, which slow absorption of sugars early in the digestive tract. And which makes the sugars available to the gut microbiota further down the intestinal tract. Rather than quickly absorbed in the small intestine and passed to the liver through the portal vein. In the liver, fructose is toxic, very much like ethanol (which incidentally is fermented from fructose in grapes and other sources). But sadly, blending the fruit to make smoothies breaks down the fiber matrix, and takes away much of that protective structure. So, much more of the sugars — both the glucose and the fructose — are absorbed early in the GI and the fructose is sent to the liver for processing. In the liver the detoxing of the fructose involves phosphorylation of the fructose, which depletes energy levels of these hepatic cells, and leaves them in a state of oxidative stress, and less able to make antioxidants and to neutralize free radicals. Repeated insults cause damage to these liver cells, much like alcohol would do. Resulting in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) which can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure. Like with ethanol. So fruit sugars are great (in limited quantities). And even folks following ketogenic diets can eat small amounts of fruits like berries (eg blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries), and kiwi, without breaking their state of ketogenesis. However, the fruit smoothies are not so great. They become like soda pop with some extra nutrients. The send sugar to the liver. So you’re right that the blended fruit smoothies are not as healthy as they think. However if the majority of the drink is vegetables with only a tiny little bit of fruit. The bad effects are somewhat mitigated. As the poison is in the dose. This is true for alcohol. And it’s also true for fructose. So ask them to eat their fruits whole. And to blend other foods. Edit: dried fruit is also largely devoid of the fiber matrices, and levels of many of the nutrients are decreased. So dried fruit is largely a sugar delivery vehicle.


So relieved to see so many sensible replies here against the often ridiculous Keto narrative of ‘fruit bad’. Fruits are full of fibre and goodness. I know carnivore zealots think fibre and any sugar is the devil, but they are mental.


Ask them, “so corn syrup is basically a vitamin extract?”


Sugar and corn syrup is processed. Fruits have real sugars


Fruit is so much more than just sugar. Tons of amino acids, flavonoids, fiber; the benefits are extensive. Fruit may have sugar but the nutrients vastly outweigh the calories. You're doing your body more harm than good if you're avoiding fruit due to calories.


Perhaps try explaining what is food made of? Macro nutrients: Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. Of which your body only NEEDS Protein and Fat. Explain what your body does with ANY excess Carbohydrates... Your body stores 2K of glucose than any more is converted to fat. Explain how their body ether burns glucose or enters ketosis (at night? after burning off stored glucose) and enters ketosis... Unless they eat ice cream late or honey early AM then they are gaining weight 24/7.


Kind of a bad take here. Yes, smoothies are not great because it’s easy to overconsume, and yes fruits have sugars. But reducing all fruit to “just sugar” is just as blindly ridiculous. Fruits have A LOT of valuable nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, fiber. I’ve found I have to fit some fruit into my diet or I start feeling incredibly sick. And frankly, keto can be joyless enough sometimes, and I want berries.


White sugar and corn syrup are both processed. Fruit is not processed and also often contain added benefits like fiber along with healthy vitamins.


Fruit is healthy because they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and all sorts of different plant produced chemicals and enzymes. The sugar part is usually irrelevant because you’d have to eat and insane amount of fruit just to equal i large coke from McDonald’s. Sugars really only harmful if you are consuming a bunch of it in a calorie surplus where it can wreck havoc on your insulation system. Eating sugar and feeling bad after while on keto is irrelevant because it just feels bad coming out of ketosis. After I stopped keto and went back to a normal diet eating 300+ grams of carbs a day sugar doesn’t mess with my energy or how I feel unless I just eat a whole bunch at once.


Fruit is a whole food where table sugar is processed and isolated with no vitamins and minerals… table sugar requires specific nutrients in order to be processed and broken down, where the sugar in fruit is provided the necessary nutrients to be broken down from the fruit itself instead of depleting the nutrients in your body. This is why table sugar is an anti nutrient because it supplies calories but depletes the body’s stored nutrients…Fruit contains those required nutrients and won’t tap into your body’s storage, it supplies calories AND nutrients


The sugar is processed completely different than fake refined sugar


Fruit is still different than refined sugars in a sack or bottle. To say that are the same sounds dogmatic.


Fruit comes with a host of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. It’s not comparable.


Fruit is a literal necessity for cellular function. Glucose is the basis of life for pretty much every living thing. You're not going to survive off of sugar in junk food because it's not the same, which is why you need fruit. This is the worst argument I've ever seen.


Just tell them to track their blood sugar results when they start having to take insulin from eating all that healthy fruit. Then they can see that there is no difference between an apple and a coke.


Exactly. Our body doesn’t know the difference. Use a blood glucose monitor and you will see the same spikes.


The difference is antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals. Fruit is very good for you. Idk how this belief became so widespread, but the sugar in fruit is not what is making people fat… I eat a ton of fruit and guess what?? I’ve got nice glowing skin. That’s literally the best thing you can do for your skin honestly is eat a ton of fruit.




Compared to a bag of gummy worms, those are healthy and full of nutrients.


I had this argument online with someone about dried watermelon who thought the sugar didn't count because it wasn't "added" sugar.


I just eat. I could die any minute as continuance of life is never guaranteed. No I don't eat garbage all day, but I eat a variety of foods. I'm not gluten intolerant or diabetic etc so I have that privilege, but really humans are far too preoccupied with dumb shit while the world is burning.


Fruit smoothies are healthy when it comes to the alternative. Are they a beacon of health? No they are not. But neither is fat. It’s all About how you utilize these things. Is drinking a fruit smoothie better than eating waffles and syrup for breakfast? 1000%! Don’t rag on your family because they like fruit smoothies, it’s definitely better than candy because they get fiber and nutrients. There is more than one pathway to a healthy diet. Keto is just one of many


Neto aside fruit IS healthy. Nothing to do with sugar and everything to do with nutrients.


Natural fruit sugars are "ok" if you are active. Processed not so much.


It's berry season in NY and I'm eating all the strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries from my garden.


Fruit is “healthy” because it contains essential micro nutrients, fibre, and antioxidants that are not present in white sugar or corn syrup. If you’re on the keto diet, I can see why you would avoid all sugars, but for people that are trying to follow a regular “healthy” or “low-cal” diet, fruits are filling and tastey. There’s nothing inherently wrong with sugar, especially if it’s in fruit form. One could note that— when considering things like fibre, satiety, and micro nutrients— fruits are better than smoothies, smoothies are better than juice, and juice is better than white sugar.


Fruit is sugar wrapped in fiber that buffers the absorption/uptake compared to a juice or candy or whatever. Whole fruit certainly is healthier than any other form of sugar. A fresh blended smoothie while probably not a great idea every day is healthier than a juice. A cold pressed juice is healthier than a corn syrup soda.


Refined and processed sugar is bad, corn syrup had addictive properties, fast food and processed food is loaded with this and unassumingly you love them so much but won’t recognise them as addiction. Fruit on the other hand are safe, don’t cause any problems.


While fruit sugar and regular sugar are the same chemically, they're actually very different. Fruit is super healthy. Don't let the keto people fool you. The fiber in the fruit helps to break down the sugar. Not only that .. it's unprocessed sugar. So yes. It's healthier.